MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4548: I decided for you

If, Gu Mingyuan, Chu Lingxi, and Ancient Wanshou Clan people, are pure was shocked by the relations of Chu Feng with these four colossi. 如果说,古冥鸢,楚灵溪,以及万州古族众人,是纯粹的被楚枫与这四个庞然大物的关系所震慑住。 Then path Wantong and others, but was the pure fear. 那么路万通等人,可就是纯粹的恐惧了。 Regardless of how they have not thought, the Chu Feng individual strength is not only tyrannical, unexpectedly this so fearful background. 他们无论如何也没有想到,楚枫不仅个人实力强横,竟然还有这如此可怕的背景。 Lets Long Family unexpectedly directly, Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect, Yu Celestial Clan, as well as Monster Horde Temple, these four colossi simultaneously for him over. 竟然直接让龙氏,云空仙宗,虞氏天族,以及群妖圣殿,这四个庞然大物同时为他出头。 Now in Galaxy, besides Shengguang Clan, fears that was no one has such ability. 当今天河内,除了圣光一族外,怕是没有人具有如此本领了。 That where is a trash Star Region junior, that clearly is a big demon!!! 那哪里是一个垃圾星域的小辈,那分明就是一个大魔头!!! Gu Yang, you did not say that he does not have the background, but stems from small Chu Celestial Clan?” 古阳,你不是说他毫无背景可言,只是出自小小的楚氏天族吗?” path Wantong looks to Gu Yang, that look, wishes one could to rip the fragment this Gu Yang, he will fall to this time awkward position, does obeisance this Gu Yang to bestow. 路万通看向身旁的古阳,那种眼神,恨不得将这古阳撕成碎片,他会落到此时的尴尬境地,都是拜这古阳所赐。 My my I......” “我我我……” Compares in Luwan to pass, Gu Yang similarly is heavy that frightens, even the words did not talk clearly. 相比于路万通,古阳同样是吓的不轻,连话都说不清楚了。 He has not thought in any event, Chu Feng will have the so fearful background, if knows, he does not dare to handle this matter, does not dare to have the thoughts to Chu Celestial Clan. 他也是无论如何都没有想到,楚枫会有如此可怕的背景,如若知道,他也不敢做这种事情,更是不敢对楚氏天族动心思。 Small Chu Celestial Clan?” “小小的楚氏天族?” „Was the family that Little Friend Chu Feng, is, how could described by you like this?” 楚枫小友,所在的家族,岂能被你这样形容?” Road ten thousand, I thought that you inflate the extreme, but extremely consequence of inflation only then, that courted destruction. “路万通,我看你真是膨胀到了极点,但太过膨胀的后果只有一个,那就是自取灭亡。 Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, as if also knows that path Wantong, but he treats path Wantong the attitude, actually very bad. 群妖圣殿殿主,似乎也是认识那路万通,只是他对待路万通的态度,却是十分的不善。 Incessantly is he, Long Family Clan Head, Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head, even if seemingly mild-mannered and cultivated, very genial Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect Sect Master, looks at this time to the road ten thousand and others vision, all filled bad. 不止是他,龙氏族长,虞氏天族族长,哪怕是看上去温文尔雅,十分和善的云空仙宗宗主,此时看向路万通等人的目光,也皆是充满了不善。 Sir everyone, you listens to me to explain, I was misled by this Gu Yang, I and Sir Chu Feng grudge, was not misled by this Gu Yang.” 诸位大人,你听我解释,我都是受这古阳蛊惑,我与楚枫大人并无恩怨,都是受这古阳蛊惑啊。” path Wantong all responsibility for an offense, pushed to that Gu Yang. 路万通将所有罪责,都推给了那古阳 „To stronger to marry my younger sister Chu Lingxi, but also said that if she not, since, extinguished the entire Ancient Wanshou Clan person, does not seem like this Gu Yang, but is you?” “想要强娶我楚灵溪妹妹,还放话,若是她不从,就灭了整个万州古族的人,似乎不是这古阳,而是你吧?” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Misunderstanding, is really the misunderstanding, you cannot listen to his statement of only one of the parties, was this Gu Yang said, clear/pain Young Lady Lingxi intended to me, I looked for clear/pain Young Lady Lingxi, who once thinks after I came, she had rejection in the presence of everyone, in my face could not pass, said such words, I will want to frighten them, my not really injury they.” “误会,真的是误会,你不能听他一面之词,是这古阳说,楚灵溪姑娘对我有意,我才来找楚灵溪姑娘的,谁曾想我来了之后,她有当众拒绝,我面子上过不去,才说了那样的话,我只是想要吓一吓她们,我并不会真的伤害她们。” path Wantong is explaining desperately. 路万通拼命的解释着。 But actually he is what moral behavior, everyone is very clear, may be not infrequent by the miss who he persecutes. 但其实他是什么人品,大家都很清楚,被他迫害的姑娘可不在少数。 Therefore Monster Horde Temple Hall Master as well as Long Family Clan Head and others, does not listen to his explanation, but looks to Chu Feng. 所以群妖圣殿殿主以及龙氏族长等人,根本不听他的解释,而是纷纷看向楚枫 Little Friend Chu Feng, do your a few words, how want to handle this path Wantong?” 楚枫小友,你一句话,想怎么处置这路万通?” Four great people asked to Chu Feng. 四位大人物对楚枫问道。 This degenerate, he is impossible to benefit the person of Galaxy, instead will only discredit for Saint Light Galaxy, how regardless to see, this person... should not continue to go on living.” “这种败类,他不可能造福天河之人,反而只会为圣光天河抹黑,无论怎么看,这种人…都不该继续活下去。” Four senior, did you say?” “四位前辈,你们说呢?” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 - 唰- But Chu Feng this words just said, a Monster Horde Temple Hall Master palm rumbles. 楚枫此话刚刚说完,群妖圣殿殿主一掌轰出。 Only listens to bang a dull thumping sound, path Wantong has met a cruel death, turns into beach bloody water, wrote off by it directly. 只听嘭的一声闷响,那路万通已是粉身碎骨,化成一滩血水,被其直接抹杀。 Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, an idle talk had not said, took path Wantong the life directly. 群妖圣殿殿主,一句废话都没说,直接取了路万通的性命。 This, may invite the soul that all troops frighten to disperse these path Wantong. 这一幕,可将那些路万通邀请来各方人马吓的魂都要散掉了。 Sir, forgives.” “大人,饶命啊。” We are misled by road ten thousand, does not know the truth.” “我们乃是受路万通蛊惑,并不知实情。” Therefore, they rush to beg for mercy, does not dare one to neglect, is very afraid to delay, opposite party was not happy, writes off them completely. 于是,他们赶忙纷纷求饶,不敢有一丝怠慢,深怕拖延下去,对方一个不高兴,就将他们全部抹杀。 This does not crack a joke. 这可不是开玩笑的。 But opposite party Long Family, as well as Monster Horde Temple and other colossi. 对方可是龙氏,以及群妖圣殿等庞然大物。 The opposite party indeed have is writing off their strengths, how they can not fear. 对方的确具备着抹杀他们的实力,他们怎能不怕。 At this time they were really the regret gathering place were blue, if we had known, this Ancient Wanshou Clan, had the Chu Feng like this small monster final shield, they cannot absolutely this turbid water. 此时他们真是后悔的场子都青了,若是早知道,这个万州古族,有楚枫这样的小怪物最后盾,他们绝对不会趟这趟浑水。 „Are you some status people, the ability of making a clear distinction between right and wrong do not have?” “你们好歹也是有些身份的人,明辨是非的能力都没有吗?” Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect Sect Master asked. 云空仙宗宗主问道。 We knew mistakenly, we really knew wrong.” “我们知错了,我们真的知错了。” Sir forgives, the Sir forgives, we were really misled, was deceived by that path Wantong.” “大人饶命,大人饶命,我们真的是被蛊惑,是被那路万通欺骗了啊。” These people continue to beg for mercy and argue, except for this, they also has no other alternative. 那些人继续求饶和辩解,除了这样,他们也是别无他法。 Your can live, now is not calculation that we said that but is calculation that Little Friend Chu Feng said.” “你们的能不能活,现在不是我们说的算,而是楚枫小友说的算。” Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, looked at Chu Feng. 群妖圣殿殿主,将目光投向了楚枫 Little Friend Chu Feng, you said that how to handle them, so long as you said, we give you inevitably a satisfactory answer.” 楚枫小友,你说吧,如何处置他们,只要你说,我们必然给你一个满意的答复。” Long Family Clan Head also said. 龙氏族长也是说道。 Sir Chu Feng, we were really misled, you must believe us.” 楚枫大人,我们真的是被蛊惑的,你一定要相信我们啊。” Sir Chu Feng, does not know is not strange, gives us an opportunity.” 楚枫大人,正所谓不知者不怪,给我们一个机会吧。” We are only give him the strong momentum, not to the plan that Ancient Wanshou Clan acts.” “我们只是来给他壮壮声势,并没有对万州古族出手的打算。” These by the influence leaders who the road ten thousand invitations come, explained to Chu Feng, even begs for mercy. 那些被路万通邀请而来的势力首领们,不停的向楚枫解释,甚至求饶。 everyone senior, regarding this matter, my Chu Feng also has no experience, you take responsibility for me..” 诸位前辈,对于这种事情,我楚枫也没什么经验,还是你们为我做主吧。。” Chu Lingxi may not only be my Chu Celestial Clan clansman, is my blood younger sister.” “不过楚灵溪可不仅是我楚氏天族族人,更是我的亲妹妹。” However Gu Mingyuan senior, is my savior.” “而古冥鸢前辈,也是我的救命恩人。” Chu Feng and other people said to Long Family Clan Head. 楚枫龙氏族长等四人说道。 Although he has not given the suggestion how to punish, but actually also indicated that this matter cannot give up absolutely. 虽然他没有给予怎样处罚的建议,但却也表明了,这件事情绝对不能善罢甘休。 As for Long Family Clan Head they, actually have their worries. 至于龙氏族长他们,其实也有他们的顾虑。 These influences indeed are inferior to them to be strong, but actually is also the Middle Star Region control level influence. 这些势力的确不如他们强大,但却也是中星域的主宰级势力。 If really writes off them completely, that will affect the balance of Saint Light Galaxy, will unable to do well Shengguang Clan also to investigate. 若是真的将他们全部抹杀,那会影响圣光天河的平衡,搞不好圣光一族也会追究。 Actually trades to do ordinarily, this matter at all is not anything, but they actually know, regarding Chu Feng, must give him satisfied result. 其实换做平常,这种事情根本不算什么,可他们却知道,对于楚枫而言,必须给他一个满意的结果 What also stares is making?” “还愣着做什么?” Does not want dead, rushes to apologize to admit mistakes to Ancient Wanshou Clan, prepares to apologize respectively, but completes to express enough sincerity, if the sincerity is insufficient, that do not think complete departure.” “不想死的,赶忙向万州古族道歉认错,各自准备好赔礼,但是做好表示足够的诚意,如果诚意不足,那就别想完整的离开。” Long Family Clan Head said. 龙氏族长说道。 many thanks Sir Clan Head, many thanks Sir Chu Feng.” 多谢族长大人,多谢楚枫大人。” Hears this words, where these influences hesitate, first expressed gratitude to Chu Feng and others, later then apologized to Ancient Wanshou Clan, then put out many treasure, as apologizing. 听闻此话,那些势力哪敢犹豫,先是向楚枫等人道谢,随后便向万州古族道歉,紧接着便拿出多种至宝,作为赔礼。 Saw thing that these they compensate, Ancient Wanshou Clan cannot believe that simply this is real. 看到那些他们赔偿的东西,万州古族简直不敢相信这是真的。 It can be said that apologizing that in these influences, the random institute puts out, is complete the family belongings more precious than Ancient Wanshou Clan. 可以说,这些势力之中,任意一个所拿出的赔礼,都比万州古族全部家当还要贵重。 As for Chu Feng, actually also knows Long Family their difficulty. 至于楚枫,其实也知道龙氏他们的难处。 Although they are powerful, but cannot write off willfully, let alone these fellows, are only the help, is not the true chief criminal. 他们虽然强大,可也不能任意抹杀,何况这些家伙,只是帮忙,并不是真正的罪魁祸首。 Therefore regarding such result, Chu Feng actually is also very satisfied. 所以对于这样的结果,楚枫其实也是很满意的。 After the compensation, these influences then rushed to flee this place. 赔偿之后,那些势力便赶忙逃离了此地。 But the person, actually without the means escapes, that is Gu Yang. 但有一个人,却没有办法逃,那便是古阳 Little Friend Chu Feng, this Gu Yang is the Ancient Wanshou Clan person, this family affairs is handled by you voluntarily.” 楚枫小友,这古阳万州古族的人,这种家事还是由你们自行处理吧。” Long Family Clan Head said to Chu Feng, but this actually is also meaning of other three great people. 龙氏族长楚枫说道,而这其实也是其他三位大人物的意思 Sir Chu Feng forgives, Sir Chu Feng forgives.” 楚枫大人饶命,楚枫大人饶命。” I have not planned to harm Lingxi, I am also good for Ancient Wanshou Clan, I was obsessed, but I have not really planned to harm Lingxi.” “我并没有打算害灵溪,我也是为万州古族好,我是鬼迷心窍了,可我真的没有打算害灵溪。” Gu Yang has cried the tears person, kneels kowtows to Chu Feng on the ground again and again. 古阳已经哭成了泪人,跪在地上对楚枫连连磕头。 Hasn't planned to harm Lingxi?” “没有打算害灵溪?” exit|to speak that this saying, you also said.” “这话,你也说的出口。” Chu Feng smiles cold, step by step, walks toward Gu Yang. 楚枫冷然一笑,一步一步,向古阳走去。 But Chu Feng treads every time one step, the Gu Yang innermost feelings trembles. 楚枫每踏一步,古阳内心都为之一颤。 In his opinion, Chu Feng approaches every time one step, that is he goes a step further from the Gate of Death. 在他看来,楚枫每靠近一步,那就是他距离鬼门关更进一步。 Mingyuan, saves me, saves me, I do not want dead, I knew mistakenly, I really knew wrong.” Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, Gu Yang must look at the vision of seeking help to Gu Mingyuan. 冥鸳,救我,救我啊,我不想死啊,我知错了,我真的知错了。”眼见不妙,古阳只得将求助的目光看向古冥鸢 Chu Feng, ok.” 楚枫,算了。” Gu Yang eventually is my Ancient Wanshou Clan clansman, regarding his penalty, I in Elder after the clan discussed makes the resolution.” 古阳终究是我万州古族族人,对于他的惩罚,还是我与族内长老商量之后再做决断吧。” Gu Mingyuan was eventually tenderhearted. 古冥鸢终究还是心软了。 But Chu Feng has not actually paid attention to Gu Mingyuan, but looked to Gu Mingyuan Chu Lingxi. 楚枫却并未理会古冥鸢,而是看向了古冥鸢身旁的楚灵溪 younger sister Lingxi, you said that how to handle this Gu Yang?” 灵溪妹妹,你说吧,如何处置这古阳?” Chu Feng asked to Chu Lingxi. 楚枫楚灵溪问道。 I......” “我……” The Chu Lingxi willow eyebrows slightly wrinkle, she saw oneself mother, above that small face also revealed the color of feeling embarrassed. 楚灵溪柳眉微皱,她看了看自己的母亲,那张小脸之上也是露出了为难之色。 She naturally does not want to let off Gu Yang, but actually also knows, Gu Yang regarding her mother, quite the person of being intimate with, otherwise with her mother's personality, not possible is Gu Yang begs for mercy. 她自然不想放过古阳,可却也知道,古阳对于她母亲,是较为亲近之人,否则以她母亲的性格,也不可能为古阳求饶。 This makes Chu Lingxi very awkward. 这让楚灵溪十分为难。 - 唰- But at this moment, a Chu Feng fist rumbles, pounded directly on the face of Gu Yang. 可就在这时,楚枫一拳轰出,直接砸在了古阳的脸上。 A fist falls, the blood scatters, Gu Yang that complete meat, had changed to beach bloody water, thorough of dying. 一拳落下,鲜血四溅,古阳那完整的肉去,已是化作了一滩血水,死的彻彻底底。 You were needless saying that I decided for you.” “你不用说了,我替你决定了。” After killing Gu Yang, Chu Feng said to Chu Lingxi. 杀了古阳后,楚枫楚灵溪说道。 PS: The good play will soon start, strives for tomorrow in addition. PS:好戏即将开始,争取明天加更。
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