MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3949: Awkward Chu Feng

could it be that, that Spirit Formation method expiration?” 难道说,那结界阵法失效了?” Sees with one's own eyes, the granny passed through the Spirit Formation method, many people think that formation technique expired, therefore many people jump in abundance, left here. 亲眼看到,那老婆婆穿过了结界阵法,许多人都以为那阵法失效了,于是许多人纷纷纵身而起,离开了此处。 At this time, is only left over the Cloud Spirit Clan person unexpectedly, as well as Linghu Anan and others, but also kept this place. 此时,竟只剩下云灵族的人,以及令狐安安等人,还留在此地了。 Sir Clan Head, Elephant Mountain Valley so accident, if simply that Sir said exactly the same.” 族长大人,象山谷如此变故,简直如那位大人所说一模一样。” We should also walk , to continue to keep here, feared that must exterminate the clan.” “我们也该走了,继续留在此处,怕是要灭族啊。” At this time, Cloud Spirit Clan has many people, said regarding a stature tall and straight man. 此时,云灵族有许多人,都围绕着一名身材挺拔的男子说道。 But that man, naturally is Cloud Spirit Clan Clan Head. 而那名男子,自然便是云灵族族长 Oh, really has not thought, my Cloud Spirit Clan, really really has Ancient Organisms.” “唉,真是没有想到,我云灵族的下方,竟然真的有远古生物。” At this time, Cloud Spirit Clan Clan Head is also sighs one, later he looked to Linghu Anan, shouted loudly one: Miss.” 此时,云灵族族长也是叹息一声,随后他望向了令狐安安,高呼一声:“姑娘。” …… The words, the Cloud Spirit Clan Clan Head arm raises, a green ray, then flew to Linghu Anan. 话罢,云灵族族长手臂一扬,一道绿色的光芒,便飞向了令狐安安。 Linghu Anan searches the hand to meet, the astonished discovery, that unexpectedly is a green china bowl. 令狐安安探手一接,惊愕的发现,那竟然是一个绿色的瓷碗。 senior, had you... received this china bowl?” 前辈,您…早就将这瓷碗收了起来?” Linghu Anan asked. 令狐安安问道。 So expensive goods, how could I do not receive.” “如此贵重的物品,我岂能不收起来。” You are really young innocent, you should ask me to beg this treasure, how can enter in that lake rashly?” “你们真是年轻不懂事,你们应该去找我讨要这件宝物,怎可贸然进入那湖泊之中?” „, At this moment, the complaint is useless.” “罢了,事到如今,埋怨已是没用。” You leave quickly, remembers that informs Headmaster of your Baiyian, told him, in the past that Sir spoke the words, has fulfilled, this place cannot remain again, hurries to leave.” “你们赶快离开吧,记得通知你白衣庵的掌教,告诉他,当年那位大人所说之话,已是应验,此地不可再留,赶紧离开吧。” The words, Cloud Spirit Clan Clan Head then to rise up in the air. 话罢,云灵族族长便拔空而起。 Cloud Spirit Clan other clansmen, like said Guided Arrow to be the same innumerably, directly soared the horizon the distant place to go. 紧接着,云灵族的其他族人,也是如同无数道箭矢一般,直奔天际的远方而去。 After the Cloud Spirit Clan large military force also leaves. 云灵族的大队人马也离开后。 Others who only remain, sets out to run away in abundance. 仅剩的其他人,也纷纷起身逃遁。 Here, was only left over unexpectedly, Linghu Anan, Pang Bo as well as Pang Bo's father three people. 这里,竟然就只剩下了,令狐安安,庞博以及庞博的父亲三个人。 Anan miss, or we also leave.” “安安姑娘,要不我们也离开吧。” Pang Bo said to Linghu Anan. 庞博对令狐安安说道。 I must wait for my family Miss here, you walk.” “我要在这里等我家小姐,你们走吧。” Right, troubled two, gave my family Headmaster this.” “对了,麻烦两位,将这个交给我家掌教。” Linghu Anan that green china bowl, gave Pang Bo as well as Pang Bo's father. 令狐安安将那绿色瓷碗,交给了庞博以及庞博的父亲。 Oh.” “唉。” Good.” “那好吧。” Although being together time is not long, but Pang Bo as well as Pang Bo's father, has actually found, what person Linghu Anan is. 虽然相处时间不长,可庞博以及庞博的父亲,却都已经了解到,令狐安安是一个什么样的人。 Therefore, they also no longer deeply urged, after result that green china bowl, then went to the direction line of Baiyian. 于是,他们也不再深劝,结果那绿色的瓷碗后,便向白衣庵的方向行去。 But whose to become thinks, in a while, really also has form together to graze. 可谁成想,没过多久,竟然又有一道身影飞掠而来。 Is Headmaster of Baiyian. 是白衣庵的掌教 Sir Headmaster, how did you come?” 掌教大人,您怎么来了?” Sees Baiyian Headmaster, Linghu Anan is very accidental/surprised. 看到白衣庵掌教,令狐安安很是意外。 could it be that, they have not informed you, that china bowl?” 难道说,他们没有通知您,那瓷碗?” Suddenly, Linghu Anan becomes rebukes oneself, she thought that very possible is Pang Bo as well as Pang Bo's father, that green china bowl carrying off. 忽然,令狐安安变得自责起来,她觉得很可能是庞博以及庞博的父亲,将那绿色的瓷碗给带走了。 Anan, cannot talk nonsense.” “安安,不许胡说。” Baiyian Headmaster spoke, the palm found out from the sleeve cuff, in her hands, is grasping that green china bowl. 白衣庵掌教说话间,手掌自袖口探出,在她的手中,正握着那绿色的瓷碗。 „After I am hears that two words, arrived here.” “我是听闻那两位的话后,才来到这里的。” disciple of our Baiyian, had left, but you with pleased, is involved in this matter actually because of me, I must withstand this result with you together.” “咱们白衣庵的弟子们,都已经离开了,可你与悦悦,卷入此事却是因我而起,我应当与你们一同承受这结果。” Baiyian Headmaster said. 白衣庵掌教说道。 Hears this words, Linghu An relieved also swings the ripples. 听闻此话,令狐安安心中也是荡起了涟漪。 She knows, Baiyian Headmaster is a good person, many understands her manner. 她知道,白衣庵掌教是一个好人,也多少了解她的为人。 Therefore, she has not gone to urge Baiyian Headmaster, but is the choice, defends with her here, waits for that Sir Asura to return. 所以,她并没有去劝白衣庵掌教,而是选择,与她一起守在此处,等着那位修罗大人归来。 As for Chu Feng, he is controlling Divine Deer, the speed is extremely fast. 至于楚枫,他驾驭着神鹿,速度极快。 At this time, Chu Feng not only entered in the lake, has sought in the lake. 此时,楚枫不仅进入了湖泊之中,更是已经在湖泊内四下寻找起来。 Finally, in a place, Chu Feng discovered the Linghu Yueyue trail. 终于,在一个地方,楚枫发现了令狐悦悦的踪迹。 Linghu Yueyue, was surrounded. 令狐悦悦,被困住了。 Innumerable powerful Ancient Organisms, are only besieging Linghu Yueyue. 无数只强大的远古生物,正在围攻着令狐悦悦 Luckily, the body of Linghu Yueyue, has a Spirit Formation method, is protecting her, otherwise relies on her cultivation realm, that is must die without doubt. 幸亏,令狐悦悦的身上,有着一层结界阵法,守护着她,否则就凭借她的修为,那可是必死无疑。 bastard, grasps father, what skill bullying a little miss is?” 畜生们,来抓老子啊,欺负一个小姑娘算什么本事?” Suddenly, Chu Feng loudly shouts. 猛然间,楚枫大喝一声。 This drinks greatly, not only made Linghu Yueyue notice Chu Feng, these Ancient Organisms, notices Chu Feng. 这声大喝,不仅让令狐悦悦注意到了楚枫,那些远古生物,也是注意到了楚枫 …… 嗷呜 These besieged Linghu Yueyue Ancient Organisms, then besieges to Chu Feng. 紧接着,那些原本围攻令狐悦悦远古生物,便纷纷向楚枫围攻而来。 Freely, in these Ancient Organisms, existence of Supreme Venerable Realm. 尽管,这些远古生物之中,还有至尊境的存在。 May under the Chu Feng this Divine Deer speed, they unable to pursue Chu Feng. 可在楚枫神鹿的速度之下,它们根本就无法追赶到楚枫 Even, when their besieging potential to Linghu Yueyue, after being lax, Chu Feng then turns around, then arrived at the Linghu Yueyue side. 甚至,当他们对令狐悦悦的围攻之势,松懈之后,楚枫便一个转身,便来到了令狐悦悦的身旁。 Walks, I lead you to go out.” “走,我带你出去。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Buzz But, Chu Feng this words just said, he was scared. 可是,楚枫此话刚刚说完,他却傻眼了。 He with astonishment discovered, Divine Deer under his body, vanishes to disappear unexpectedly. 他惊愕的发现,他身下的神鹿,竟然消失不见了。 But the most important thing is, at this time these just by Ancient Organisms that oneself directed, has grazed again. 而最重要的是,此时那些刚刚被自己引走的远古生物,已是再度飞掠而来。 This time, was not only Linghu Yueyue is surrounded, she, was surrounded!!! 这一次,不仅是令狐悦悦被困住了,就连她,也被包围了!!! Young Lady Yueyue, makes me go in quickly!!!” 悦悦姑娘,快让我进去!!!” But, Chu Feng loudly is exclaiming to Linghu Yueyue. 无奈之下,楚枫对着令狐悦悦大吼道。 „?” “啊?” Linghu Yueyue is very freely surprised, but she actually understands Chu Feng's meaning. 令狐悦悦尽管很是惊讶,但她却明白楚枫的意思 Therefore rushes to stimulate to movement that bottle gourd, making that protect the formation technique strength, protected Chu Feng. 于是赶忙催动那葫芦,使得那守护阵法的力量,将楚枫也保护了起来。 In this time at a crucial moment, these Ancient Organisms offensive, arrives at the near. 就在这千钧一发的功夫,那些远古生物的攻势,已是来到近前。 However is good because , the protection strength of that bottle gourd is tyrannical enough, therefore Chu Feng and Linghu Yueyue, have not received any injury actually. 不过好在,那葫芦的守护力量足够强横,所以楚枫令狐悦悦,倒是没有受到任何伤害。 Sir, do not lead me to walk?” Linghu Yueyue blinks the big eye to look at Chu Feng. “大人,你不是要带我走吗?”令狐悦悦眨巴着大眼睛看着楚枫 „, This, is not possibly good temporarily.” Chu Feng is an awkwardness of face. “咳咳,这个,可能暂时是不行了。”楚枫则是一脸的尴尬。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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