MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4284: Extinguishes your entire clan

That pressure, transmits from the place bottom deep place. 那威压,自地底深处传来。 When Chu Feng and others feels that pressure the moment, this side world had been blocked by the pressure. 楚枫等人感受到那威压的一刻,这方天地都已被威压封锁。 Now did not have the Teleportation Formation method, Chu Feng and others to be stranded here. 如今没有了传送阵法,楚枫等人已被困在此处。 Even can say, their lives, grasped in the hand of Quick Wind Hunting Clan. 甚至可以说,他们的性命,都掌握在了疾风猎族的手中。 Unexpectedly pursued here.” “居然追到了这里。” We want to inquire something.” “我们不过是想打探一些事情罢了。” You were not happy that we enter your territory, we have walked.” “你们不高兴我们进入你们领地,我们已经走了。” „It is necessary to do such certainly?” “有必要做的这么绝吗?” Ox-nosed Old Daoist opens the mouth. 牛鼻子老道开口了。 Said, at this time Grandmaster Tang Chen this character, by that powerful strength, frightened chaotic discretion. 讲真的,此时连汤臣大师这种人物,都被那强大的力量,吓的乱了分寸。 Appearance that however no matter Ox-nosed the innermost feelings how, at least he displays at this time, is actually quite calm, even it can be said that does not dread. 但是牛鼻子不管内心如何,至少他此时表现出的样子,却是相当沉稳,甚至可以说是毫不畏惧。 My Quick Wind Hunting Clan, and other waste, want to come to come can it be that wants to walk the place that then walks?” “我疾风猎族,岂是尔等废物,想来就来,想走便走的地方?” Sneaks my clan not to calculate previous time, but also injures my clan clansman, puts down the aggressive statement.” “上一次潜入我族不算,还打伤我族族人,放下狠话。” that is my clan is not willing really to investigate, you think you really can treat as an equal inadequately with my Quick Wind Hunting Clan?” 那乃是我族不愿真的追究,你以为你们真能与我疾风猎族平起平坐不成?” Today must let you, for your actions, pays the price.” “今日就要让你们,为你们的所作所为,付出代价。” That sound is vigorous, and is destructive. 那声音浑厚无比,且充满杀机。 When these words resound, Chu Feng and others felt, they died. 当这番话响起之时,楚枫等人都觉得,他们死定了。 But who once thinks, after this words fall, Chu Feng and others actually stares. 可谁曾想,此话落下之后,楚枫等人却是不由一愣。 That bound surrounding pressure still, may have no sound. 束缚周围的威压还在,可偏偏没有任何动静。 Although the opposite party did not have the sound, but Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others, had not thought that they are safe, on the contrary is even more anxious, after all they as before by that terrifying pressure bound. 虽说对方没了动静,可牛鼻子老道等人,却并未觉得他们已是安全,相反越发不安,毕竟他们依旧被那恐怖的威压束缚着。 Therefore, Ox-nosed Old Daoist opens the mouth again. 于是,牛鼻子老道再度开口。 Grandmaster Tang Chen also opened the mouth. 就连汤臣大师也开口了。 Grandmaster Tang Chen spoke frankly, before injured the Quick Wind Hunting Clan clansman was he. 汤臣大师直言,之前打伤疾风猎族族人的就是他。 Even also to that matter, but apology. 甚至还对那件事,而道歉了。 That Quick Wind Hunting Clan, had not responded as before. 只是那疾风猎族,却依旧没有反应。 This lets Grandmaster Tang Chen as well as Ox-nosed and others, is somewhat helpless, does not know Quick Wind Hunting Clan, is selling what climax. 这让汤臣大师以及牛鼻子等人,皆是有些不知所措,不知道疾风猎族,到底在卖什么关子。 Buzz Suddenly, that bound lives in the surrounding pressure, started to have the change. 忽然间,那束缚住周围的威压,开始产生了变化。 Suddenly suddenly weak, had a big fluctuation. 忽强忽弱,产生了不小的波动。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Grandmaster Tang Chen, asked to Ox-nosed Old Daoist. 汤臣大师,对牛鼻子老道问道。 How would I know?” “我哪知道?” Ox-nosed Old Daoist returns said. 牛鼻子老道回道。 We what to do? Since the opposite party have not responded, we find the way to escape.” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. “那我们怎么办?对方既然没有回应,我们想办法逃吧。”汤臣大师说道。 Falling of escaping?” “逃的掉吗?” Ox-nosed Old Daoist asked. 牛鼻子老道问道。 This......” “这……” The Grandmaster Tang Chen brow tight wrinkle, could not speak unexpectedly. 汤臣大师眉头紧皱,竟说不出话来。 Although this pressure fluctuating is uncertain, but is still very strong, their indeed difficult escapes. 尽管这威压起伏不定,可依旧很强,他们的确难以逃脱。 Only if this pressure is weak, situation that they can escape from. 除非这威压弱到,他们能够逃脱的地步。 Teacher, under this does not seem simple.” “师尊,这下面似乎不简单。” Chu Feng uses Heaven's Eyes, the downward observation, wants to find out. 楚枫则是动用天眼,向下观察,想要探个究竟。 May actually discover, under has the special barrier strength unexpectedly, that barrier strength blocked the Chu Feng's vision, Chu Feng could not see the following situation. 可却发现,下方竟有特殊的屏障力量,那屏障力量挡住了楚枫的目光,楚枫根本看不到下面的情况。 Hears this words, Grandmaster Tang Chen also resorts to his method, downward observation. 听闻此话,汤臣大师也是动用他的手段,向下观察。 After the observation, he is a face lingering fear. 观察之后,他则是一脸后怕。 Should, under this not be the Quick Wind Hunting Clan territory?” “该不会,这下面也是疾风猎族的领地吧?” Grandmaster Tang Chen looks to Ox-nosed Old Daoist. 汤臣大师看向牛鼻子老道 This also uses to ask, mostly was so.” “这还用问,多半就是如此了。” Originally had been discovered, no wonder I and Chu Feng potential is obviously smooth, was actually also discovered by them.” “原来是早就被发现了,难怪我与楚枫明明潜力顺利,却还被他们发现。” Ox-nosed Old Daoist said. 牛鼻子老道说道。 Ox-nosed Old Daoist said right. 牛鼻子老道说对了。 Under, indeed is the Quick Wind Hunting Clan territory. 下方,的确就是疾风猎族的领地。 And, the sound in surface, following Quick Wind Hunting Clan can also detect. 并且,地表上的动静,下面的疾风猎族也能察觉。 Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others, arranges the Teleportation Formation method here, had been discovered by Quick Wind Hunting Clan. 牛鼻子老道等人,在此处布置传送阵法,早就被疾风猎族发现。 Words that they spoke, was heard by Quick Wind Hunting Clan. 他们所说的话,也被疾风猎族听到。 They exposed from the beginning. 他们从一开始就败露了。 Why this is also, when Chu Feng and Ox-nosed Old Daoist, enter the Quick Wind Hunting Clan earliest possible time, discovered reason. 这也是为何,当楚枫牛鼻子老道,进入疾风猎族的第一时间,就被发现的原因。 Because of the Quick Wind Hunting Clan person, is waiting for Chu Feng and Ox-nosed Old Daoist sneaks. 因为疾风猎族的人,就是在等待着楚枫牛鼻子老道潜入进去。 At this time, Quick Wind Hunting Clan many expert, in place bottom that in Chu Feng and others is. 此时,疾风猎族的许多高手,都在楚枫等人所在的地底之中。 This is a building nearly perfect world, although is in good health in the bottom, but almost does not have the difference from the surface above. 这是一个打造的近乎完美的世界,虽然健在地底之中,但却与地表之上几乎没有差别。 The mountains rivers have everything expected to find, but here plant, is tall and pleasing to the eye, gives out the rich ancient times aura, that is not fabricating, but exists. 山川河流应有尽有,而这里的植物,更是美轮美奂,散发着浓郁的远古气息,那可不是伪造出来的,而是真实存在的。 But Quick Wind Hunting Clan numerous expert, is situated in above this tall and pleasing to the eye void. 疾风猎族的一众高手,就立于这片美轮美奂的虚空之上。 These Quick Wind Hunting Clan numerous position expert, each aura extraordinary. 这些疾风猎族的众位高手,各个气息不凡 Almost casual one, is not existence that Grandmaster Tang Chen can deal with. 几乎随便一位,都不是汤臣大师能够应对的存在。 Grandmaster Tang Chen guessed right, Quick Wind Hunting Clan is indeed immeasurably deep. 汤臣大师猜对了,疾风猎族的确深不可测。 But in this crowd of expert, actually another aura, terrifying especially. 但这群高手之中,却又一位的气息,格外的恐怖。 This, is Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head. 这一位,便是疾风猎族族长 That blocked the Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others pressure, precisely he released. 那封锁住了牛鼻子老道等人的威压,也正是他所释放而出。 Previously the person of speech, precisely he. 先前说话之人,也正是他。 At this time, this Quick Wind Hunting Clan Sir Clan Head, is actually the brow wrinkles slightly. 只是此时,这位疾风猎族族长大人,却是眉头微微皱起。 But his behind Quick Wind Hunting Clan numerous position expert, are the complexion is more complex, is critical situation. 而他身后的疾风猎族众位高手,更是面色复杂,如临大敌。 Reason that so, is therefore because of the present, in their front, presented three forms. 之所以会如此,乃所以因为眼下,在他们的面前,出现了三道身影。 These three forms, are entirely different from Ox-nosed and others of outside. 这三道身影,与外面的牛鼻子等人全然不同。 Their three people are what cultivation realm, Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head could not completely understand, not only cannot completely understand cultivation realm. 他们三人是何修为,就连疾风猎族族长都看不透,不仅看不透修为 These three bodies, but also all has the ray to protect the body. 这三位的身上,还皆有光芒护体。 That ray protected all, they could not see the opposite party three people of appearances unexpectedly. 那光芒护住了一切,他们竟然连对方三人的容貌都看不到。 But all sorts of sign surfaces, these three... are very not simple, is newcomer is bad. 但种种迹象都表面,这三位…很不简单,乃是来者不善。 Who are you?” “你们是何人?” Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head asked. 疾风猎族族长问道。 Compared in previously to Ox-nosed Old Daoist and others, that if I can not do it , who can attitude. 相比于先前对牛鼻子老道等人,那舍我其谁的态度。 At this time, this Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head tone, was unexpectedly gentle. 此时,这位疾风猎族族长的语气,竟然柔和了许多。 Such change, but lets the numerous position expert facial features change of Quick Wind Hunting Clan. 这样的变化,可是让疾风猎族的众位高手面容变化。 They rarely see, their Sir Clan Head, so. 他们可是很少看到,他们这位族长大人,会对人这般。 Who I am, you do not have the qualifications to know.” “我是谁,你们没有资格知道。” I come to here, wants to say a matter with you.” “我来这里,是想和你们说一件事。” Above, is my friend, if he wants to know anything, you confessed to consider.” “上面的,是我朋友,他如果想知道什么,你们就坦白相告。” In three people, is of head says. 三人之中,为首的那位开口说道。 You think that who you are, dares to discuss the condition with my clan Sir Clan Head?” “你以为你是什么人,胆敢与我族族长大人谈条件?” At this time, Quick Wind Hunting Clan expert, very angry saying. 此时,一位疾风猎族高手,很是愤怒的说道。 He is really very angry, he despised to present age cultivator, is unable to endure him the person of despising, spoke to their Sir Clan Head with this attitude. 他真的是非常愤怒,他对当代修武者本就鄙夷,更无法忍受他所鄙夷之人,以这种态度对他们的族长大人说话。 Regarding angry roaring of that Quick Wind Hunting Clan expert, in three people are of head, is light smiles, this said: You made a mistake, I am not discussing the condition with you, but is the words that I spoke, you must comply.” 只是对于那位疾风猎族高手的怒吼,三人之中为首的那位,却是淡淡一笑,这才说道:“你搞错了,我不是在与你们谈条件,而是我说的话,你们必须照做。” Blustered, you courted death!!!” “口出狂言,你是找死!!!” That Quick Wind Hunting Clan clansman flies into a rage, during the speeches killing intent overflows, then must make a move. 那位疾风猎族族人勃然大怒,说话间杀意溢出,便要出手。 Buzz May not need he to act, the surroundings space then fierce play trembles, a powerful strength, then swept away this stretch of the world. 可还不待他出手,周围空间便剧烈剧颤,紧接着一股强大的力量,便横扫了这片天地。 After that strength appears, not to mention is Quick Wind Hunting Clan expert that previously bellowed, in eye of Quick Wind Hunting Clan Clan Head, emerged the fear. 那力量出现之后,莫说是那位先前大吼的疾风猎族高手,就连疾风猎族族长的眼中,也涌现出了恐惧。 But in the meantime, in that three people are of head, then opens the mouth again, compares in the previous gentleness, were many wiped overbearingly. 而就在此时,那三人之中为首的那位,则是再度开口,相比于先前的柔和,则多了一抹霸道。 Gives you two roads.” “给你们两条路。” One, according to doing that I said.” “一,按我说的做。” Two, I extinguished your entire clan.” “二,我灭了你全族。”
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