MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4395: The female immortal arrives

Headmaster Xu, you if not today must move him, steps from our bodies cannot pass.” 徐掌教,你今日若非要动他,就从我们的身上踩过不去吧。” The sea eight sword immortals said. 道海八剑仙纷纷说道。 Such determination, surprising people even more. 这样的决心,让人们越发意外。 A stranger, they really cannot think through, why said that the sea eight sword immortals can achieve this situation? 一个陌生人,他们实在想不通,为何道海八剑仙要做到这种地步? This is Chu Feng has not even thought. 这是连楚枫也没有想到的。 He is even same as others , equally is shocked. 他甚至和其他人一样,也同样感到震惊。 The token of that sea, attains Flying Flower Sect to go, an function does not have. 那道海的令牌,拿到飞花斋去,一点作用都没有。 May place in front of the sea eight sword immortals, can make them so protect itself unexpectedly, does not hesitate and is acquainted many years of artificial enemy, this is above the Chu Feng imagination by far. 可放在道海八剑仙面前,竟能让她们如此守护自己,不惜与相识多年的人为敌,这是远远超乎楚枫想象的。 Is this custom and belief of sea? 难道,这就是道海的规矩和信仰? I do not need to step from you, but this Chu Feng's assigned/life me to decide.” “我没必要从你们身上踩过去,但这楚枫的命我要定了。” Offended.” “得罪了。” The words, the Flying Flower Sect Headmaster pressure, releases again. 话罢,飞花斋掌教的威压,再度释放而出。 The invisible pressure, changes to eight great hands, will be the plan will say forcefully the sea eight sword immortals will put aside from Chu Feng's. 无形的威压,化作八只巨手,是打算强行将道海八剑仙从楚枫的身边移开。 Now the sea eight sword immortals, did not have a sword strength, is not his opponent. 现在道海八剑仙,没有了剑阵的力量,根本就不是他的对手。 He does not need to harm them, can make them leave from Chu Feng. 他无需伤害她们,也可以让她们从楚枫身边离开。 Buzz When his pressure, after shortcut sea eight sword immortals, strange happened. 只是,当他的威压,靠近道海八剑仙之后,诡异的一幕发生了。 That pressure, vanishes unexpectedly baseless!!! 那威压,竟然凭空消失!!! This lets Flying Flower Sect Headmaster, as well as everyone on the scene stares, said that the sea eight sword immortals are also somewhat accidental/surprised. 这让飞花斋掌教,以及在场的所有人都是一愣,就连道海八剑仙也是有些意外。 They felt the Flying Flower Sect Headmaster pressure, understood the Flying Flower Sect Headmaster intention, but they actually do not know why that pressure will vanish suddenly. 他们都感受到了飞花斋掌教的威压,也都明白飞花斋掌教的意图,但是他们却不知道,那威压为何会忽然消失。 Headmaster Xu, you may really be the big courage, unexpectedly dares to begin to my disciple?” 徐掌教,你可真是好大的胆子啊,居然敢对我之弟子动手了?” In the people are puzzled, suddenly the sound, crack came from void above together. 就在众人不解之际,忽然一道声音,自虚空之上炸响开来。 Waits and sees along the sound, in that void above, the summit of cloud layer, presented a form. 顺声观望,在那虚空之上,云层之巅,出现了一道身影。 That form in the boundless sea of clouds, seems very tiny. 那身影在茫茫云海之中,显得十分渺小。 After may see her, everyone is the color of eye of reveal awe. 可看到她之后,所有人都是目露敬畏之色。 That is a female, the middle-aged appearance, but appearance actually very plop. 那是一名女子,中年容貌,但长相却很是噗通 Although is the semblance of middle age, but if only compared with the semblance, she compared with the sea eight sword immortals, said indecently, is not overrated. 虽皆是中年的外表,可若只比外表,她与道海八剑仙相比,说是不堪入目,也不为过。 But, no one dares to despise in this middle-aged female. 可偏偏,没有任何人敢轻视于这名中年女子。 Because of her, is famous Immortal Lady Daohai. 因为她,就是大名鼎鼎的道海仙姑 greets teacher.” 拜见师尊。” After Immortal Lady Daohai appears, said that the sea eight sword immortals rush to serve with the big ritual. 道海仙姑出现后,道海八剑仙赶忙施以大礼。 greets female immortal Sir.” 拜见仙姑大人。” By this simultaneously, everyone on the scene also rushes to serve with a ritual. 以此同时,在场的所有人也都赶忙施以一礼。 Other not to mention people, Flying Flower Sect Headmaster, even the Grandmaster Huizhi servant is ordinary, serves with a ritual. 莫说其他人,就连飞花斋掌教,甚至惠智大师的仆人平凡,也都是施以一礼。 Immortal Lady Daohai, no one dares to disrespect, at least they do not dare to disrespect. 道海仙姑,没有人敢不敬,至少他们不敢不敬。 This time scene, sees the Spiritual God like the mortal simply. 此时的场景,简直如同凡人看到神灵。 The meaning of awe, fills the air!!! 敬畏之意,弥漫开来!!! This is Immortal Lady Daohai, is really not very simple.” “这便是道海仙姑,果然很不简单。” Chu Feng has also been staring at Immortal Lady Daohai, although the Immortal Lady Daohai facial features are average, coming out that but Chu Feng looks, she is indeed immeasurably deep. 楚枫也一直凝视着道海仙姑,虽然道海仙姑面容平平,可楚枫看的出来,她的确深不可测。 Not is only the strength, but is this person, gives people a mysterious feeling. 不仅仅是实力,而是这个人,就给人一种神秘之感。 This, is true martial cultivation expert!!! 这,才是真正的修武高手!!! Female immortal Sir, I do not have the meaning of offending, but is this child is really hateful, he......” “仙姑大人,我并没有得罪之意,而是此子实在可恶,他……” After Flying Flower Sect Headmaster serves with a ritual, then rushes to open the mouth. 飞花斋掌教施以一礼之后,便赶忙开口。 He is afraid the Immortal Lady Daohai misunderstanding, therefore wants to explain clearly, why he must make a move to Chu Feng. 他害怕道海仙姑误会,所以想要解释清楚,他为何非要对楚枫出手。 At this time on his face, can see obvious flustered. 此时在他的脸上,能够看到明显的慌张。 He feared, when sees Immortal Lady Daohai that moment, everyone can see his fear. 他怕了,当看到道海仙姑的那一刻,所有人都能看出他的恐惧。 Although their Flying Flower Sect, is the sea contact good influence, this matter is well-known. 虽然他们飞花斋,算是与道海交往不错的势力,此事人尽皆知。 May only have him to know, Immortal Lady Daohai always keeps aloof, is the influence is on good terms, rather he is a Immortal Lady Daohai servant, in one's power does to flatter the Immortal Lady Daohai matter. 可只有他知道,道海仙姑始终高高在上,与其说是势力交好,更不如说他是道海仙姑的一个仆人,力所能及的去做讨好道海仙姑的事情。 He with the sea eight sword immortals, the front can also be the friend, may be far from the friend with Immortal Lady Daohai, that sense of distance and sense of crisis, exist from beginning to end. 他与道海八剑仙,面前还算得上是朋友,可与道海仙姑根本谈不上朋友,那种距离感与危机感,从始至终都存在着。 You are not no need to say again, had anything, I knew.” “你不必再说,发生了什么,我都知道了。” Today, I will give you a view.” “今日,我会给你个说法的。” During the Immortal Lady Daohai speeches, then flies to fall under. 道海仙姑说话间,便飞落而下。 Although his facial features are ordinary, even seemingly does not have temperament, but her aura, is quite powerful. 虽然他面容普通,甚至看上去没有一丝气质可言,可她的气场,却极为强大。 Little rascal, your courage is big enough, dares with Flying Flower Sect for the enemy.” “小鬼,你胆子够大的,竟敢与飞花斋为敌。” Flies to fall, but after next, Immortal Lady Daohai then looks to Chu Feng. 飞落而下后,道海仙姑便看向楚枫 Sees this situation, thinks words that again Immortal Lady Daohai spoke. 见此情形,再想一想道海仙姑说的话。 The tense Flying Flower Sect people, all relaxed, even some people of corners of the mouth showed the happy expression. 原本紧张的飞花斋众人,皆是松了一口气,甚至有人嘴角露出了笑意。 But others on the scene, thought that Chu Feng must be faced with imminent disaster. 而在场的其他人,也都觉得楚枫要大难临头。 The Immortal Lady Daohai strength is immeasurably deep, Flying Flower Sect Headmaster and she, completely not in a rank. 道海仙姑的实力深不可测,飞花斋掌教与她,完全不在一个级别。 If she must cope with Chu Feng, even Grandmaster Huizhi, not necessarily cannot preserve. 若是她要对付楚枫,就算是惠智大师,也未必保不住。 But suddenly, a blood splashes. 可忽然之间,一道鲜血溅起。 The next quarter, everyone is the facial features big change. 下一刻,所有人都是面容大变。 Immortal Lady Daohai acted, her arm opens, naked eye obvious Martial Power, condenses a long sword together, pierced dantian. 道海仙姑出手了,她手臂张开,一道肉眼可见的武力,凝聚成一把长剑,洞穿了丹田 That pierces, is actually not Chu Feng, but is Flying Flower Sect Headmaster. 只是那洞穿的,却并不是楚枫,而是飞花斋掌教 This......” “这……” This, making everyone shock, helpless. 这一幕,让所有人大跌眼镜,不知所措。 Female immortal Sir, you, you why......” “仙姑大人,您,您为何……” Flying Flower Sect Headmaster stared in a big way the eye, even if oneself dantian were pierced, he does not dare to get angry, instead very suffering looks at Immortal Lady Daohai. 飞花斋掌教瞪大了眼睛,哪怕自己丹田被洞穿,他也是不敢发怒,反而很是委屈的看着道海仙姑 …… In the meantime, the Immortal Lady Daohai big sleeve wields, then departs a thing from its sleeve. 就在此时,道海仙姑大袖一挥,自其袖中便飞出一物。 This thing is very at first small, but after the lift-off, the extreme speed expands. 此物起初很小,但升空之后,极速扩大。 Finally, that changes unexpectedly camouflages the void thing together. 最终,那竟化作一道遮蔽虚空的之物。 This thing this does not have special part, but on this thing, is actually hanging the innumerable heads. 此物本无特殊之处,可此物上面,却悬挂着无数个头颅。 That is completely the head of person of Flying Flower Sect. 那全部是飞花斋之人的头颅。 Head of Elder and disciple, all here. 长老弟子的头颅,皆在此处。 My Oh God!.” “我的天哪。” Sees this frightened one, many cultivator on the scene, frightened looking deathly pale. 看到这惊悚一幕,就连在场的许多修武者,都是被吓的脸色惨白。 The quantity, then showed a matter, Flying Flower Sect everyone, was almost killed. 如此数量,便说明了一件事,飞花斋的所有人,几乎都被杀死。 But can Immortal Lady Daohai, why do this matter? 可是道海仙姑,为何要做这件事? One possibility, that was Chu Feng said that was real, the Flying Flower Sect surface prestigious family was honest, in fact the wicked matter did completely, was dishonest ways. 只有一个可能,那就是楚枫所说乃是真的,飞花斋表面名门正派,实际上恶事做尽,乃是一个邪门歪道。 Therefore, Immortal Lady Daohai the shovel put down Flying Flower Sect. 所以,道海仙姑才铲平了飞花斋 Headmaster Xu, you really should not disappoint me to your trust.” 徐掌教,你真的不该辜负我对你的信任。” Immortal Lady Daohai opens the mouth to Flying Flower Sect Headmaster again. 道海仙姑飞花斋掌教再度开口。 But her these words, confirmed people's speculation. 而她这一句话,更是验证了众人的猜测。 Originally Flying Flower Sect, seriously is the so evil influence. 原来飞花斋,当真是如此邪恶的势力。 That Chu Feng and Liu Shangwu, have not lied unexpectedly!!! 楚枫柳尚武,竟然没有说谎!!! Female immortal Sir, your you... you listens to me to explain, listening to me to explain.” “仙姑大人,你你…你听我解释,听我解释。” Flying Flower Sect Headmaster, knows that own actions have exposed, frightened even spoke starts to shiver. 飞花斋掌教,知道自己的所作所为已经败露,吓的连说话都开始颤抖。 Bang But his words have not said, then has the intermittent dull thumping sound also to transmit. 可他话还没有说完,便有阵阵闷响同时传来。 Transmits along with that dull thumping sound, the blood splashes!!! 伴随着那闷响传来,还有鲜血溅开!!! Not only Flying Flower Sect Headmaster explodes the body to perish. 不仅飞花斋掌教爆体而亡。 Flying Flower Sect everyone on the scene, explodes the body to perish completely, is hanging in the head/number of people of person of in the air innumerable Flying Flower Sect, explodes. 飞花斋在场的所有人,全部爆体而亡,就连悬挂在空中的无数颗飞花斋之人的人头,也爆炸开来。 In an instant, Flying Flower Sect everyone, between crushes on this day. 转眼之间,飞花斋的所有人,都在这天地之间粉碎。 Naturally, although the person died, but their treasures, actually fell into the hand of Immortal Lady Daohai. 当然,人虽然死了,可他们身上的宝物,却都落入了道海仙姑的手中。 At this time, in the world a tranquility, no one dares to speak a few words. 此时,天地间一片宁静,没有人敢说一句话。 They do not dare to suspect Immortal Lady Daohai. 他们不敢怀疑道海仙姑 Even if Immortal Lady Daohai, simply has not produced the evidence that Flying Flower Sect does evil. 哪怕道海仙姑,根本没有拿出飞花斋作恶的证据。 But only opened the buddhist commandment against taking life because of Immortal Lady Daohai, they like to believe, Flying Flower Sect is the crime may not dishonest ways. 可只因道海仙姑开了杀戒,他们就愿意相信,飞花斋乃是罪不可恕的邪门歪道。 And, even if Flying Flower Sect these people, wrote off by Immortal Lady Daohai all, people will not feel Immortal Lady Daohai to be cruel, instead thought that Flying Flower Sect person, is deserves to be damned. 并且,就算飞花斋的那些人,被道海仙姑尽数抹杀,人们也不会觉得道海仙姑残忍,反而觉得飞花斋的人,乃是死有余辜。 This is the strength of powerhouse, she not only can deter the people, can affect the view of people, doubted thought that she is correct. 这就是强者的力量,她不仅仅可以威慑众人,更是能影响人们的看法,毫不怀疑的觉得她是正确的。
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