MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3997: Bamboo Slip of Deification

At this time, the Chu Feng's vision is staring at own right hand. 此时,楚枫的目光凝视着自己的右手。 But his right hand, then grips tightly the condition , grabs what thing probably. 而他的右手,则是紧握状态,就好像里面,抓着什么东西 In the Chu Feng's eye full is the anticipation, and very anxious. 楚枫的眼中满是期待,并且非常的紧张。 Finally, his palm opened. 终于,他的手掌张开了。 Unexpectedly real!!!” “竟然是真的!!!” Looks at own palm, Chu Feng looks wild with joy. 看着自己的掌心,楚枫面露狂喜。 The reason for this is that only in thing because of the Chu Feng hand. 之所以如此,只因楚枫手中之物。 In the Chu Feng's palm, has goods. 楚枫的手掌之中,有着一件物品。 That, is piece of Bamboo Slip. 那,乃是一片竹简 This piece of Bamboo Slip, gives out ancient times aura. 这片竹简,散发着远古的气息。 But such Bamboo Slip, has one piece in Chu Feng's dantian. 而这样的竹简,在楚枫的丹田内也有一片。 In fact, before then, Chu Feng had also once seen, another piece of ancient times Bamboo Slip. 事实上,在此之前,楚枫还曾见过,另外一片远古竹简 That is in Hundred Refinements Ordinary Realm. 那还是在百炼凡界的时候。 True Immortal Jin He discovered piece of ancient times Bamboo Slip, making Chu Feng help attain. 金鹤真仙发现了一片远古竹简,让楚枫帮忙拿到。 But finally, was actually stolen by a powerful old cat. 可最终,却被一只强大的老猫劫走了。 That is only old cat, not only stole ancient times Bamboo Slip, but also robbed Chu Feng's World Spirit. 那只老猫,不仅劫走了远古竹简,还抢走了楚枫的一只界灵 Xue Ji, with Milady Queen, together by seal in World Spirit of own within the body. 雪姬,与女王大人,一同被封印在自己体内的界灵 However what is different from Milady Queen, the Xue Ji vicious tendencies are full, has been virulent to Chu Feng, even once, wants to kill Chu Feng. 不过与女王大人不同的是,雪姬戾气十足,一直对楚枫充满敌意,甚至曾经,想杀楚枫 But when Chu Feng saw, Xue Ji tied up with chains by that old cat, and that is only old cat also to declare when must Xue Ji takes his slave, in the Chu Feng's heart, is the inexplicable discomfort. 可当楚枫看到,雪姬被那老猫用锁链捆绑,并且那只老猫还宣称,要将雪姬作为他奴隶之时,楚枫的心中,还是莫名的难受。 At first, Chu Feng is puzzled. 起初,楚枫不解。 The puzzled then mood, Xue Ji has been hostile to itself after all, but Chu Feng and Xue Ji, does not have any sentiment. 不解当时的心情,毕竟雪姬一直敌视自己,而楚枫雪姬,也没有什么感情。 Why, will be uncomfortable? 为何,会难受? But afterward Chu Feng knew gradually. 但后来楚枫渐渐知道了。 Xue Ji, on the seal in Chu Feng within the body, because of Chu Feng, Xue Ji will it can be said that arrive at this martial cultivation world from the beginning. 雪姬,从一开始就封印在楚枫体内,可以说是因为楚枫,雪姬才会来到这个修武界 And Xue Ji is like Milady Queen, by the Chu Feng's mother, was caught this world forcefully. 并且雪姬女王大人一样,是被楚枫的母亲,强行抓到这个世界的。 If not must say, Chu Feng has the mistake in first, Xue Ji is hostile to itself, can understand. 若非要说,楚枫有错在先,雪姬敌视自己,也能理解。 No matter Xue Ji did acknowledge Chu Feng, Chu Feng once was the Xue Ji master. 而不管雪姬承不承认楚枫,楚枫都曾是雪姬的主人。 Even if Xue Ji got rid of World Spirit Space bound, becomes body of the freedom. 哪怕雪姬摆脱了界灵空间束缚,成为了一个自由之身。 But Chu Feng with her, has hobbling that difficult cuts off as before. 楚枫与她,依旧有着难以斩断的牵绊。 Even if therefore Yu Sha does not appear, Chu Feng has also thought rescues Xue Ji. 所以哪怕羽纱不出现,楚枫也想过解救雪姬 If meets that only to be old again the cat, so long as in the Chu Feng able situation, he will certainly spell to go all-out, retrieves Xue Ji, will snatch that piece of Bamboo Slip, recaptures own all. 若是再遇到那只老猫,只要楚枫有能力的情况下,他一定会拼尽全力,救回雪姬,还是会抢回那片竹简,夺回属于自己的一切。 But that old cat, seizes Xue Ji , because Xue Ji is special. 而那老猫,抓走雪姬,是因为雪姬特殊。 Normal World Spirit, after martial cultivation world gets rid of the master, will become the body of Evil Spirit. 正常的界灵,在修武界摆脱主人之后,将成为恶灵之身。 But Xue Ji does not have, she as before is the body of World Spirit, old cat precisely settled on Xue Ji special part. 雪姬没有,她依旧是界灵之身,老猫正是看中了雪姬特殊之处 Why robbed ancient times Bamboo Slip as for the old cat, that was because ancient times Bamboo Slip had the background greatly. 至于老猫为何抢走远古竹简,那是因为远古竹简大有来头。 According to True Immortal Jin He said, ancient times Bamboo Slip, actually named Bamboo Slip of Deification, was Ancient Era, pair of Little Brother stayed behind. 根据金鹤真仙所说,远古竹简,其实名为封神竹简,乃是远古时期,一对兄弟所留下。 Then to Little Brother, once obtained day of Great Destiny, grasped shook the starry sky sufficiently the strength. 那对兄弟,曾获得天大机缘,掌握了足以撼动星空的力量。 In entire vast martial cultivation world, is supreme existences. 在整个浩瀚修武界,都是至高无上的存在。 Before they at the point of death, studied the lifetime, carves above Bamboo Slip. 他们临死之前,将毕生所学,刻在了竹简之上。 according to legend, Bamboo Slip of Deification, a total of 367 pieces. 相传,封神竹简,总共三百六十七片。 Each piece, contains not the poor strength. 每一片,都蕴藏着不菲的力量。 If can volume of simultaneous/uniform 367 pieces of Bamboo Slip of Deification, be able to obtain the inheritance of that two Little Brother. 若是能够集齐三百六十七片封神竹简,将可以得到那两位兄弟的传承。 Naturally, this is only legend, is really the false difficult determination. 当然,这只是传说,是真是假难以确定。 After all Ancient Era matter, who said clear? 毕竟远古时期的事情,谁说的清楚呢? But what can determine, this Bamboo Slip of Deification, indeed contains the powerful strength. 但能够确定的是,这封神竹简,的确蕴藏着强大的力量。 That piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification in Chu Feng dantian, is in Ancestral Martial Lower Realm Holy Land of Martialism obtained. 楚枫丹田之内的那一片封神竹简,还是在祖武下界武之圣土所得。 But this piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification, is big to the Chu Feng's help. 可这片封神竹简,对楚枫的帮助却非常大。 The Chu Feng strength is dreadful, under same realm, almost does not have the rival. 楚枫战力滔天,同等境界之下,几乎没有敌手。 This besides the Chu Feng bloodlines, strong in average man, this Bamboo Slip of Deification actually also provided a big help. 这除了楚枫自身血脉,强于常人之外,这封神竹简其实也提供了不小的帮助。 Since obtains that piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification to start, Chu Feng not only combat capability improvement, to the comprehension of Martial Technique, becomes a level higher. 自从得到那片封神竹简开始,楚枫不仅战力提升,对武技的领悟,也变得更上一层楼。 It can be said that Bamboo Slip of Deification helps enormously Chu Feng's. 可以说,封神竹简楚枫的帮助极大。 Even but if, Chu Feng actually still had not so grasped that Bamboo Slip of Deification thoroughly. 但哪怕如此,楚枫却仍然没有彻底掌握那封神竹简 Even it in Chu Feng's dantian, and indeed had certain help to Chu Feng. 就算它在楚枫的丹田之内,并且的确对楚枫有了一定帮助。 But Chu Feng felt as before, it is an independent individual, like nine thunder huge beast. 楚枫依旧觉得,它是一个单独的个体,就像九只雷霆巨兽一样。 They, rendered the Chu Feng assistance, but Chu Feng is unable to control them. 它们,都给予了楚枫帮助,可楚枫根本无法掌控它们。 But, what is unable to deny, they are very powerful. 但,无法否定的是,它们都很强大。 Because had been clear, fierce of Bamboo Slip of Deification. 正因已经清楚,封神竹简的厉害。 Therefore, in Chu Feng hand , after presenting piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification, Chu Feng will be excited. 所以,当楚枫手中,又出现一片封神竹简后,楚枫才会如此激动。 Comes as for this piece of Bamboo Slip from where, that must enter this wild world to start to mention from Chu Feng. 而至于这片竹简从何而来,那还要从楚枫进入这蛮荒世界开始说起。 After Chu Feng enters here, was swallowed by the strength of that terrifying. 楚枫进入此处之后,便被那恐怖的力量所吞噬。 But Chu Feng had not been suffered, has not felt the pain. 楚枫并没有被折磨,也没有感受到痛苦。 Rather, fell into the deep sleep, fell into the dreamland. 而是,陷入了沉睡,陷入了梦境。 That dreamland, is very real. 那梦境,无比真实。 In the dreamland, gave the Chu Feng new life. 梦境之中,赋予了楚枫新的生活。 In the dreamland, he and Wang Qiang, is then acquainted since childhood, martial cultivation, joins sect together, together able to move unhindered martial cultivation world. 梦境之中,他与王强,从小便相识,一同修武,一同加入宗门,一同纵横修武界 But afterward, they met Bamboo Slip of Deification. 可后来,它们遇到了封神竹简 In the dreamland, he and Wang Qiang fell into the difficult choice. 在梦境之中,他与王强陷入了艰难的抉择。 Obtains Bamboo Slip of Deification, or rescues Wang Qiang, the two can only choose its one. 得到封神竹简,或是解救王强,二者只能选其一。 Chu Feng, chose the latter, chooses to rescue Wang Qiang. 楚枫,选择了后者,选择去救王强 But in dreamland, when Chu Feng chooses rescues Wang Qiang, Wang Qiang actually with a smile shoved open him, refusing Chu Feng's to rescue. 可是在梦境中,当楚枫选择去解救王强的时候,王强却笑着推开了他,拒绝楚枫的解救。 But Bamboo Slip of Deification, then fell into the Chu Feng's right hand. 封神竹简,则落入了楚枫的右手之中。 Later, Chu Feng then revives. 之后,楚枫便苏醒了过来。 Do not look at Chu Feng, enters this bead world, was only -and-a-half double-hour. 别看楚枫,进入这珠子世界,只是过了一个半时辰而已。 But in the dreamland, Chu Feng actually crossed for enough dozens years. 但梦境之中,楚枫却过了足足几十年。 Therefore, after Chu Feng just regained consciousness , the somewhat slow god, somewhat is at once strange to this world. 所以,楚枫刚刚苏醒之后,一时之间,有些缓不过神,才对这个世界有些陌生。 However he, awakened quickly. 不过他,还是很快醒悟了过来。 He realized, beforehand dozens years, but is a dream, but is a test. 他意识到,之前的几十年,不过是一场梦,不过是一个考验而已。 But, he succeeded, therefore he attained this piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification. 但,他成功了,所以他拿到了这片封神竹简 When excited, Chu Feng closed the eyes. 激动之余,楚枫闭上了双眼。 Starts to adjust the breath. 开始调整呼吸。 Just experienced, dozens years of dreamland, Chu Feng still somewhat was actually absent-minded. 刚刚经历,几十年的梦境,楚枫其实仍然有些恍惚。 He is not even able to determine, at present, is real. 他甚至无法确定,眼前的,是不是就是真实的。 But Chu Feng, eventually is the person of seeing the world, is Dragon Mark Grade Saint-cloak World Spiritist. 楚枫,终究是见过世面的人,又是龙纹级圣袍界灵师 His Spirit power, is far from the average man may compare, willpower same different from ordinary person. 他的精神力,远非常人可比,意志力同样异于常人 Quick, Chu Feng then adjusted. 很快,楚枫便调整了过来。 Where?” “哪去了?” Just, obviously in hand.” “刚刚,明明就在手里啊。” After Chu Feng likes opening the eye, actually that piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification in discovery hand disappears. 只是,当楚枫爱都睁开眼睛之后,却发现手中的那片封神竹简不见了。 But quick, Chu Feng is the mind shakes. 但很快,楚枫又是心神一震。 He found that piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification, is only at this time, that piece of Bamboo Slip of Deification, already in Chu Feng's dantian. 他找到了那片封神竹简,只是此时,那片封神竹简,已在楚枫的丹田之内。 In Chu Feng's dantian, has two pieces of Bamboo Slip of Deification. 楚枫的丹田之内,已是拥有了两片封神竹简 This......” “这……” What to do should this I?” “这我该怎么办?” Suddenly, Chu Feng fell into the endless anxiety. 忽然,楚枫陷入了无尽的焦虑之中。 When he wakes up from the dreamland, he then remembered all things of real world. 当他从梦境醒来,他便想起了真实世界的所有事情。 He naturally remembers why will present here. 他自然记得为何会出现此处。 Initially, with Secret Cave Group Saint, opened Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb together. 当初,和秘洞群圣,一起去开启斩妖大帝墓 Finally, Chu Feng obtained the approval of Demon Cutting Great Emperor, obtained the inheritance of Demon Cutting Great Emperor. 最终,楚枫得到了斩妖大帝的认可,获得了斩妖大帝的传承。 But Secret Cave Group Saint, although also obtained some treasures, the inheritance that but obviously, obtains with Chu Feng, is unable to compare. 秘洞群圣,虽然也得到了一些宝物,但显然,与楚枫得到的传承,无法相比。 For this reason, Chu Feng thought that has the shame in Secret Cave Group Saint, originally thinking, this robbing treasure, to Secret Cave Group Saint, is all compensating them by this. 正因如此,楚枫觉得有愧于秘洞群圣,本来想着,这次抢夺的宝物,全都给秘洞群圣,以此来补偿他们。 But in this stone box, most mystical treasure, is most precious treasure, naturally belongs to Bamboo Slip of Deification. 而这石盒之内,最神秘的至宝,也是最珍贵的至宝,自然非封神竹简莫属。 However now, this Bamboo Slip of Deification, oneself entered Chu Feng's dantian unexpectedly. 但是现在,这封神竹简,竟然自己进入了楚枫的丹田 This lets Chu Feng, very awkward. 这让楚枫,非常的为难。 To compensate the plan of Secret Cave Group Saint not only to fail, oneself as if occupied excrement to be suitable. 想补偿秘洞群圣的计划不仅落空了,自己似乎又占了大便宜。 This lets Chu Feng, at once, does not know should should do. 这让楚枫,一时之间,不知该如何是好。 Rumble 隆隆隆 Suddenly, this world day swings shakes, that terrifying strength, starts crazy struggling, even that rumble the sound, seems their wailing. 忽然间,这个世界天摇地晃,那一道道恐怖的力量,开始疯狂的挣扎,甚至那隆隆之音,好似它们的哀嚎。 Huge fissures, spread in this world everywhere completely. 紧接着,一道道巨大的裂痕,在这个世界四处满蔓延。 This world, is going to crash probably general!!! 这个世界,就好像将要崩塌一般!!! ps: With the client side, with Little Brother that the pc end reads, having a look in your accounts to have, thing named recommendation ticket, this ticket has every day, moreover is free, your account rank is higher, the number of votes is higher, if your some words, please throw to Martial God, thanks. ps:用客户端,和pc端看书的兄弟们,看看你们的账户里有没有,一个叫做推荐票的东西,这个票每天都有,而且是免费的,你的账户等级越高,票数越高,如果你有的话,请投给武神,谢谢咯。
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