MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4466: The summon of bloodlines

Young benefactor, you make me accompany you to travel together, my guarantee hear of your words, do not add to the chaos to you.” “小恩公,你让我陪你同行吧,我保证听你话,不给你添乱。” Sees Chu Feng to go back, Long Xiaoxiao rushes guarantee to get up. 楚枫要自己回去,龙晓晓赶忙保证起来。 Your is guarantee obedient?” “你保证听话?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 My guarantee.” “我保证。” Long Xiaoxiao pledged that held up the small hand, that small appearance, but also somewhat is really lovable. 龙晓晓发誓般的举起了小手,那小模样,还真有些可爱。 Since you are obedient, you go back immediately, go with your father they, together outside I, do not follow I.” “既然你听话,那你就立刻回去,去与你父亲他们,一同在外面等我,不要跟着我。” Otherwise, I may be angry.” “不然,我可生气了。” The Chu Feng's attitude is very serious. 楚枫的态度很是严肃。 He rarely to Long Xiaoxiao this attitude. 他很少对龙晓晓这个态度。 Saw the Chu Feng so serious appearance, Long Xiaoxiao instigates immediately. 看到楚枫如此严肃的模样,龙晓晓顿时就怂了。 Good, I go back is not good, should not be angry.” “好了好了,我回去还不行吗,你别生气啊。” Others are also worried about you, with.” “人家也是担心你,才跟进来的嘛。” My this went back, should not be angry.” “我这就回去了,千万别生气。” Long Xiaoxiao is saying, then rushes to turn around, goes to the entrance direction line. 龙晓晓说着,便赶忙转身,向入口的方向行去。 When just before leaving, turning head, in pair of beautiful eyes, performs does not abandon. 只是临走之时,不停的回头,一双美眸之中,尽是不舍。 Sees the Long Xiaoxiao small look, Chu Feng also somewhat loves dearly like this, how he can not know, why can Long Xiaoxiao with? 看到龙晓晓这样的小眼神,楚枫也是有些心疼,他岂会不知道,龙晓晓为何非要跟进来? The Long Xiaoxiao such intelligent girl, knows certainly that enters here dangerously. 龙晓晓这样聪慧的女孩子,当然知道进入此处有多危险。 She is worried about Chu Feng, does not feel relieved Chu Feng, with. 她是担心楚枫,是不放心楚枫,才跟进来的。 Chu Feng also does not feel relieved her, must therefore make her leave. 只是楚枫也同样不放心她,所以必须让她离开。 In the Long Xiaoxiao father, as well as Monster Horde Temple Hall Master, Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head, this grade of expert, does not dare to enter this place in rashly the situation. 龙晓晓父亲,以及群妖圣殿殿主,虞氏天族族长,这等高手,都不敢贸然进入此地的情况下。 Chu Feng takes risk even, still only wants solitarily, not to think the Long Xiaoxiao ginseng/partake gathers. 楚枫就算冒险,也只想只身一人,可不想龙晓晓参合进来。 Walks quickly, outside obediently wait/etc. I.” “快走吧,在外面乖乖等我。” Chu Feng yearns for Long Xiaoxiao that does not abandon to beckon to that and originally serious face, revealed wiped the smile. 楚枫冲着那留恋不舍的龙晓晓招了招手,且原本严肃的脸庞,也露出了一抹笑容。 Saw that Chu Feng this wipes the smile, the small face that Long Xiaoxiao put in great inconvenience, also brims with the bright smile again. 看到楚枫这抹笑容,龙晓晓原本委屈的小脸,也再度洋溢起灿烂的笑容。 Must return safely.” “一定要平安归来。” Long Xiaoxiao said that to Chu Feng this words, this feels relieved to leave, jumps, vanished in the Chu Feng's line of sight. 龙晓晓楚枫说完此话,这才放心离开,蹦蹦跳跳的,消失在了楚枫的视线之中。 After Long Xiaoxiao walks, Chu Feng then leaves immediately, goes to the mountain range line. 龙晓晓走后,楚枫便立刻动身,向山脉行去。 He has not gone to look, that so-called spirit beast, but goes to one direction line. 他并没有去找,那所谓的灵兽,而是向一个方向行去。 Because since enters this mountain range, the blood of Chu Feng within the body, becomes boils. 因为自从进入这片山脉,楚枫体内的血液,就变得沸腾起来。 That feeling, seems like the summon from bloodlines to be the same. 那种感觉,就好像是来自血脉的呼唤一般。 That summoned Chu Feng's, likely was hidden in the secret place of this place. 那呼唤楚枫的,很可能就是隐于此地的秘地。 This makes Chu Feng realize that secret is mostly related with his grandfather. 这让楚枫意识到,那秘地多半与他爷爷有关。 Because that bloodlines, are not the Heaven rank bloodlines, but is family member's bloodlines. 因为那血脉,可不是天级血脉,而是亲人的血脉。 If not for if oneself grandfather, occupies that secret place, how that secret will also summon Chu Feng? 倘若不是自己的爷爷,已经占据了那秘地,那秘地又岂会呼唤楚枫 This makes Chu Feng exceptionally excited, he particularly did not care, this secret in has what advantage. 这让楚枫异常兴奋,他不是特别关心,这秘地内有何好处。 What he cares, this secret, could find his grandfather's clue. 他更关心的是,这秘地内,能否找到他爷爷的线索。 But Chu Feng does not want to cause the unnecessary trouble, therefore utilizes Nine Dragons Saint-cloak directly, and dual strengths of technique of World Spirit, oneself will hide. 楚枫不想引起不必要的麻烦,所以直接运用九龙圣袍,以及界灵之术的双重力量,将自己隐藏起来。 As the matter stands, no one can discover him. 这样一来,就没有人可以发现他。 But total surface area of this mountain range, is actually not very big, is even more intense in within the body bloodlines the feeling of ebullition, Chu Feng stopped the step of leading the way finally. 而这片山脉的总面积,其实不是很大,伴随着体内血脉的沸腾之感越发强烈,楚枫终于停下了前行的步伐。 Chu Feng halts here, is the mountain range deep place, but here is actually this mountain range, quite bleak place. 楚枫止步这里,已是山脉深处,但这里却是这片山脉,较为荒凉之地。 Other mountain range places, all are the plant cover, the immortal herb grow thickly, special animal , has much. 山脉其他地方,皆是植物茂密,仙草丛生,特殊的动物,也是有着不少。 But here, performing is the weed, the world energy, this mountain range is also quite scarce, is not willing to perch the animal here. 可这里,尽是杂草,就连天地能量,这片山脉也是较为稀少,连动物都不愿意在这里栖息。 Therefore in this mountain range, almost cannot see the Zhao Family person, they felt that spirit beast will not hide here. 所以在这片山脉,几乎看不到赵家的人,他们都觉得,那灵兽不会藏在这里。 But nearby Chu Feng is still cautious, after determining no one, arrived at a at the foot of the mountain. 楚枫依旧小心翼翼,确定附近没人之后,才来到了一座山脚下。 At the foot of the hill is overgrown with weeds, and weed is very big, is dozens meters fully, is ordinary just like the woods. 山脚下杂草丛生,且杂草十分高大,足有几十米,宛如树林一般。 Across the dozens-meter weed, Chu Feng discovered a cave at the foot of the hill. 穿过高达几十米的杂草,楚枫在山脚下发现了一个山洞。 This cave, is still very ordinary, on the surface, cannot see any special part. 这山洞,依旧很是平常,从表面看,看不出任何特殊之处 May enter the cave, the Chu Feng not to mention blood ebullition, even the fine hair is unable automatic control standing erect. 可进入山洞,楚枫莫说血液沸腾,连汗毛都无法自控的竖立而起。 Chu Feng within the body the feeling of summon, almost achieved prosperously. 楚枫体内的召唤之感,几乎达到了鼎盛。 Chu Feng leads the way, quick arrived at cave most deep place. 楚枫一路前行,很快就来到了山洞最深处。 This most deep place, is only the rock, seemingly had no special place. 这最深处,也只是山石而已,原本看上去没有任何特殊的地方。 But when Chu Feng, on that rock, then glitters immediately the strange ray, a spell appears. 可是当楚枫靠近之后,那山石上面,便立刻闪烁起奇异的光芒,道道符咒浮现而出。 That spell, by the shape arrangement of rule, such as the mural is ordinary, covers above the cave end dike. 那符咒,以规则的形状排列,如壁画一般,覆盖在山洞尽头的岩壁之上。 Beautiful and mysterious!!! 美丽而神秘!!! Sees that spell, the Chu Feng innermost feelings are more excited. 看到那符咒,楚枫内心更加兴奋起来。 Before on Yu Celestial Clan Clan Head map , some similar spells, the two resembled. 之前虞氏天族族长地图上面,也有一些类似的符咒,二者非常相像。 Chu Feng sees this spell, Chu Feng almost determined, he had found secret place entrance. 楚枫看到这符咒,楚枫几乎确定,他已经找到了秘地的入口 Chu Feng is sizing up that spell carefully, wants to seek to open the entrance method. 楚枫正仔细打量那符咒,想寻找开启入口的方法。 Buzz But who once thinks, in the spell the ray circulation, the formation gate, then appears above that wall together. 可谁曾想,符咒内光芒流转,紧接着一道结界门,便在那墙壁之上浮现。 This, opens unexpectedly automatically. 这门,竟然自动开启。 Sees this situation, the Chu Feng great happiness, rubbish, steps into directly. 见此情形,楚枫大喜,也不废话,直接踏入其中。 After stepping into, Chu Feng suddenly sees the light, innermost feelings excitement, difficult word table. 踏入之后,楚枫更是豁然开朗,内心激动之情,难以言表。 Because across the formation gate, is different. 因为穿过结界门,便是别有洞天。 Out formation, ordinary cave. 结界门外,普通山洞。 In the formation gate, is the sacred palace. 结界门内,乃是神圣殿堂。 This is only a corridor, but is very broad. 这只是一个长廊,但却十分宽阔。 The corridor is immeasurably deep, the width is tens of thousands meters, may accommodate ten thousand people to stand shoulder to shoulder. 长廊深不可测,宽度便达几万米,可容纳万人并肩而立。 As for the altitude, as high as hundred thousand meters, endures compared with the sky simply, if there is floating clouds to appear, feared that also can only float under this palace top. 至于高度,十万,简直堪比天空,若有浮云出现,怕也只能漂浮在这殿顶之下。 But the wall land of corridor, becomes by the copper brickwork, each copper ingot, fine like artware, but copper ingot like this, here is actually countless. 而长廊的墙壁大地,更是由铜砖砌成,每一块铜砖,都精致的如同艺术品,可这样的铜砖,在这里却是数之不尽。 What is main, here unexpectedly gives out ancient times aura. 最主要的是,这里竟然散发着远古气息。 Originally is this secret place, unexpectedly the Ancient Era product? 原来这秘地,竟是远古时期的产物? Buzz But in Chu Feng, immerses in this corridor. 可就在楚枫,沉浸于这长廊的了得之时。 The formation gate, transmits the sound suddenly. 身后的结界门,忽然传来声响。 Turns round to wait and see, two forms have appeared before the formation gate. 回身观望,两道身影已是出现在结界门之前。 Bang Chu Feng also carefully watches without enough time, a powerful strength store front comes, the Chu Feng oppression falls down, cannot move. 楚枫还来不及仔细观看,一股强大的力量铺面而来,将楚枫压迫的瘫倒在地,动弹不得。 Martial Venerable Realm pressure, and above the Long Family Clan Head and others strength. 武尊境的威压,并且远在龙氏族长等人实力之上。 That is, Martial Venerable Realm expert of strength above Long Family Clan Head and others. 那是,实力远在龙氏族长等人之上的武尊境高手 Although figure by anchorage, but Chu Feng, carefully watches two people that presents finally. 虽然身形被定住,但楚枫也终于可以,仔细观看那出现的二人。 These two people, Chu Feng does not recognize. 这两个人,楚枫并不认得。 Their facial features are the same, resembling is a twin, but is long devils, and on the face covers entirely the slash, that slash makes Chu Feng know, they have the person of dangerous experience. 他们面容相同,似是双胞胎,但却都长得凶神恶煞,且脸上布满刀痕,那刀痕让楚枫知道,他们也是有着危险经历之人。 However on their faces, all covers entirely the wrinkle, is old old person. 不过他们二人的脸上,皆是布满皱纹,乃是年迈的老者 But their eyes, do not have old person some to be affable, instead is vicious than ferocious beast. 可他们的双眼,却没有老人该有的和蔼可亲,反而比猛兽还要凶狠。 The most important thing is, in their eyes, has murderous aura that difficult hidden, that has killed the innumerable lives, murderous aura that can have. 最重要的是,他们眼中,有着难以隐藏的杀气,那是杀过无数生灵,才会具备的杀气。 Chu Feng only looks at their one eyes, then concluded, this is two eats the person not to spit the old fogy of bone. 楚枫只看他们一眼,便断定,这是两个吃人不吐骨头的老家伙。 They, unfriendly kind!!! 他们,绝非善类!!!
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