MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4066: Compensation

Is he? Is that young people?” “是他?是那个年轻人?” Profound Hangzhou such remarks, here bystander, raised the great unrest. 玄一杭此话一出,更是在此处的围观者之中,掀起了轩然大波。 Not because of other, only because of coming out that everyone looks, Chu Feng is also only a junior, is cultivation also less than hundred years of junior. 不因别的,只因大家都看的出来,楚枫还只是一个小辈,是一个修炼还不足百年的小辈啊。 Will a junior, have such strength? 一个小辈,会有如此实力? Even First Rank isn't Supreme Venerable, able to contend with it? 一品至尊,都无法与其抗衡? That said, he at least is also First Rank Supreme Venerable, and is very likely Second Rank Supreme Venerable? 那岂不是说,他至少也是一品至尊,并且很有可能是二品至尊 Looks at that Purple Star Upper Realm native cultivator, dumbfounded, stares dumbfounded, appearance that does not seem to see the world. 看着那紫星上界的本土修武者们,一个个目瞪口呆,瞠目结舌,就好像没见过世面的样子。 The Chu Celestial Clan people, the innermost feelings were very self-satisfied. 楚氏天族的众人,内心别提多得意了。 must know, this is Purple Star Upper Realm, but here Lower Star Region. 要知道,这可是紫星上界,这里可是下星域啊。 Can here, these to reveal such face, before this is they, unthinkable matter. 能够在这里,让这些人露出这样的面孔,这可是之前的他们,想都不敢想的事情。 Now but actually achieves, the clansman as Chu Celestial Clan, naturally also feel self-satisfied. 可是现在偏偏却做到了,他们身为楚氏天族的族人,自然也是感到得意。 „Does bold avid follower, daring injure my family Young Lord?” “大胆狂徒,竟敢伤我家少主?” However, in the meantime, suddenly the old sound resounds together. 然而,就在此时,忽然一道苍老的声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, in that void above, is setting up together the old form. 顺声观望,在那虚空之上,立着一道苍老的身影。 But this, may be old is not so only simple, his aura, is unequalled. 但这位,可不仅仅是苍老那么简单,他身上的气场,更是无与伦比。 The most important thing is, body of this old person, puts on taking care of profound deep aristocratic family. 最重要的是,这位老者的身上,也是穿着玄冥世家的服侍。 Sees this appearance, lets in the Chu Celestial Clan numerous position clan person heart one tight. 看到这位的出现,让楚氏天族众位族人心中一紧。 They can feel, old person that at this time presents, unlike previously these armies of profound deep aristocratic family, but. 他们都能感觉到,此时出现的老者,与先前玄冥世家的那些大军可是不同。 This, absolutely is not the common role. 这位,绝对不是寻常的角色。 Sir Supreme Elder, saves me, saves me.” 太上长老大人,救我,救我啊。” Sees this old person, that profound Hangzhou like seeing the straw to grasp was ordinary, starts crazily shouts. 看到这位老者,那玄一杭就像看到了救命稻草一般,开始疯狂的呼喊起来。 Unexpectedly is Supreme Elder?” “竟是太上长老?” Hears, Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family may not have the weak one, worst is also Second Rank Supreme Venerable.” “听闻,玄冥世家的太上长老可没有弱者,最差的也是二品至尊啊。” This Chu Celestial Clan was also too unlucky, first runs into the army of profound deep aristocratic family, latter meets Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family.” “这楚氏天族也太倒霉了,先是遇到玄冥世家的大军,后又遇到玄冥世家的太上长老。” Oh, since had begun, that looks like is not only this purple star vine flower must be snatched, Chu Celestial Clan clansmen, must unable to eat to capture.” “唉,既然已经动手了,那看来不仅仅是这紫星藤花要被抢,就连楚氏天族的族人们,也要吃不了兜着走了。” When knew, that old person status, after unexpectedly is Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family . 当得知,那位老者的身份,竟是玄冥世家的太上长老后。 The Purple Star Upper Realm people, look again to the Chu Celestial Clan people, in the vision completely sympathize unexpectedly. 紫星上界的众人,再度看向楚氏天族的众人,目光之中竟尽是同情。 „Are you Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family?” “你是玄冥世家的太上长老?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Snort, thou and other waste, do not match to know the old man status.” “哼,汝等废物,不配知道老夫身份。” That Supreme Elder, this words saying, released his pressure unexpectedly directly. 那位太上长老,此话说完,竟直接释放出了他的威压。 That pressure, but not only in view of Chu Feng's, but kills to go to Chu Celestial Clan all clansmen. 那威压,可不仅仅是针对楚枫的,而是向楚氏天族的所有族人扑杀而去。 Feels that pressure the moment, many people did not shout secretly well. 感受到那威压的一刻,许多人都暗叫不好。 They, Supreme Elder of this profound deep aristocratic family can feel from that pressure, is newcomer how is bad. 他们能从那威压中感受的到,这位玄冥世家的太上长老,是多么的来者不善。 This pressure, if fell on the bodies of Chu Celestial Clan clansman, Chu Celestial Clan decided must lose seriously. 这威压,若是落在了楚氏天族众族人的身上,楚氏天族定是要损失惨重。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” That pressure just released, actually vanishes suddenly does not see. 只是,那威压刚刚释放而出,却忽然消失不见。 This lets everyone, is looks at a loss, feels helpless. 这让所有人,都是面露茫然,感到不知所措。 It seems like, indeed is Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family.” “看来,的确是玄冥世家的太上长老。” Since is this, that was best.” “既然是这样,那就最好了。” In the people are puzzled, Chu Feng opened the mouth suddenly. 就在众人不解之际,楚枫忽然开口了。 Moreover, Chu Feng lifts the arm, aimed at that to be built on at the void meeting, Supreme Elder of profound deep aristocratic family. 不仅如此,楚枫更是抬起手臂,对准了那立于虚空会上,玄冥世家的太上长老 What is his is making?” “他这是在做什么?” Regarding Chu Feng this action, many people feel puzzled. 对于楚枫这个举动,许多人都感到不解。 May see only, the Chu Feng palm gets hold, later the arm wields to below suddenly. 可只见,楚枫手掌握紧,随后手臂猛然向下一挥。 Rolls to me!!!” “给我滚下来!!!” When this words crack, Supreme Elder of that profound deep aristocratic family, unexpectedly, since the upper air drops under. 此话炸响之际,那玄冥世家的太上长老,竟真的自高空跌落而下。 And the side that he drops is quick. 并且他跌落的极快。 Only listens to bang a loud sound, that profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder, falling ruthlessly on the ground. 只听“嘭”的一声巨响,那玄冥世家太上长老,狠狠的摔在了地上。 Because the impulse is too strong, on this originally smooth prairie, forcefully fell one just like the mountain valley endocrater. 由于冲击力太强,更是在这原本平坦的草原上,硬生生的摔出了一座宛如山谷般的巨坑。 But that Supreme Elder, is sore looking fierce, in the mouth has the blood to surge. 而那位太上长老,更是疼的龇牙咧嘴,口中更是有鲜血涌动。 But he after all is Supreme Elder, suffers so the humiliation, how can endure? 可他毕竟是太上长老,遭受如此屈辱,怎能忍受? When anger, he then must set out. 愤怒之际,他便要起身。 plop 噗通 But at this moment, there is a form together, fell into that endocrater, just pounded on the body of that Supreme Elder. 可就在这时,又有一道身影,落入了那巨坑之中,刚好砸在了那位太上长老的身上。 The strength that this pounds but is big, causes that Supreme Elder, an old blood spurted directly. 这一砸的力气可是不小,使得那太上长老,一口老血直接喷了出来。 Originally that Supreme Elder wants crack cursed, may decide the eye to look, discovered, that falls on his body, is the Young Lord profound Hangzhou. 本来那太上长老想要破口大骂,可定目一看,才发现,那落在他的身上的,乃是少主玄一杭。 Near that endocrater, but also presented another form. 紧接着,在那巨坑边上,还出现了另外一道身影。 This person, precisely Chu Feng. 这个人,正是楚枫 This time Chu Feng, is situated in near the endocrater, to seeing a play to be the same, looks at profound Hangzhou as well as this Supreme Elder, and in the eye full is the meaning of teasing. 此时的楚枫,立于巨坑边上,就跟看戏一样,看着玄一杭以及这位太上长老,并且眼中满是戏谑之意。 „Not good meaning, I to throw him to get down with you keep company.” “不好意思,我只是想扔他下来和你做个伴。” Really does not pound you intentionally.” “真不是故意砸到你的。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Hears this words, fainting that Supreme Elder, has almost not been mad in the past. 听得此话,那位太上长老,差点没气的昏死过去。 Not good meaning? Doesn't pound me intentionally? 不好意思?不是故意砸到我的? The father, is not you from the space, entraining? 难道老子,不是你从天上,给拽下来的? Isn't the bone of father disruption, you falls? 难道老子这一身碎裂的骨头,不是你摔的? This Supreme Elder, gets more mad, therefore looks at Chu Feng, the angry sound asked. 这位太上长老,越想越气,于是看着楚枫,怒声问道。 Bold avid follower, dares to act to my clan Young Lord.” “大胆狂徒,竟敢对我族少主出手。” You know that who we are?” “你知道我们是谁吗?” I know that who you are, aren't you profound deep aristocratic families?” “我知道你们是谁,你们不就是玄冥世家吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Extremely arrogant generation, knows that we are the profound deep aristocratic families, dares the pain to strike a vicious blow unexpectedly, I look at your Chu Celestial Clan, is live not anti-...... Wa Wa!!!” “狂妄之辈,知道我们是玄冥世家,竟然还敢痛下毒手,我看你楚氏天族,是活的不耐……呜哇!!!” His words have not said, is a pitiful yell. 他话还没有说完,便又是一声惨叫。 Sees this one, people all are in great surprise. 见此一幕,人们皆是大惊。 They with astonishment discovered, originally also in the gulf is lying down profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder. 他们惊愕的发现,原本还在深坑之中躺着的玄冥世家太上长老 At this time had arrived at the Chu Feng body , before unexpectedly. 此时竟然已经来到了楚枫身前。 Just, his throat, was actually seized by the Chu Feng's palm ruthlessly. 只不过,他的喉咙,却被楚枫的手掌狠狠的掐住了。 Originally, he by Chu Feng, was separated to grasp spatially. 原来,他是被楚枫,隔空抓上来的。 I hit is the person of your profound deep aristocratic family.” “我打的就是你们玄冥世家的人。” Dares rubbish again, I wanted your dog's life.” “再敢废话,我就要了你的狗命。” The words, Chu Feng that holds the palm of Supreme Elder, then starts to get hold. 话罢,楚枫那抓住太上长老的手掌,便开始握紧。 With getting hold of his palm, that Supreme Elder complexion, even more ugly/difficult to look at. 随着他手掌的握紧,那位太上长老的脸色,也是越发的难看。 And, everyone on the scene, can feel to killing intent that Chu Feng within the body releases. 并且,在场的所有人,都能感受的到楚枫体内所释放的杀意 He did not say casually, he really wants to slaughter. 他可不是随便说说,他是真的想要大开杀戒。 Does not stop, stop.” “唔住手,住手。” Was seeing with own eyes Chu Feng moved killing intent, Supreme Elder of that profound deep aristocratic family, then furiously struggles. 眼见着楚枫动了杀意,那玄冥世家的太上长老,则是奋力的挣扎起来。 Sees that Chu Feng the big sleeve wields, again ruthlessly fell him on the ground. 见状,楚枫才大袖一挥,再度狠狠的将他摔在了地上。 Misunderstanding, little friend, this is the misunderstanding.” “误会,小友,这是误会啊。” Among us, has certainly the misunderstanding.” “我们之间,一定是有误会。” This time profound deep aristocratic family Supreme Elder, does not have previous rampant Mist, and tone that spoke with Chu Feng, unexpectedly became base and low. 此时的玄冥世家太上长老,已经没有了先前的嚣张气焰,且与楚枫说话的语气,竟然变得卑微起来。 This Supreme Elder, before the people, deducted perfectly one time, anything is called the real man to be adaptable to the situation. 这位太上长老,在众人面前,完美的演绎了一次,什么叫做大丈夫能屈能伸。 Misunderstanding?” “误会?” Your family Young Lord, previously wanted to rob my purple star vine to be colored.” “你们家少主,先前想要抢夺我的紫星藤花。” Clarity that everyone on the scene looks, you dare saying that this is the misunderstanding?” “在场的所有人都看的清清楚楚,你敢说这是误会?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 This......” that Supreme Elder first stares, later looked to the people on the scene: Really has this matter?” “这……”那太上长老先是一愣,随后看向了在场的众人:“真有此事吗?” The people of profound deep aristocratic family, all are Buyu. 玄冥世家的众人,皆是不语 But actually does not need to ask, this Supreme Elder also knows, coming out that this matter, their profound deep aristocratic family indeed makes, let alone, is their family/home Young Lord, person who leads? 而其实不用问,这位太上长老也知道,这种事情,他们玄冥世家的确做的出来,更何况,还是他们家少主,所带领的人? This little friend, this told certainly the misunderstanding.” “这位小友,这一定告诉误会。” „The person of our profound deep aristocratic family, will not make this matter.” “我们玄冥世家的人,不会做出这种事的。” That Supreme Elder answered with a smile. 太上长老笑着解释道。 Hadn't acknowledged by the present?” “到现在还不承认?” The Chu Feng straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, at the same time, this side world, again chilly weather. 楚枫剑眉倒竖,与此同时,这方天地,再度寒气逼人。 I......” “我……” Sees this one, that Supreme Elder face stiffened immediately, does not know what to do. 见此一幕,那太上长老的老脸顿时僵住了,不知如何是好。 Ok, you have not robbed in any case, my Chu Feng is not a haggling over person.” “算了,反正你们也没有抢走,我楚枫也不是一个计较的人。” This, you give a compensation slightly, this matter even.” “这样吧,你们稍微给点赔偿,此事就算了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Okay good, we compensate, we compensate.” “好好好,我们赔,我们赔。” That Supreme Elder said. 太上长老说道。 On all treasures you hands over, then takes ten Incomplete Venerable Armament to come, this matter even.” “把你们身上的所有宝物都交出来,然后再去取十把半成尊兵过来,这件事情就算了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 What?” “什么?” Hears here, not to mention is the person of profound deep aristocratic family. 听到这里,莫说是玄冥世家的人。 Purple Star Upper Realm cultivator, and Chu Celestial Clan clansman also frightened. 就连紫星上界修武者,以及楚氏天族的众位族人也都吓到了。 Wants on them all treasures, this is very excessive, must prepare let alone again, ten Incomplete Venerable Armament? 要他们身上的所有宝物,这已经很是过分,更何况还要再去准备,十把半成尊兵 Incomplete Venerable Armament, that is the extremely precious thing. 半成尊兵啊,那可是极为珍贵之物。
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