MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4261: Chu Feng's card in a hand

Previously, Lu Jie or the hero in people eye. 先前,吕界还是众人眼中的英雄。 But in an instant, Lu Jie actually becomes the black bear in people eyes. 可是转眼之间,吕界却又成为了众人眼中的狗熊。 Such transformation, made Lu Jie difficult accept. 这样的转变,本就让吕界难以接受。 But what most makes Lu Jie difficult accept, he defeated, he lost to Chu Feng once again. 但最让吕界难以接受的是,他败了,他又一次败给了楚枫 And compares in the previous time, his extreme distress of this defeat, the even more face countenance completely loses. 并且相比于上一次,他这次败的极为狼狈,更加的颜面尽失。 Good and evil he defeated for the first time, no one dares to taunt him. 好歹第一次他败了,没有人敢嘲讽他。 But this time, he actually suffers the shame of people!!! 可这一次,他却遭受众人的羞辱!!! But, regarding this shame, he is unable to refute. 可偏偏,对于这种羞辱,他又无法反驳。 His Lu Jie, from infancy to maturity, is a God's favored one, how could by such shame? 吕界,从小到大,都是天之骄子,何曾受过这样的羞辱? But today, he actually receives. 可偏偏今日,他却受了。 This, is the reason that Lu Jie spits blood. 这,就是吕界吐血的原因。 Because of infancy to maturity, always only praised him. 因为从小到大,向来只被人夸赞的他。 It is not able to withstand such shame!!! 无法承受这样的羞辱!!! Lu Jie, your psychological bearing capacity does not go through a strategic pass.” 吕界,你这心理承受能力不过关啊。” What they scolded you to say was the fact.” “他们骂你好歹说的是事实。” Previously they scolded me, that is unfair to me.” “可是先前他们骂我,那可是冤枉我啊。” I was suffering than you.” “我比你委屈多了。” You look at me, is suffering, not.” “你看我,那么委屈,都没怎么样。” Your this..., others obviously what said is the fact, how to can have borne?” “你这…,明明人家说的是事实,怎么还受不了啦呢?” The Chu Feng's sound resounds. 楚枫的声音响起。 raise one's head waits and sees, Chu Feng smilingly is looking at itself. 抬头观望,楚枫正笑眯眯的看着自己。 Such stance, is not a winner, to defeated's taunt? 那样的姿态,不就是胜者,对败者的嘲讽吗? The most important thing is, Chu Feng this saying said that also too attacked the person? 最重要的是,楚枫这话说的,也太打击人了吧? Taking a look, is this logical expression? 瞧瞧,这是人话吗? His own bearing capacity, is his matter. 他自己承受能力强,是他的事。 Unexpectedly hasn't allowed others bearing capacity to be weak? 居然还不允许别人承受能力弱吗? But, regarding Chu Feng this time words, many people felt very refreshed. 可偏偏,对于楚枫此时的话,许多人都感觉很是爽快。 Especially Yuan Shu Tang Chen and others, Yu Ting, provoked laughter by Chu Feng these words. 尤其是袁术汤臣等人,就连于婷,都被楚枫这番话逗笑了。 Because of previously, Chu Feng's withstood firmly was too suffering. 因为先前,楚枫的确承受了太多委屈。 But now... he can all, present to give back to this Lu Jie finally all. 但现在…他终于能够将一切,尽数奉还给这吕界 Your this bastard.” “你这混蛋。” Lu Jie looks at Chu Feng, in the eye the anger surges, killing intent is the release of not mincing matter. 吕界看着楚枫,眼中怒火翻腾,就连杀意都是毫不掩饰的释放而出。 What's wrong, didn't make one speak the truth?” “怎么了,不让人说实话吗?” You, although the talent is good, but only makes the flowers in greenhouse, but no.” “你虽天赋不错,但只做温室里的花朵,可是不行。” Lu Jie, your is not good, you must many be scolded, withstands some humiliations.” 吕界,你这样不行啊,你要多被人骂骂,多承受一些屈辱。” Otherwise, your which day had not been killed, instead died by the popularity, that may become the huge joke.” “否则,你哪天没被人打死,反而被人气死了,那可就成了天大的笑话了。” Chu Feng grinning saying. 楚枫笑嘻嘻的说道。 Lu Jie, releases killing intent obviously. 明明吕界,已是释放出了杀意 But Chu Feng, does not have the meaning of restraining, instead starts intensely. 楚枫,却是没有收敛之意,反而开始变本加厉。 Shuts up to me.” “给我闭嘴。” Lu Jie loudly shouts suddenly, later a fist rumbles, boundless formation power, then changes to together the great fist, excessively is horizontally void, goes to the Chu Feng oppression. 猛然间吕界大喝一声,随后一拳轰出,磅礴的结界之力,便化作一道巨拳,横过虚空,向楚枫压迫而去。 Although is the Lu Jie optional attack, but power and influence similar no small matter. 那虽是吕界随意的攻击,但威势同样非同小可。 Sees this situation, Chu Feng is the hurrying figure flashes, avoids Lu Jie this fist. 见此情形,楚枫则是赶忙身形一闪,将吕界这一拳躲开。 But is after this simple attack, Lu Jie first stares, then later is the great happiness. 而就是这简单的攻击过后,吕界先是一愣,随后则是大喜。 Previously he is unable to launch the offensive to Chu Feng , because this ancient times spirit territory did not permit. 先前他无法对楚枫发动攻势,乃是因为这远古灵域不允许。 Previously, was the strength of ancient times spirit territory, his Lu Jie offensive reducing and solving. 先前,是远古灵域的力量,将他吕界的攻势给化解开来。 However this time, his offensive, seems to be effective. 但是这一次,他的攻势,似乎有效。 Ancient times the spirit territory, had not intended to stop again. 远古灵域,并未再出手阻拦。 This indicated that when they two people of rewards, outside the people minute/share after by ancient times spirit territory were walked, Lu Jie has been able to launch the attack to Chu Feng. 这说明,当他们二人身上的奖励,被远古灵域外的众人分走之后,吕界已是可以对楚枫发动进攻。 Their showdowns, seem to have been able to start. 他们二人的对决,似乎已经可以开始了。 Chu Feng, I previously asked you to leave, you do not walk.” 楚枫,我先前让你走,你不走。” Now, you want to walk, is not good.” “现在,你就是想走,也不行。” Today, my Lu Jie, wants you dead in this place!!!” “今日,我吕界,要你死在此地!!!” Suddenly, Lu Jie starts to exude the fierce laughter. 忽然间,吕界开始发出狰狞的笑声。 Not only the laughter is fierce, his facial features are fierce, obviously in smiling, but the appearance on his face, is actually the unusual terrifying. 不仅笑声狰狞,他的面容更是狰狞,明明在笑,可他脸上的模样,却是非常的恐怖。 Chu Feng, walks quickly!!!” 楚枫,快走!!!” Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, Grandmaster Tang Chen Yuan Shu and others, then shouts. 眼见不妙,汤臣大师袁术等人,便大喊开来。 Was urges Chu Feng to leave that ancient times spirit territory. 是劝楚枫离开那远古灵域。 They realized that ancient times spirit territory, will not continue to prevent Chu Feng and Lu Jie two people again conducts the showdown. 他们都意识到,那远古灵域,不会再继续阻止楚枫吕界二人进行对决。 In the present situation, the Lu Jie offensive, will not be stopped by the strength of ancient times spirit territory. 现在的情况下,吕界的攻势,将不会被远古灵域的力量所阻挡。 But the technique of Chu Feng's World Spirit even again powerful, possibly isn't that Lu Jie opponent? 可是楚枫的界灵之术就算再强大,也不可能是那吕界的对手啊? Lu Jie is breathless at present, that fierce, but the crazy laughter, is best manifestation. 吕界眼下气急败坏,那狰狞的而疯狂的笑声,便是最好的体现。 At this time, if Chu Feng did not hurry to escape, must mostly but actually big mildew. 这个时候,楚枫若不赶紧逃,多半是要倒大霉的。 Lu Jie, will take to his all complaints the people, the complete retaliation gives Chu Feng. 吕界,会把众人带给他的所有怨念,全部报复给楚枫 Lu Jie, will really kill Chu Feng, he will certainly kill Chu Feng!!! 吕界,真的会杀了楚枫,他一定会杀了楚枫!!! But is accidental/surprised, regardless of Grandmaster Tang Chen with Yuan Shu and others, how to console, Chu Feng actually cannot hear the voice of people same probably. 可令人意外的是,无论汤臣大师袁术等人,如何劝解,楚枫却像是听不到众人的声音一样。 He not only stands in as in same place, and looks to the Lu Jie vision, but also fills contemptuously. 他不仅依旧站在原地,并且看向吕界的目光,还充满轻蔑。 This is Chu Feng doing, doesn't he run? 楚枫在干嘛,他怎么不跑? But when the people are extremely puzzled, Chu Feng actually opened the mouth suddenly. 而就在众人极度不解之际,楚枫却忽然开口了。 Lu Jie, I urged you to give up, did not struggle, no matter what what intention righteousness.” 吕界,我劝你放弃吧,挣扎没有任何意义。” „Since this ancient times spirit territory, only then before a person can arrive at that stele, then obviously, that person is not you.” “既然这远古灵域之内,只有一个人可以到那石碑之前,那么显然,那个人不会是你。” But is I... Chu Feng.” “而是我…楚枫。” Lu Jie such remarks, not to mention Grandmaster Tang Chen and others was shocked. 吕界此话一出,莫说汤臣大师等人愣住了。 Others on the scene, all had a scare. 在场的其他人,也全都被吓了一跳。 This will Chu Feng be so brave? 楚枫怎会如此胆大啊? Dares to say such words to Lu Jie? 竟敢对吕界说出这样的话? His talent different reported, the people know. 他天赋异禀,众人都知道。 This from him previous, can defeat Lu Jie, later can break open chess, incisiveness that shows. 这从他先前,能够击败吕界,随后能够破开棋阵,都展现的淋漓尽致。 But now, unlike previously was. 可是现在,与先前则是不同。 Now, is he and Lu Jie true showdown, what compared with is the current strength. 现在,是他与吕界真正的对决,比的是当下的实力。 But on Revealing Dragon Stone, technique of strength their World Spirit, people have seen. 而在显龙石上,他们的界灵之术实力,人们都已经看到过了。 Lu Jie, had comprehended Dragon Transformation Third Level, obtained endured to compare the Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable strength. 吕界,已经领悟了龙变三重,获得了堪比六品至尊的力量。 But Chu Feng, is actually Dragon Transformation First Level, that endures to compare the Second Rank Supreme Venerable strength. 可是楚枫,却是龙变一重,那只是堪比二品至尊的力量。 Two people the real strength, differs immediately extremely greatly, missed enough four realm strengths, how can this contrast? 二人当下真实力量,相差极为巨大,差了足足四层境界的力量,这要如何对比啊? could it be that, Chu Feng he is not only World Spirit Grandmaster, is martial cultivation expert.” 难道说,楚枫他不仅是一个界灵大师,还是一位修武高手。” His cultivation realm, in Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable Realm, therefore... he doesn't fear Lu Jie?” “他的修为,在六品至尊境,所以…他才并不惧怕吕界?” Suddenly, some people sent out such guess. 忽然,有人发出了这样的猜测。 Has the possibility very much, this child talent extremely heaven defying, the technique of his World Spirit, has manifested perfectly.” “很有可能,此子天赋太过逆天,他的界灵之术,已是完美体现。” Such talent, the techniques of most World Spirit are tyrannical, the cultivation realm talent is not weak.” “这样的天才,大多数界灵之术强横,修为天赋也都不弱。” This Chu Feng, has has probably such cultivation realm.” “这楚枫,不是没有可能拥有这样的修为。” However, what is accidental/surprised, such guess, actually soon obtained everyone's approval. 然而,令人意外的是,这样的猜测,竟然很快得到了大家的认可。 Looks that does not fear Lu Jie Chu Feng, even also spoke to provoke Lu Jie Chu Feng. 看着那丝毫不惧吕界楚枫,甚至还出言挑衅吕界楚枫 People are thinking, Chu Feng has what card in a hand, will make him so bold. 人们都在想,楚枫到底有何底牌,才会让他如此大胆。 But thinks it over, in has determined in the situation of technique of strength World Spirit. 但思来想去,在已经确定了界灵之术实力的情况下。 As if only has Chu Feng's to cultivate/repair Realm tyrannical, most credible. 似乎唯有楚枫的武境界的强横,最为靠谱。 „Do you, why place on a par with me?!!!” “你,凭什么与我相提并论?!!!” You are one person of dying!!!” “你不过是一个将死之人!!!” Suddenly, Lu Jie angrily roars again. 忽然,吕界再度怒吼一声。 His angry roaring, filling him was uncomfortable to Chu Feng's and hostility. 他这声怒吼,充满了他对楚枫的不爽与敌意。 The most important thing is, angrily roars along with the sound, he acted. 最重要的是,伴随着声怒吼,他出手了。 If, previously acted to Chu Feng's, but is the optional offensive. 如果说,先前对楚枫的出手,不过是随意的攻势。 Then at this time is different, this offensive, he displayed the full power time. 那么此时则是不同,这一次的攻势,他可谓施展出了全力。 That boundless formation power, changed to a dazzling light beam. 那磅礴的结界之力,化作了一道耀眼的光柱。 The light beam sends out to roar, void by trembling of trembling. 光柱发出咆哮,虚空都被震颤的瑟瑟发抖。 But most made one feel what suffocated, aura that formation power gives out had/left. 而最令人感到窒息的是,那结界之力散发出的气息。 that is, endures to compare the Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable strength!!! 那乃是,堪比六品至尊的力量!!! And this strength, is quite tyrannical. 并且这力量,极为强横。 This offensive is seemingly simple, but few person can achieve!!! 这攻势看似简单,但少有人能够做到!!! This is true, strikes full power!!! 这乃是真正的,全力一击!!! This Lu Jie, without slight being forgiving, his strikes, rushes is wanting the Chu Feng's life to go. 吕界,没有丝毫的留情,他这一击,就是奔着要楚枫的性命去的。 Snort.” “哼。” However, looks offensive that comes, Chu Feng is actually coldly snorted one. 然而,看着那迎面而来的攻势,楚枫却是冷哼一声。 Afterward the Chu Feng left hand pinches the law to decide, but the right hand is advancing to Lu Jie. 随后楚枫左手捏动法决,而右手对着吕界向前一推。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Suddenly, Chu Feng's within the body, is then ordinary like the volcanic eruption, boundless formation power is also such as the flood ferocious beast common release. 猛然间,楚枫的体内,便如同火山爆发一般,磅礴的结界之力也是如洪水猛兽一般释放而出。 The power and influence, is the volume, is not weak in the offensive that Lu Jie comes. 无论是威势,还是体积,都丝毫不弱于吕界迎面而来的攻势。 Suddenly, two strengths collide mutually together. 眨眼间,两股力量相互碰撞在一起。 The ripples wreak havoc, the world shakes. 涟漪肆虐,天地震荡。 But two strengths, actually do not reduce. 可两股力量,却丝毫不减。 The two, unexpectedly are the victory and defeat difficult differences!!! 二者,竟是胜负难分!!!
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