MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3951: Ruthless role

Chu Feng looks to the waters deep place, felt that type again, the long jab soul fear. 楚枫望向水域深处,再度感觉到了那种,直击灵魂般的恐惧。 When this and just faced the death fear, but also is different. 这与刚刚面对死亡时的恐惧,还不一样。 This time, is facing unknown, but fear. 这一次,乃是面对未知,而产生的恐惧。 Compared in facing directly the death, this unknown, instead made Chu Feng be afraid. 相比于直面死亡,这种未知,反而更让楚枫不寒而栗。 Just, in waters, but also covered entirely the life, but shortly, actually died completely. 刚刚,水域之中,还布满了生命,可顷刻之间,竟然全部死去。 The vast waters, were been all red by fresh Xue Ran/bloody. 辽阔的水域,皆被鲜血染红。 The red deathly stillness, causes this place, not only an impact of vision, is to make people think strange. 红色的死寂,使得此地,不仅给人一种视觉的冲击,更是让人觉得诡异。 For all this, Chu Feng was actually still observing, the curiosity is urging Chu Feng, wants to understand that are more. 尽管如此,楚枫却仍在观察着,好奇心驱使着楚枫,想要了解更多。 He wants to know, actually that invisible strength is anything. 他想知道,那无形的力量究竟是什么。 He also wants to know, these are located in Ancient Organisms of waters deep place, what kind of ending will be. 他也想知道,那些位于水域深处的远古生物,将会是怎样的结局 But the waters are too deep, immeasurably deep. 可水域太深,深不可测。 The Chu Feng's sensation strength is limited, if not waters deep place has the driving release aura, he is unable the sensation to arrive at the situation in waters deep place. 楚枫的感知力有限,若非水域深处的存在主动释放气息,他根本无法感知到水域深处的情况。 Therefore, Chu Feng does not know, this time waters deep place, what kind of position is. 因此,楚枫不知道,此时的水域深处,是一个怎样的境地。 May actually be able to imagine, that is similar to the end general picture. 可却能够想象的到,那如同末日一般的画面。 Although has not seen with one's own eyes, but Chu Feng felt, even if Ancient Organisms of waters deep place, is also facing the total destruction mostly. 虽然未曾亲眼看到,可楚枫却觉得,哪怕水域深处的远古生物,多半也在面临灭顶之灾。 Rumble 轰隆隆 Suddenly, the waters deep place fierce tremor, that fluctuation sweeps across to come from inside to outside, this side waters were swallowed instantaneously. 忽然,水域深处剧烈的颤动,那波动从内向外席卷而来,就连这方水域都被瞬间吞噬。 The fluctuation is too strong, Chu Feng as well as Linghu Yueyue, were promoted the lake surface unexpectedly directly. 波动太强,楚枫以及令狐悦悦,竟被直接推出湖面。 Luckily has the strength protection of that bottle gourd release, otherwise was only just fluctuation, likely the Chu Feng heavy losses. 幸亏有那葫芦释放的力量守护,否则只是刚刚的波动,都很可能将楚枫重创。 Oh......” “唉……” Chu Feng sends out a sigh, this is a weak sigh. 楚枫发出一声叹息,这是一种无力的叹息。 He really very to knowing, the water bath deep place is having anything. 他真的很向知道,水浴深处正在发生什么。 But does, oneself were extremely tiny. 可是奈何,自己太过渺小了。 Even if, he is the Ancestral Martial Star Region strongest talent, even in this All Heavens Star Region junior, no one is his opponent. 哪怕,他已是祖武星域的最强天才,甚至在这诸天星域的小辈之中,也没有人是他对手。 But at this moment, realizing of his actually once again Shenshen own small and weak. 可此时此刻,他却又一次深深的认识到了自己的弱小。 Here, was too dangerous, does not dare to continue to wait and see the danger to Chu Feng again. 这里,太危险了,危险到楚枫也是不敢再继续观望。 Therefore, he holds Linghu Yueyue, relieves the strength of that bottle gourd, at the same time is Linghu Yueyue therapy, while to rise up in the air, bringing Linghu Yueyue to leave here. 于是,他抓住令狐悦悦,解除那葫芦的力量,一边为令狐悦悦一边疗伤,一边拔空而起,带着令狐悦悦离开了此处。 Quick, Chu Feng found Linghu Anan, as well as Baiyian Headmaster. 很快,楚枫找到了令狐安安,以及白衣庵掌教 Saw that Chu Feng and Linghu Yueyue return safely, they are also wild with joy. 看到楚枫令狐悦悦安然归来,她们也都是欣喜若狂。 Obviously, in the lake all, they do not have to detect slightly, therefore some of them are only joyful, not scared. 显然,湖泊内发生的一切,她们没有丝毫察觉,所以她们有的只是欣喜,没有恐慌。 But Chu Feng, has not explained with them are too many, but leads them, fast runs away to go to the distant place. 楚枫,却没有与他们解释太多,而是带着他们,快速的向远方逃遁而去。 Because Chu Feng knows, then, this side world, will not look like again is so quiet at this time, will erupt the fearful fluctuation surely. 因为楚枫知道,接下来,这方天地,不会再像此时这般平静,必定会爆发可怕的波动。 Chu Feng is even unascertainable, that passes through protection formation of the world, living that can keep off, this then forthcoming fluctuation. 楚枫甚至不能确定,那贯穿天地的守护结界,能否挡的住,这接下来即将爆发的波动。 Therefore, he must bring Linghu Yueyue they to leave immediately. 所以,他才要立刻带着令狐悦悦他们离开。 All these, Chu Feng guessed right. 偏偏这一切,楚枫都猜对了。 Chu Feng they leave not long, the waters deep place, then transmits the fierce vibration again. 楚枫他们离开没有多久,水域深处,便再度传来剧烈的震动。 The powerful ripples, wave after wave, start unceasingly wreaks havoc from the waters deep place. 强大的涟漪,一波接着一波,开始不断的自水域深处肆虐开来。 If said, just Chu Feng as well as Linghu Yueyue, ran out of the fluctuation of lake surface, the strength of that bottle gourd can also resist. 倘若说,刚刚将楚枫以及令狐悦悦,冲出湖面的波动,那葫芦的力量还能抗住。 Then at this time, the casual ripples, thoroughly destroy the strength of that bottle gourd together sufficiently. 那么此时,随便一道涟漪,都足以将那葫芦的力量彻底摧毁。 The ripples are getting stronger and stronger, thunder even more gratingly, the influence of this fluctuation, incessantly has been in that lake. 涟漪越来越强,轰鸣越发刺耳,这波动的影响,早已不止是那湖泊之内。 Elephant Mountain Valley continuous several tens of thousands of meters mountain range, already disruption avalanche. 象山谷连绵数万米的山脉,早已碎裂崩塌。 The billowing thick smoke, shoots up to the sky, covers the void several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km). 滚滚浓烟,冲天而起,覆盖虚空数万里。 This side land, is the fissure everywhere, even there is a volcanic eruption, magma spout. 就连这方大地,也是裂痕遍地,甚至有火山喷发,岩浆喷涌。 In the world, is an Armageddon scenario. 天地之间,皆是一片末日景象。 However is good because, that protection formation. 不过好在,还有那守护结界在。 protection formation of that blockade world, the terrifying scene, will block in formation, keeping it from continue spread. 那封锁天地的守护结界,将恐怖的景象,封锁在了结界之内,使其无法继续蔓延。 Without this protection formation, god knows this destruction, where to spread. 若是没有这守护结界,天知道这场破坏,会蔓延到哪里。 But in fact, if compared with the waters deep place, the sound above surface, is not worth mentioning simply. 可实际上,若与水域深处相比,地表之上的动静,简直就是不值一提。 The waters deep place, the tide is dreadful, the terrifying energy ripples, only have ferocious beast of life like one, wreaks havoc to roar, wants to want to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands. 水域深处,浪潮滔天,恐怖的能量涟漪,如同一只只具有生命的猛兽,肆虐咆哮,欲要毁天灭地 Obviously, one war that is above the imagination, is erupting in the waters deep place. 很显然,一场超乎想象的大战,正在水域深处爆发。 The most important thing is, that cultivation realm is profound, Ancient Organisms that is unable to estimate, gave out slating angry roaring again. 最重要的是,那修为高深到,无法估量的远古生物,再度发出了雷鸣般的怒吼。 Who you are, why must make a move to my clan, does not have the enmity without the injustice, why can probably to my clan in the deathtrap?” “你是谁,为何要对我族出手,无冤无仇,为何要非要至我族于死地?” Wa Wa 呜哇 Sufficed, sufficed.” “够了,够了。” Initially that also and others sealed me in this, your why so can Wúqíng/Heartless, be ruthless?” “当初那位,也只是将我等封存于此,你为何如此无情,非要赶尽杀绝?” I knew mistakenly, I no longer presumptuously thought to leave this place, let off our horse, asked you, asked......” “我知错了,我不再妄想离开此地了,放过我们一马,求您了,求……” Then believes by Chu Feng, is here strongest Ancient Organisms, the sound starts becomes weak and pain, even it starts to beg for mercy unexpectedly. 那被楚枫认为,是此处最强的远古生物,声音开始变得虚弱且痛苦,甚至它竟然开始求饶。 But, besides its sound, actually does not have any response. 可是,除了它的声音外,却没有任何回应。 And quick, its sound also vanished thoroughly. 并且很快,它的声音也是彻底消失了。 After its sound vanishes, this side waters then did not have any sound, that terrifying power and influence, subsides gradually. 而当它的声音消失后,这方水域便没有了任何声音,那恐怖的威势,也是渐渐平息。 This side waters, restored again tranquilly. 这方水域,再度恢复了宁静。 But the terrifying aura, even more is rich. 但恐怖的气息,却越发浓郁。 ...... …… After crossing for a long time, two forms, grazed to come, to pass through that protection formation from the distant place, directly soared in the waters deep place in this Elephant Mountain Valley. 过了许久之后,有两道身影,从远处飞掠而来,穿过了那守护结界,直奔这象山谷内的水域深处之中。 But these two, are Yuan Shu, as well as Yuan Shu teacher, Grandmaster Tang Chen. 而这两位,乃是袁术,以及袁术的师尊,汤臣大师 At this time, in the Grandmaster Tang Chen hand takes special compass. 此时,汤臣大师手中拿着一个特殊的罗盘 Above that compass, has a design, that design somewhat resembles with this Elephant Mountain Valley. 罗盘之上,有着一个图案,那图案与这象山谷有些相像。 Except for that design, but also is demonstrating great formation, but that great formation has disrupted thoroughly. 除了那个图案,还显示着一座大阵,只是那座大阵已经彻底碎裂。 At this time, the Grandmaster Tang Chen vision, is not above this compass, but with that profound vision, is observing the surrounding all. 此时,汤臣大师的目光,早已不在这罗盘之上,而是用那深邃的目光,观察着周围的一切。 Teacher, the flavor of this blood, should not be cultivator, is not the common evil spirit, could it be that by seal in the ancient times ominous beast of this place?” “师尊,这血的味道,应该不是修武者,也不是寻常的妖物,难道说是被封印于此地的远古凶兽?” After an observation, Yuan Shu asked to his teacher. 一番观察之后,袁术对其师尊问道。 Indeed ancient times the ominous beast, they died completely.” “的确远古凶兽,它们全部都死了。” That, had the king of beasts of wisdom also dead.” “就连那只,具备智慧的兽王也死了。” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. 汤臣大师说道。 „Did king of beasts also die?” “兽王也死了?” Is the teacher formation technique strength, killed they?” “是师尊阵法的力量,杀死的它们吗?” Yuan Shu looks to Grandmaster Tang Chen, but some are not quite definite. 袁术看向汤臣大师,但却有些不太确定。 He knows, here protection formation technique, is his teacher Grandmaster Tang Chen the arrange/cloth. 他知道,这里的守护阵法,乃是他的师尊汤臣大师所布。 Because of knowing formation technique bursts, his teacher leads him to come here, the goal is to restore formation technique, got up these ancient times ominous beast seals again. 正因知道阵法破裂,他师尊才带着他来到此处,目的就是想要修复阵法,再度将那些远古凶兽封印起来。 But he has not listened to his teacher saying that stayed behind attacked to kill great formation, therefore he is unable to determine, these deaths of ancient times ominous beast, were related with his teacher. 可他并未听他师尊说过,留下了攻杀大阵,所以他才无法确定,这些远古凶兽的死,是不是与他师尊有关。 „It is not I does, my formation technique can only stop them, but also is unable to write off them.” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. “不是我做的,我的阵法只能阻拦住它们,还无法抹杀它们。”汤臣大师说道。 That what's the matter?” Yuan Shu is more puzzled. “那是怎么回事?”袁术更加不解。 Is others behavior, some people wrote off these ancient times ominous beasts.” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. “是他人所为,是有人将这些远古凶兽抹杀了。”汤臣大师说道。 Is others behavior?” “是他人所为?” That said that in this Reincarnation Upper Realm, but also like with teacher such character in?” “那岂不是说,在这轮回上界,还有如同师尊这样的人物在?” „Is teacher, who?” Yuan Shu very curious. “师尊,是谁啊?”袁术非常的好奇。 He listens to his teacher to raise here, has long known here ancient times ominous beast. 他听他师尊提起过此处,早就知道这里的远古凶兽。 Although besides that king of beasts, other Ancient Organisms, only then slaughters the natural disposition, does not have too many wisdom, but their strengths are very strong. 虽然除了那个兽王外,其他远古生物,只有杀戮本性,没有太多智慧,可它们的实力却很强。 Especially that king of beasts, exceeds existence of Supreme Venerable. 尤其那个兽王,乃是超越至尊的存在。 Can these ancient times ominous beasts, as well as that king of beasts, writes off completely, can see that is what kind of ruthless role. 能够将这些远古凶兽,以及那个兽王,全部抹杀,可以看出那位,是一个怎样的狠角色。 But Yuan Shu, wants to know, like this ruthless role, is actually. 袁术,很想知道,这样的狠角色,究竟是谁。 I do not know that is who behavior, is only according to my judgment, this person wrote off these ancient times ominous beasts, time very short, this can side infer his strength.” Grandmaster Tang Chen said. “我也不知道是何人所为,只是根据我的判断,此人抹杀这些远古凶兽,用时非常之短,这可以侧面推断出他的实力。”汤臣大师说道。 „The teacher, you felt, this person is what cultivation realm?” Yuan Shu pursues asks. “那师尊,您觉得,这个人是何修为?”袁术追问道。 Perhaps, this person of cultivation realm, but must above the old man.” Grandmaster Tang Chen sighed. “恐怕,此人修为,还要在老夫之上。”汤臣大师叹道。 „?” “啊?” Also wants the strong person compared with the teacher?” “是比师尊还要强的人吗?” The startled color in Yuan Shu eye, is even more rich. 袁术眼中的惊色,越发浓郁。 He grows up side his teacher since childhood, but until now, he does not know, his teacher true strength of strong. 他从小在其师尊身边长大,可至今为止,他都不知道,他师尊真正的实力到底有多强。 The reason for this is that is because of cultivation realm of his teacher, was too strong, powerful to immeasurably deep. 之所以如此,乃是因为他师尊的修为,实在太强了,强大到深不可测。 Until now, he has also never seen, has appeared compared with his teacher stronger cultivator. 至今为止,他还从未见过,比他师尊更强的修武者出现过。 But his teacher actually said at this time, here presented one, compared with his teacher also strong character, how he can not startled? 可此时他的师尊竟然说,这里出现了一个,比他师尊还强的人物,他怎能不惊? p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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