MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4068: Won attractiveness

I remember, he also shamed my Chu Celestial Clan probably.” “我记得,他好像也羞辱了我楚氏天族。” Chu Feng looks that profound Hang said. 楚枫看着玄一杭说道。 Hears this words, profound Hangzhou immediately complexion big change, but profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder, did not shout similarly secretly well, therefore, then wants to ask favor for his Young Lord. 听得此话,玄一杭顿时脸色大变,而玄冥世家太上长老,也同样暗叫不好,于是,便想为他的少主求情。 …… But his words have not said that sees only the Chu Feng figure to move, then arrived in front of profound Hangzhou, later the big sleeve wields, „” a loud sound, that profound Hangzhou was then flown to go by his fan. 可他话还没有说出,只见楚枫身形一动,便来到了玄一杭面前,随后大袖一挥,“啪”的一声巨响,那玄一杭便被他扇飞而去。 When falls to the ground, the cheeks of profound Hangzhou have distorted, the whole person fainted. 落地之时,玄一杭的脸颊已经变了形,整个人都昏死了过去。 Sees this one, everyone of profound deep aristocratic family scared. 见此一幕,玄冥世家的所有人都吓坏了。 Because of Chu Feng this palm of the hand, may compared with these people, oneself hold to give own 1000 slap on the face, but also wants vicious many. 因为楚枫这一巴掌,可比那些人,自己掌给自己的一千个耳光,还要凶狠的多。 This palm of the hand gets down, half life of profound Hangzhou, does not have. 这一巴掌下去,玄一杭的半条命,已经没了。 Sees profound Hangzhou, the suffocated appearance, the people of profound deep aristocratic family all were love dearly badly. 看到玄一杭,已经奄奄一息的样子,玄冥世家的众人皆是心疼坏了。 Actually they are the fears. 其实他们是害怕啊。 This is their Patriarch, son who most loves. 这可是他们的家主,最疼爱的儿子。 Now under their protections, made into this appearance, how they should confess. 如今在他们的保护下,被打成了这个样子,他们该如何交代。 Buzz But, they also think without enough time, was actually shocked suddenly. 可是,他们还来不及多想,却忽然愣住了。 They can feel, an ice-cold biting cold chill in the air, covered this side world again. 他们能够感觉到,一股冰冷彻骨的寒意,再度笼罩了这方天地。 Not is only the chill in the air, that also has dreadful killing intent. 不仅仅是寒意,那其中还有滔天的杀意 The killing intent surges, this side world, resembling degenerates into the hell. 杀意翻腾,这方天地,似是沦为地狱。 But everyone, places in this hell. 而所有人,都身处这地狱之中。 But actually, the person of profound deep aristocratic family, can feel this type of fearful aura. 但其实,只有玄冥世家的人,能够感受到这种可怕的气息。 These Purple Star Upper Realm cultivator, cannot feel any change. 那些紫星上界修武者,根本就感受不到任何变化。 They do not even know, is why in good condition, Purple Star Upper Realm people, one face panic-stricken in same place, even some people frighten cried. 他们甚至不知道,为何好端端的,紫星上界的众人,就一脸惊恐的愣在了原地,甚至有人吓的都哭了出来。 Is Chu Feng, is the Chu Feng's aura, is threatening each person of profound deep aristocratic family. 楚枫,是楚枫的气息,正在威胁玄冥世家的每一个人。 You listened, today the actions, have touched my bottom line.” “你们听好了,今日你们的所作所为,已经触碰到了我的底线。” I let off you, is gives you one to turn over a new leaf the opportunity.” “我放过你们,是给你们一个重新做人的机会。” I hope, you can treasure this opportunity, later is clamping the tail, is honest.” “我希望,你们能够珍惜这次机会,以后夹着尾巴,好好做人。” Must do to humiliate others not again the matter, particularly in front of my Chu Celestial Clan, must record this point sincerely.” “莫要再做欺凌他人之事,尤其是在我楚氏天族面前,更要谨记这一点。” If, you do not listen to me to urge, but also dares to do all kinds of evil things, my Chu Feng, extinguished your profound deep aristocratic family.” “倘若,你们不听我劝,还敢为非作歹,我楚枫,就灭了你玄冥世家。” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, each character each, just like the invisible sharp blade, pricks the soul of profound deep aristocratic family people. 楚枫开口,每字每句,都宛如无形利刃,刺入玄冥世家众人的灵魂。 This is not the threat, this is the warning. 这不是威胁,这是警告。 Certain violates again, then certainly heavy bonus. 若干再犯,便绝不轻饶。 Does not dare, does not dare, today all misunderstands, is the misunderstanding.” “不敢,不敢,今日皆是误会,是误会啊。” Profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder said. 玄冥世家太上长老说道。 Chu Feng has not paid attention, but waves, hints them to leave. 楚枫没有理会,而是挥了挥手,示意他们离开。 Sees Chu Feng, finally agrees makes them leave, the people of profound deep aristocratic family, the hurrying diving postures go, the suddenly time, has vanished does not see. 楚枫,终于肯让他们离开,玄冥世家的众人,一个个的赶忙飞身而去,不过眨眼的功夫,已是消失不见。 When remembers they come, that enormous and powerful, if I can not do it , who can appearance. 想起他们来时,那浩浩荡荡,舍我其谁的模样。 When has a look they previously left, that distressed appearance. 才看看他们先前离开时,那狼狈的样子。 The Purple Star Upper Realm people, have a refreshed feeling unexpectedly. 紫星上界的众人,竟也有一种爽快之感。 Crash-bang 哗啦啦 Suddenly, this side world, broke out such as the slating applause unexpectedly. 忽然之间,这方天地,竟然响起了如雷鸣般的掌声。 Bravo, applauding sound. 紧接着,还有喝彩声,叫好声。 Chu Celestial Clan, does attractively.” 楚氏天族,干得漂亮。” That young hero called Chu Feng, you may really be great, profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder that frightened unexpectedly fled to the wilderness, admired below.” “那位少侠楚枫吗,你可真是好样的,竟吓的玄冥世家太上长老落荒而逃,在下佩服啊。” Originally, that cheered with the applause, was not the Chu Celestial Clan clansman sends out. 原来,那喝彩和掌声,不是楚氏天族族人发出。 Is the Purple Star Upper Realm people. 乃是紫星上界众人。 Although the first time is saw Chu Feng, but they were actually conquered by the Chu Feng's performance. 尽管是第一次看到楚枫,但他们却都被楚枫的表现征服了。 If another day some people asked that the dispute of my Chu Celestial Clan and profound deep aristocratic family, but also hopes that everyone can testify, today is not my Chu Feng bullies his profound deep aristocratic family, but was the profound deep aristocratic family first bullies my Chu Celestial Clan.” “倘若他日有人问起,我楚氏天族与玄冥世家的纠纷,还希望诸位能做个证,今日可不是我楚枫欺他玄冥世家,而是玄冥世家先欺我楚氏天族的。” Chu Feng said loudly. 楚枫高声说道。 Chu Feng knows, the profound deep aristocratic family will not give up mostly. 楚枫知道,玄冥世家多半不会善罢甘休。 Cannot do well will distort the facts, says the Chu Celestial Clan malicious remarks. 搞不好会颠倒黑白,去说楚氏天族的坏话。 But these people on the scene, is the best personal testimony, is prevents the profound deep aristocratic family, the distorting the facts personal testimony. 而在场的这些人,则是最好的人证,是防止玄冥世家,颠倒黑白的人证。 young hero felt relieved, our Purple Star Upper Realm person, grudge is always distinct, the matter of today we will disseminate well for you.” 少侠放心,我们紫星上界的人,向来恩怨分明,今日之事我们会为你好好传播开来。” Right, that profound deep aristocratic family, but Abandoned Star Region Overlord, dares to bluff and bluster in my Purple Star Upper Realm, we will propagandize well, making them become famous.” “对,那玄冥世家,不过一座遗弃星域霸主,竟敢在我紫星上界耀武扬威,我们会好好宣传一下,让他们出名。” Purple Star Upper Realm numerous position cultivator guarantee said. 紫星上界的众位修武者纷纷保证道。 Processes the profound deep aristocratic family, Chu Feng will not naturally have forgotten, Purple Star Hall to the gift that they prepare. 处理过玄冥世家,楚枫自然也不会忘记,紫星堂给他们准备的礼物。 That big piece, the purple star vine is colored 那一大片,紫星藤花 Because must hurry along, therefore Chu Feng is colored this purple star vine, extracts. 因为还要赶路,所以楚枫将这紫星藤花,就地提取出来。 Makes its direct transformation be the cultivation resources. 使其直接转化为修炼资源。 Naturally, the purple star vine is colored, although contains the boundless world energy, even hidden Dao of Martial Cultivation, if comprehends earnestly, cultivation realm indeed will have progressive. 当然,紫星藤花,虽然蕴含着磅礴的天地能量,甚至暗藏修武之道,若认真领悟,修为的确会有进步。 But the purple star vine flower original strength is relatively wild, Chu Feng also needs to use the Spirit Formation method, conducts to refine it, only after having refining up, the meeting can conduct cultivation. 可紫星藤花原本的力量相对狂暴,楚枫也是需要用结界阵法,将其进行炼化,唯有炼化之后,才会能进行修炼 After extracting the purple star vine flower, Chu Celestial Clan is also continues to hurry along, goes to the Purple Star Hall direction line. 提取了紫星藤花之后,楚氏天族也是继续赶路,向紫星堂的方向行去。 Chu Celestial Clan clansman who steps the distance again, is the mood is all excellent. 再度踏上路程的楚氏天族族人,皆是心情大好。 Originally they also somewhat worried, is worried about this Hongmen banquet. 本来他们还有些担心,担心这场鸿门宴。 May not have once to think, just arrived at Purple Star Upper Realm, met the profound deep aristocratic family, and also had the friction. 可没曾想,刚刚到达紫星上界,就遇到了玄冥世家,并且还发生了摩擦。 But, what they have not thought that they not only win total victories, and wins so attractive, so venting. 但,他们没想到的是,他们不仅大获全胜,并且胜的如此的漂亮,如此的解气。 However, has the person, is worried, for example Chu Hanpeng. 不过,却也有人,感到担忧,比如楚翰鹏 At this time, Chu Feng, Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, as well as Chu Hanpeng three people, in a temporary palace. 此时,楚枫,楚氏天族族长,以及楚翰鹏三人,在一座行宫之内。 Chu Feng, these treasures, gives back to the profound deep aristocratic family otherwise.” 楚枫,要不然将那些宝物,还给玄冥世家吧。” Chu Hanpeng said to Chu Feng. 楚翰鹏楚枫说道。 Chu Feng had not replied, but looked to Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head Sir Clan Head, how you saw 楚枫没有回答,而是看向了楚氏天族族长族长大人,您怎么看” Profound deep aristocratic family, the old man is also the first contact, may regarding their actions, have hearing early.” “玄冥世家,老夫也是第一次接触,可对于他们的所做所为,却是早有耳闻。” Today has had the enmity, even if gave back to them the treasure at this time, they will not give up absolutely.” “今日已经结下仇怨,就算这个时候将宝物还给他们,他们也绝对不会善罢甘休。” If, they is a reasonable influence, with no reason at all, will not shame my Chu Celestial Clan, and under the broad daylight, wants to rob to be the purple star vine of my clan to be colored.” “倘若,他们是一个讲道理的势力,就不会无缘无故,羞辱我楚氏天族,并且光天化日下,就想抢夺属于我族的紫星藤花了。” Is good because, although the profound deep aristocratic family the conduct is overbearing, but they actually are also in ten big Abandoned Star Region, besides my Ancestral Martial Star Region, weakest.” “不过好在,玄冥世家虽然行事霸道,但他们却也是十大遗弃星域之中,除了我祖武星域外,最弱的一个。” As far as I know, cultivation realm of their Sir Patriarch, stays in Third Rank Supreme Venerable probably.” “据我所知,他们家主大人的修为,好像还停留在三品至尊。” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head said. 楚氏天族族长说道。 Third Rank Supreme Venerable, if so, that Chu Feng can deal with actually.” 三品至尊吗若只是如此,那楚枫倒是能够应付。” Poured does not need to fear.” “倒也就不用怕了。” Hears this words, the Chu Hanpeng complexion to transfer happily. 听得此话,楚翰鹏面色转喜。 Un.” “嗯。” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, is nod of approval. 楚氏天族族长,也是赞同的点了点头。 That defers to the meaning of Sir Clan Head, cannot give back to them right “那按照族长大人之意,就是不能还给他们了对吗” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Even I want you, you also “就算我要你还,你会还吗” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head asked. 楚氏天族族长问道。 Hehe, cannot.” “嘿嘿,不会。” Chu Feng said with a smile. 楚枫笑着说道。 Your this boy.” “你这小子。” Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head helpless shaking the head, later, then looked to the temporary palace center, that boundless formation technique. 楚氏天族族长无奈的摇了摇头,随后,便看向了行宫中心,那座磅礴的阵法 At this time, the boundless purple ray, is quite wild, like dreadful ferocious beast, wants to want to break the formation. 此时,磅礴的紫色光芒,极为狂暴,如同滔天猛兽,欲要破阵而出。 But, that formation technique, is quite firm, regardless of that wild strength, how to struggle, is actually not able to shake the formation technique slightest. 但,那阵法,却极为坚固,无论那狂暴的力量,如何挣扎,却都无法撼动阵法分毫。 Instead, by that formation technique, was being swallowed fully, refining up. 反而,正在被那阵法,满满吞噬,炼化。 That wild strength, precisely from the purple star vine flower, raises the energy of coming. 那狂暴的力量,正是从紫星藤花内,所提起而来的能量。 But that blocks great formation, is Chu Feng arranges personally, is used to refine purple star vine flower formation technique. 而那座封锁大阵,则是楚枫亲手布置,用来炼化紫星藤花的阵法 Chu Celestial Clan Clan Head, looks that purple star vine is colored, in the vision filled with the anticipation. 楚氏天族族长,看着那紫星藤花,目光之中充满了期待。 , First looks at the genuine content ,第一时间看正版内容 Martial God Asura 修罗武神 Martial God Asura 修罗武神
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