MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4143: Terrifying thunder

It seems like, was I guesses wrong.” “看来,是我猜错了。” Long Family old person said. 龙氏老者说道。 Grandpa Bu, how did your words say?” 步爷爷,您此话怎么讲?” The Long Family young girl asked. 龙氏少女问道。 That tracing symbol, the general influence does not have.” “那个追踪符,不是一般势力拥有的。” Dragon clan old person said. 龙族老者说道。 „Can that be, came from ruins?” “那会不会是,从遗迹中得来的呢?” The Long Family young girl asked. 龙氏少女问道。 Not like.” “不像。” Long Family old person said. 龙氏老者说道。 Oh?” “喔?” The Long Family young girl, the vision rotates slightly. 龙氏少女,目光微微转动。 Afterward the corners of the mouth, reveal wipe the light smile: interesting.” 随后嘴角,露出一抹淡淡笑容:“有点意思。” Then, this wasn't Zuoqiu Celestial Clan, annoys to be troublesome?” “这么说来,这左丘天族,不是惹到麻烦了?” The Long Family young girl asked. 龙氏少女问道。 Indeed was annoys to trouble, but that Chu Feng only walked, it seems like has not pressed Zuoqiu Celestial Clan meaning.” “的确是惹到麻烦了,但那楚枫就这样走了,看来是没有难为左丘天族意思。” Long Family old person said. 龙氏老者说道。 If so, that was then senseless.” “若是这样,那便无趣了。” Oh, the good play ended, Grandpa Bu we walk.” “唉,好戏结束,步爷爷咱们走吧。” The Long Family young girl slightly hopes obviously, later then turned around to leave, sees that Long Family old person also with the past. 龙氏少女略显希望,随后便转身离开,见状龙氏老者也是跟了过去。 Naturally, regarding their departures, the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan person has nothing to detect. 当然,对于他们二人的离开,左丘天族的人没有任何察觉。 In fact, from beginning to end, no one detects have been, has Long Family expert, observed all these in secret. 事实上,从始至终,都没有人察觉到过,有龙氏高手,暗中观察了这一切。 At this time, in the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan eye, only has Zuoqiu Tiancheng and Zuoqiu Daoyi safety. 此时,左丘天族眼中,只有左丘天晟以及左丘道一的安危。 But, before strength dissipation of Heavenly Thunder ancient formation, they do not have the means. 但,天雷古阵的力量消散之前,他们也是没有办法。 However, after a waiting, Heavenly Thunder ancient formation strength, dissipates finally. 不过,一番等待之后,天雷古阵的力量,也是终于消散。 Meanwhile, that stone column, is starts to crash the outside world. 与此同时,那一根根石柱,也是开始崩塌外界。 This Heavenly Thunder ancient formation, destruction. 天雷古阵,毁灭了。 But the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people, actually do not care about Heavenly Thunder ancient formation, but hurries Zuoqiu Tiancheng, as well as Zuoqiu Daoyi encircled. 左丘天族众人,却根本不在乎天雷古阵,而是赶忙将左丘天晟,以及左丘道一围了起来。 Tiancheng, you how?” 天晟,你怎么样?” Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head, arrives at side Zuoqiu Tiancheng, the intense inquiry said. 左丘天族族长,来到左丘天晟身旁,紧张的询问道。 Meanwhile, World Spiritist expert in clan , before arrives at the body, wish is Zuoqiu Tiancheng, compels that poisonous insect. 与此同时,族内的界灵师高手,也是纷纷来到身前,想要为左丘天晟,将那毒虫逼出来。 After an attempt, all World Spiritist expert in clan, actually helpless swung swinging. 只是,一番尝试之后,族内的所有界灵师高手,却都是无奈的摇了摇。 What meaning your is, are you also helpless?” “你们这是什么意思,难道你们也无能为力?” Sees this situation, the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head anger sound asks. 见此情形,左丘天族族长怒声问道。 Sir Clan Head, this is not the poison that seeks, this is a curse, is the extremely sinister method, we... are really helpless, if decodes rashly, may want the Young Master Tiancheng life.” 族长大人,这不是寻找的毒,这是一种诅咒,是极其阴险的手段,我们…真的是无能为力,若是贸然破解,可能会要了天晟少爷的命。” Zuoqiu Celestial Clan numerous position World Spiritist said. 左丘天族众位界灵师说道。 Good Chu Feng, daring is my son's safety threatens me.” “好一个楚枫,竟敢乃我儿的安危来威胁我。” My life, most hates, threatens.” “我此生,最痛恨的,就是威胁。” Comes the person, gives me to check, checks this Chu Feng's life experience, where checks this Chu Feng to come from.” “来人,给我去查,去查这个楚枫的身世,去查这个楚枫来自何地。” I must make him regret, regrets his actions.” “我要让他后悔,后悔他的所作所为。” I must let know that this Chu Feng's everyone, is buried along with the dead to him, do not want to live.” “我要让认识这个楚枫的所有人,都给他陪葬,一个都别想活。” Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head, angry exclaiming. 左丘天族族长,愤怒的吼道。 He was really mad, therefore his within the body releases at this time, is not only the anger, dreadful killing intent. 他是真的被气到了,所以此时他体内所释放出的,不仅仅是怒意,还有滔天的杀意 Turbulent killing intent, the direct impact horizon, covers the void several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km), the weather was affected. 汹涌的杀意,直冲天际,覆盖虚空数万里,就连天气都被影响。 This side world, the overcast sky, looks extremely terrifying. 这方天地,阴云密布,看上去极为恐怖。 At this time, the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people do not dare to say the words. 此时,左丘天族众人连话都不敢多说。 Even if like Zuoqiu Daoyi, because of the choice of his father, but the heart has the disaffection. 哪怕如左丘道一,因为他父亲的抉择,而心有不满。 Also was anything does not dare to say similarly. 也同样是什么都不敢说。 They know, after this Sir Clan Head loses one's temper, will be a how fearful person. 他们都知道,这位族长大人动怒之后,将会是一个多么可怕的人。 At this time, if dares to provoke him, even the clansman, still possibly traded the total destruction. 这个时候,若是敢招惹他,就算是族人,也可能换来灭顶之灾。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Rumble 轰隆隆 …… 呃啊 But suddenly, above the cloud layer the thunder is intermittent. 可忽然之间,云层之上雷霆阵阵。 Grating of that thunderclap, makes Zuoqiu Celestial Clan many clansman difficult withstand unexpectedly. 那雷声之刺耳,竟让左丘天族的许多族人难以承受。 Many people covered the ear, even with method, protects itself. 许多人都捂住了耳朵,甚至用手段,来保护自己。 Because, after is only several thunder, has Zuoqiu Celestial Clan many clansmen, was shaken blood flowing from every orifice, falls to the ground to perish. 因为,只是几声雷霆之后,就有左丘天族的许多族人,被震七孔流血,倒地而亡。 These, may scare the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people. 这一幕幕,可将左丘天族众人吓坏了。 Suddenly, everyone the vision, went to Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head. 一时间,所有人都将目光,投向了左丘天族族长 They also think, is the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head anger soars to the heavens, thus causes not to control own strength, harmed their clansmen. 他们还都以为,是左丘天族族长怒火冲天,从而导致没有控制自己的力量,伤害了他们的族人。 But at this time, Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head, is vacant of face, somewhat feels helpless. 可此时,就连左丘天族族长,也是一脸的茫然,有些不知所措。 He is very clear, this matter is not he does, even if he is angry again, is impossible with no reason at all, harms own clansman. 他很清楚,这件事不是他做的,他就算再生气,也不可能无缘无故,伤害自己的族人。 Let alone, this time thunderclap, even more is unexpectedly grating, that stance, was extremely really fearful. 更何况,此时的雷声,竟然越发刺耳,那个架势,实在太过可怕了一些。 Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head, was some fears. 就连左丘天族族长,也是有些害怕了。 The thunderclap resounds, then has such might. 只是雷声响起,便有如此威力。 If the thunder falls, what kind of disaster that will be? 若是雷霆落下,那将是怎样的灾难? Perhaps he, cannot block. 恐怕就连他,也挡不住。 But carefully watches, Zuoqiu Celestial Clan clansman, was afraid. 而仔细观看,左丘天族族人,则是更加害怕了。 They with astonishment discovered, in the cloud layer, has the innumerable say/way thunder, like roaming dragon generally in fast collapse Teng. 他们惊愕的发现,云层之中,有着无数道雷霆,如同游龙一般在快速崩腾。 That thunder, each gives out destruction aura. 那雷霆,每一道都散发着毁灭般的气息。 The most important thing is, the thunder of that everywhere, may fall momentarily. 最重要的是,那漫天的雷霆,可能随时都会落下。 If that thunder falls, they must die without doubt. 若是那雷霆落下,他们必死无疑。 Coming out that they can look. 他们能够看的出来。 That is not the phenomenon, that is the true terrifying power. 那可不是异象,那是真正的恐怖力量。 Can write off the terrifying power of their entire clan. 是能够抹杀他们全族的恐怖力量。 Sir Clan Head, what's all this about?” 族长大人,这是怎么回事?” When flurried, the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan clansmen, will look at their Sir Clan Head. 慌乱之际,左丘天族众位族人,都将目光投向了他们的族长大人。 At this moment, they had realized, that void above terrifying thunder, is not their Sir Clan Head causes absolutely. 事到如今,他们已经意识到,那虚空之上的恐怖雷霆,绝对不是他们的族长大人所引起。 Because they know, even if their Sir Clan Head, is unable to condense the so terrifying thunder. 因为他们知道,哪怕是他们的族长大人,也无法凝聚如此恐怖的雷霆。 But they do not know, their Sir Clan Head, does not know this outcome what's the matter. 可他们不知道的是,就连他们这位族长大人,也不知道这究竟是怎么回事。 How in good condition, above their top of the head, will present the so terrifying scene. 怎么好端端的,在他们头顶之上,会出现如此恐怖的景象。 could it be that, is the Heavenly Thunder ancient formation destruction, causes? 难道说,是天雷古阵毁灭,所引起的吗? But what they do not know, their Clan Head, is not clear, at present this terrifying, actually from where. 但他们不知道的是,就连他们这位族长,也不明白,眼前这恐怖的一幕,究竟从何而来。 Escapes, all clansmen, leave this place immediately.” “逃,所有族人,立刻离开此地。” Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head opened the mouth, this is the decision that he can make at present only, lets his clansman, hurries to flee from this dangerous region. 左丘天族族长还是开口了,这是他眼下唯一能做的决定,就是让他的族人,赶紧逃离这个危险的区域。 If not escape now, when that thunder falls, that may really probably die without doubt. 若是现在不逃,等到那雷霆落下,那可真就是必死无疑了。 But he such remarks, then many clansman to rise up in the air, wants to leave this place immediately. 而他此话一出,便立刻有许多族人拔空而起,想要离开此地。 Rumble 轰隆隆 But, these people just left, then have several a thunder to fly to fall from void under. 可是,那些人刚刚动身,便有数道雷霆从虚空之上飞落而下。 Just divided these people of escaping. 刚好劈中了那些逃脱之人。 But without exception, was divided the person, all died. 而无一例外,被劈中之人,皆是死亡。 And extreme thorough of death, including a fine hair remaining, had not changed to the flying ash thoroughly. 并且死的极为彻底,连一根汗毛都未剩下,已是彻底化作了飞灰。 Sees this one, the remaining Zuoqiu Celestial Clan clansmen, do not dare to move. 见此一幕,剩下的左丘天族族人,都不敢动了。 They had realized, this thunder comes to them, this thunder does not make them escape, if dares to escape, that must die. 他们已经意识到,这雷霆就是冲着他们来的,这雷霆不让他们逃,若是敢逃,那就要死。 Does not know, is where a person of ability, can press my Zuoqiu Celestial Clan?” “不知,是何方高人,要难为我左丘天族?” When key, was the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head opens the mouth. 关键之际,还是左丘天族族长开口了。 At this moment, he had realized, this thunder is not the nature formation, may be very artificial. 事到如今,他已经意识到,这雷霆绝非自然形成,很可能是人为的。 Buzz But after his words fall, strange happened. 可就当他此话落下之后,诡异的一幕发生了。 In cloud layer, thunder cease of that terrifying. 云层之中,那恐怖的雷声停止了。 Meanwhile, that everywhere terrifying thunder, also dissipation. 与此同时,那漫天的恐怖雷霆,也随之消散了。 This makes the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people be confused, does not understand this what's the matter. 这让左丘天族的众人一头雾水,不明白这到底是怎么回事。 Even but if that thunder has dissipated, but the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people, are staring at void above as before the dark cloud, in the eye still covered entirely the panic-stricken color. 但哪怕那雷霆已经消散,可左丘天族众人,依旧盯着虚空之上的乌云,眼中依然布满了惊恐之色。 But suddenly, the void above dark cloud, starts to change unexpectedly. 可忽然之间,虚空之上的乌云,竟然开始变化。 After seeing the change of dark cloud, the Zuoqiu Celestial Clan people, all are the complexion big changes, on their faces, covered entirely the color of lingering fear. 看到乌云的变化之后,左丘天族众人,皆是脸色大变,在他们的脸上,布满了后怕之色。 Even if Zuoqiu Celestial Clan Clan Head, similarly so. 哪怕左丘天族族长,也同样如此。 Because the dark cloud after that change, turned into a large character. 因为那变化后的乌云,化成了个大字。 Dares to move Chu Feng, extinguishes your entire clan!!! 敢动楚枫,灭你全族!!!
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