MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4071: Going too far

Saw old person that this wears the blue long gown, the complexions of many people, had the change. 看到这位身穿蓝色长袍的老者,许多人的脸色,都是有了变化。 When this has not opened the mouth, no one notices him radically. 这位没有开口之时,根本没有人注意到他。 But after noticing him, actually no one dares to despise him. 可是当注意到他之后,却没有一个人敢轻视他。 This is one, wears old person of blue long gown, to them, is a stranger. 这是一位,身穿蓝色长袍的老者,对他们而言,乃是一个陌生人。 They before then, have never seen this person. 他们在此之前,从未见过这个人。 But waist of this Blue Gowned old person, does not have the token, therefore is unable to know that he stems from what origin. 而这位蓝袍老者的腰间,也没有令牌,所以无法得知他是出自何门何派 His cultivation realm, cannot see clearly, the opposite party hidden is watertight. 就连他的修为,也是洞察不出,对方隐藏的可谓滴水不漏。 But, this Blue Gowned old person, an extremely powerful feeling. 可是偏偏,这位蓝袍老者,给人一种极为强大的感觉。 That great strength, not with cultivation realm, the great strength that decorates. 那种强大,并非是用修为,装饰出的强大。 Great strength that but gives out from the bone has. 而是从骨子里散发出的强大。 Facing such person, previously also with the superior stance, went to review Chu Celestial Clan people, in abundance becomes discrete. 面对这样的人,先前还以优越的姿态,去点评楚氏天族的人们,纷纷变得谨慎起来。 Even, does not dare easily to open the mouth. 甚至,都不敢轻易开口了。 This did senior, is it possible that to Chu Celestial Clan, understand?” “这位前辈,莫非对楚氏天族,更为了解?” After silent moment, some people go forward to ask. 沉默片刻后,还是有人上前问道。 This asking person, precisely previous review Chu Celestial Clan, worst, in the spoken language even has the ironic significance. 这位发问的人,正是先前点评楚氏天族,最为恶劣的一个,言语之中甚至都带有讽刺意味。 But at this time, facing this Blue Gowned old person, his attitude is quite respectful. 可是此时,面对这位蓝袍老者,他的态度却极为恭敬。 Even, he is very obviously curious, the status of opposite party, but who he inquiring the opposite party is courage does not have, must be symmetric by senior. 甚至,他明明很好奇,对方的身份,可他却连询问对方是何人的勇气都没有,只得以前辈相称。 Chu Celestial Clan overall strength, indeed not.” 楚氏天族的整体实力,的确不强。” But in Chu Celestial Clan, presented a serious later generation.” “但楚氏天族内,却出现了一位不得了的后辈。” Initially, after Linghu Celestial Clan defeated Wuming Clan, has become Ancestral Martial Star Region Overlord.” “当初,令狐天族击败了无名一族后,已经成为了祖武星域霸主。” Is Chu Celestial Clan and its resistance, accurate, is Chu Feng and its resistance.” “是楚氏天族与其对抗,准确来说,是楚枫与其对抗。” If not the All Heavens Sect person acts , helping Linghu Celestial Clan, but relies on Chu Feng, may make Linghu Celestial Clan eat up the defeat.” “若非诸天门的人出面,帮助令狐天族,只是凭借楚枫,也可让令狐天族吃下败仗。” Is bothering because of other Star Region, Ancestral Martial Dragon City then acts.” “正因其他星域搅局,祖武龙城这才出面。” However Ancestral Martial Dragon City acts, what repelled is the All Heavens Sect person, but is not the Linghu Celestial Clan person.” “而祖武龙城出面,击退的乃是诸天门的人,而并非令狐天族的人。” That Blue Gowned old person said. 那位蓝袍老者说道。 Cannot think, is All Heavens Sect is Linghu Celestial Clan supports unexpectedly, this matter I really have not known.” “想不到,竟然是诸天门在为令狐天族撑腰,此事我还真是不知晓。” The people reveal is surprised. 众人目露惊讶。 Does not know this Blue Gowned old person obviously. 明明不认识这位蓝袍老者 But because opposite party aura is too strong, therefore they to the old person words, they do not dare to question unexpectedly. 可是因为对方气场太强,所以他们对老者的话,他们竟然不敢质疑。 Afterward, this Blue Gowned old person, told for them how Chu Feng defeated Wuming Clan, how to defeat Wuming Doutian, let Chu Celestial Clan in the true sense, held on to Ancestral Martial Star Region the position of Overlord. 随后,这位蓝袍老者,更是为他们讲述起,楚枫是如何击败无名一族,如何战胜无名斗天,让楚氏天族真正意义上的,坐稳了祖武星域霸主之位。 Even he also told, before after Chu Celestial Clan arrived at Purple Star Upper Realm, Chu Feng discovered in the purple star vine flower, the legend king of Sea of Flowers. 甚至他还讲述了,之前楚氏天族来到紫星上界后,楚枫发现了紫星藤花中,传说中的花海之王。 And the profound deep aristocratic family, wants to rob that purple star vine to be colored, actually by matter of Chu Feng ruthlessly lesson. 以及玄冥世家,想要抢夺那紫星藤花,却被楚枫狠狠教训的事情。 This all sorts of facts, let many people on the scene, had the brand-new understanding of Chu Celestial Clan. 这种种事迹,让在场的许多人,对楚氏天族都有了全新的认识。 Hears many people on the scene, the sound of exclamation, continuously. 听得在场的许多人,惊叹的声音,此起彼伏。 Especially when hears, Chu Feng unexpectedly discovered, the legend queen of Sea of Flowers, feels difficult believing. 尤其是当听闻,楚枫竟然发现了,传说中的花海之王后,更是感觉难以置信。 After all outside matter, again how, that is also outside matter, somewhat, the feeling of listening story. 毕竟外面的事情,再如何了得,那也都是外面的事情,多多少少,有一种听故事的感觉。 May be colored about the purple star vine, is not so. 可关于紫星藤花,则是不然。 cultivator as Purple Star Upper Realm, the purple star vine flower is what kind of treasure, they know. 身为紫星上界修武者,紫星藤花是何等宝物,他们是知晓的。 The purple star vine is colored, difficult discovered, the king of that Sea of Flowers, is existence of legend. 紫星藤花,本就难以发现,那花海之王,更是传说的存在。 Even if grasps to seek, Purple Star Hall of purple star vine flower method, has many years, cannot find the king of Sea of Flowers. 哪怕是掌握寻找,紫星藤花方法的紫星堂,都已经有很多年,没能找到花海之王了。 But the king of that Sea of Flowers, was found by Chu Feng unexpectedly, how can they not startled? 可那花海之王,竟被楚枫找到,他们怎能不惊? If this named Chu Feng's young people, really has such skill, that said, in this Ancestral Martial Star Region Chu Celestial Clan, presented an extraordinary talent?” “倘若这个叫做楚枫的年轻人,真有如此本事,那岂不是说,这祖武星域楚氏天族之中,出现了一个了不得的天才?” At this time, many people filled with the anticipation to Chu Celestial Clan. 此时,许多人对楚氏天族都充满了期待。 Mainly is, filled with the anticipation to Chu Feng. 主要是,对楚枫充满了期待。 If Blue Gowned old person said that was true seriously, that also showed that in Chu Celestial Clan presented one, even their Lower Star Region, no talent. 倘若蓝袍老者所言,当真属实的话,那也就证明,楚氏天族内出现了一个,连他们下星域,都没有的天才。 This... is a matter of no small matter. 这…可是一件非同小可的事。 Such talent, cannot do well will exceed their Purple Star Upper Realm most powerhouse. 这样的天才,搞不好会超越他们紫星上界的最强者。 ...... …… Chu Celestial Clan,... you must give us today justice.” 楚氏天族,今日…你必须给我们一个公道。” But suddenly, the Purple Star Hall direction, heard one to angrily roar. 可忽然间,紫星堂的方向,传来了一声怒吼。 With resounding that angrily roars, several forms graze, finally blocked before the Chu Celestial Clan army. 伴随着那怒吼的响起,数道身影飞掠而出,最终拦在了楚氏天族的大军之前。 These forms, although grazes from the Purple Star Hall direction. 那些身影,虽是自紫星堂的方向飞掠而出。 But they, are actually not the Purple Star Hall people. 可他们,却并不是紫星堂的人。 expert of that is profound deep aristocratic family. 那乃是玄冥世家的高手 To Chu Celestial Clan, blocks in that team of troops at this time before them, has the familiar face. 楚氏天族而言,此时拦在他们之前的那队人马之中,有着许多熟悉的面孔。 Before, by profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder that Chu Feng defeats, is one of them. 包括之前,被楚枫击败的玄冥世家太上长老,也在其中。 But if said that most noticeable, is old person. 可若要说,最引人瞩目的,则是一位老者 This old person, is bald. 这位老者,是一个秃头。 Although on the head root hair does not have. But the wool on his face is actually many, the silver-white beard, like the mane of lion, blasts out completely. 虽然脑袋上一根毛都没有。可他脸上的毛却是不少,银白色的胡须,如同雄狮的鬃毛,全部炸开。 He who had an ugly and fierce look, under this aggressive beard serves as contrast, appears devils. 本就一脸横肉的他,在这霸气的胡须衬托下,更是显得凶神恶煞。 Although this is old person, but actually robust body like the cow, that arm also wants on thick two compared with the thigh of average person, even if wears the long gown, but by the clothes, can actually see the line of his muscle. 这位虽是老者,可却体壮如牛,那胳膊比一般人的大腿还要粗上两圈,哪怕穿着长袍,但透过衣服,却能够看到他肌肉的线条。 But this, is famous existence. 而这位,也是一位大名鼎鼎的存在。 He is the profound Hang father. 他乃玄一杭的父亲。 Also is the profound deep aristocratic family, current Patriarch, Xuantian Péng!!! 也是玄冥世家,当今的家主,玄天鹏!!! But is unreliable a Hangzhou, is a being wronged appearance, follows in the side of Xuantian Péng. 而玄一杭,更是一副受了委屈的模样,跟在玄天鹏的身旁。 ...... …… The profound deep aristocratic family, blocks Chu Celestial Clan suddenly. 玄冥世家,突然拦住楚氏天族 Actually most people, are perplexed. 其实大部分人,都是不明所以的。 But previously these, heard the person who Blue Gowned old person has told, actually guessed correctly the process. 可是先前那些,听闻过蓝袍老者讲述的人,却都猜到了经过。 This profound deep aristocratic family, decides however for profound Hangzhou oppressed matter, looks the trouble of Chu Celestial Clan. 这玄冥世家,定然是为了玄一杭被压迫的事情,来找楚氏天族的麻烦了。 Therefore, such, instead lets these people, believes that Blue Gowned old person words, is real. 因此,这样一幕,反而让那些人,更加相信蓝袍老者的话,乃是真的。 Abandoned Star Region gathers the same place each time, some good plays look.” “每次遗弃星域聚到一起,都有好戏看。” Cannot think that this time, the good play has started.” “想不到这一次,好戏这么早就开始了。” Seeing with own eyes, the profound deep aristocratic family is looking for the trouble of Chu Celestial Clan, many people revealed the vision of anticipation. 眼见着,玄冥世家来找楚氏天族的麻烦,许多人都露出了期待的目光。 After all they come to here, originally to watch the fun. 毕竟他们来这里,本来就是为了看热闹而来。 This Sir, does not know that blocks my Chu Celestial Clan, for what intention?” “这位大人,不知拦住我楚氏天族,是为何意?” At this time, Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, led the Chu Celestial Clan army to walk. 此时,楚氏天族族长,也是率领着楚氏天族的大军走了出来。 Although cultivation realm is bad, but is only the imposing manner, this time Chu Celestial Clan, under the leadership of Clan Head, does not lose the profound deep aristocratic family unexpectedly. 虽说修为不济,可只是气势,此时的楚氏天族,在族长的带领下,竟然丝毫不输玄冥世家。 Called that Chu Feng to roll.” “叫那楚枫滚出来。” However, that profound deep aristocratic family Patriarch, actually looked that does not look at Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head one, but looks at it behind many temporary palaces, great shout. 然而,那玄冥世家家主,却看都不看楚氏天族族长一眼,而是看着其身后的诸多行宫,大声呼喊起来。 My clan Chu Feng is resting, the old man is Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, if you have the matter, said with the old man.” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head said. “我族楚枫正在休息,老夫乃楚氏天族族长,您若有事,就与老夫说吧。”楚氏天族族长说道。 Rest? In my opinion, is frightens does not dare to come out.” “休息?依我看,是吓的不敢出来了吧。” „, Previously bullied my ability, result sees my father, becomes the turtle immediately?” “吗的,先前欺负我能耐,结果看到我父亲,就立刻变得缩头乌龟了?” Previously was is not very good, not only snatched my profound deep aristocratic family treasure that the boast said that but also wanted my profound deep aristocratic family to be overcautious in dealing with people?” “先前不是大话说的很牛吗,不仅抢我玄冥世家宝物,还要我玄冥世家夹着尾巴做人?” Since were so strong before, that present rolls.” “既然之前那么强硬,那现在就滚出来啊。” Profound Hangzhou University sound shouted. 玄一杭大声喝道。 But he such remarks, immediately stirs the controversy. 而他此话一出,顿时引起轩然大波。 People of understanding the true situation, start to whoop, was discussing whether Chu Feng really deceives people first. 不明真相的人们,都开始议论纷纷,在讨论,楚枫是否真的欺人在先。 This little friend, the skill of confusing right and wrong is actually fierce.” “这位小友,颠倒是非的本事倒是厉害。” Obviously is you to my clan shame in first, wants to rob the thing of my clan, under my clan Chu Feng has no alternative, makes a move to revolt.” “明明是你对我族羞辱在先,又想抢夺我族之物,我族楚枫无可奈何之下,才出手反抗的。” At that time, may have many Purple Star Upper Realm people to witness.” “当时一幕,可有不少紫星上界的人见证着。” Truth, decides will become known, if you want to confuse right and wrong, but wants.” “真相,定会大白,你若想颠倒是非,可就是想多了。” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, neither arrogant nor servile, instead refuted loudly. 楚氏天族族长,不卑不亢,反而高声反驳。 Chu Clan Head said is extremely, was the profound deep aristocratic family, first pressed Chu Celestial Clan, the old man once saw with one's own eyes.” 楚氏族长所言极是,是玄冥世家,先难为楚氏天族的,老夫曾亲眼看到。” In crowd, that Blue Gowned old person opens the mouth. 人群之中,那位蓝袍老者开口了。 Also some, hides from the person in crowd unexpectedly, opens the mouth in abundance. 紧接着,竟然也有一些,躲在人群中的人,纷纷开口。 Indicated, Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head said that is the fact. 都表示,楚氏天族族长说的,才是事实。 Hears this words, the people also the spearhead, aimed at the profound deep aristocratic family. 听闻此话,众人也都将矛头,指向了玄冥世家。 Many people start to condemn, the profound deep aristocratic family deceives people in first, after result suffers a loss, now must retaliate unexpectedly, is really contrary to a side Overlord style. 许多人都开始谴责,玄冥世家欺人在先,结果吃了大亏后,现在竟然还要报复,实在有违一方霸主的风范。 Is seeing with own eyes the public opinion to oneself disadvantageously, that profound deep aristocratic family Patriarch complexion, becoming even more to be disgruntled. 眼见着舆论对自己不利,那玄冥世家家主的脸色,变得越发不悦起来。 Few idle talk.” “少废话。” Chu Feng, you roll either, either the father clutches you.” 楚枫,你要么自己滚出来,要么老子把你揪出来。” You seize my clan treasure, hits my son, bullies my clansman, this matter, you must give a view.” “你夺我族宝物,打我儿子,欺我族人,这件事,你必须给个说法。” Profound deep aristocratic family Patriarch, during the speeches, releases his pressure. 玄冥世家家主,说话之间,更是释放出了他的威压。 That, is the Third Rank Supreme Venerable pressure!!! 那,乃是三品至尊的威压!!! His pressure, people where anti- living of Chu Celestial Clan? 他这威压,楚氏天族的众人哪里抗的住? The pressure just released, originally neat Chu Celestial Clan army, but arranges in order, then immediately by being utterly routed of that pressure impact. 威压刚刚释放,原本整齐而列的楚氏天族大军,便立刻被那威压冲击的溃不成军。 Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, with Chu Hanpeng this type, the leader in Chu Celestial Clan clan, by that pressure, threw off in the place. 就连,楚氏天族族长,和楚翰鹏这种,楚氏天族族内的顶尖人物,都被那威压,掀翻在地。 However is together the pressure, then makes Chu Celestial Clan in an extremely difficult situation. 不过是一道威压,便让楚氏天族狼狈不堪。 ...... …… Sees this one, the crowd that then surrounds in the distant place, blasted out the pot immediately. 见此一幕,那在远处围观的人群,顿时又炸开了锅。 First did not say, the profound deep aristocratic family does this to or is not right. 先不说,玄冥世家这样做对或不对。 Chu Celestial Clan strength , was too weak. 只是楚氏天族的实力,也着实太弱了。 Such strength, Purple Star Upper Realm many influences were even inferior simply. 这样的实力,简直连紫星上界的许多势力都是不如。 How with achievement, side Star Region Overlord? 怎配作为,一方星域霸主 Snort, one crowd of waste.” “哼,一群废物。” But look, Chu Celestial Clan clansmen, that appearance in an extremely difficult situation. 而看着,楚氏天族众族人,那狼狈不堪的模样。 Profound deep aristocratic family Patriarch, the corners of the mouth are the curve that raises wipes to disdain. 玄冥世家家主,嘴角则是扬起一抹不屑的弧度。 Originally hears Supreme Elder, after narration of profound Hangzhou, he is also some worries...... 本来听闻太上长老,和玄一杭的讲述后,他也是有些担心…… Being afraid that Chu Feng strength is strong, oneself are not his opponent. 害怕那楚枫实力强劲,连自己都不是他的对手。 For this reason, he before was also somewhat hesitant, hesitant must recover the gathering place. 正因如此,他之前也是有些犹豫,犹豫到底要不要找回场子。 Finally, in the face of the face and self-preservation, he chose the former. 最终,在脸面与自保面前,他还是选择了前者。 Actually, he previously blocked , in front of Chu Celestial Clan, the innermost feelings are somewhat disturbed. 其实,就连他先前拦在楚氏天族面前的时候,内心还是有些忐忑的。 After all looks for trouble in the presence of everyone, if defeated, that may really be the face countenance completely loses. 毕竟当众找麻烦,若是败了,那可真就是颜面尽失了。 Has not thought that the face that Chu Feng frightens does not dare to reveal. 可不曾想,楚枫吓的脸面都不敢露。 But Chu Celestial Clan these clansmen, are one crowd of waste, the waste, so long as he wanted to kill the opposite party, was only a thought that can let them, complete soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 楚氏天族这些族人,更是一群废物,废物到,他只要想要杀了对方,只是一个念头,就可以让他们,全部魂飞魄散 In this case, making him feel quite refreshed. 这种情况下,让他感觉极为爽快。 But, some people like some people to worry. 可是,有人欢喜有人愁。 At this time Chu Celestial Clan people, is miserable beyond description. 此时楚氏天族的众人,则是苦不堪言。 They have not thought that profound deep Seyama dares in front, Purple Star Hall asks them to trouble. 他们没有想到,玄冥世家真的敢在,紫星堂门前找他们麻烦。 But Purple Star Hall person, unexpectedly real, sees somebody in danger and does nothing. 可是紫星堂的人,竟然真的,见死不救。 At present, Chu Feng is unable for them over, they, when is supposed to do? 眼下,楚枫又无法为他们出头,他们,当如何是好? Really wants, whatever the profound deep aristocratic family, does conduct the oppression to be inadequate to them? 难道,真的就要任由玄冥世家,对他们进行欺压不成? But suddenly, that is oppressing the Chu Celestial Clan pressure, vanishes unexpectedly does not see. 可忽然间,那压迫着楚氏天族的威压,竟然消失不见。 Meanwhile, together form, falls before Chu Celestial Clan. 与此同时,一道身影,也是落在楚氏天族之前。 The world shakes, has unexpectedly shouts angrily together, crack comes in this side world. 紧接着,天地震荡,竟有一道怒喝,于这方天地炸响开来。 Profound deep aristocratic family, do not go too far!!!” “玄冥世家,不要欺人太甚!!!”
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