MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4263: Shocking audience!!

Lu Jie you, you actually, can you actually in the situation of my showdown, arrange such attacking to kill great formation?” 吕界你,你竟然,你竟然能够在与我对决的情况下,布置出这样的攻杀大阵?” „Are you a person?” “你还是人吗?” Chu Feng also opened the mouth. 就连楚枫也开口了。 In the Chu Feng's eye, does not have the previous self-satisfaction and self-confidence. 楚枫的眼中,已经没有了先前的得意与自信。 In the Chu Feng's eye, covered entirely the startled color, and in the Chu Feng's eye, but also performs is the fear. 楚枫的眼中,同样布满了惊色,并且在楚枫的眼中,还尽是恐惧。 From beginning to end, is supercilious, self-poise, fearless Chu Feng,... feared in this time unexpectedly!!! 从始至终,都目中无人,镇定自若,天不怕地不怕的楚枫,在此时…竟然怕了!!! Evidently, Chu Feng had not realized, Lu Jie can achieve this point. 看样子,就连楚枫也没有意识到,吕界能够做到这一点。 After Lu Jie achieved this point, he will be so shocked. 所以当吕界做到了这一点后,他才会如此的震惊。 But looks at Chu Feng this time expression, people know, regarding the Lu Jie following offensive, Chu Feng will have no alternative. 而看楚枫此时的表情,人们就知道,对于吕界接下来的攻势,楚枫也将无可奈何。 Lu Jie, stop, is only the showdown, does not need to set at the person in the deathtrap!!!” 吕界,住手吧,只是对决,没必要置人于死地!!!” The Grandmaster Tang Chen sound resounds through the horizon, broke in ancient times the spirit territory. 汤臣大师的声音响彻天际,冲入远古灵域。 He sees with own eyes Chu Feng not to beat, oneself actually cannot rescue, then can only open the mouth to console Lu Jie. 他眼见楚枫不敌,自己却不能解救,便只能开口劝解吕界 But Lu Jie, how also to care about the Grandmaster Tang Chen words? 吕界,又岂会在乎汤臣大师的话? He, killing intent has decided. 他早就,杀意已决。 Only if, is his teacher Enlightenment Saint Venerable urges him, even if otherwise the absolute monarch urged, he was impossible to let off Chu Feng!!! 除非,是他的师尊悟道圣尊来劝他,否则就算天王老子来劝,他也不可能放过楚枫!!! Chu Feng, dies!!!” 楚枫,去死吧!!!” Lu Jie opened the mouth finally again. 吕界终于再度开口了。 This time, he does not have to send out to angrily roar again, instead his tone very light. 这一次,他没有再发出怒吼,反而他的语气非常的平淡。 But, in his light tone, is actually destructive!!! 可是,在他这平淡的语气之中,却是杀机四伏!!! But after his words fall, it behind ferocious beast, then opened big mouth. 而他此话落下之后,其身后的猛兽,便张开了大嘴。 In an instant, flame spout. 刹那间,火光喷涌。 The next quarter, the innumerable say/way giant fireballs, such as the rainstorm is common, grazes from that ferocious beast mouth. 下一刻,无数道巨大的火球,如暴雨一般,自那猛兽的口中飞掠而出。 That fireball first shoots up to the sky, later then attacks to go to Chu Feng simultaneously. 那火球先是冲天而起,随后便同时向楚枫冲击而去。 Bad.” “糟了。” Sees this, Grandmaster Tang Chen and others did not shout secretly well. 看到这一幕,就连汤臣大师等人也暗叫不好。 From the Chu Feng's performance, he from the beginning, has displayed the full power. 楚枫的表现来看,他从一开始,就已施展出了全力。 Present he, simply does not have the means to avoid. 现在的他,根本没有办法进行躲避。 Because , he if avoids, then Lu Jie attacks formation power that comes to him, will attack him. 因为,他若是躲避,那么吕界对他冲击而来的结界之力,就会攻击到他。 That and other tyrannical formation power, lets the Chu Feng flying ash annihilation sufficiently. 那等强横的结界之力,足以让楚枫飞灰湮灭。 In situation that is unable to avoid, Chu Feng can only use the body, receives that everywhere fireball. 无法躲避的情况下,楚枫只能用身体,去接下那漫天的火球。 formation power that but the strength of that fireball, compared with Lu Jie within the body, does not release is weak, if Chu Feng were hit, Chu Feng must die similarly without doubt 可那火球的力量,丝毫不比吕界体内,所释放出的结界之力弱,若是楚枫被击中,楚枫同样是必死无疑 Victory and defeat already difference.” “胜负已分。” Although does not know this Chu Feng, how to have, that endures to compare the Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable strength formation power.” “虽不知这楚枫,是怎么具备了,那堪比六品至尊战力的结界之力的。” But this showdown, Lu Jie exceeds eventually.” “可这场对决,终究还是吕界技高一筹。” Oh, what a pity this talent, although the talent different reported that but the chess misses one move eventually.” “唉,可惜了这个天才,虽然天赋异禀,可终究还是棋差一招。” At this time, many people voiced such opinions. 此时,有许多人发出了这样的感叹。 Few felt, Chu Feng also has the room to manoeuvre. 几乎没有人觉得,楚枫还有回旋的余地。 This does not blame the people, after all Chu Feng, are over the face fear. 这也不怪众人,毕竟就连楚枫自己,都已是满面恐惧。 Bang bang bang bang 砰砰砰砰 Flame blasting open, thunders to rise from all directions, the fireball flies to fall under. 火光炸裂,轰鸣四起,火球飞落而下。 Changes to giant volcanos, blasts open in the Chu Feng's top of the head. 化作一道道巨大的火山,在楚枫的头顶炸裂开来。 That stretch of the world, was swallowed by the flame. 那片天地,都被火焰所吞噬。 Ancient times outside the spirit territory, by that flame, was shone upon the fiery red color!!! 就连远古灵域之外,都被那火焰,映照成了火红之色!!! Oh God!, what is that?!!” 天哪,那是什么?!!” But, after that everywhere fireball falls simultaneously, splendor that the vision of people, actually again changes. 可是,在那漫天火球同时落下之后,人们的目光,却再度变的精彩。 They with astonishment discovered, although that fireball explodes, but has not actually fallen on Chu Feng's. 他们惊愕的发现,那火球虽然爆炸开来,但却并没有落在楚枫的身上。 Instead void above Chu Feng top of the head explodes. 反而是在楚枫头顶之上的虚空爆炸开来。 And, after that fireball explodes, flame ripples that starts, by that invisible barrier, kept off all, is unable to injure and Chu Feng slightest. 并且,那火球爆炸之后,掀起的火焰涟漪,也都被那无形的屏障,尽数挡了下来,根本无法伤及楚枫分毫。 What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” could it be that, ancient times the strength of spirit territory, meddled?” 难道说,远古灵域的力量,又插手了吗?” Saw that Lu Jie that can secure the victory the offensive, kept off all. 看到吕界那本可以锁定胜局的攻势,被尽数挡下。 People felt the ancient times spirit territory meddles mostly again. 人们都觉得,多半是远古灵域再度插手。 It seems like, ancient times the spirit territory did not permit, these two kill a side.” “看来,远古灵域并不允许,这两位杀死其中的一方。” Saw that offensive kept off, Grandmaster Tang Chen and Yuan Shu and others, relaxes finally. 看到那攻势被挡下,汤臣大师袁术等人,也总算松了一口气。 After although the ancient times spirit territory acted, represents this showdown is being Chu Feng losses. 虽然当远古灵域出手之后,也就代表着这场对决是楚枫了。 But at least Chu Feng lived. 可是至少楚枫活了下来。 This is unfortunate was lucky. 这便是不幸中的万幸了。 Is unfair, this is unfair!!!” “不公平,这不公平!!!” Is you calls us the showdown obviously, why must protect him again and again!!!” “明明是你叫我们对决,为何要一而再,再而三的保护他!!!” Why, why cannot let us, do oneself decide the victory and defeat?!!!” “为什么,为什么不能让我们,自己分出胜负?!!!” Why, but can also meddle our showdowns?!!!” “为什么,还要插手我们的对决?!!!” Suddenly, Lu Jie sent out angry roaring again. 突然间,吕界再度发出了愤怒的咆哮。 His anger, everyone on the scene feels. 他的怒意,在场的每一个人都感受的到。 But his these words, were not to Chu Feng said that but precisely said to the ancient times spirit territory. 而他的这番话,不是对楚枫说的,而正是对远古灵域说的。 He with is also the same, thought that was the strength of ancient times spirit territory others think, prevented the homicide Chu Feng. 他也与其他人想的一样,觉得是远古灵域的力量,阻止他杀了楚枫 But ancient times the strength of spirit territory, had protected Chu Feng twice. 但远古灵域的力量,已经保护了楚枫两次。 This makes him feel extremely unfair!!! 这让他觉得极为不公!!! What does the roar randomly call randomly?” “乱吼乱叫什么?” Saw clearly carefully, do not think, only then you can the diverting attention set up formation.” “仔细看清楚了,不要以为,只有你能分心布阵。” At this moment, Chu Feng was also the opens the mouth. 就在这时,楚枫也是开口了。 Buzz After Chu Feng opens the mouth, the Chu Feng's top of the head then changed. 楚枫开口之后,楚枫的头顶便发生了变化。 A giant formation shield, appeared above the Chu Feng's top of the head. 一道巨大的结界盾牌,出现在了楚枫的头顶之上。 That shield, is more than thousand meters, not only extremely gorgeous incomparable, is gives out, indestructible feeling. 那盾牌,长达千余米,不仅极为绚丽无比,更是散发着,坚不可摧之感。 Without a doubt, precisely that formation shield, kept off the Lu Jie offensive. 毋庸置疑,正是结界盾牌,挡下了吕界的攻势。 After a while, was not the ancient times spirit territory acts, but was Chu Feng, in the showdown with Lu Jie, diverted attention to arrange the Spirit Formation method. 搞了半天,并非是远古灵域出手,而是楚枫,也在与吕界的对决之中,分心布置了结界阵法。 Chu Feng uses own Spirit Formation method, kept off the Lu Jie offensive. 楚枫是运用自己的结界阵法,挡下了吕界的攻势。 And, Chu Feng this formation technique, the power and influence, is surface area, hopes above Lu Jie. 并且,楚枫这座阵法,无论是威势,还是面积,都愿在吕界之上。 The most important thing is, under that shield, unexpectedly a giant palm. 最重要的是,在那盾牌下方,竟然还有一只巨大的手掌。 A giant palm, held that shield. 一只巨大的手掌,抓住了那道盾牌。 Rumble 轰隆隆 The soil surges, that giant arm, is only pushing the token unexpectedly, goes to the upper air. 紧接着土壤翻腾,那只巨大的手臂,竟然推着令牌,向高空而去。 In a while, a three-km colossus, crawls from the place bottom deep place, stood in Chu Feng's behind. 没过多久,一个高达三千米的庞然大物,从地底深处爬出,站在了楚枫的身后。 That is one, giant armor officers. 那是一个,巨大的铠甲将士。 This armor officers, the body taking the form of person, cannot see the five senses, but the ray circulation, is extremely imposing. 这铠甲将士,身形似人,看不到五官,但却光芒流转,极其威风。 Its left hand grasps is being a kilometer shield, just, precisely that shield, kept off the Lu Jie offensive. 它左手握着长达千米的盾牌,刚刚,正是那盾牌,挡下了吕界的攻势。 But in its right hand, then grasps one is being, that broadsword, unexpectedly is two km. 而在它的右手,则是握着一把长达,那把大刀,竟长达两千米之多。 This thing, stands in Chu Feng's behind, is ordinary just like the patron god. 此物,站在楚枫的身后,宛如守护神一般。 This...... is this formation technique that Chu Feng arranges?” “这……这就是楚枫布置出的阵法?” This is really he, while with the Lu Jie showdown formation technique that arranges?” “这真的是他,在与吕界对决的同时,所布置出的阵法吗?” He can arrange unexpectedly, formation technique of this grade of rank?!!!” “他竟能布置出,这等级别的阵法?!!!” Saw that... is situated in Chu Feng behind colossus, people cannot believe oneself eye simply. 看到那…立于楚枫身后的庞然大物,人们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Many people, were startled forcefully the chin. 许多人,都硬生生惊掉了下巴。 The experienced older generation, is dumbfounded. 就连见多识广的老一辈,都是目瞪口呆。 But the later generations are look to be dumbfounded, Yuan Shu this and others thing, is the delay of over the face. 而后辈们更是看傻了眼,就连袁术等人物,都是满面的呆滞。 That is the expression that was frightened!!! 那是被吓到的表情!!! So tyrannical formation technique, even if gives many people, enough time, they cannot arrange. 如此强横的阵法,就算给予许多人,足够的时间,他们也是布置不出来。 Let alone Chu Feng, in formation power of by that uniform strength, with the Lu Jie showdown at the same time, in secret arrangement formation technique? 更何况还是楚枫,在以那等强度的结界之力,与吕界对决的同时,所在暗中布置的阵法 Is this what kind of control? 这是何等的掌控力啊? Must to formation power, control what degree, can achieve such thing? 要对结界之力,掌控到何种程度,才能做到这样的事? Lu Jie, I just praised boasts you.” 吕界,我刚刚不过是夸夸你。” But I had not said that you can the diverting attention set up formation, my Chu Feng unable.” “但我却没说,你能分心布阵,我楚枫就不能。” You also really think, you did win?” “你还真以为,你赢定了?” At this time, the fear in Chu Feng eye does not see, displaces, is that wipes the smile. 此时,楚枫眼中的恐惧不见,取而代之的,又是那抹笑容。 But this time smile, seems like actually very cheap. 但此时的笑容,看上去却是非常的贱。 This little rascal, but also is really enough the bastard.” “这个小鬼,还真是够混蛋的。” This fairy maiden, likes his bastard.” “不过本仙子,喜欢他的混蛋。” Sees such Chu Feng, Fairy Muzhi cannot bear praise. 看到这样的楚枫,慕芝仙子忍不住夸赞起来。 Things have gotten to this point, everyone has looked. 事已至此,所有人都已经看出来了。 Chu Feng previously the fear to Lu Jie, is completely an attire. 楚枫先前对吕界的恐惧,完全是装的。 Because of the beginning, him knows, Lu Jie such formation technique, not possible wound to him. 因为从一开始,他就知道,吕界那样的阵法,不可能伤的到他。 Lu Jie behind, that giant ferocious beast head, although is also very tyrannical, but that obviously is incomplete formation technique. 吕界身后,那巨大的猛兽头颅,虽然也很强横,但那明显是不完整的阵法 Armor officers but who Chu Feng behind, that stands at this time, is actually extremely complete formation technique. 楚枫此时身后,那站立的铠甲将士,却是一座极其完整的阵法 If said that two people can while conducting the strong showdown, the diverting attention set up formation, is startled is a Celestial. 倘若说,二人都能在进行强硬对决的同时,分心布阵,皆是惊为天人。 But from their two people, arranges formation technique complete. 但从他们二人,所布置阵法的完整度来看。 Chu Feng, actually above Lu Jie. 楚枫,却远在吕界之上。 Fierce, was too fierce.” “厉害,太厉害了。” That is, can stand in the talent stair third layer talent.” “这就是,能够站在天赋台阶第三层的天才。” Lu Jie, defeat is not injust!!!” 吕界,败的不冤!!!” At this time, these, with the person of Chu Feng uninterested surrounding. 此时,就连那些,与楚枫并无关系的围观之人。 Also cannot bear to Chu Feng praises again. 也是忍不住对楚枫再度夸赞。 Even if independent, even some people hate to the Chu Feng heart, but only by the performance of strength. 哪怕并无关联,甚至有人对楚枫心中有恨,可只论实力的表现。 The Chu Feng's strength, has conquered everyone on the scene!!! 楚枫的实力,已然征服了在场的所有人!!! Loves his, hates his, has to acknowledge his fierce. 无论是爱他的,还是恨他的,都不得不承认他的厉害。
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