MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4472: Long Xiaoxiao has difficult

When determined, after oneself are unable to enter that secret again . 当确定,自己无法再进入那秘地后。 Chu Feng is, starts to adjust own mood. 楚枫则是,开始调整自己的情绪。 He knows, the exciting mood, what significance is useless. 他知道,激动的情绪,什么意义都没用。 Finally, Chu Feng calm. 终于,楚枫冷静了下来。 He also cleared off account general, had own guess. 他也理清了事情的大概经过,有了自己的猜测。 His grandfather in the past, rose in the posture of talent, shock entire Ancestral Martial Star Region at the same time, alarmed Ancestral Martial Star Region then Overlord, Wuming Clan. 他爷爷当年,以天才之姿崛起,震惊整个祖武星域的同时,也惊动了祖武星域当时的霸主,无名一族 Wuming Clan naturally cannot permit, some people threaten their Overlord position, therefore sends people to cope with Chu Hanxian in secret. 无名一族自然不会允许,有人威胁到他们的霸主地位,于是派人暗中对付楚翰仙 Although Chu Hanxian escapes, actually also realized the Wuming Clan thoughts, he has not chosen the retaliation, when has not risen while oneself, left Ancestral Martial Star Region. 楚翰仙虽逃过一劫,却也意识到了无名一族的心思,他没有选择报复,而是趁自己还未崛起之时,离开了祖武星域 He is thinks that other place cultivation, get rid of the surveillance of Wuming Clan, when the cultivation realm accomplishment, returns to Ancestral Martial Star Region again , to promote own family at one fell swoop. 他是想到其他地方修炼,摆脱无名一族的监视,待得修为大成,再回到祖武星域,一举振兴自己的家族。 But when Chu Hanxian leaves, but also is only a junior. 楚翰仙离开之时,还只是一个小辈。 The Chu Feng inference, his grandfather Chu Hanxian, leaves the family not long, should under, arrive at that secret place as a result of circumstance. 楚枫推断,其爷爷楚翰仙,离开家族没有多久,应该就在因缘际会下,来到了那秘地。 After entering that secret, does not know that is what reason, his grandfather in lives for many years in that secret. 进入那秘地后,不知是何缘故,他爷爷在那秘地内生活多年。 Very possibly, is enough in 9000 about the long time. 很可能,就是足足九千年左右的漫长时光。 Until before probably 1000, his grandfather gains the freedom finally, finally can leave that secret place. 直到大概一千年之前,他爷爷才终于获得自由,终于可以离开那秘地。 After his grandfather can leave secret finally, has the important matter, the matter that or must handle must be done. 而当他爷爷终于可以离开秘地后,却也是有着重要的事情,或者说必须要做的事情要去做。 This likely is, his grandfather since leaves the family until now, past ten thousand years, have not actually returned to the Chu Celestial Clan reason again. 这很可能就是,他爷爷自从离开家族至今为止,已过去万年之久,却就再也没有回到过楚氏天族的原因。 His grandfather, has not returned to family's opportunity. 他的爷爷,根本就没有回到家族的机会。 All sorts of signs showed, his grandfather not only has the hard thing to bring up, likely also has the danger to follow its. 种种迹象都表明,他爷爷不仅有着难言之隐,很可能还有着危险伴随其身。 This is not a very wonderful information. 这是一种很不妙的信息。 According to this information, now his grandfather, more unfortunate than fortunate. 按照这个信息来看,如今他的爷爷,凶多吉少。 But, after calming down, Chu Feng felt, his grandfather has not necessarily died. 可是,冷静下来后,楚枫却觉得,他爷爷未必就已经死了。 When because of initially, the Chu Feng father left, once in Chu Celestial Clan forbidden land, to Chu Feng had left behind the information. 因为当初,楚枫父亲离开之时,曾在楚氏天族禁地内,给楚枫留下过信息。 At that time his father, had once spoken a few words to Chu Feng. 当时他父亲,曾对楚枫说过一句话。 His father told Chu Feng: His father and his grandfather, will be waiting for Chu Feng in the beyond the heavens deep place. 他父亲告诉楚枫:他父亲与他爷爷,会在天外深处等着楚枫 But the Chu Feng father, had once looked for his grandfather's whereabout inevitably. 楚枫父亲,必然曾寻找过他爷爷的下落。 Since can say to Chu Feng, with his grandfather, is waiting for the Chu Feng's words in the beyond the heavens deep place together. 既然能够对楚枫说,与其爷爷,一同在天外深处等着楚枫的话。 That then explained, his father had at least confirmed that his grandfather is also living. 那便说明,他父亲至少已经确认,他爷爷还活着。 Even if has known that his grandfather is where, even has seen his grandfather, still has the possibility very much. 就算已经知道他爷爷身在何处,甚至见过他爷爷,也是很有可能的。 But place that his grandfather is, mostly is the beyond the heavens deep place. 而他爷爷所在的地方,多半就是天外深处。 This, after all is a good news. 这,总归是个好消息。 No matter what, so long as the person, is good. 不管怎么样,只要人还在,就好。 Grandfather, you could rest assured that the grandson will try hard surely cultivation.” “爷爷,您放心,孙儿必定会努力修炼。” If, really had what bound you, the grandson definitely will help you untie that bound.” “倘若,真的有什么束缚了您,孙儿必然会帮您解开那束缚。” Regardless of that is present age cultivator is also good, was the ancient times monster, the grandson will not let any exist absolutely, bound your freedom.” “无论那是当代修武者也好,还是远古怪物也罢,孙儿绝对不会让任何存在,束缚您的自由。” In the Chu Feng heart pledged secretly. 楚枫心中暗暗发誓。 Although Chu Feng cultivation realm was still weak, but saves the determination of family member, is quite throughout firm. 虽然楚枫修为尚弱,但拯救家人的这份决心,始终却极为坚定。 This, is Chu Feng's Dao of Martial Cultivation. 这,乃是楚枫的修武之道 Chu Feng diligently cultivation, do not become vast martial cultivation world Overlord. 楚枫努力修炼,不是要成为浩瀚修武界霸主 He tries hard cultivation, to protect his family member, protects his person of being intimate with. 他努力修炼,为的是守护他的家人,保护他的亲近之人。 Afterward, Chu Feng then set out, left this place. 随后,楚枫便起身,离开了此地。 Chu Feng not in hidden form, but swaggering shuttles back and forth in this mountain range, directly goes to the exit|to speak direction line. 楚枫不在隐藏身影,而是大摇大摆的在这山脉内穿梭,径直的向出口方向行去。 Reason that so will be dissolute, naturally is Chu Feng knows. 之所以会如此放肆,自然是楚枫知道。 That protects the Zhao Yuzhuo black and white double ghost in secret, has died. 那暗中守护赵宇桌的黑白双煞,已经死了。 The strengths of Zhao Family remaining these people, the weakness, is not basically worth mentioning. 赵家剩下这些人的实力,非常之弱,基本不值一提。 Finally, Chu Feng left that mountain range, returning to the people to gather in the place that. 终于,楚枫离开了那座山脉,回到了众人聚集的地方。 When Chu Feng comes out, person who here gathers, were more than previously. 而当楚枫出来之时,这里聚集的人,比先前还要多。 And everyone, is gazing at the same direction, confusion of voices, discusses spiritedly, seems the matter to happen. 并且大家,都在注视着相同的方向,人声嘈杂,议论纷纷,似有事情发生。 Chu Feng takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, immediately in heart one tight. 楚枫顺势观望,顿时心中一紧。 He sees, the place of people waiting and seeing, is void above. 他看到,人们观望之处,乃是虚空之上。 In that void above, is standing two forms. 在那虚空之上,站立着两道身影。 And together, is a young men, the young men appearance is good, but actually evil of face, looks is not the type of good person. 其中一道,乃是一名青年男子,那青年男子长相不错,但却一脸的邪恶,一看就不是好人的类型。 His rampancy domineering, has written on face that type. 他的嚣张跋扈,是已经写在了脸上的那一种。 But in the hand of that young men, unexpectedly tight grabs a female. 而那名青年男子的手中,竟紧紧的抓着一名女子。 That female, Chu Feng recognizes, is Long Xiaoxiao. 那名女子,楚枫认得,乃是龙晓晓 But the body of Long Xiaoxiao, had some scars, and is struggling vigorously. 龙晓晓的身上,更是有了一些伤痕,且在极力挣扎着。 Has the skill to let loose me, hits again one time.” “有本事放开我,再打一次。” Long Xiaoxiao struggles, while is roaring. 龙晓晓一边挣扎,一边怒吼着。 I said that your obediently revealing appearance/portrait, making me have a look, who you are, I let off you.” “我说了,你乖乖的露出真容,让我看看,你是谁,我就放过你。” Otherwise if, I may not be impolite to you.” “如若不然,我可对你不客气了。” That young men said. 那名青年男子说道。 Sees this one, Chu Feng then must make a move, but he actually also looks to the position of crowd. 见此一幕,楚枫便要出手,但他却也望向离人群的一个方位。 That position, is Long Family Clan Head and others, place that is. 那个方位,乃是龙氏族长等人,所在的地方。 Chu Feng astonished discovery, Long Family Clan Head and others, completely. 楚枫惊愕的发现,龙氏族长等人,全部都在。 May facing Long Xiaoxiao, the grasped aspect, Long Family Clan Head has not planned to act unexpectedly. 可面对龙晓晓,被抓的局面,龙氏族长竟并未打算出手。 Coming out that Chu Feng looks , the Long Xiaoxiao mother, wants to rescue Long Xiaoxiao, but actually held down the shoulder by Long Family Clan Head, cannot move. 楚枫看的出来,龙晓晓的母亲,非常想去救龙晓晓,但却被龙氏族长按住了肩膀,动弹不得。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The Chu Feng figure moved, arrived at side Long Family Clan Head and others. 楚枫身形移动,来到了龙氏族长等人身旁。 Chu Feng young hero, you came back, you are all right well.” 楚枫少侠,你回来了,你没事就好啊。” What kind of, can find that secret place?” “怎么样,可有找到那秘地?” Sees Chu Feng, the people feels relieved, many people are ask, matter about that secret place. 见到楚枫,众人如释重负,许多人更是开口询问起,关于那秘地的事。 I am asking you, that what's the matter?” “我在问你们,那是怎么回事?” Chu Feng is pointing at void above, then surrounded Long Xiaoxiao asked. 楚枫指着虚空之上,那被困住的龙晓晓问道。 Seeing Chu Feng is excited, the people do not dare to hesitate, hurrying is Chu Feng tells the process. 楚枫如此激动,众人不敢犹豫,赶忙为楚枫讲述起经过。 Originally, that void above man, is the Zhao Yuzhuo Elder Brother, is called Zhao Batian of peerless talent. 原来,那虚空之上的男子,便是赵宇桌的哥哥,被称为绝世天才的赵霸天 But Long Xiaoxiao, followed at that time Chu Feng, after entering the mountain range that treasure blocks together, has not come out immediately. 龙晓晓,当时跟着楚枫,一同进入那至宝所封锁的山脉之后,并未立刻出来。 The Chu Feng inference, Long Xiaoxiao has not obeyed the Chu Feng's words, she is only the surface leaves, returned actually afterward. 楚枫推断,龙晓晓并没有听从楚枫的话,她只是表面离开,实则后来又返回了。 Because has not been leaving immediately, does not know that is what reason, met this Zhao Batian, and also exposed, she hidden the appearance/portrait the situation. 正因没有立刻离开,才不知是何缘故,遇到了这赵霸天,并且还暴露了,她隐藏真容的情况。 They, should pass through a fierce battle, is only from this result, Long Xiaoxiao defeated inevitably. 她们二人,应该经过一场恶战,只是从这结果来看,龙晓晓必然是败了。 Actually Long Xiaoxiao and Zhao Batian, was just came out from that mountain range shortly. 其实龙晓晓赵霸天,也是刚刚从那山脉内出来没多久。 This Zhao Batian, seeming like wants in the presence of everyone, making Long Xiaoxiao lose face. 赵霸天,似乎是想当众,让龙晓晓出丑。 Lets loose me, you do not rescue Xiaoxiao, I rescue.” “放开我,你不救晓晓,我去救。” In Chu Feng knows , the Long Xiaoxiao mother struggles to angrily roar. 楚枫得知经过后,龙晓晓母亲挣扎着怒吼起来。 She is very angry, is only her sound is very weak, the reason for this is that naturally was Long Family Clan Head bound is occupied by her to cause. 她很愤怒,只是她的声音却很虚弱,之所以如此,自然是龙氏族长束缚住了她导致。 Your how so stupid, cannot look, that Zhao Batian is intentionally, wants to make the bait with Xiaoxiao, making us go out.” “你怎么如此愚钝,难道看不出来,那赵霸天是故意的,就是想用晓晓做饵,引我们出去。” You think that... I don't want to rescue Xiaoxiao? She is my Daughter.” “你以为…我不想救晓晓吗?她可是我的女儿。” But you look at that Zhao Batian, a face easy assurance, some people are protecting him inevitably in secret, we go out, do not want to live.” “可是你看那赵霸天,一脸从容自信,必然是有人暗中保护着他,我们出去,都别想活。” Long Family Clan Head, said him not to rescue Daughter, reason that but saw a play in this. 龙氏族长,说出了他不去解救自己女儿,而是在此看戏的原因。 Madame dragon, dragon Clan Head said in the principle, I thought that Zhao Batian, has not injured Princess Xiaoxiao meaning, we waited and saw, tries to find other solutions, acted rashly, was not absolutely good.” “龙夫人,龙族长所言在理,我看那赵霸天,也没有伤害晓晓公主意思,我们还是观望观望,想想其他办法,贸然出手,绝对不行。” Meanwhile, on the scene , others are urging Long Family Clan Head. 与此同时,在场之中,还有其他人劝着龙氏族长 They feared very much, fears Zhao Batian, fears Zhao Yuzhuo. 他们都很怕,惧怕赵霸天,惧怕赵宇桌 But in fact fears, is Nine Souls Saint Clan. 但实际上惧怕的,乃是九魂圣族 That is, can the colossus that their families thoroughly eradicate, is this Nine Souls Galaxy Overlord. 那可是,能将他们的家族彻底根除的庞然大物,是这九魂天河霸主 Actually, such as Yu Celestial Clan, Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect, Monster Horde Temple Hall Master and others fears, Chu Feng can also understand, after all Long Xiaoxiao has nothing to do with them, they do not want for the Long Xiaoxiao adventure. 其实,如虞氏天族,云空仙宗,群妖圣殿殿主等人惧怕,楚枫还能理解,毕竟龙晓晓甚是与他们无关,他们不想为龙晓晓冒险。 But Long Family Clan Head, as the Long Xiaoxiao father, by this time, can be calm unexpectedly, Chu Feng is unable to understand. 可是龙氏族长,身为龙晓晓父亲,到了这个时候,竟还能如此沉稳,楚枫着实无法理解。 Miss, you do not fear, my Zhao Batian is not an unprincipled person.” “姑娘,你别怕,我赵霸天绝非坏人。” I want to take a look at your appearance/portrait, you are obedient, unload your camouflage, reveals your appearance/portrait to make me have a look.” “我只是想看看你的真容罢了,你听话,卸下你这伪装,露出你的真容让我看看。” Void above, Zhao Batian opens the mouth again. 虚空之上,赵霸天再度开口。 You make a move suddenly, the victory the non- military, has the skill to let loose me, hits again one time.” “你突然出手,胜之不武,有本事放开我,再打一次。” Saying that Long Xiaoxiao refuses to accept very much. 龙晓晓很是不服的说道。 Meanwhile Chu Feng actually also realized, Long Xiaoxiao is not willing to expose the appearance/portrait. 但同时楚枫却也意识到,龙晓晓并不愿意暴露真容。 Chu Feng guessed, she so insisted, is mostly related with her father Long Family Clan Head. 楚枫猜测,她如此坚持,多半与她父亲龙氏族长有关。 Long Family Clan Head, naturally does not hope Long Xiaoxiao, exposes the status of his Long Family clansman. 龙氏族长,自然是不希望龙晓晓,暴露其龙氏族人的身份。 Very possibly is his in secret sound transmission, will tell Long Xiaoxiao do not expose the status, Long Xiaoxiao so will insist. 很可能是他暗中传音,告诉龙晓晓不要暴露身份,龙晓晓才会如此坚持。 Does not want to the face.” “给脸不要啊。” Zhao Batian smiles cold, this words saying, then holds the Long Xiaoxiao sleeves. 赵霸天冷然一笑,此话说完,便抓住龙晓晓的衣袖。 Afterward makes an effort suddenly, only listens to rip one. 随后猛然用力,只听撕拉一声。 - 啊- The next quarter, Long Xiaoxiao sent out a scream. 下一刻,龙晓晓发出了一声尖叫。 Originally, a Long Xiaoxiao sleeve, was torn under. 原来,龙晓晓的一条袖子,被撕扯而下。 Her that snow white arm, exposed in the public eyes. 她那雪白的手臂,暴露在了众人视线之中。 But looks at that panic-stricken Long Xiaoxiao extremely, Zhao Batian instead licked the lip excitedly. 可是看着那惊恐万分的龙晓晓,赵霸天反而兴奋的舔了舔嘴唇。 Does not reveal the appearance/portrait, I tear into shreds your clothes completely, making everyone see your body.” “再不露出真容,我就将你的衣服全部撕碎,让所有人看到你的身子。” Zhao Batian said. 赵霸天说道。
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