MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3973: Actually is uncertain

Wang Chen he, really went too far, even if our two schools beforehand do not have happily, but the ally, how he can after all under the so heavy violent treachery.” 王沉他,实在太过分了,就算我们两派之前有不愉快,可毕竟还是盟友,他怎能下如此重的毒手。” Really is lawless, completely disregards me to send the sect rule.” “真是无法无天,完全无视我派门规。” Brother Song, Zhao Junior Brother, Junior Brother Junior Sister, you can count on that this matter, I this matter report/give report, my Wind-Thunder Sword School, will certainly give that Wang Chen penalty truthfully, certainly also your justice.” 宋兄,赵师弟,各位师弟师妹,你们放心,这件事情,我一定会将此事如实禀报,我风雷剑派,会给予那王沉惩罚,一定还你们一个公道。” The Ouyang Ping will vowed solemnly that is saying, a oath must ask for the just appearance for Song Jinglun and others. 欧阳平志信誓旦旦的说着,一副誓要为宋经纶等人讨回公道的模样。 But stands in his behind numerous position disciple, nods in abundance , indicating that approves of the Ouyang Ping will the view. 而站在他身后的众位弟子,也是纷纷点头,表示赞同欧阳平志的说法。 Wind-Thunder Sword School?” Regarding the words of Ouyang Ping will, Song Jinglun is cold smiles: „The Ouyang Ping will, you can determine, just that fellow, was really your Wind-Thunder Sword School person?” 风雷剑派?”对于欧阳平志的话,宋经纶则是冷然一笑:“欧阳平志,你难道能够确定,刚刚那个家伙,真的是你风雷剑派的人吗?” Brother Song, you are what intention, that Wang Chen is not my Wind-Thunder Sword School person, where person but can also be?” Puzzled of Ouyang Ping will face. 宋兄,你这是何意,那王沉不是我风雷剑派的人,还能是哪里的人?”欧阳平志一脸的不解。 In fact, is not only he is puzzled, many people on the scene, is feels about the Song Jinglun words puzzled. 实际上,不仅是他不解,在场的不少人,也都是对宋经纶的话感到不解。 All right.” “没事。” Song Jinglun shakes the head, no longer many explanations. 宋经纶摇了摇头,不再过多的解释。 Actually, this is also only his one guess. 其实,这也只是他的一种猜测。 This guess, came from his intuition. 这种猜测,是来自于他的直觉。 Song Jinglun, has contacted many times with Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple. 宋经纶,与风雷剑派弟子接触过很多次。 Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple Zhihong who he contacts, most outstanding disciple, is the Ouyang Ping will. 他所接触的风雷剑派弟子志宏,其中最优秀的弟子,就是欧阳平志。 But even if Ouyang Ping will, has not taken to him, such as just Wang Chen took to his constriction. 可哪怕欧阳平志,也从来没有带给过他,如刚刚王沉所带给他的压迫感。 Even, Shentu Hao beautiful, as well as several other talents, has never given him such big constriction. 甚至,申屠浩丽,以及其他几位天才,也从未给过他这样大的压迫感。 This makes him feel that fellow named Wang Chen, likely is not Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple. 这让他觉得,那个叫做王沉的家伙,很可能并不是风雷剑派弟子 But he himself does not know, if that Wang Chen is not Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple, where can also be sacred. 但连他自己都不知道,倘若那王沉不是风雷剑派弟子,又会是何方神圣。 But matter that even he himself is unable to explain, he is not naturally able to explain to others. 而连他自己都无法解释的事情,他自然也就无法向他人解释。 Almost at the same time, outside also blasted out the pot. 几乎与此同时,外面也是炸开了锅。 Everyone, is revolving Wang Chen these two characters, but launched the discussion. 所有人,都在围绕着王沉这两个字,而展开了议论。 Wind-Thunder Sword School the disciple named Wang Chen, but is not really simple.” 风雷剑派的这个叫做王沉弟子,可真是不简单啊。” A little is indeed extraordinary, beats Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Zhao Zicheng, defeats Song Jinglun unexpectedly, used one move, and is very simple one move.” “的确有点了不得,击败九星天山赵梓成也就罢了,竟然击败宋经纶,也只是用了一招而已,并且还是非常简单的一招。” Until now, he only disclosed that he was the Fifth Rank Venerable aura, was Immortal Method, was Martial Technique, cultivation realm how even to strengthen, he has not displayed.” “至今为止,他只透露出了,他是五品尊者的气息,可是无论是仙法,还是武技,甚至是如何增强的修为,他都未曾施展。” Is what kind of treasure, lets such depth that he hidden?” “是何等至宝,让他隐藏的如此之深?” The people discussed that is also normal. 众人议论,也是正常。 After all just, Chu Feng and Song Jinglun fought, Song Jinglun cultivation realm, achieved Fifth Rank Venerable. 毕竟刚刚,楚枫宋经纶交手的时候,宋经纶修为,也是达到了五品尊者 Actually, Song Jinglun and Ouyang Ping will, including Shentu Hao beautiful, as well as Nangong Yifan, their real cultivation realm, is Second Rank Venerable. 其实,宋经纶以及欧阳平志,包括申屠浩丽,以及南宫亦凡,他们的真实修为,都是二品尊者 But Song Jinglun achieves Fifth Rank Venerable cultivation realm , because he displayed treasure, as well as bloodline power, special cultivation technique and other methods. 宋经纶达到五品尊者修为,乃是因为他施展了至宝,以及血脉之力,还有特殊功法等诸多手段。 Method that he uses, everyone looks. 他所施展的手段,大家都是看的到的。 But that Wang Chen from Second Rank Venerable cultivation realm , to promote to Fifth Rank Venerable cultivation realm, body actually does not have any change. 可那王沉二品尊者修为,提升到五品尊者修为,身上却没有任何变化。 People could not see, he used treasure, is bloodline power, or is special cultivation technique. 人们看不出,他是使用了至宝,还是血脉之力,或者是特殊功法 Therefore people guessed, on the body of that Wang Chen, should have treasure. 所以人们猜测,在那王沉的身上,应该有着一件至宝 Is that treasure, hid on him all strengths. 是那至宝,隐藏了他身上的一切力量。 Wind Headmaster, you send on this disciple, hidden the treasure, but is not really simple.” “风掌教,你派这位弟子身上的,隐藏宝物,可真不简单啊。” „The method of unexpectedly continually using, can hide, did not know from where, obtained such treasure?” “竟然连施展的手段,都能隐藏的了,不知是从何处,得到的此等宝物啊?” At this time, six major influence Headmaster , the curious vision, will go to Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster in abundance. 此时,就连六大势力掌教们,也纷纷将好奇的目光,投向了风雷剑派掌教 Secret cannot divulge.” “天机不可泄露。” But regarding the curiosity of people, Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster keeps guessing. 而对于众人的好奇,风雷剑派掌教则是卖起了关子。 „Can't secret divulge?” “天机不可泄露?” I looked that is you teaches with an improper method.” “我看是你教导无方。” You send this disciple, causes heavy losses to my sect disciple, this matter you cannot explain.” “你派这弟子,重创我宗弟子,这件事情你不许要给个交待。” Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster, a face disgruntled looks at Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster. 九星天山掌教,一脸不悦的看着风雷剑派掌教 He still in right, Wang Chen causes heavy losses to the Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple incident, takes to heart. 他仍在对,王沉重创九星天山弟子一事,耿耿于怀。 Relax, I send disciple to make the mistake, I will punish surely, this matter does not need you to remind.” “放心,我派弟子做错了事,我定会惩罚,这件事不用你提醒。” Actually you, the good and evil is also Headmaster, can don't, because the friction between disciple, is so breathless?” “倒是你,好歹也是一宗掌教,能别因为弟子之间的摩擦,就如此气急败坏吗?” What's wrong, only permits your sect disciple, bullies my Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple?” “怎么,就只许你宗弟子,欺负我风雷剑派弟子?” „Isn't my Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple counter-attack, good?” “我风雷剑派弟子反击,就不行了?” Really has to lose the grandmaster style.” “真是有失宗师风范。” Facing Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster, forcing again and again, Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster becomes very impatient. 面对九星天山掌教,一而再再而三的逼迫,风雷剑派掌教变得很不耐烦。 You speak irresponsibly and sarcastically!!!” “你这是站着说话不腰疼!!!” Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster, been mad stands up again, a pair of angry glare, wicked is staring at Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster. 九星天山掌教,被气的再度站起身来,一双怒目,恶狠狠的盯着风雷剑派掌教 That appearance, wishes one could to contend with Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster simply. 那个样子,简直恨不得与风雷剑派掌教一较高下。 Luckily All Heavens Sect Headmaster and others consoles, otherwise two people may really hit. 幸亏诸天门掌教等人劝解,否则二人可能真的会打起来。 However, breathless, only has a Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain Headmaster person. 不过,气急败坏的,只有九星天山掌教一个人。 At this time Wind-Thunder Sword School Headmaster, is not only not mad, instead is self-satisfied. 此时风雷剑派掌教,不仅不气,反而非常得意。 Although Ouyang Ping will and other disciple, are all defeated. 虽说欧阳平志等弟子,全都败下阵来。 However that Wang Chen, actually gave him an enormous pleasant surprise. 但是那个王沉,却给了他一个极大的惊喜。 When pleasant surprise, even he to Wang Chen, filled curiously. 只是惊喜之余,连他对王沉,也是充满了好奇。 Looked quickly, hits.” “快看,打起来了。” Finally hit.” “终于打起来了。” The vast huge crowd is in a tumult again. 浩瀚人海再度骚动起来。 Originally is, Nangong Yifan, after making a long and wearisome journey, finally arrived at the position that witch name/reputation as well as seedling Nine Heavens were. 原来是,南宫亦凡,经过长途跋涉之后,终于来到了巫名以及苗九天所在的位置。 But witch name/reputation as well as seedling Nine Heavens rubbish, in Nangong Yifan, then collaborates directly, launched the offensive to Nangong Yifan. 而巫名以及苗九天也不废话,在南宫亦凡靠近之后,便直接联手,对南宫亦凡发动了攻势。 Does, Nangong Yifan was too strong. 只是奈何,南宫亦凡实在太强了。 Even if witch name/reputation and seedling Nine Heavens collaborate, actually also at all is not the Nangong Yifan opponent. 哪怕巫名与苗九天联手,却也根本不是南宫亦凡的对手。 Although witch name/reputation and seedling Nine Heavens, are prepared early, time that but this fights, actually very fast. 尽管巫名与苗九天,早有准备,可是这一战的时间,却非常的快速。 However the time of short moment, Nangong Yifan defeats witch name/reputation as well as seedling Nine Heavens. 不过短短片刻的功夫,南宫亦凡就将巫名以及苗九天击败。 Smooth from Miao Celestial Clan and Dragon Phoenix Immortal Pavilion hand, robbed the treasure in that purple light beam. 顺利的从苗氏天族龙凤仙阁手中,抢走了那紫色光柱内的宝物。 Hence, Nangong Yifan, had attained four in 12 treasure. 至此,南宫亦凡,已是拿到了十二件宝物中的四件。 But, people had not felt, Nangong Yifan won certainly. 可是,人们却并没有觉得,南宫亦凡就一定赢定了。 Because of this time, but also has another form, is attracting attention of people. 因为此时,还有着另外一道身影,吸引着众人的瞩目。 That person, naturally is Wang Chen that Chu Feng camouflages. 那个人,自然便是楚枫所伪装的王沉 At this time, Chu Feng had arrived in front of a purple light beam. 此时,楚枫已经来到了一座紫色光柱面前。 And, like same previously, easy attained, the treasure in purple light beam. 并且,就如同先前一样,轻而易举的就拿到了,紫色光柱内的宝物。 Is disregards that to protect formation technique simply. 简直就是无视那守护阵法 „Does the body of this Wang Chen, have the special treasure?” “这王沉的身上,是不是有特殊的宝物啊?” Otherwise to be how possible, disregards that formation technique?” “不然怎么可能,无视那阵法?” Sees Wang Chen again, easy possession treasure, people discuss spiritedly again. 再度看到王沉,轻而易举的拿到至宝,人们再度议论纷纷。 And almost believes, the body of Wang Chen decides however has the special treasure, was that treasure helped him, otherwise he was impossible to disregard the purple light beam. 并且几乎一致认为,王沉的身上定然是有特殊的宝物,是那至宝帮助了他,否则他不可能无视紫色光柱。 After all, Nangong Yifan that and other talents, want to break open the purple light beam formation technique, needs to gather the All Heavens Sect numerous disciple strength, can to break the formation. 毕竟,就连南宫亦凡那等天才,想要破开紫色光柱的阵法,也需要集合诸天门弟子的力量,才能破阵 Wang Chen, why can he, disregard formation technique? 王沉,他凭什么,能无视阵法 Actually is uncertain, besides the special treasure, a possibility, can make him disregard formation technique in that purple light beam.” “其实不一定,除了特殊的宝物,还有一种可能,可以让他无视那紫色光柱内的阵法。” However, in the people recognized that Wang Chen has the special treasure in the body, actually the different sounds resound. 然而,就在众人认定王沉有特殊宝物在身的时候,却有一道不一样的声音响起。 ps: Not good meaning, that chapter of slip of the pen, to write Wang Chen the Ouyang Ping will yesterday, therefore causes everyone not to read smooth, the honeybee is sorry, apologied to the readers. ps:不好意思,昨天那一章笔误了,把欧阳平志写成了王沉,因此造成大家阅读不顺,蜜蜂深感歉意,向读者们致歉。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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