MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3979: Being burning with anger

Grants, you because of one, spy on my six major influence treasure outsider unexpectedly, but granted that useless old thing.” “赏赐,你竟然因为一个,窥探我六大势力至宝外人,而赏赐了那个没用的老东西。” Hahaha, you may really let my expand my horizon.” 哈哈哈,你可真是让我大开眼界啊。” Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster, laughs wildly, while looks at Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster. 九星天山掌教,一边狂笑,一边看着风雷剑派掌教 That that he smiles called a happiness. 他笑的那叫一个开心。 How can not be unhappy? 怎么能不开心? Just Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster, because of Wang Chen, therefore was put on a high and mighty act, making him quite uncomfortable. 刚刚风雷剑派掌教,就是因为王沉,所以趾高气昂,让他心里极为不爽。 result suddenly discovers now, did half-day that Wang Chen, is a disguiser, at all is not the Wind-Thunder Sword School person. 结果现在忽然发现,搞了半天那个王沉,乃是一个伪装者,根本不是风雷剑派的人。 It is precisely for this reason, Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster, just on Kun's rewarding to the king, became a huge joke. 也正因如此,风雷剑派掌教,刚刚对王上坤的赏赐,成为了一个天大的笑话。 This joke, is so funny, how could he misses. 这个笑话,如此好笑,他岂能错过。 At this time, Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster, the face of air/Qi changed. 此时,风雷剑派掌教,气的脸都变了。 He looks to that distressed Wang Chen, then angrily roars. 他看向那一身狼狈的王沉,便怒吼开来。 This what's the matter, you talk clearly to me!!!” “这到底是怎么回事,你给我说清楚!!!” Was scolded by Sir Headmaster, where Wang Chen has seen this scene. 掌教大人所呵斥,王沉哪见过这种场面。 Frightened plop, knelt above the midair, even urinated to frighten simply quickly. 吓的噗通一声,就跪在了半空之上,简直连尿都快吓出来了。 In this case, he does not dare to have one to conceal, clarity that not only said account, he humiliates the matter of same side, said. 这种情况下,他不敢有一丝隐瞒,不仅将事情的经过说的清清楚楚,就连他欺凌同门的事情,也都说了出来。 Hears account, on the king the Kun direct old blood spits. 听闻事情经过,王上坤直接一口老血吐出来。 He is unable to accept this fact. 他无法接受这个事实。 Just also felt, his grandson must make him bring honor to ancestors, result he must face the reality now, his grandson, is that good-for-nothing fellow, and today, all loses completely his face. 刚刚还觉得,他的孙儿要让他光宗耀祖了,结果现在他就要面对现实,他的孙儿,还是那个不成器的家伙,并且今日,将他的脸面全都丢尽了。 Your this useless thing, looked that I do not kill you.” “你这个没用的东西,看我不打死你。” At this time, on the king Kun Yu Kong came, to fall side Wang Chen, lifted the hand to hit Wang Chen. 此时,王上坤御空而来,落到了王沉身旁,抬手就要打王沉 He does not put on airs, he really plans education ruthlessly, this Wang Chen. 他可不是装腔作势,他是真的打算狠狠的教育一下,这个王沉 Bang But, his powerful palm has not fallen, is a dull thumping sound resounds. 可是,他那有力的手掌还未落下,便是一声闷响响起。 The next quarter, steam spurted on his face as well as his body. 下一刻,一股热气喷在了他的脸上以及他的身上。 He was silly. 紧接着,他傻了。 Because he with astonishment discovered, Wang Chen before his body, had previously still changed to blood fog at this moment unexpectedly, flutters in the midair. 因为他惊愕的发现,先前还在他身前的王沉,此刻竟然已经化作了一片血雾,飘荡在半空之中。 His grandson Wang Chen, died!!! 他的孙儿王沉,死了!!! Wreckage same side, was used, really throws completely me to send the face.” “残骸同门,又被人利用,真是丢尽我派脸面。” Shouted angrily to resound, was Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster. 紧接着,一声怒喝响起,乃是风雷剑派掌教 Actually, the clarity that everyone looks, that Wang Chen, is Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster kills. 其实,大家看的清楚,那王沉,就是风雷剑派掌教杀的。 In a blaze of passion, even if killed Wang Chen personally, the Wind-Thunder Sword School anger has not abated. 盛怒之下,就算亲手杀了王沉,风雷剑派的怒火也没有消退。 Therefore, he vision, went to the king at this time Kun. 所以,他此时将目光,投向了王上坤。 Educates descendants with an improper method, does not match to make my Wind-Thunder Sword School Elder.” “教育后人无方,不配做我风雷剑派长老。” …… The words, he points , the light sword grazes together, , then pierced on the king Kun's dantian. 话罢,他手指一点,一道光剑飞掠而出,噗的一声,便洞穿了王上坤的丹田 On the kings Kun's cultivation realm, had been abolished by him. 王上坤的修为,已经被他废除。 Starting today, expels me to send them, henceforth is not the person of my sending.” “今日起,将他们逐出我派,从此不是我派之人。” The Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster big sleeve wields, then has Elder to rush immediately comes. 风雷剑派掌教大袖一挥,便立刻有长老冲上前来。 Not only forces, on Kun's the clothes the king dug up, that several, with disciple of Wang Chen peer, the clothes were also dug up. 不仅强行,将王上坤的衣服扒了下来,就连那几位,与王沉同行的弟子,衣服也都被扒了下来。 That several disciple were scared. 那几个弟子都被吓傻了。 But they are actually lucky, they like Wang Chen, had not at least written off by Headmaster directly. 但其实他们是幸运的,至少他们没有像王沉一样,直接被掌教抹杀。 However actually everyone was clear. 但是其实大家心里的都清楚。 Wang Chen and his grandfather, reason that such miserable, is in the formation world, that Imposter goods are noisy. 王沉和他的爷爷,之所以如此之惨,都是结界世界内,那个冒牌货闹的。 If not for that Imposter goods, shocking of extremely performance, making Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster place the great expectations, he not afterward was disappointed. 若不是那个冒牌货,表现的太过惊艳,让风雷剑派掌教寄予厚望,他也不会又后来的失望了。 Looks again to Chu Feng in formation world. 只是,再度看向结界世界内的楚枫 At the same time, another question, actually came. 只是与此同时,另外一个疑问,却又来了。 Who is this fellow?” “这个家伙到底是谁啊?” Since he is not six major influence people, that should also be a junior, how otherwise can enter to the formation world in?” “既然他不是六大势力的人,那也应该是小辈吧,否则怎么能够进入到结界世界之内?” „A so fierce junior, from where?” “一个如此厉害的小辈,是来自何处?” In the people heart filled curiously, even this numerous puzzled voices, also resounds through this vast horizon. 众人心中充满了好奇,甚至这众不解的声音,也是响彻这浩瀚天际。 Sir Headmaster, according to just Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple described, these people seem like Secret Cave Group Saint, with that Asura.” 掌教大人,按照刚刚风雷剑派弟子所形容,那些人很像是秘洞群圣,和那个修罗。” At this time, some people of All Heavens Sect Elder said. 此时,有人诸天门长老说道。 Is they.” “又是他们。” Hears this words, continuously calm All Heavens Sect Headmaster, flies into a rage. 听闻此话,一直沉稳的诸天门掌教,也是大发雷霆。 After all, he has heard, before decoded Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb, reason that failed. 毕竟,他已经听闻,之前破解斩妖大帝墓,之所以失败。 Because of Secret Cave Group Saint, as well as a fellow behavior named Asura. 就是因为秘洞群圣,以及一个叫做修罗的家伙所为。 Especially that Asura fellow, is the chief criminal who they are defeated. 尤其是那个修罗的家伙,更是他们所失败的罪魁祸首。 Okay good, they also dare to look for my All Heavens Sect to be troublesome unexpectedly.” “好好好,他们竟然还敢找我诸天门麻烦。” I must have a look actually, this time, they whether to run away under my nose.” “我倒是要看看,这一次,他们能否从我眼皮底下逃走。” At this time, All Heavens Sect Headmaster, is burning with anger. 此时,诸天门掌教,怒火中烧。 Because he already to Secret Cave Group Saint, as well as Asura was full of the hatred. 因为他早就对秘洞群圣,以及修罗充满恨意。 Had decided, must want a justice. 早就决定,要讨回个公道。 But now, does not wait for him to look for Secret Cave Group Saint, Secret Cave Group Saint walks in unexpectedly. 可是现在,不等他去找秘洞群圣,秘洞群圣竟然找上门来。 And in him and six major influence Headmaster, in situation. 并且还是在他与六大势力掌教,都在的情况下。 This provokes simply, is the obvious provocation. 这简直是挑衅,是再明显不过的挑衅。 This lets his provocation, making his anger wild, has been in the situation that difficult suppressed. 这让他的挑衅,让他的怒火变得狂暴,已经到了难以压制的地步。 All Heavens Headmaster, you are know that the person of that camouflage, is who?” 诸天掌教,你是知道那个伪装之人,是什么人?” At this time, wind and thunder immortal pavilion Headmaster opens the mouth to ask. 此时,风雷仙阁掌教开口问道。 They are called Secret Cave Group Saint, is in my All Heavens Star Region, one crowd does all kinds of evil things, despicable shameless organization.” “他们叫做秘洞群圣,是我诸天星域内,一群为非作歹,卑鄙无耻的组织。” They before, once used the special treasure, has entered in Spirit Formation method that only then the junior can enter.” “他们之前,就曾利用特殊的宝物,进入过只有小辈才能进入的结界阵法之中。” Therefore, certainly is they.” “所以,一定是他们。” All Heavens Sect Headmaster said. 诸天门掌教说道。 Using the treasure, mixes.” “利用宝物,混入其中。” In other words, isn't he a junior? But is old cultivator camouflages?” Dragon Phoenix Immortal Pavilion Headmaster asked. “也就是说,他根本就不是小辈?而是一位年迈的修武者所伪装的?”龙凤仙阁掌教问道。 Right, Secret Cave Group Saint, they at all are not the juniors.” “对,秘洞群圣,他们根本不是小辈。” All Heavens Sect Headmaster said. 诸天门掌教说道。 Whish But he such remarks, in the huge crowd, raised the great unrest again. 而他此话一出,人海之中,再度掀起了轩然大波。 Previously also to the people who Chu Feng was full of praise, started the slander to quarrel at once, even played the shame. 先前还对楚枫赞不绝口的众人,一时之间开始恶语相向,甚至出演羞辱。 If, a junior, has Eight Rank Venerable cultivation realm, indeed heaven defying. 如果说,一个小辈,拥有八品尊者修为,的确逆天的话。 Then martial cultivation many years of older generation characters, Eight Rank Venerable cultivation realm, is not anything, even is unable the standing in line given name. 那么一个修武多年的老一辈人物,八品尊者修为,根本就不算什么,甚至根本就无法排上名号。 But, as older generation, pretends to be junior , the humiliation junior, this cultivation realm, really made one despise. 但,以老一辈的身份,去冒充小辈,又欺凌小辈,这种修为,就实在太让人不齿了。 This Secret Cave Group Saint, was too shameless, must teach them well.” “这秘洞群圣,也太无耻了,必须好好教训他们。” At once, everyone was full of the hostility to Secret Cave Group Saint. 一时之间,所有人都对秘洞群圣都充满了敌意。 Wishes one could, dug up the Secret Cave Group Saint swallow alive exactly, can solve hate of heart. 恨不得,将秘洞群圣生吞活扒了,才能一解心头之恨。
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