MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3941: More terrorist

disciple of quick, scarlet wind pavilion, quarrelled. 很快,赤风阁的弟子们,吵了起来。 Felt from the person who Chu Feng seeks help, whatever, even if an opportunity must try, therefore they will seek help from Chu Feng. 楚枫求助的人觉得,不论怎样,哪怕一丝机会都要试一试,所以他们才会向楚枫求助。 But the other side felt, simply does not have this necessity, seeks help to the person who has not rescued the ability, will only discard the face of his scarlet wind pavilion in vain. 但另一方则觉得,根本没有这个必要,向没有救助能力的人求助,只会白白丢掉他赤风阁的脸面。 In this case, others do not know what to do. 这种情况下,旁人也不知如何是好。 Looks Mu Ziwei who that has suffocated, loving dearly in people eyes, is getting more and more thick. 只是看着那已经奄奄一息的穆紫薇,人们眼中的心疼,则越来越浓。 Coming out that they look , Mu Ziwei the possible double-hour unable to support this way. 他们看的出来,这样下去,穆紫薇可能一个时辰都撑不下去。 Returned to the scarlet wind pavilion to look for the helper already without enough time, let alone didn't the scarlet wind pavilion have Saint-cloak World Spiritist? 回赤风阁找帮手已经来不及了,何况赤风阁也没有圣袍界灵师啊? Very shortly after obviously, Mu Ziwei has assigned, in many hearts, had sentenced the death penalty to Mu Ziwei. 很显然,穆紫薇已经命不久矣,在许多人心中,已经给穆紫薇判了死刑。 However, when the people already accepts fate, Chu Feng suddenly opens the eyes. 然而,就在众人已经认命的时候,楚枫则是忽然睁开双眼。 No one notices, Chu Feng's both hands are still merging, but people actually notice, Chu Feng starts to walk toward Mu Ziwei the direction. 没人注意到,楚枫的双手还在合并,但人们却注意到,楚枫开始在向穆紫薇的方向走去。 Draws back, can not approach.” “退下,不得靠近。” After discovering the Chu Feng's trend, these dislike disciple of Chu Feng's scarlet wind pavilion, then keeps off before Mu Ziwei the body immediately, blocked Chu Feng. 发现楚枫的动向之后,那些反感楚枫的赤风阁的弟子,则是立刻挡在了穆紫薇的身前,将楚枫拦了下来。 They not only do not want to let Chu Feng close to Mu Ziwei. 他们不仅不想让楚枫靠近穆紫薇。 Is an eye of reveal is worse. 一个个的更是目露不善。 Go away.” “滚。” Regarding this situation, Chu Feng rubbish, sees only its coldly snorted one, bang. 对于这种情况,楚枫也不废话,只见其冷哼一声,紧接着“轰”的一声。 The boundless pressure, such as the hurricane sweeps away to go generally. 磅礴的威压,如飓风一般横扫而去。 But these block scarlet wind pavilion disciple before Chu Feng body, where keeps off lives in the Chu Feng's pressure? 而那些拦在楚枫身前的赤风阁弟子,哪里挡的住楚枫的威压? In the face of that pressure, they not only flee pell-mell, met the strong winds like the fallen leaf, the twinkling was then blown to fly away, does not have the resistance. 在那威压面前,他们不仅丢盔卸甲,更是如同落叶遇到了狂风,瞬息便被吹飞开来,毫无招架之力。 When falls to the ground, looking fierce, basically all broke the bone. 落地之时,一个个的龇牙咧嘴,基本上全都摔断了骨头。 But must know, this is result that Chu Feng shows mercy. 要知道,这还是楚枫手下留情的结果 Otherwise, Chu Feng wipes the pressure, makes them vanished in a puff of smoke sufficiently, soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 不然,楚枫一抹威压,足以让他们灰飞烟灭,魂飞魄散 But disciple of these scarlet wind pavilions, actually did not appreciate kindness rendered. 可这些赤风阁的弟子,却并不领情。 Perhaps Venerable Realm, in other person of eyes, made one dread. 尊者境,在其他人眼中,也许令人畏惧。 But has the scarlet wind pavilion is Leaning Mountain they, actually does not fear Venerable Realm. 但有赤风阁为靠山的他们,却并不惧怕尊者境 Therefore, at this time their in eye, although also has the fear, but more is actually angry, even there is a person, gives out had/left killing intent unexpectedly. 所以,此时他们的眼中虽然也有恐惧,但更多的却是愤怒,甚至有人,竟然散发出了杀意 That were rampant, had arrived simply, loses the sane situation. 那等嚣张,简直已经到了,失去理智的地步。 „Does your scoundrel, dare to act to us?” “你这混账,竟敢对我们出手?” You know that who we are, but we disciple of scarlet wind pavilion.” “你知道我们是什么人吗,我们可是赤风阁的弟子。” You think that you are Venerable Realm, can humiliate us?” “你以为你是尊者境,就可以欺凌我们?” You made a mistake, you today, provoke the person who you could not provoke, you died, you......” “你错了,你今日,招惹了你招惹不起的人,你死定了,你……” Always rampant domineering they, do not know that what for profound, at this time they are divulging oneself anger crazily, various insult resound through unceasingly. 向来嚣张跋扈的他们,根本不知何为天高地厚,此时他们疯狂的宣泄着自己的愤怒,各种辱骂响彻不断。 But was saying to be saying, they actually at the same time, mute!!! 可是说着说着,他们却在同一时间,哑巴了!!! Their mouths are also opening, but could not have said incoming call. 他们的嘴巴还张着,但却已经说不出来话。 That facial expression, is not only shocking, simply is panic-stricken. 那个神情,岂止是震惊,简直就是惊骇。 Not is only they, at this time everyone on the scene, there. 不仅是他们,此时在场的所有人,都愣在了那里。 They can see, radiant formation power, was ordinary like the Saint light, covers on Mu Ziwei the body. 他们能够看到,璀璨的结界之力,如同圣光一般,覆盖在了穆紫薇的身上。 But that formation power, is great strength like that moment when formation power presents, people can feel fierce of that formation power. 而那结界之力,是那般的强大,当结界之力出现的那一刻,人们都能感受到那结界之力的厉害。 Although the person of presence, cultivation realm is limited, but they can recognize, that radiant formation power, is Saint Rank. 尽管在场之人,修为有限,但他们还是能够认得出,那璀璨的结界之力,乃是圣级 And, is Snake Mark Saint Rank. 并且,还是蛇纹圣级 But at this time, that Saint Rank formation power, precisely from Chu Feng's both hands release!!! 而此时,那圣级结界之力,正是楚枫的双手释放而出!!! formation power, continuous from the Chu Feng both hands release, then covers on Mu Ziwei, and integrates Mu Ziwei within the body. 结界之力,源源不断的自楚枫双手释放,而后覆盖到穆紫薇身上,且融入穆紫薇的体内。 That, at all is not common formation power, but is the Spirit Formation method. 那,根本不是寻常的结界之力,而是结界阵法。 But under the Chu Feng's treatment, the toxin of Mu Ziwei within the body starts to be eliminated, later also starts to recover. 而在楚枫的医治下,穆紫薇体内的毒素开始被清除,随后身体也开始恢复。 But this time people, is afraid, is the shock, but could not have said incoming call. 而此时的众人,都无论是害怕,还是震惊,但都已经说不出来话了。 After all compares in Chu Feng's cultivation realm, the technique of Chu Feng's World Spirit, is more shocking. 毕竟相比于楚枫的修为,楚枫的界灵之术,更加令人震惊。 Let alone, Chu Feng is also not Insect Mark Grade Saint-cloak, but is Snake Mark Grade Saint-cloak. 何况,楚枫还不是虫纹级圣袍,而是蛇纹级圣袍 Venerable Realm, disciple of scarlet wind pavilion has not paid attention. 尊者境,赤风阁的弟子还不放在眼里。 But Snake Mark Grade Saint-cloak World Spiritist is not so. 蛇纹级圣袍界灵师则是不然。 Because of Saint-cloak World Spiritist, in All Heavens Star Region originally scarce reason. 因为圣袍界灵师,在诸天星域本就稀少的缘故。 not to mention is Snake Mark Grade, even Insect Mark Grade Saint-cloak World Spiritist, still few person dares to offend. 莫说蛇纹级,就算是虫纹级圣袍界灵师,也少有人敢得罪。 Especially their these scarlet wind pavilion disciple, but also once saw with one's own eyes, their Sir Pavilion Master, a Supreme Venerable Realm powerhouse, polite receives cordially a Insect Mark Grade Saint-cloak World Spiritist scene. 尤其是他们这些赤风阁弟子,还曾亲眼看到,他们的阁主大人,一位至尊境的强者,客客气气的款待一位虫纹级圣袍界灵师的景象。 Therefore they are suddenly enlighted, at this time stands before them, originally is World Spirit Grandmaster that they cannot provoke!!! 所以他们恍然大悟,此时站在他们面前的这位,原来是一位他们招惹不起的界灵大师!!! Therefore, they have been scared, their heads are spatial, the words that begs for mercy continually, could not say. 所以,他们已经吓傻了,他们的脑袋都是空的,连求饶的话,都说不出来了。 It seems like one crowd, the person who committed the monstrous crime, waited for is putting to death by dismemberment the execution, the strength of even revolting against did not have. 就好像是一群,犯下了滔天大罪的人,等待着被凌迟处死,连反抗的力气都没有了。 Asura, I thought that you were that Asura, you were that Sir Asura.” 修罗,我想起来了,你是那个修罗,你是那位修罗大人。” I have heard you, Sir, I have heard you.” “我听说过您,大人,我听说过您啊。” Suddenly, old person sent out calling out in alarm. 忽然,一位老者发出了惊呼。 But calling out in alarm of this old person, succeeded brought to everyone's attention. 而这位老者的惊呼,成功的引起了所有人的注意。 At this time, everyone's vision, went to that old person. 此时,所有人的目光,都投向了那位老者 But old person, actually does not pay attention to the people, but is staring at Chu Feng with the vision of that incomparable burning hot. 老者,却根本不理会众人,而是用那无比炙热的目光盯着楚枫 some time ago, is you, is you in Red Cloaked Holy Land, by one's effort, defeated Secret Cave Group Saint, ten Saint-cloak World Spiritist.” 前段时日,就是您,是您在红衣圣地,以一己之力,击败了秘洞群圣,十位圣袍界灵师。” That old person continues to say. 那位老者继续说道。 Hiss “嘶” Hears this words, the people feeling is startled. 听闻此话,众人更感吃惊。 Because that old person they knew, his Daughter, is Red Cloaked Holy Land Elder, therefore the matter about Red Cloaked Holy Land, this old person would first knowing. 因为那位老者他们认识,他的女儿,乃是红衣圣地的一位长老,所以关于红衣圣地的事情,这位老人总会第一时间知晓。 Therefore regarding words that he spoke, people believe in firmly. 所以对于他所说的话,人们都是深信不疑。 I hear, on that day, the Red Cloaked Holy Land many powerhouses, facing Secret Cave Group Saint, all did not have the means.” “我听闻,那一日,红衣圣地众多强者,面对秘洞群圣,皆是没有办法。” Famous, Grandmaster Doutou, lost to Secret Cave Group Saint.” “就连大名鼎鼎的,舵驼大师,都是败给了秘洞群圣。” And, Secret Cave Group Saint only sent out weakest, defeated Grandmaster Doutou.” “并且,秘洞群圣只派出了其中一位最弱的,就击败了舵驼大师。” But Sir Asura you, actually only relies on one's effort, defeated the Secret Cave Group Saint ten people, helping Red Cloaked Holy Land win that gambling house.” “可是修罗大人你,却只凭借一己之力,就战胜了秘洞群圣十个人,帮助红衣圣地赢下了那场赌局。” The most important thing is, I hear, hasn't your age reached hundred years old???” “最重要的是,我听闻,您的年龄还未满百岁???” That old person, although previously very surprised Chu Feng's strength, but has not actually looked like is so at this moment excited, his excited both hands are shivering, the voice of speech is also shivering. 那位老者,虽然先前就很惊讶楚枫的实力,但却没有像此刻这般激动,他激动的双手都在颤抖,说话的声音也在颤抖。 He is excited. 他是激动的。 Hasn't reached hundred years old?” “未满百岁?” That said, he is a junior?” “那岂不是说,他还是一位小辈?” Hears here, the expression of people becomes more splendid. 听到这里,众人的表情变得更加精彩。 Eight Rank Venerable cultivation realm, Snake Mark Grade Saint-cloak World Spiritist status. 八品尊者修为,蛇纹级圣袍界灵师的身份。 Such strength, not to mention is others, even his All Heavens Star Region strongest junior, in this front, is becomes not worth mentioning at present. 这样的实力,莫说是旁人,就算是他诸天星域最强小辈,在眼前这位的面前,也是变得不值一提。 Only then, the person of presence, knows, stands before them, what kind of character is. 直到此时,在场之人,才知道,站在他们面前的,到底是一个怎样的人物。 Old man since birth, has never seen such talent, today can actually see with own eyes, is really most honored, is the old man is most honored.” “老夫有生以来,都从未见过此等天才,今日竟然能够亲眼见到,真是三生有幸,是老夫三生有幸啊。” That old person is excited. 那位老者激动不已。 But after having listened to this old person words, excited may incessantly be he alone. 但听过这位老者一番话后,激动的可就不止是他一个人了。 Thanks Chu Feng that disciple of scarlet wind pavilion, starts to go all out. 赤风阁的弟子,开始拼命的感谢楚枫 Nearby bystander, racket Chu Feng's horse buttocks that then starts to go all out. 一旁的围观者,则开始拼命的拍楚枫的马屁。 Pang Bo as well as his father, are full of praise to Chu Feng. 就连庞博以及他的父亲,对楚枫都是赞不绝口。 In everyone's eyes, the Chu Feng's image sublimates again, had arrived at an unusual situation. 在所有人的眼中,楚枫的形象都再度升华,已经到达了一种超凡的地步。 Freely, on the scene is cultivator, but at this time, in front of Chu Feng, they seems like one group of mortals, in paying homage to immortal. 尽管,在场的都是修武者,可此时,在楚枫面前,他们就好像是一群凡人,在膜拜仙人。 Even Linghu Yueyue and Linghu Anan, is look at each other in shock, in the eye full is startled accommodates. 甚至就连令狐悦悦和令狐安安,也是面面相觑,眼中满是惊容。 Such talent, they are somewhat familiar, after all in their memories, Ancestral Martial Star Region also has such a, martial cultivation and formation, very splendid talent. 这样的天才,她们有些熟悉,毕竟在她们的记忆中,祖武星域也有这样一位,修武结界,都很出色的天才。 Under the contrast, present, is without doubt more terrorist. 只是对比之下,无疑眼前的这位,更为恐怖。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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