MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4494: Father's wish

Daytime the Xinghe water in the ebullition, just like shivering, in fear. 白日星河的水在沸腾,就宛如在颤抖,在恐惧。 But fears at present, is actually that old person and youth. 可眼下最恐惧的,却莫过于那老者与青年。 This old person strength extraordinary, in mysterious Saint Valley, is renowned, great person who the status and strength coexist. 老者实力不凡,在神秘的圣谷之中,也是声名赫赫,身份与实力并存的大人物。 May at the present, that block in front of the daytime Xinghe strength, even if he does not have strength of the war. 可在眼下,那封锁了白日星河的力量面前,哪怕是他也无一战之力。 old person felt, oneself bet wrong. 老者觉得,自己赌错了。 Strength that this presents suddenly, is protects Chu Feng's to exist inevitably. 这忽然出现的力量,必然是守护楚枫的存在。 But the opposite party is more powerful, making him not have the strength to hit back. 而对方更是强大到,让他也是毫无还手之力。 This is the good idea that you have, you must kill the father.” “这就是你出的好点子,你要害死老子了。” old person looked to own disciple, in the eye was full of the scowl, that look wished one could to choke to death his disciple while still alive. 老者看向了自己的弟子,眼中充满怒容,那种眼神恨不得将他的弟子活活掐死。 If not for his disciple proposed, he will not pursue Chu Feng, will not have the crooked thought to Chu Feng strength. 若不是他的弟子提议,他根本不会去追赶楚枫,更不会对楚枫身上的力量动歪念头。 But now, is too late. 但现在,为时已晚。 Chu Feng really status extraordinary, has the peerless powerhouse to protect in secret. 楚枫果然身份不凡,有绝世强者暗中守护。 They had the crooked thought to Chu Feng, was equal to committing the capital crime. 他们对楚枫动了歪念头,便等于是犯下了死罪。 I... I......” “我…我……” The youth, does not have previous being proud and arrogance, the intense words even could not say, his fear was not weak in own teacher. 那青年,已没了先前的自负与高傲,紧张的连话都说不出来,他的恐惧丝毫不弱于自己的师尊。 plop 噗通 Suddenly, the youth knelt on the ground unexpectedly, later to above is kowtowing to bow in salute. 忽然,那青年竟跪在了地上,随后对着上方磕头作揖。 Completely did not have previously, arrogant, extremely arrogant, if I can not do it , who can powerhouse bearing. 全然没有了先前,傲慢,狂妄,舍我其谁的强者气度。 Present he, some tight is a life body, hope that survives unnecessarily. 眼下的他,有的紧紧是一个生命体,多余生存下去的渴望。 Sir, we are harmless to that talent, we crack a joke.” “大人,我们对那位天才并无恶意,我们只是开玩笑。” Our masters and disciples, to him, if really has the evil intention, will not put him to leave.” “我们师徒,对他若真有恶意,就不会放他离开了。” The youth argued vigorously, and that base and low attitude, making people think that he does not seem like lying. 青年极力辩解,且那卑微的态度,让人觉得他不像是在撒谎。 But his teacher, actually looks disciple that own this does not make every effort to succeed, shakes the head again and again. 可他师尊,却看着自己这个不争气的弟子,连连摇头。 Will opposite party what and others thing, how be deceived by his inferior lie? 对方何等人物,岂会被他这种低劣的谎言所骗? Ended ended, old person knows, today their priest and disciple, feared must fall from the sky hence. 完了完了,老者知道,今日他们师徒二人,怕是要陨落至此。 Officially informed early has this tribulation, did not track down that fellow hence.” “早知会有此劫,就不追寻那个家伙至此了。” old person said after a sigh. 老者感叹道。 Whom are you pursuing?” “你在追谁?” Suddenly, above the sky broadcasts together the vigorous sound. 忽然,天空之上传来一道浑厚的声音。 That sound is unable to dispute the direction, just like from entire transmits void. 那声音无法辩驳方向,宛如从整个虚空传来。 Keeps aloof, vigorous resounding, even has the sacred air/Qi, is similar to the question that the gods send out. 高高在上,浑厚响亮,甚至具有神圣之气,就如同神明发出的问话。 „A mysterious person, who concrete is, I do not know.” “一个神秘人,具体是谁,我也不知。” Only knows him to wear the red robe, wears the red bamboo hat, cannot see clearly the facial features, does not know the concrete strength.” “只知他身穿红袍,头戴红色斗笠,看不清面容,不知具体实力。” But this person, slaughtered ancient times the race specially, was killed the ancient times race in his hands, has many.” “但此人,专门屠戮远古种族,丧命于他手中的远古种族,已有多个。” My priest and disciple track down him, wants to know why he must this.” “我师徒二人追寻他,也只是想知道,他为何要这样做。” old person does not have the least bit to hesitate, the one breath knows oneself said completely. 老者没有半点迟疑,一口气将自己所知道的全部说了出来。 He really lay to Chu Feng, their priest and disciple, did not pass by this place. 他果然对楚枫说谎了,他们师徒二人,并非路过此地。 They know, was who slaughtered this ancient times race. 他们知道,是谁屠戮了这个远古种族。 That is a man who wears the red robe. 那是一个身着红袍的男子。 That person makes concrete from where, why must do this, he indeed does not know. 只是那个人具体来自何处,为何要这样做,他也是的确不知晓。 „The person of Saint Valley, treats well in Saint Valley.” 圣谷之人,就好好待在圣谷之中。” „If born, must be involved in the present age martial practitioner battle.” “若要出世,必然就要卷入当代武者的争斗。” Moreover reminded one, that Chu Feng, was not and other active.” “另外提醒一句,那楚枫,不是尔等能动的。” „If really disadvantageous to him, even if I let off you, that person will not let off you.” “若真的对他不利,就算我放过你们,那个人也不会放过你们。” If angered that person, let alone your priest and disciple, your Saint Valley, still has one person to live even.” “若惹怒了那个人,别说你们师徒二人,就算你圣谷,也别有一人想活。” That vigorous sound arrives again, as before sacred incomparable, pricks the hearts of hearts of this priest and disciple, the unequalled deterrent effect, their souls are even shivering. 那浑厚的声音再度降临,依旧神圣无比,刺入这师徒二人的内心深处,无与伦比的震慑力,连他们的灵魂都在颤抖。 After that sound falls, then has not resounded again. 只是那声音落下之后,便没有再度响起。 Blocked the strength of priest and disciple, also vanishes. 就连封锁了师徒二人的力量,也随之消失。 That, likely walked. 那位,很可能是走了。 The priest and disciple surface appearance peeps, some difficult believe. 师徒二人面面相窥,有些难以置信。 Unexpectedly is saved from death, avoids a tribulation? 居然死里逃生,躲过一劫? Yes, is saved from death, they know, if that killed them, but is the matter between thoughts. 是啊,死里逃生,他们都知道,那位若要杀了他们,不过是意念之间的事。 The martial practitioner world, is so mysterious, the difference of realm, the disparity of strength is also huge difference. 武者世界,就是如此神奇,境界的不同,实力的差距也是天壤之别。 Their priest and disciple, having, among the thoughts may let the strength that Chu Feng vanished in a puff of smoke. 他们师徒二人,都拥有着,意念间可让楚枫灰飞烟灭的力量。 But just that also having, is letting their strength of priest and disciple flying ash annihilation. 可刚刚的那位,同样拥有着,让他们师徒二人飞灰湮灭的力量。 He is unable to conclude that cultivation realm is what realm. 他无法断定,那位的修为是何境界 But he knows, opposite party strength above him. 但他知道,对方实力远在他之上。 So exists, even if their Saint Valley strongest that Sir Saint Lord, whether to contend with it, old person is also unascertainable. 如此存在,哪怕他们圣谷最强的那位圣主大人,能否与其抗衡,老者也不能确定。 But what he can determine, besides Sir Saint Valley, in his Saint Valley has one is, no one, can contend with just that. 但他能确定的是,除了圣谷大人外,他圣谷内有一个算一个,没有任何一个人,能与刚刚那位抗衡。 The one but who most makes his heart startled is, just in that mouth, but also mentioned that person. 可是最让他心惊的是,刚刚那位口中,还提到了那个人。 The implication, that so-called that person, is more terrifying existence, as if can be easy, lets their Saint Valley, vanishes from this world. 言外之意,那个所谓的那个人,是一个更为恐怖的存在,似乎能够轻而易举的,就让他们圣谷,从这个世界消失。 Teacher, disciple knew wrong.” “师尊,弟子知错了。” Suddenly, weeping sound resounds. 忽然,一阵哭声响起。 Is his disciple. 是他的那位弟子 This being proud youth, wails at this time unexpectedly, kneels before own teacher, kowtows to admit mistakes. 这位自负的青年,此时竟嚎啕大哭,跪在自己师尊面前,磕头认错。 Do not cry, cries to be useful.” “别哭了,哭有什么用。” This old person, the youth will support by the arm. 老者,将那青年搀扶了起来。 Although previously eyeful scowls, but actually he loves oneself disciple very much. 虽然先前满眼怒容,可其实他还是很疼爱自己的这位弟子的。 Now you know, what was there is heaven beyond the heaven there is human beyond the human?” “现在你知道,何为天外有天人外有人了?” old person asked to that youth. 老者对那青年问道。 Knew, disciple does not dare to be a snob.” “知道了,弟子再也不敢狗眼看人低了。” Youth nasal mucus tears are saying. 青年一把鼻涕一把泪的说着。 He was really frightened, he knows that only almost he died, their priest and disciple, save a life. 他是真的被吓到了,他知道只差一点他就死了,他们师徒二人,乃是捡回了一条性命。 Oh, actually your teacher I, was taken a class.” “唉,其实你师尊我,也是被人上了一课。” „The person of my Saint Valley, the long time is not born, this thinks that now is unmanned energy enemy.” “我圣谷之人,久不出世,本以为如今已是无人能敌。” Has not actually thought, was just born, met that immeasurably deep, killed ancient times the race red robe person specially.” “却不曾想,刚刚出世,就遇到了那深不可测,专杀远古种族的红袍人。” This thinks that red robe person, will threaten my Saint Valley position.” “本以为,那红袍人,会威胁我圣谷地位。” If eradicates it, my Saint Valley unmanned energy enemy.” “若将其铲除,我圣谷将无人能敌。” Has not actually thought, today sees this to exist.” “却不曾想,今日又见了这等存在。” Oh, it seems like now the martial cultivation world, compared with us estimates wants fearful many.” “唉,看来当今修武世界,比我们预想中的要可怕的多。” Must go back, with Sir Valley Master, discussed well one is good.” “还是要回去,与谷主大人,好好商量一番才行。” When old person sighed, the palm turned, in his hand has compass unexpectedly. 老者感叹之际,掌心一翻,他的手中竟有着一个罗盘 This compass is very special, Gold Light sparkles, looks is the extremely unusual treasure. 罗盘很是特殊,金芒闪闪,一看就是极不寻常的宝物。 At present, on that compass, is pointing at a direction. 眼下,那罗盘上面,正指着一个方向。 But after old person looked at compass, actually received compass. 老者看了一眼罗盘后,却将罗盘收了起来。 „Doesn't teacher, pursue?” “师尊,不追了?” The youth asked. 青年问道。 Does not pursue, returns to Saint Valley.” “不追了,回圣谷。” During old person speeches then Yu Kong. 老者说话间便御空而起。 But youth, then after looks at the direction that Chu Feng left, follows his teacher to depart. 而青年,则是望了一眼楚枫离开的方向后,才追随他师尊离去。 But this, performing is the fear. 而这一眼,尽是恐惧。 What their masters and disciples do not know, that lets their priest and disciple frightened existences, has not left. 只是,他们师徒不知道的是,那位让他们师徒二人恐惧的存在,并未离开。 Void above, Nine Heavens deep place, a both eyes light, stares at the direction that Chu Feng is departing. 虚空之上,九天深处,一双目光,也凝视着楚枫所离去的方向。 Boy, this is I helps you for the last time.” “小子,这是我最后一次帮你。” Then, but must depend on yourself, otherwise... then ran counter to your father's wish.” “接下来,可就要靠你自己了,否则…便是违背了你父亲的意愿。”
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