MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3971: Anxious innermost feelings

Rumble 轰隆隆 Suddenly, the horizon of distant place, transmits grating thundering. 忽然之间,远处的天际,传来刺耳的轰鸣。 Powerful ripples, are spread, thoroughly destroys this side trees. 一股强大的涟漪,更是扩散开来,将这方树木都是彻底摧毁。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, Wind-Thunder Sword School and Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain disciple, then had the different mood. 顺势观望,风雷剑派九星天山弟子,则是有了不同的情绪。 Although the distance is a little far, clarity that but people can look. 尽管距离有点远,但是人们还是能够看的清楚。 That is the Ouyang Ping will, battle with Song Jinglun. 那是欧阳平志,与宋经纶的交战。 At this time, the Ouyang Ping will has been wounded, is making the final resistance. 此时,欧阳平志已经负伤,在做最后的抵抗。 But coming out that everyone looks , the Ouyang Ping will makes the fearless resistance again is also useless. 但所有人都看的出来,欧阳平志再做无畏的抵抗也是没用。 Things have gotten to this point, coming out that everyone looks, actually this showdown, victory and defeat already difference. 事已至此,所有人都看的出来,其实这场对决,胜负已分。 Seeing with own eyes, Song Jinglun must win, Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain some disciple, the excited tears flowed. 眼见着,宋经纶就要赢了,九星天山的一些弟子,激动的眼泪都流了出来。 They previous, was suffered by Wang Chen, even Zhao Zi entirely succeed was abandoned cultivation realm. 他们先前,被王沉折磨,甚至赵梓成都被废了修为 Even but if, they have not so gone to call Song Jinglun to seek help. 可是哪怕如此,他们也没有去叫宋经纶求助。 The reason for this is that is afraid Song Jinglun to divert attention, is afraid Song Jinglun to be defeated by the Ouyang Ping will. 之所以如此,就是害怕宋经纶分了心,害怕宋经纶欧阳平志击败。 But now, sees the victory and defeat already the minute/share, the opportunity that then they revenge also arrived. 而现在,眼看胜负已分,那么他们报仇的机会也到了。 Although there is a restraint of treaty of alliance, since is Wind-Thunder Sword School Wang Chen, first next violent treachery, then Song Jinglun can also natural retaliates. 虽然有盟约的约束,可是既然是风雷剑派王沉,先下的毒手,那么宋经纶也就可以理所应当的进行报复。 …… But in the meantime, together form to rise up in the air. 可就在此时,一道身影拔空而起。 Directly soars Song Jinglun unexpectedly, grazes to go with the battlefield of Ouyang Ping will. 竟然直奔宋经纶,与欧阳平志的战场飞掠而去。 Which bastard this is, such won't one small be able to endure patiently?” “这是哪个混蛋,这么一小会都忍耐不了吗?” Sees some people to act, Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain many disciple, are clenching jaws of air/Qi. 见有人行动,九星天山的许多弟子,都是气的咬牙切齿。 They also think, is Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain has disciple unable to calm down, looks Song Jinglun to seek help. 他们还以为,是九星天山弟子沉不住气,去找宋经纶求助了呢。 Although, seems like the victory and defeat already the minute/share, but has not defeated the Ouyang Ping will after all thoroughly. 可是,尽管看上去胜负已分,可毕竟还未彻底击败欧阳平志。 They felt, at this time looked for Song Jinglun to seek help, was not the wise action. 他们都觉得,这个时候去找宋经纶求助,也并非明智之举。 So was in any case long waited, might as well waited again. 反正这么久都等了,还不如再等一等。 „Is that?” “那是?” But when, they see clearly, after that form, actually the facial features refuse to compromise, feels helpless at once. 可是,当他们看清,那位的身影之后,却面容僵持,一时之间不知所措。 They with astonishment discovered that form, is not Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain disciple. 他们惊愕的发现,那道身影,并不是九星天山弟子 that is, Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple. 那乃是,风雷剑派弟子 And, that is also not common disciple, that unexpectedly is Wang Chen. 并且,那还不是寻常的弟子,那竟然是王沉 Is that previously suffered them, and abolished Zhao Zicheng cultivation realm Wang Chen. 是那个,先前折磨他们,并且废除了赵梓成修为王沉 This fellow, what does he want to make?” “这个家伙,他要做什么?” At this time, not to mention Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain disciple is bewildered, Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple also similarly is bewildered. 此时,莫说九星天山弟子一脸茫然,风雷剑派弟子也同样是一脸茫然。 Even, the Ouyang Ping will of battling, called a halt with Song Jinglun suddenly. 甚至,就连原本正在交战的欧阳平志,和宋经纶也是忽然停手了。 their two people, looked at the same time to a direction. 他们二人,同一时间看向了一个方向。 When they saw form that presents after not far away, in the eye emerged the same vision unexpectedly. 而当他们看到那位出现在不远处的身影之后,眼中竟涌现出了相同的目光。 That is surprised. 那是惊讶。 Ouyang Ping will, is this helper who you called?” 欧阳平志,这是你叫来的帮手吗?” Suddenly, that Song Jinglun sent out wiped the satire the laughter. 忽然,那宋经纶发出了一抹讽刺的笑声。 Ouyang Ping will that game is as good as lost, must be defeated immediately, facing the taunt of Song Jinglun, the complexion becomes even more ugly/difficult to look at, therefore scolded to Chu Feng: What do you make?” 本就大势已去,马上就要失败的欧阳平志,面对宋经纶的嘲讽,脸色变得越发难看,于是对楚枫呵斥道:“你来做什么?” But Chu Feng, actually does not pay attention to that Ouyang Ping will, but looks to Song Jinglun. 可是楚枫,却根本就不理会那欧阳平志,而是看向宋经纶 Looks at your Junior Brother Junior Sister situations, coming out that you also smile?” “看一看你那些师弟师妹的情况,你还笑的出来吗?” Speech at the same time, Chu Feng referred to the distant place, the position that Wind-Thunder Sword School and Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple is. 说话的同时,楚枫指了指远处,风雷剑派九星天山弟子所在的方位。 Hears this words, that Song Jinglun and Ouyang Ping will looked. 听得此话,那宋经纶欧阳平志都是看了过去。 But this does not look importantly, in two people of eyes, all emerges the shock. 可是这一看不要紧,二人的眼中,皆是涌现出了震惊。 Although the distance is far, but after they use the special observation method, clarity that all look. 虽然距离较远,可当他们使用特殊的观察手段之后,一切还是看的清清楚楚。 They not only can see, Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple, all pours in the pool of blood. 他们不仅能够看到,九星天山的众弟子,一个个的皆是倒在血泊之中。 They even can see, Zhao Zicheng pain is covering dantian, but in dantian is Martial Power that to have the naked eye can see, in unceasing leak. 他们甚至能够看到,赵梓成痛苦的捂着丹田,而丹田内更是有着肉眼可以看到的武力,在不断的外泄。 Zhao Zicheng cultivation realm was abandoned. 赵梓成的修为被废了。 Even after leaving this place, can restore, but will still affect his future future. 就算离开此地之后,能够进行修复,但也会影响他日后的前程。 Who is this behavior?!!!” “这是何人所为?!!!” Suddenly, shouted angrily to resound. 猛然间,一声怒喝响起。 This shouting angrily, precisely passes from the Song Jinglun mouth. 这声怒喝,正是传自宋经纶的口中。 He was angry, but he did not have the earliest possible time, vented the anger in Chu Feng, or body of Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple. 他愤怒极了,但是他并没有第一时间,将怒火发泄在楚枫,或者风雷剑派弟子的身上。 Because in his opinion, Wind-Thunder Sword School can achieve this thing, only has the Ouyang Ping will, besides the Ouyang Ping will, no one can cause heavy losses to their Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain disciple like this. 因为在他看来,风雷剑派能够做到这种事的,唯有欧阳平志,除了欧阳平志外,没有人可以这样重创他们九星天山弟子 Therefore first, he that person who makes this matter, thought expert of another four influences. 所以第一时间,他就把那个做出这件事的人,想成了另外四座势力的高手 Hands over that glove, otherwise I want you and their similar fates.” “把那个手套交出来,不然我要你与他们同样的下场。” But suddenly, the Chu Feng's sound actually resounded. 可忽然间,楚枫的声音却响起了。 What you said that causes heavy losses to my Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain disciple person, is you?” “你说什么,难道重创我九星天山弟子的人,是你?” Freely, Song Jinglun has asked this words, is in the words, has the extremely heavy anxiety, he does not believe, is at present this Wind-Thunder Sword School disciple behavior. 尽管,宋经纶已经将此话问出,可是话语之中,还是有着极重的疑虑,他并不太相信,是眼前这名风雷剑派弟子所为。 Senior Brother Song, killed him, caused heavy losses to us, but also abandoned Zhao Senior Brother cultivation realm.” 宋师兄,杀了他,就是重创了我们,还废了赵师兄修为。” Suddenly, a slating sound, conveys from the Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple direction. 猛然间,一声雷鸣般的声音,自九星天山弟子的方向传来。 that is Immortal Method, special sound Immortal Method. 那乃是一种仙法,一种特殊的声音仙法 Because of that Immortal Method particularity, although they are separated by the slope to be far, is that words, is clear, spread to the ear of Song Jinglun. 因为那仙法的特殊性,尽管他们相隔坡远,可是那位的话,还是清清楚楚的,传入了宋经纶的耳中。 Really is you, I want your a debt of blood must be paid in blood!!!” “果然是你,我要你血债血偿!!!” Suddenly, a Song Jinglun Blade revolution, Sword Qi grazes immediately together, directly soars Chu Feng's dantian to go. 猛然间,宋经纶剑锋一转,顿时一道剑气飞掠而出,直奔楚枫的丹田而去。 His is, must abandon Chu Feng's cultivation realm. 他这是,要废了楚枫的修为 And, his is not common Sword Qi, but is Ninth Rank Immortal Method. 并且,他那不是寻常的剑气,而是九段仙法 After he displays this move, the Ouyang Ping will is also the complexion big change. 当他施展出此招之后,就连欧阳平志也是脸色大变。 Because he discovered, if Song Jinglun has displayed this move, he has possibly defeated. 因为他发现,若是宋经纶早就施展这一招,他可能早就败了。 Showing mercy. 手下留情。 Before is Song Jinglun, does not want really to cause heavy losses to him, therefore showed mercy intentionally. 宋经纶之前不想真的重创他,所以故意手下留情了。 At this time, facing causing heavy losses to Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple Wang Chen, Song Jinglun does not have the plan of showing mercy, his acts, is kills to incur. 只是此时,面对重创了九星天山弟子王沉,宋经纶却已经没有了手下留情的打算,他这一出手,便是杀招。 That Sword Qi is sharp, was cut two continually void, the place visited, the void disruption, falls into chaos one piece. 剑气锋利无比,连虚空都被切割成两段,所过之处,虚空碎裂,陷入混沌一片。 That might strong, only from power and influence, people on clarity of feeling. 那威力有多强,只从威势之中,人们就感受的清清楚楚。 In people opinion, this strikes, if hits, possibly is abolishes cultivation realm is so simple incessantly, likely, can want that Wang Chen life. 在人们看来,这一击,若是击中,可能不止是废除修为那么简单,很可能,会要了那王沉的性命。 Bang Suddenly, the void shake, the powerful ripples, from the sky roared to wreak havoc. 猛然间,虚空震荡,强大的涟漪,在空中咆哮肆虐。 Hit, Song Jinglun Ninth Rank Immortal Method, not unexpected hit on Chu Feng's. 击中了,宋经纶九段仙法,毫无意外的击中在了楚枫的身上。 At this moment, Nine Stars Heavenly Mountain numerous disciple, cannot bear cry out. 这一刻,九星天山的众弟子,忍不住呐喊起来。 Divulges the anger in their heart by this, as well as that Wang Chen defeated joy. 以此来宣泄他们心中的怒火,以及那王沉被击败的喜悦。 But, as Song Jinglun of that Immortal Method displaying, is actually the brow wrinkles, in the heart anxious gives out comes. 可是,身为那仙法施展者的宋经纶,却是眉头皱起,心中一种不安散发开来。 Displaying as this Immortal Method, he knew about this Ninth Rank Immortal Method. 身为这仙法的施展者,他对这九段仙法非常了解。 But in his opinion, floods the ripples of the world at this time, does not seem like pierces the performance of that Wang Chen body radically, is more like by what thing, keeping off. 而在他看来,此时充斥天地的涟漪,根本不像是洞穿那王沉身体的表现,更像是被什么东西,给挡了下来。 ps: The important notice, the Martial God reader must look. ps:重要通知,武神读者必看。 So far, 90% readers, read in the pirating website. 目前为止,有百分之九十的读者,都是在盗版网站看书。 But now, the country had enhanced the effort of attack pirating, cannot do well some day, all pirating websites will vanish. 而现在,国家已经加强了打击盗版的力度,搞不好某一天,所有盗版网站都会消失。 At that time, could not find the reader in genuine website, will lose the way of reading Martial God Asura this book. 那个时候,找不到正版网站的读者,将失去看修罗武神这本书的途径。 In addition, the issue of pirating website very many, will frequently have the chapter confused situation, even a robber wooden horse, threatens the account number safe and personal privacies of reading public. 除此之外,盗版网站的问题非常的多,会经常出现章节错乱的情况,甚至还有盗号木马,威胁广大读者的账号安全和个人隐私。 In brief, the pirating website is illegal existence, otherwise the country will not attack them. 总之,盗版网站是违法的存在,否则国家也不会打击它们。 Therefore the honeybee invited the Martial God reader, paid attention to the WeChat public number of honeybee. 所以蜜蜂请武神的读者,都关注一下蜜蜂的微信公众号。 The WeChat public number of honeybee, meets pushes the Martial God latest chapter every day, so long as paid attention to the WeChat public number of honeybee, everyone also knows that the latest development of honeybee, did not fear after pirating was attacked, could not find place that reads. 蜜蜂的微信公众号,会每天推送武神的最新章节,只要关注了蜜蜂的微信公众号,大家也会知道蜜蜂的最新动态,就不怕盗版被打击后,找不到看书的地方了。 But in the WeChat public number of honeybee, the Martial God chapter of push, is the genuine connection, and is free reading, everyone can feel relieved 而蜜蜂的微信公众号上,推送的武神章节,都是正版连接,并且也是免费阅读的,大家可以放心 But these, have not paid attention to the honeybee WeChat public number Little Brother, begins quickly. 而那些,还没关注蜜蜂微信公众号的兄弟们,快动手吧。 Name: Kindhearted Bee supporters'association 名称:善良的蜜蜂后援会 In WeChat increases in the friend, found the public number, searches the Kindhearted Bee supporters'association in the public number, the attention then. 微信添加朋友里,找到公众号,在公众号里搜索善良的蜜蜂后援会,关注即可。 Specifically reminded: Some many illegal people pretend to be the honeybee, everyone pays attention, pays attention. 特别提醒:有很多人非法之徒冒充蜜蜂,大家关注的时候,注意一下。 The WeChat public number of honeybee is eight characters: Kindhearted Bee supporters'association 蜜蜂的微信公众号是八个字:善良的蜜蜂后援会 For example: Kindhearted Bee „” supporters'association, Kindhearted Bee supporters'association Martial God Asura, Kindhearted Bee supporters'association Martial God, this type is to pretend to be, everyone do not pay attention. 如:善良的蜜蜂“的”后援会,善良的蜜蜂的后援会修罗武神,善良的蜜蜂后援会武神,这种都是冒充的,大家不要去关注。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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