MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3935: Can snatch unexpectedly?

Leads the way, the oppression is getting stronger and stronger, Pang Bo more and more difficult support. 一路前行,压迫越来越强,庞博越来越难以支撑。 Chu Feng proposed, making Pang Bo do not manage themselves again, making Pang Bo lead the way. 楚枫提议,让庞博不要再管自己,让庞博自己前行。 But who once thinks, this Pang Bo is also the unexpected tenacity, he must lead the way with Chu Feng together, only if he himself could not take a walk, even if otherwise drags, must drag Chu Feng. 可谁曾想,这庞博也是出乎意料的固执,他非要与楚枫一同前行,除非他自己也走不动了,否则就算拖,也要把楚枫拖过去。 Oh, isn't this Young Master huge?” “哎哟,这不是庞公子吗?” „Do you also really help this boy?” “你还真的帮这小子啦?” You felt, he can Immortal Armament be the reward to you?” “难道你觉得,他能给你仙兵作为报酬吗?” Suddenly, the sound that somewhat satirized together resounded. 忽然,一道有些讽刺的声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, baldheaded man and other group. 顺声观望,秃顶男子等一行人。 At this time they, the complete front sit, pants, sweat profusely, it seems like they are unable to continue. 此时他们,全部前方坐着,一个个气喘吁吁,大汗淋漓,看来他们也是无法继续前行了。 But the spoken language of that satire, the precisely bald person man said. 而那句讽刺的言语,正是秃顶男子所说。 This baldheaded man, does not fear Pang Bo actually very much, previously said to Pang Bo the face, but is to oneself under a stair, actually he feared truly, is Chu Feng. 这秃顶男子,其实并不是很惧怕庞博,先前说给庞博面子,不过是自己给自己一个台阶下,其实他真正怕的,是楚枫 Freely, he is unable to understand why a True Immortal Realm person, will make him so anxious, but that type as if originates from the fear of instinct, made him choose flinching. 尽管,他也无法理解,为何一个真仙境的人,会让他如此不安,可那种仿佛来源于本能的恐惧,还是让他选择了退缩。 But, after flinching, he actually more is more aggrieved. 可是,退缩之后,他却越想越憋屈。 Therefore sees Chu Feng and Pang Bo again, will open the mouth to taunt. 所以再度看到楚枫与庞博,才会开口嘲讽。 He is venting oneself uncomfortable. 他是在发泄自己的不爽。 However, facing that baldheaded man's taunt, Pang Bo turns a blind eye unexpectedly, but looks to Chu Feng. 然而,面对那秃顶男子的嘲讽,庞博竟视若无睹,而是看向楚枫 Brother Asura, you saw, was not you implicated me, was everyone cannot take a walk.” 修罗兄,你看到了,并不是你拖累了我,是所有人都走不动了。” Here distance spirit spring water, certain distance, it seems like that this oppresses now, possibly the Celestial Immortal peak could not arrive there, only had Martial Immortal Realm to be OK.” “此处距离精神泉水,还有一定距离,看来如今这压迫,可能天仙巅峰都走不到那里了,唯有武仙境才可以了。” Pang Bo also no longer walked, but is plop one sits on the ground, looks the appearance that he pants, Chu Feng knows, he was really exhausted. 庞博也不再走了,而是噗通一声坐在地上,看他气喘吁吁的模样,楚枫知道,他真的是累坏了。 At this moment, without other means.” “事到如今,也没有其他办法了。” Chu Feng has not sat down, instead is straight of stand, clears throat, later then shouts high: 楚枫并未坐下,反而是站的笔直,清了清嗓子,随后便高喊道: everyone , at home by the parents, goes out by the friend, below Asura, is ill today, causing cultivation realm to be damaged, is stranded is unable to continue here.” 诸位,正所谓,在家靠父母,出门靠朋友,在下修罗,今日身体不适,导致修为受损,困于此处无法继续前行。” Which my dear friend, if willing to help me, I will thank surely again.” “哪位仁兄,若愿意帮我,我定会重谢。” Chu Feng such remarks, immediately brings to the attention of many. 楚枫此话一出,立刻引起了不少人的注意。 But responded in a big way, was baldheaded man these people. 但反应最大的,则是秃顶男子那些人。 „, This swindler, started.” “吗的,这个骗子,又开始了。” The baldheaded man, cannot bear scold to make noise. 秃顶男子,忍不住骂出声来。 But what is worth mentioning is, his cursing angrily, the sound is not loud, whispered realistically low voice. 但值得一提的是,他的这声怒骂,声音并不大,更现实小声的嘀咕了一下。 This fellow is not too concerned about face, this way takes a beating sooner or later?” “这个家伙太不要脸了,这样下去迟早挨揍?” Takes a beating? I thought the opportunity that he takes a beating does not have, because some people will not respond him from the start.” “挨揍?我看他连挨揍的机会都没有,因为压根不会有人搭理他。” The friend of baldheaded man, to the Chu Feng satire again and again. 那秃顶男子的朋友,也是对楚枫讽刺连连。 Compares in the baldheaded man, the voice of his friend may big many. 相比于秃顶男子,他朋友的声音可就大了不少。 However regarding their taunts, Chu Feng actually does not pay attention, how regardless of the side person discussed, Chu Feng is calling as before. 但是对于他们的嘲讽,楚枫却根本不予理会,无论旁边人怎么议论,楚枫都依旧吆喝着。 Freely, people from the side process, besides the discussion taunt, and no one help Chu Feng, but Chu Feng actually as before not discouraged. 尽管,一个又一个的人从身边经过,除了议论嘲讽外,并没有人帮助楚枫,可楚枫却依旧没有气馁。 Although, Chu Feng not discouraged, but Pang Bo was actually unable to continue watching. 可是,虽说楚枫没有气馁,但庞博却是看不下去了。 Brother Asura, ok, the person of this place is always indifferent, some people will not help your.” Pang Bo said to Chu Feng. 修罗兄,算了吧,此地之人向来冷漠,不会有人帮助你的。”庞博对楚枫说道。 Who said that didn't you help me?” Chu Feng asked with a smile. “谁说的,你不就帮我了?”楚枫笑着问道。 „It is not my Pang Bo boasted, I am indeed different from them, but I grow up in this place since childhood, regarding them, I too understood.” “不是我庞博自夸,我的确与他们不同,但是我从小在此地长大,对于他们,我太了解了。” This extremely understood, has shown, Pang Bo regarding the disappointments of these people. 这一句太过了解,已经彰显出了,庞博对于这些人的失望。 Brother Asura, waits, my father discovered that I have not rushed, deciding to aid me.” Pang Bo said. 修罗兄,等一等吧,我父亲发现我迟迟没有赶到,定会来接应我。”庞博说道。 Also good, that then waits.” “也好,那便等一等吧。” During the Chu Feng speeches also sat. 楚枫说话间也是坐了下来。 Chu Feng is actually unhurried, after all he cultivation realm he knows. 楚枫其实并不慌,毕竟他自身修为他是知道的。 Moreover he is very clear, even thunder huge beast with that Seed of God Tree battle, but is still only temporary, they will stop sooner or later, at that time Chu Feng's cultivation realm naturally can also restore. 而且他很清楚,就算雷霆巨兽与那神树种子争斗,但也只是暂时的,它们迟早会停止,那个时候楚枫的修为自然也就可以恢复。 Young master, was this must give up?” “公子,这是要放弃了吗?” But Chu Feng just sat down, the female voice resounds from Chu Feng together behind. 楚枫刚刚坐下,一道女子声音自楚枫身后响起。 Chu Feng then waits and sees, discovers a female, stands in Chu Feng's behind, and smilingly is looking at Chu Feng. 楚枫回头观望,发现一名女子,站在楚枫的身后,且正笑眯眯的看着楚枫 This female, very is long is not attractive type, but smiles is very sweet, a very kind feeling. 这名女子,长得不是很好看的类型,但笑起来却很甜,给人一种很亲切的感觉。 Senior Sister, unknown, were we leave alone he?” 师姐,素不相识,咱们还是别管他了吧?” However, in the meantime, there is a sound together, resounds in this female behind. 然而,就在此时,又有一道声音,在这名女子身后响起。 In that female behind, with one group of people, these person of there are both men and women, but actually puts on same, came from the same place school evidently. 在那名女子身后,跟过来一帮人,这些人有男有女,但却穿着相同,看样子是来自同一座门派。 And, they regardless of the men and women, are very young, should be the juniors. 并且,她们无论男女,都很年轻,应该都是小辈。 Is the person in scarlet wind pavilion.” “是赤风阁的人。” That, should not be, Mu Ziwei of scarlet wind pavilion?” “那位,该不会就是,赤风阁的穆紫薇吧?” Mu Ziwei? Probably, is really Mu Ziwei.” “穆紫薇?好像,真的是穆紫薇。” After this female appears, immediately causes the stir. 当这名女子出现之后,立刻引起了轰动。 From people's discussion, Chu Feng knew, this scarlet wind pavilion, in entire Reincarnation Upper Realm, is a very tyrannical influence. 从众人的议论中,楚枫得知,这个赤风阁,在整个轮回上界,都是非常强横的一个势力。 But this Mu Ziwei, is entire Reincarnation Upper Realm, some fame junior talents. 而这个穆紫薇,更是整个轮回上界,都有些名气的小辈天才。 Also no wonder, a junior, arrived here, can actually the complexion not change. 也难怪,一个小辈,走到这里,却能面色不改。 Chu Feng guessed, Mu Ziwei cultivation realm, absolutely incessantly is common Martial Immortal, has possibly been close to the Martial Immortal peak. 楚枫猜测,穆紫薇的修为,绝对不止是寻常的武仙,很可能已经接近武仙巅峰。 At this time, Mu Ziwei the same side, is urging her, urging her do not mind others' business. 此时,穆紫薇的同门,都在劝她,劝她不要多管闲事。 But Mu Ziwei actually beckons with the hand, hints these same side do not speak. 可穆紫薇却摆了摆手,示意那些同门不要说话。 But Mu Ziwei, in these people, has the deterrent force absolutely, therefore after this movement, her behind these people, although does not prefer very much, but actually also really closed the mouth. 而穆紫薇,在这些人中,绝对也是有着威慑力的,所以她这个动作之后,她身后的那些人,虽然很不情愿,但却也都真的闭上了嘴巴。 This young master, you have not replied me, how you sat down, gave up?” “这位公子,你还没回答我呢,你怎么坐下了,难道是放弃了吗?” Mu Ziwei is blinking the big eye, be with smile on the face looks at Chu Feng. 穆紫薇眨巴着大眼睛,面带笑容的看着楚枫 Sees that Chu Feng also stands up, this asked: I, if has not given up, the miss can be willing to help me?” 见状,楚枫也是站起身来,这才问道:“我若没有放弃,姑娘可愿意帮我?” They said that you are a swindler, if that the young master deceived me, when how?” Mu Ziwei asked. “他们都说你是骗子,那么假如公子骗了我,当如何?”穆紫薇问道。 I, if deceived the miss, the miss killed me, but is good?” Chu Feng said. “我若骗了姑娘,姑娘就杀了我,可好?”楚枫说道。 Takes seriously? I will not show mercy.” Mu Ziwei said. “当真?我可不会手下留情哦。”穆紫薇说道。 Takes seriously.” A Chu Feng face determination. “当真。”楚枫一脸确定。 Good, refreshed, I like young master’s personality, such being the case, I then help you.” Mu Ziwei said. “好,爽快,我喜欢公子的性格,既然如此,我便帮你。”穆紫薇说道。 That does not know that the miss does want what reward?” Chu Feng asked. “那不知姑娘要何酬劳?”楚枫问道。 I appreciate your courage, therefore I do not need to reward for services rendered , helping you free of charge.” Mu Ziwei said with a smile. “我欣赏你的勇气,所以我不需要酬劳,无偿帮你。”穆紫薇笑着说道。 What? Free?” “什么?无偿?” Hears this words, the people all are the eye of reveal startled colors. 听得此话,众人皆是目露惊色。 After a while, Mu Ziwei was just probing Chu Feng, she has not planned to want the Chu Feng's reward. 搞了半天,刚刚穆紫薇是在试探楚枫,她并没有打算要楚枫的酬劳。 Was this too also lucky? 这也太幸运了吧? This swindler, is so unexpectedly simple, obtained the famous Mu Ziwei help? 这个骗子,居然如此简单的,就得到了大名鼎鼎的穆紫薇的帮助? Female who could it be that, the talent different reported that was easily swindled so? 难道说,天赋异禀的女子,都这么好骗的吗? At once, discusses spiritedly, but more is actually to the Chu Feng's envy and envying. 一时之间,议论纷纷,可更多的却是对楚枫的嫉妒与羡慕。 Especially just like Chu Feng, was unable to continue baldheaded man and others that leads the way, simply that appearance, envies soon cried. 尤其是与楚枫一样,已经无法继续前行的秃顶男子等人,那个模样,简直羡慕的都快要哭了。 Did not use the exhausted miss, I helped him.” “不用劳烦姑娘了,我来帮他。” But in the meantime, there is a voice of female together to resound. 可就在此时,又有一道女子的声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, two forms are approaching, see these two, Chu Feng somewhat is surprised, because of these two, Chu Feng knew. 顺声观望,两道身影正在靠近,看到这两位,就连楚枫都有些惊讶,因为这两位,楚枫认识。 Is Linghu Yueyue, as well as Linghu Anan. 乃是令狐悦悦,以及令狐安安。 However compares in Chu Feng, these bystanders, but is over the face shock. 不过相比于楚枫,那些围观者,可就是满面震惊。 Especially baldheaded man these people, the face was green at this time. 尤其是秃顶男子那些人,此时脸都绿了。 After all compares in Mu Ziwei, Linghu Yueyue as well as Linghu Anan appearance, but is the true beautiful woman. 毕竟相比于穆紫薇,令狐悦悦以及令狐安安的容颜,可就是真正的美女。 Especially Linghu Yueyue, called her with the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, was not overrated. 尤其是令狐悦悦,用倾国倾城来称呼她,也不为过。 But the appearance is not a key point, the key point is to come here, Linghu Yueyue is the complexion does not change. 但容貌并非重点,重点是走到此处,令狐悦悦也是面色不改。 Freely, people do not know that Linghu Yueyue is what status, may only look at her relaxed appearance, people can also guess correctly, this female, decided however cultivation realm. 尽管,人们不知道令狐悦悦是何身份,可只看她那轻松的样子,人们也能猜到,这个女子,定然修为了得。 Mostly is one, does not lose to Mu Ziwei the talent. 多半是一个,不输给穆紫薇的天才。 „Can this miss, is it possible that snatch with me?” Mu Ziwei asked to Linghu Yueyue. “这位姑娘,莫非是要与我抢吗?”穆紫薇对令狐悦悦问道。 I, if snatches, how you do work as?” Linghu Yueyue asked. “我若要抢,你当如何?”令狐悦悦问道。 What? Snatches? 什么?抢? Outstanding female who two talents different reported that rushed to help such a waste unexpectedly, a swindler? 两个天赋异禀的优秀女子,竟然抢着帮这样一个废物,一个骗子? What situation is this? 这是什么情况? „, This is good, did this swindler, what dog excrement walk to transport?” “靠,这都行,这个骗子,到底是走了什么狗屎运啊?” That baldheaded man, face been mad turning green. 那名秃顶男子,脸都被气的发青。 p p class =py class=”py >https: ” >, first looks at the genuine content! ”>”https:”>,第一时间看正版内容!
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