MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4148: Two people collaborate

Rice bucket, you are saying anyone, are you saying us?” “饭桶,你在说谁,难道你是在说我们?” That four World Spiritist, will look at simultaneously on Chu Feng's, in the eye covered entirely the anger, was full of the meaning of threat. 那四位界灵师,同时将目光锁定在楚枫的身上,眼中都布满了怒意,同时也充满了威胁之意。 The vision of that threat, is warning Chu Feng probably. 那种威胁的目光,就好像在警告楚枫 Probably was saying: The boys, you spoke, best or crossed the brain, otherwise wanted you to be attractive. 就好像在说:小子,你说话的时候,最好还是过过脑子,否则要你好看。 However what they have not thought that regarding they so obvious threat, Chu Feng actually thinks otherwise, really calm continued the opens the mouth. 不过他们没想到的是,对于他们如此明显的威胁,楚枫却是不以为然,甚是从容的继续开口了。 This also with asking, does here besides your four, where have the portrait is a rice bucket?” “这还用问吗,这里除了你们四个,哪里还有人像是饭桶?” Chu Feng said this saying time, the vision has been staring at that four World Spiritist. 楚枫说这话的时候,目光一直凝视着那四位界灵师 Moreover, in the vision also covered entirely contemptuously. 不仅如此,目光之中还布满了轻蔑。 That vision, being very afraid opposite party does not know, oneself was saying they are common. 那种目光,深怕对方不知道,自己在说他们一般。 Does the small waste that „your Ancestral Martial Star Region comes, dare to insult us? You may really court death.” “你这祖武星域来的小废物,胆敢侮辱我们?你可真是找死。” At this time, four World Spiritist, all are the facial features big changes of air/Qi. 此时,四个界灵师,皆是气的面容大变。 If four influence leaders insulted them, they can accept, after all they indeed were defeated four times, had the shame in four Captain major influence. 若是四个势力首领辱骂他们,他们都能接受,毕竟他们的确失败了四次,有愧于四大势力首领。 But from Ancestral Martial Star Region, the little rascal who they look down upon, dares to insult them unexpectedly, this makes their difficult endure. 可是一个来自祖武星域,他们非常看不起的小鬼,竟也敢辱骂他们,这让他们难以忍受。 Therefore, they spoke at the same time, wanted to begin to Chu Feng. 于是,他们说话的同时,就想要对楚枫动手。 But suddenly, they were shocked, is not only their four World Spiritist, the leaders of another four influences, as well as all clansmen, was shocked. 可是忽然间,他们愣住了,不仅仅是他们四个界灵师,就连另外四个势力的首领,以及各方族人,也都是愣住了。 They felt powerful killing intent. 他们感受到了一股强大的杀意 That killing intent is ice-cold, that killing intent oppression is extremely strong. 杀意冰冷刺骨,那杀意压迫极强。 So long as if the opposite party wants, the next quarter can let their flying ash annihilation, was killed in this. 就仿佛只要对方愿意,下一刻就能让他们飞灰湮灭,丧命于此。 Therefore, they all do not dare to act rashly. 于是,他们皆是不敢妄动。 When they determined, after that killing intent releaser, is the feeling is extremely more accidental. 而当他们确定,那杀意的释放者后,更是感觉极其意外。 Because releases that killing intent person, is Long Daozhi. 因为释放那杀意的人,乃是龙道之 Before then, they have not thought in any event. 在此之前,他们无论如何都没有想到。 The person of Ancestral Martial Star Region this, all of them, look down upon, can actually release, so killing intent. 这位,他们所有人,都看不起的祖武星域之人,竟然能够释放出,如此杀意 Your previous idle talk, I can not haggle over.” “你们先前的废话,我都可以不计较。” But you, if dares to disrespect to Little Friend Chu Feng again, I want your dog's life.” “但你们若再敢对楚枫小友不敬,我要你们狗命。” The Long Daozhi straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, cold voice said. 龙道之剑眉倒竖,冷声说道。 Sees such Long Daozhi, they want to smile, even wants to teach Long Daozhi ruthlessly. 看到这样的龙道之,他们非常想笑,甚至想狠狠教训龙道之一番。 After all Long Daozhi in their eyes, is the clumsy mischief-doer. 毕竟龙道之在他们眼里,也是跳梁小丑。 Did the clumsy mischief-doer, how could speak with them like this? 跳梁小丑,岂能这样与他们说话? May after feeling that killing intent, they actually hesitated...... 可在感受到那杀意之后,他们却迟疑了…… City Lord Long, does not need to haggle over with this group of clumsy mischief-doers, they again rubbish, kills to manage them to be able directly.” Chu Feng said with a smile. 龙城主,不用与这群跳梁小丑计较,他们再废话,直接杀理他们便可。”楚枫笑着说道。 Your this fellow......” “你这家伙……” Hears this words, these people stare dumbfounded. 听闻此话,那些人更是瞠目结舌。 This saying said that was also too extremely arrogant? 这话说的,也太狂妄了吧? Killed them directly? 直接将他们杀了? Regarded anything them 把他们当成什么了 Regarded the waste them? 把他们当成废物了吗? This makes them quite uncomfortable, but, actually does not dare to say anything. 这让他们极为不爽,可偏偏,却又不敢说什么了。 Although, they cannot feel Long Daozhi cultivation realm, but is only that killing intent, is to make them dread, making them not dare to act rashly. 虽然,他们感受不到龙道之修为,可只是那杀意,就已是让他们为之忌惮,让他们不敢轻举妄动。 Saw everyone to close the mouth, Chu Feng also no longer said anything. 见所有人都闭上了嘴巴,楚枫也不再多说什么。 But the vision, went to Grandmaster Liangqiu. 而是将目光,投向了梁丘大师 Grandmaster Liangqiu, your I collaborate.” 梁丘大师,你我联手吧。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Good.” “好。” Regarding this request, Grandmaster Liangqiu not only should immediately, and during speeches, is arrives at side Chu Feng. 对于这个要求,梁丘大师不仅立刻应下,且说话间,也是走到楚枫身旁。 You must collaborate with him unexpectedly.” “你居然要与他联手。” Your this at all is not to break the formation, but must ruin jointly, this last time opportunity.” “你们这根本不是破阵,而是要联手毁掉,这最后一次机会。” That four World Spiritist, saying of face satire. 那四位界灵师,一脸讽刺的说道。 You dare to break this, I butchered you.” “你们敢破此阵,我就宰了你们。” Meanwhile, enough four Fifth Rank Supreme Venerable pressure, release, covered Chu Feng and Grandmaster Liangqiu. 与此同时,足足四道五品至尊的威压,都释放而出,笼罩住了楚枫梁丘大师 Is that four leaders. 是那四位首领。 You dare to move him one to try, looked that I do not want your dog's life.” “你们敢动他一下试试,看我不要了你们狗命。” But, Long Daozhi sound also crack. 可紧接着,龙道之的声音也随之炸响。 The most important thing is, following, Long Daozhi killing intent. 最重要的是,随之而来的,还有龙道之杀意 Long Daozhi killing intent, compared with it previous, is more terrifying. 龙道之杀意,比之先前,更为恐怖。 Long Daozhi, has not released the pressure as before, with killing intent, threatens the opposite party as before. 龙道之,依旧没有释放威压,依旧只是用杀意,恐吓对方。 But, this killing intent, daunted that four leaders again. 可偏偏,这杀意,再度吓住了那四位首领。 Long Daozhi, what meaning you are, do you want to protect them?” 龙道之,你这是什么意思,你是要力保他们?” That four leaders asked. 那四位首领问道。 Lets their to break the formation, has problems, I undertake.” “让他们破阵,出了问题,我来承担。” Long Daozhi said. 龙道之说道。 Good, Long Daozhi, they , if unable to break the formation, this matter I and you have not ended.” “好,龙道之,他们若是无法破阵,这件事我与你没完。” That four leaders, wicked saying. 那四位首领,恶狠狠的说道。 Good.” “好。” Long Daozhi is also the congealing sound should under. 龙道之也是凝声应下。 Otherwise this, my not to break the formation, making them break.” “要不然这样吧,我不破阵,让他们破。” If their four if can break open, I can broken.” “若是他们四个要是能够破开,我可以不破。” Chu Feng said this saying time, looked to that four World Spiritist. 楚枫说这话的时候,看向了那四位界灵师 Snort, this at least also takes five people to break, how four people broken?” “哼,此阵至少也要五个人来破,四个人怎么破?” That four World Spiritist said. 那四位界灵师纷纷说道。 Does not dare, not to dare to stand in the one side shuts up.” “不敢是吧,不敢就站在一旁闭嘴。” Favored carefully, looked how we only use two people, breaks open this.” “仔细看好了,看我们是如何只用两个人,就破开此阵的。” Chu Feng spoke this words, looks to that four leaders. 楚枫说完此话,又看向那四位首领。 You just said, is unable to break the formation, to want Senior Long to be attractive.” “你们刚刚说,无法破阵,就要龙前辈好看。” If, we broke open formation technique, how you do work as?” “那倘若,我们破开了阵法,你们又当如何?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 I......” “我……” Chu Feng this words asked that four leaders actually could not speak. 楚枫此话问出,那四位首领竟然都说不出话来了。 They original, looks down upon Chu Feng very much. 他们本来,也很看不起楚枫 But sees Chu Feng, after that self-confident appearance, they somewhat feared unexpectedly. 可是看到楚枫,那自信满满的模样后,他们竟然有些怕了。 If by some chance this boy, what to do really can break open this? 万一这个小子,真的能够破开此阵怎么办? Cannot absolutely with him to the gambling, even if to the gambling, cannot bet in a big way, otherwise, if he really broke open that formation technique, they do have bad luck? 绝对不能与他对赌,就算对赌,也不能赌大的,否则,若是他真的破开了那阵法,他们岂不是倒了大霉? Speech, you looked for four rice buckets, wasted the to break the formation opportunity.” “说话啊,你们找来了四个饭桶,浪费了破阵机会。” Now also wants the responsibility for an offense of to break the formation failure, to buckle above us.” “如今还想将破阵失败的罪责,扣在我们头上。” This matter, shouldn't you give a view?” “这件事,你们不是应该给个说法吗?” Sees the opposite parties not to reply, Chu Feng continues to compel to ask. 见对方都不回答,楚枫继续逼问道。 Is this Liangqiu is too obviously weak, therefore wasted four opportunities.” “明明是这个梁丘太弱,所以才浪费了四次机会。” How can blame to us on?” “怎能怪到我们头上?” That four World Spiritist said. 那四位界灵师说道。 „The opportunity of Grandmaster Liangqiu waste, do you have the evidence?” 梁丘大师浪费的机会,你们有证据吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Our four are the evidence.” “我们四个就是证据。” That four World Spiritist said. 那四位界灵师说道。 Chu Feng smiled suddenly, after smiling, looked to four leaders, this said: You said that words that their four spoke, can be counted the evidence?” 楚枫忽然笑了,笑完之后,看向了四位首领,这才说道:“你们说,他们四个说的话,能算作证据吗?” They said that is the evidence, made false accusations, in your hearts should be clear?” “他们所说的,到底是证据,还是血口喷人,你们心中应该清楚吧?” After hearing these words, four leaders, are that four World Spiritist, wants to open the mouth to refute. 听闻这番话后,无论是四个首领,还是那四位界灵师,都想要开口反驳。 May not need they to start talking, Chu Feng then opens the mouth again. 可还不待他们开口说话,楚枫便再度开口。 First, you felt unable to break the formation, to be the Grandmaster Liangqiu reason.” “首先,你们觉得,无法破阵,是梁丘大师的原因。” Next, you also said, this formation technique at least takes five people able to break open, two people are unable to decode absolutely.” “其次,你们又说,这阵法至少要五个人才能破开,两个人是绝对无法破解的。” But now, I am to collaborate with Grandmaster Liangqiu.” “但现在,我就是要与梁丘大师联手。” If we are unable to break the formation, my Chu Feng, to be willing in the head/number of people to offer.” “倘若我们无法破阵,我楚枫,愿意将项上人头奉上。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Chu Feng, does not may.” 楚枫,万万不可。” This responsibility, how can make you undertake.” “这个责任,怎能让你来承担。” Hears this words, Long Daozhi and Grandmaster Liangqiu, somewhat were anxious, rushes to open the mouth to advise. 听闻此话,龙道之梁丘大师,都有些急了,赶忙开口劝阻。 After all that formation technique, has been defeated four times, they know that formation technique is difficult broken. 毕竟那阵法,已经失败四次,他们都知道,那阵法非常难破。 They do not hope, Chu Feng takes so the risk. 他们可不希望,楚枫冒如此风险。 But who once thinks, Chu Feng actually blocked Long Daozhi and Grandmaster Liangqiu, hints them not to need to advise, later looked said to that four World Spiritist: 可谁曾想,楚枫却拦住了龙道之梁丘大师,示意他们不必劝阻,随后看向那四位界灵师说道: But, we, if success to break the formation, explained that you are making slanderous accusations against others.” “但,我们若是成功破阵,就说明你们在含血喷人。” Incompetent is not Grandmaster Liangqiu, but is you.” “无能的不是梁丘大师,而是你们。” I do not want you to bring death to acknowledge guilt, but you must kneel on the ground, kowtows to admit mistakes to Grandmaster Liangqiu.” “我也不要你们送死认罪,但你们必须跪在地上,向梁丘大师磕头认错。” Then, rips your tongues again.” “然后,再割掉你们的舌头。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 What? Rips the tongue?” “什么?割掉舌头?” Hears this words, four World Spiritist also stare. 听闻此话,四个界灵师也都是一愣。 Kowtows to admit mistakes, they can endure, this sheared the tongue to be possible on some difficult to withstand. 磕头认错,他们都能忍,这割舌可就有些难以承受了。 That is, great shame. 那可是,奇耻大辱啊。
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