MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4220: Strongest bloodlines

King's bloodlines?” “王之血脉?” Hears these four characters, the Yuan Shu expression is also becomes splendid. 听闻这四个字,袁术的表情也是变得精彩。 bloodline power, is cultivator the special bloodlines. 血脉之力,乃修武者之特殊血脉。 The different bloodlines, give the different strengths. 不同的血脉,赋予不同的力量。 But same bloodlines, there is the division of strong and weak. 而相同的血脉,也有强弱之分。 However, powerful World Spiritist, actually also has bloodline power, similarly also has the division of strong and weak. 不过,强大的界灵师,其实也有血脉之力,同样也有强弱之分。 Yuan Shu knows, king's bloodlines that Grandmaster Tang Chen said that decides however refers to the bloodlines in technique of World Spirit. 袁术知道,汤臣大师所说的王之血脉,定然是指界灵之术方面的血脉。 bloodline power, there is the division of strong and weak, whose who is weak, must look at the display of owner.” 血脉之力,也有强弱之分,孰强孰弱,也要看拥有者的发挥。” This does not have the absolute conclusion.” “本是没有绝对的定论。” But, king's bloodlines, are in the technique of World Spirit, recognized strongest bloodlines.” “但,王之血脉,便是界灵之术之中,公认的最强血脉。” Grandmaster Tang Chen emphasized again. 汤臣大师再度强调道。 Hears this words, Yuan Shu cannot bear looks again to Chu Feng. 听闻此话,袁术也是忍不住再度看向楚枫 At this time, although Chu Feng has fallen into the stupor, but on the face almost does not have the color of pain. 此时,楚枫虽然已然陷入昏迷,但脸上已经几乎没有痛苦之色。 But in within the body, was previously suffering ghost of rune/symbol insect Chu Feng's crazily, almost vanishes. 而先前在其体内,疯狂折磨着楚枫的界之鬼符虫,也几乎消失殆尽。 In other words, is that ghost rune/symbol insect, by bloodline power of Chu Feng within the body, had been built up completely, 换句话说,是那界之鬼符虫,已被楚枫体内的血脉之力,炼化殆尽, Teacher, could it be that Little Brother Chu Feng is he, king's bloodlines?” “师尊,难道说楚枫兄弟他,是王之血脉?” The Yuan Shu congealing sound asked. 袁术凝声问道。 Asked these words time, his tone somewhat shivers. 问这句话的时候,他的语气都有些颤抖。 If, Chu Feng is really king's bloodlines, that explained the Chu Feng's future, is going the distant place their expectation. 倘若,楚枫真的是王之血脉,那说明楚枫的前程,将要远处他们的预料。 After all, that is in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, unique bloodline power. 毕竟,那可是七界圣府之内,也绝无仅有的血脉之力 How did this say?” “这怎么好说?” However, regarding the Yuan Shu words, Grandmaster Tang Chen actually shakes the head. 然而,对于袁术的话,汤臣大师却是摇了摇头。 „, Not?” Yuan Shu asked again. “难道,不是吗?”袁术再度问道。 King's bloodlines, did not say that who can give, must undergo the Seven Worlds Saint Palace special test, can determine.” “王之血脉,不是说谁都能够赋予的,必须经过七界圣府特殊的测试,才能判定。” Moreover, although king's bloodlines, can refine ghost rune/symbol insect.” “况且,虽说王之血脉,能够炼化界之鬼符虫。” But actually cannot say, so long as can refine ghost rune/symbol insect bloodline power, certainly is king's bloodlines.” “但却也不能说,只要能够炼化掉界之鬼符虫的血脉之力,就一定是王之血脉。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 This but actually is also.” “这倒也是。” Yuan Shu nods. 袁术点了点头。 After all that little girl in Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 毕竟七界圣府内的那个小女孩。 Initially was a not martial cultivation child. 当初还是一个未曾修武的小孩子。 Compares in that little girl, the Chu Feng's condition, then wants outstanding many. 相比于那个小女孩,楚枫的自身条件,则是要优秀的多。 Therefore from the exclamation degree, the matter of little girl, made one feel difficult believing without doubt. 所以从惊叹程度来讲,无疑小女孩的事情,更为令人感到难以置信。 „What is without a doubt, Chu Feng's bloodline power, indeed had arrived powerful, situation that difficult hopes to attain.” “但毋庸置疑的是,楚枫的血脉之力,的确已经强大到了,一种难以企及的地步。” When Grandmaster Tang Chen spoke this words, in the eye emerged to envy and envy. 汤臣大师说此话时,眼中又涌现出了羡慕与嫉妒。 He envies, naturally was Ox-nosed Old Daoist. 他所羡慕的,自然便是牛鼻子老道了。 How could he does not want to find one, outstanding disciple like Chu Feng. 他又何曾不想找到一个,像楚枫这样优秀的弟子 Pitifully, he knows, his whole life could not find, disciple like Chu Feng. 只是可惜,他知道,他这辈子也找不到,像楚枫这样的弟子了。 So far, World Spirit talent that Chu Feng shows, is he has seen in later generation, strongest. 目前为止,楚枫所展现出的界灵天赋,乃是他所见到过的后辈之中,最强的。 ~ ~ “唔~~” In the meantime, Chu Feng wakes. 就在此时,楚枫则是醒了过来。 Chu Feng, what do you feel?” 楚枫,你感觉怎么样?” Sees Chu Feng to regain consciousness, Grandmaster Tang Chen and Yuan Shu, hurrying asked. 楚枫苏醒,汤臣大师袁术,赶忙上前询问。 I previous, probably by what thing, was drilled into within the body.” “我先前,好像被什么东西,钻入了体内。” That thing, entered the soul, wants to take my life.” “那东西,进入了灵魂,想取我性命。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 All happen is too quick. 一切发生的太快。 Ghost rune/symbol insect, after entering Chu Feng within the body, the brain nearly blank of Chu Feng whole person, his struggling, his wailing, is the reflection of instinct. 界之鬼符虫,进入楚枫体内后,楚枫整个人的大脑都近乎空白,他的挣扎,他的哀嚎,都是本能的反映而已。 Therefore regarding the concrete process, he is not quite clear. 所以对于具体的经过,他都不太清楚。 As for the conversation of Grandmaster Tang Chen and Yuan Shu, Chu Feng is not clearer. 至于汤臣大师袁术的交谈,楚枫就更是不清楚了。 Is ghost rune/symbol insect, Revered Master Beast Tamer that scoundrel, hid in his own two ancient times spirit territory remnant chart.” “是界之鬼符虫,驭兽尊师那个混账,藏在了他自己的两张远古灵域残图之内。” Ghost rune/symbol insect, is the poison of extreme danger, is quite secret.” “界之鬼符虫,是极度危险之毒物,也极为隐秘。” Before it starts, even I am unable to detect.” “在它发动之前,连我都无法察觉。” „When however I discover, is actually too late.” “而当我发现之时,却为时已晚。” Grandmaster Tang Chen is Chu Feng tells. 汤臣大师楚枫讲述道。 many thanks senior lends a hand to assist.” 多谢前辈出手相助。” junior, put to trouble to you.” 晚辈,给您添麻烦了。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then serves with a ritual to Grandmaster Tang Chen. 楚枫说话间,便对汤臣大师施以一礼。 He thinks, was Grandmaster Tang Chen saved him. 他以为,是汤臣大师救了他。 But Grandmaster Tang Chen shakes the head again and again: „It is not you who I help, ghost rune/symbol insect, is the extremely fierce poisonous insect, its origin is special, within the body implication powerful formation technique.” 汤臣大师则是连连摇头:“不是我帮的你,界之鬼符虫,是极为厉害的毒虫,它来历特殊,体内蕴含强大阵法。” If entered within the body by it, only if cultivation realm in Martial Venerable Realm above, or has the antidote.” “若被它进入体内,除非修为武尊境以上,或者有解药。” Otherwise, Great Principle Divine Immortal, is helpless.” “否则,大罗神仙,也是无能为力。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 Isn't I who senior saves?” “不是前辈救的我?” Hears this words, Chu Feng looked to Yuan Shu. 听闻此话,楚枫不由的看向了袁术 Little Brother Chu Feng, my teacher is helpless, I am not better.” 楚枫兄弟,我师尊都无能为力,我就更不行了。” Yuan Shu said with a smile. 袁术笑着说道。 „Is that???” “那是???” Facing this to the teacher words, Chu Feng is a zhang (3.33 m) two monk, somewhat could not find out the mind. 面对这对师尊俩的话,楚枫则是丈二的和尚,有些摸不清头脑了。 What's all this about? 这是咋回事? Did not say that ghost rune/symbol insect, is quite overbearing, is cureless. 不是说那界之鬼符虫,极为霸道,无法医治。 That why did at this time, have to recover completely? 那为何自己此时,却有痊愈了? And Chu Feng felt, own state of mind, as if compared with previously must be full many. 并且楚枫感觉,自己的精神状态,似乎比先前还要充盈许多。 Especially own Spirit power, obtained probably strengthened. 尤其是自己的精神力,就好像得到了一些加强。 Although strengthened little, but Chu Feng can feel, indeed strengthened. 虽然只是加强了一点点,但楚枫能够感觉到,的确是加强了。 Is yourself, if the old man has not guessed wrong, is your has awakened, bloodline power of technique of World Spirit, refine to melt that ghost rune/symbol insect.” “是你自己,老夫若没猜错,是你那已经觉醒的,界灵之术的血脉之力,炼化了那界之鬼符虫。” Because, ghost rune/symbol insect, what contains is the Spirit Formation method.” “因为,界之鬼符虫,所蕴含的乃是结界阵法。” „The other strengths of your within the body, do not have the means with it.” “你体内的其他力量,拿它都是没有办法。” If really can cope with it.” “若真的能够对付它。” That also only has the bloodlines of Spirit Formation technique.” “那也就唯有结界之术的血脉。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 Is I refining up?” “是我自己炼化?” No wonder, no wonder I will feel Spirit power, some probably enhancements.” “难怪,难怪我会感觉精神力,好像有些增强了。” Chu Feng said after a sigh. 楚枫不由的感叹道。 Spirit power enhancement?” 精神力增强了吗?” But heard a Chu Feng such saying, Grandmaster Tang Chen and Yuan Shu is also surprised. 而听闻楚枫这样一说,汤臣大师袁术也是倍感意外。 Freely, they had been clear, Chu Feng refining up melted the terrifying ghost rune/symbol insect. 尽管,他们都已清楚,楚枫炼化了恐怖的界之鬼符虫。 But they actually do not know, after building up the ghost symbol insect, will really also be good. 但他们却不知道,炼化掉了界之鬼符虫之后,竟然也会有好处。 It seems like had a false alarm.” “看来是虚惊一场了。” Chu Feng smiles, looked later to the four remnant charts in hand. 楚枫笑了笑,随后看向了手中的四张残图。 Now, should not have the issue?” “现在,应该不会有问题了吧?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Ghost rune/symbol insect, should not have.” “界之鬼符虫,应该不会有了。” just in case, looks at one to me.” “不过以防万一,还是给我看一眼。” During the Grandmaster Tang Chen speeches, then met four remnant charts, after sizing up one carefully, gave Chu Feng. 汤臣大师说话间,便将四张残图接了过去,仔细打量了一番后,才交给了楚枫 This chapter unobstructive.” “这回无碍了。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师道。 But Chu Feng, actually only received three remnant charts, gave Grandmaster Tang Chen another. 楚枫,却只接过了三张残图,将另外一张递给了汤臣大师 senior, this is your.” 前辈,这张是您的。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Sees Chu Feng this act, Grandmaster Tang Chen smiles, he understands Chu Feng's meaning, but he actually gives his remnant chart Chu Feng, drove back Chu Feng. 看到楚枫此举,汤臣大师笑了笑,他明白楚枫的意思,但是他却将楚枫递给他的残图,推回了楚枫 Little Friend Chu Feng, your good intention old man understands.” 楚枫小友,你的好意老夫明白。” Today, you are help the old man win the face of discarding.” “今日,你已是帮老夫赢回了丢掉的脸面。” But you win, is your, must say not, otherwise... the old man will regard you to my bestowment.” “但你赢的,就是你的,莫要多说,否则…老夫可是会当成你对我的施舍。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 Saw Grandmaster Tang Chen to say like this, Chu Feng was not good reluctantly, but received four remnant charts. 汤臣大师这样说,楚枫也是不好勉强,而是将四张残图都收了起来。 But Chu Feng, actually cannot bear ask: senior, actually this ancient times spirit territory was where, why this trivial remnant chart, so will be important?” 楚枫,却忍不住问道:“前辈,这远古灵域究竟是什么地方,为何这区区残图,都会如此重要?” Chu Feng, in Saint Light Galaxy, ruins are innumerable.” 楚枫,圣光天河内,遗迹无数。” However this ancient times spirit territory, is honored as, in Saint Light Galaxy, greatest World Spiritist ruins.” “而这远古灵域,则是被誉为,圣光天河内,最伟大的界灵师遗迹。” Has the hearsay early, if some people can, ancient times the inheritance of spirit territory, then become in Saint Light Galaxy, strongest World Spiritist.” “早有传闻,若有人能够得到,远古灵域的传承,便将成为圣光天河内,最强的界灵师。” Therefore, regarding this ancient times spirit territory, all World Spiritist eyed covetously.” “所以,对于这远古灵域,各方界灵师都是虎视眈眈。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。
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