MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4314: Has heavy responsibilities

Xianhai Shaoyu he has said obviously personally, among the world no one matches on his sister. 仙海少禹他明明亲口说过,天下间没人配的上他的妹妹。 Yet now, said that wants Chu Feng to marry his younger sister. 可如今,却又说要楚枫娶他妹妹。 Such approval, to Xianhai Xin'er and Xianhai Gusu, incessantly is surprised, but frightens. 这样的认可,对仙海馨儿仙海姑苏来说,已不止是惊讶,而是惊吓。 Brother Shaoyu, this joke, may probably open not again.” 少禹兄,这个玩笑,可莫要再开了。” However, to the Xianhai Shaoyu words, Chu Feng actually shakes the head with a smile. 然而,对仙海少禹的话,楚枫却是笑着摇了摇头。 Little Brother Chu Feng, I am earnest, but is not a joke.” 楚枫兄弟,我可是认真的,而并非玩笑。” I thought that you can be joined to my younger sister, moreover my younger sister, is the heart has the subordinate to you.” “我觉得你配得上我妹妹,况且我那个妹妹,对你也是心有所属。” You two, must sooner or later in the same place.” “你们两个,迟早是要在一起的。” Only if...... „ “除非……“ „Don't you like my younger sister?” “你不喜欢我妹妹?” The Xianhai Shaoyu eyes narrow the eyes suddenly. 仙海少禹忽然双眼微眯起来。 But he such remarks, Xianhai Xin'er and Xianhai Gusu, looks to Chu Feng. 而他此话一出,仙海馨儿仙海姑苏,也是看向楚枫 Doesn't like Xianhai Yu'er? 不喜欢仙海鱼儿 On this day next within, feared that hasn't had such man? 这天下间,怕是还不存在这样的男子吧? After all does not propose the talent, does not raise the status, is only the Xianhai Yu'er appearance, keeps among the world the man from resisting. 毕竟不提天赋,不提身份,只是仙海鱼儿的容颜,就让天下间之男子无法抗拒。 Brother Shaoyu, your I am Little Brother, but Little Fishy in your heart is what position, in my heart is what position.” 少禹兄,你我是兄弟,而小鱼儿在你心中是何地位,在我心中就是何地位。” You become the younger sister with her, I also become the younger sister with her.” “你拿她当妹妹,我也只是拿她当妹妹。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 This......” “这……” Hears this words, Xianhai Xin'er and Xianhai Gusu, cannot believe own ear simply. 听闻此话,仙海馨儿仙海姑苏,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Doesn't Chu Feng unexpectedly, really like Xianhai Yu'er? 楚枫竟然,真的不喜欢仙海鱼儿 If that is right, my silly younger sister, rather somewhat was pitiful.” “若是如此,那我那个傻妹妹,未免有些可怜了。” Originally, she is the unrequited love.” “原来,她是单相思。” Little Brother Chu Feng, I also understand you, in your mind, my younger sister is a baby, you to a baby non-inductive, is very normal, I can also understand.” “不过楚枫兄弟,我也理解你,在你印象中,我妹妹还是一个娃娃,你对一个娃娃无感,很是正常,我也能够理解。” But my younger sister actually, is not that appearance that you see.” “但我妹妹其实,并不是你看到的那个样子。” Therefore, now first do not draw the conclusion, when you see again/goodbye to my younger sister, will then say in the future whether likes, is not late.” “所以,你现在先不要下定论,待你日后再见到我那妹妹,再说是否喜欢,也是不迟。” Xianhai Shaoyu said. 仙海少禹说道。 Facing Chu Feng such attitude, he has not only been angry, instead very understood. 面对楚枫这样的态度,他不仅没有丝毫生气,反而十分理解。 As for Chu Feng, how also does not know to reply, is only helpless smiles. 至于楚枫,也不知如何回答,只是无奈的笑了笑 Little Brother Chu Feng, no matter how you to my younger sister are the attitude.” 楚枫兄弟,不管你对我妹妹是如何态度。” But my Xianhai Shaoyu, forever is your Little Brother.” “可我仙海少禹,永远是你的兄弟。” This token receives, if in the future will have the opportunity, after my Xianhai Galaxy, must come to my Xianhai Yu Clan to chat.” “这块令牌收好,日后若有机会,经过我仙海天河,必然要来我仙海鱼族一叙。” During Xianhai Shaoyu speeches, took out the token to give Chu Feng together. 仙海少禹说话间,又取出一块令牌递给了楚枫 This token, understood at a glance that is the thing of extraordinary. 这个令牌,一看就知乃是不凡之物。 Builds the material, is quite precious, but in this token, but also contains special formation technique, had this formation technique, no one can fabricate this token. 打造材料,就相当珍贵,而这令牌之内,还蕴藏特殊的阵法,有了这阵法,就没有人能够伪造这令牌。 The token has both sides, what upfront carve is the Xianhai Yu Clan four characters. 令牌有两面,正面刻写的乃是仙海鱼族四个字。 But back, then writes the friend of four characters Xianhai Shaoyu. 而背面,则是写着仙海少禹之友四个字。 This token, has what function, is what weight/quantity, did not need others saying that Chu Feng has known. 这个令牌,有何作用,是何分量,不用旁人说,楚枫已是知晓。 Little Friend Chu Feng, this token is my clan Clan Head, makes to order for Your Highness Young Lord personally.” 楚枫小友,这令牌乃是我族族长,亲自为少主殿下订做。” Hand grasps this token, enters my Xianhai Yu Clan domain, not only may enjoy the ritual of honored guest, but may also dispatch my clan clansmen to protect personal.” “手握此令牌,进入我仙海鱼族领域,不仅可享受上宾之礼,还可调遣我族族人贴身守护。” Even if my clan Elder, sees this token, must salute the regards.” “哪怕我族长老,见到这块令牌,都要行礼问候。” Initially, made ten, but until now, Your Highness Young Lord only sent out one, this token is in your hand this.” “当初,做了十块,但至今为止,少主殿下只送出了一块,这块令牌便是你手中这一块。” Xianhai Gusu said. 仙海姑苏说道。 Only same place?! 唯一一块?! Freely, has long known, the weight/quantity of this token. 尽管,早就知道,这令牌的分量。 But after Xianhai Gusu said that Chu Feng knows, he underestimated this token. 可是当仙海姑苏说完之后,楚枫才知道,他还是低估了这令牌。 Brother Shaoyu, this gift, was too rather heavy.” 少禹兄,这礼物,未免太重了。” Chu Feng at this time, the hand grasps the token, really felt weight some of this token are heavy. 楚枫此时,手握令牌,是真的感觉这份令牌的重量有些过于沉重。 This is not only thing that the token has, but will be Xianhai Shaoyu the so precious token will donate oneself. 这已不仅仅是令牌本身拥有的东西,而是仙海少禹将如此珍贵的令牌赠予自己。 The weight of this friendship, compared with it token, makes Chu Feng be moved. 这份情谊的重量,比之令牌本身,更让楚枫为之动容。 Little Brother Chu Feng, this words do not say, makes Little Brother, in the heart, does not need to talk too much.” 楚枫兄弟,这种话就不要说了,做兄弟,在心中,无需多言。” Xianhai Shaoyu said that this words, then held holding the fist in the other hand to Chu Feng. 仙海少禹说完此话,便对楚枫抱了抱拳。 Little Brother Chu Feng, has another chance to meet.” 楚枫兄弟,后会有期。” Has another chance to meet.” “后会有期。” Chu Feng also returns by a ritual similarly. 楚枫也同样回以一礼。 Later, with Xianhai Xin'er, as well as Xianhai Gusu 11 farewells. 之后,又与仙海馨儿,以及仙海姑苏一一告别。 Then, Chu Feng helplessly looks at Xianhai Shaoyu, in his front, opened a formation gate using treasure. 接着,楚枫眼睁睁的看着仙海少禹,在他的面前,运用至宝开启了一道结界门。 Another end of formation gate, is that vast boundless starry sky. 结界门的另一端,就是那浩瀚无边的星空。 Xianhai Gusu, with Xianhai Xin'er, with the Xianhai Shaoyu three people, after stepping into the starry sky, that formation gate is then closed. 仙海姑苏,与仙海馨儿,与仙海少禹三人,踏入星空之后,那结界门便关闭了。 Chu Feng does not know how they must span the endless starry sky, passes through the innumerable world, returns to Xianhai Galaxy. 楚枫不知道,他们要如何跨越无尽星空,穿越无数世界,返回仙海天河 But method that they use, is inevitably rare. 但他们所使用的手段,必然超乎寻常。 After Xianhai Shaoyu and others walks, the Chu Feng innermost feelings are very complex. 仙海少禹等人走后,楚枫内心十分复杂。 This feeling, a poor boy of floor, knew probably suddenly may richly Young Master of enemy. 这种感觉,就好像一个底层的穷小子,忽然结识了富可敌国的少爷 And their two, but also set a same goal!!! 并且他们两个,还定下了一个相同的目标!!! Although the opposite party recognizes himself is Little Brother, but Chu Feng actually also has to acknowledge, the disparity of he and opposite party. 虽然对方认自己为兄弟,可楚枫却也不得不承认,他与对方的差距。 But Chu Feng knows, he must pursue Xianhai Shaoyu, must reduce this disparity. 楚枫知道,他必须要追赶上仙海少禹,必须缩小这差距。 Otherwise if, he does fight that with what to inestimable Seven Worlds Saint Palace powerful? 如若不然,他拿什么去斗那强大到不可估量的七界圣府 Saves her mother with what? 拿什么去救她的母亲? Chu Feng, you may really have heavy responsibilities.” 楚枫,你可真是任重而道远啊。” Chu Feng smiles. 楚枫笑了笑 At this time, he felt the pressure, but this pressure also made Chu Feng excited. 此时,他感受到了压力,但这压力却也让楚枫变得兴奋。 This tremendous pressure, will definitely become the power that Chu Feng leads the way. 这股巨大的压力,必然会成为楚枫前行的动力。 At present, has to be worth the happy matter. 况且眼下,也是有值得开心的事情。 That helps Xianhai Shaoyu, after resisting that terrifying strength, harvest obtained. 那就是帮仙海少禹,抗下了那恐怖的力量后,所得到的收获。 That can strengthen the bloodline power strength, has entered Chu Feng within the body thoroughly, and is fusing with Chu Feng's bloodline power. 那能够增强自己血脉之力的力量,已经彻底进入楚枫体内,并且正在与楚枫的血脉之力融合。 Faint within, Chu Feng even felt the feeling of breakthrough. 隐隐间,楚枫甚至感受到了突破的感觉。 Perhaps, after this strength fuses thoroughly, not only can by own bloodline power become stronger. 也许,当这力量彻底融合之后,不仅能让自己的血脉之力变得更强。 Chu Feng also has the opportunity, strengthens First Rank cultivation realm. 楚枫还有机会,增强一品修为 Although First Rank cultivation realm, is not anything, may be at least away from, can enter Hidden Dragon Martial Sect about one step. 虽然一品修为,不算什么,可至少距离,可以进入卧龙武宗更近一步。 This exactly is Chu Feng at present, institute most desired matter. 这恰恰是楚枫目前,所最希望发生的事。
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