MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3870: Secret place

Afterward, Chu Feng and others then starts to explore this Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb. 随后,楚枫等人便开始探索这座斩妖大帝墓 At first, they are very careful, but actually the astonished discovery, in this actually and has no mechanism/organization. 起初,他们很小心,但却惊愕的发现,这里面其实并没有什么机关。 But according to their explorations, they discovered before them, map obtained, unexpectedly real. 而根据他们的探索,他们发现他们之前所得到的地图,竟然是真的。 Internal structure because of this Tomb of Great, with their maps, exactly the same. 因为这大帝墓的内部构造,与他们那地图,一模一样。 In this case, Chu Feng and others, simply is like a fish in water. 这种情况下,楚枫等人,简直就是如鱼得水。 ...... …… Quick, the difficult problem then appeared. 只是,很快,难题便出现了。 Although, in this Tomb of Great, does not have the mechanism/organization. 虽说,这大帝墓内,并没有机关。 But on that map, records the region that some important Treasure laid aside. 而那地图上面,也记载了一些重宝所放置的区域。 But when they arrive, after that lays aside the important Treasure place, the discovery has front door together. 可当他们来到,那放置重宝的地方后,却发现有着一道大门。 That front door is indestructible, is unable to decode, making them be at a loss. 那大门坚不可摧,也无法破解,让他们束手无策。 And, afterward they discovered, the place of as if each laying aside treasure, has the front door that such is unable to open. 并且,后来他们发现,似乎每一座放置宝贝的地方,都有着这样一座无法打开的大门。 What to do this may, think of every means that finally came, result actually anything cannot attain.” “这可怎么办,费尽心思,终于进来了,结果却什么都拿不到。” Waits for a period of time again, that All Heavens Sect person came, we can only look helplessly, they took away here treasure.” “再等一段时间,那诸天门的人就来了,我们就只能眼睁睁的看着,他们拿走此处的宝贝了。” Secret Cave Group Saint, anxious extremely. 秘洞群圣,焦急万分。 They have tried many methods, wants to break open that. 他们已经尝试了多种方法,想要破开那门。 Even, they also used the treasure of some powerful, but, without exception, is useless. 甚至,他们还动用了一些强力的宝贝,只不过,无一例外,皆是无用。 Reads to me that map again.” “把那地图再给我看一下。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Although, does not know that Chu Feng must make anything. 虽然,不知道楚枫要做什么。 But what Secret Cave Group Saint, gave Chu Feng that map again. 可什么秘洞群圣,还是再度将那地图交给了楚枫 Actually Chu Feng, had read this map before, and all details of map, completely in mind. 其实楚枫,之前已经看过了这张地图,并且将地图的所有细节,全部记在了脑海之中。 But he, requests to look at now again one time this map, actually wants to determine a matter. 而他,如今要求再看一次这张地图,其实只是想要确定一件事。 Determines his guess. 确定他的猜测。 Really, I said that in the world not such cheap matter.” “果然,我就说,天底下没有这么便宜的事。” Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb, outside barrier is so tyrannical, how to enter inside, does not have including the mechanism/organization together.” 斩妖大帝墓,外面的屏障那样强横,怎么进入里面,连一道机关都没有。” This does not gather the common sense completely, but clear that now...... can explain finally.” “这完全不合常理,而现在……终于能够解释的清了。” Also after reading a everywhere chart, the Chu Feng's corners of the mouth, raised wiped to look through all radians. 又看了一遍地图后,楚枫的嘴角,掀起了一抹看破一切的弧度。 Little Brother Asura, what did you discover?” Secret Cave Group Saint rushes to ask. 修罗兄弟,你是发现了什么吗?”秘洞群圣赶忙问道。 „To break open this, needs the corresponding treasure.” “想要破开这门,需要相应的宝物。” You said before, All Heavens Sect to open this Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb, is prepares for many years, now obtains can open this place much the treasure.” “你们之前说,诸天门为了开启这斩妖大帝墓,已是准备多年,如今已是得到了不少可以开启此地的宝物。” I guessed , turns on these gates keys.” Chu Feng said. “我猜测,那其中就有,开启这些门的钥匙。”楚枫说道。 Right, we also thought that therefore worried.” “对啊,我们也想到了,所以才愁。” We come in ahead of time, is to occupy takes the initiative, words that but what matter could not make, how could it not be did that come in white/vain?” “我们提前进来,就是想要占得先机,可什么事情都做不了的话,那岂不就是白进来了?” The Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child said. 秘洞群圣老大说道。 That also not necessarily, since we can first come, has the opportunity to occupy takes the initiative.” Chu Feng said. “那也未必,既然我们能够先进来,就有机会占得先机。”楚枫说道。 Little Brother Asura, you discovered anything, you spoke frankly.” 修罗兄弟,你到底发现了什么,你就直说吧。” Right, Little Brother Asura, you said quickly.” “对对对,修罗兄弟,你快说。” Secret Cave Group Saint, is unbearably anxious. 秘洞群圣,已是急不可耐。 I felt, although Demon Cutting Great Emperor, it the own institute of being buried, made defense heavy.” “我觉得,尽管斩妖大帝,它将自己的葬身之所,弄的防御重重。” But actually, he also hopes, these treasures can be obtained, otherwise he does not need to make is so complex, can definitely bring these treasures, hides to the place that no one knows.” “但其实,他也是希望,这些宝物能够被人得到的,否则他没必要弄的这么复杂,完全可以带着这些宝物,到一个没人知晓的地方藏起来。” „Because, he from the beginning, wants to leave descendants these treasure.” “正因为,他从一开始,就是想将这些宝贝留给后人。” Therefore, he left behind decoding thing.” “所以,他才留下了破解的东西。” Treasure that wants him to leave behind, only has two means.” “想要得到他所留下的宝贝,只有两个办法。” First, receives the corresponding key, opens these gates.” “第一,就是拿到相应的钥匙,来开启这些门。” I, if has not guessed that wrong, each key, can only open a gate.” “我若没有猜错的话,每一把钥匙,只能开启一道门。” However another method, was quite fierce, obtained the approval of Demon Cutting Great Emperor.” “而另一个方法,就比较厉害了,那就是获得斩妖大帝的认可。” So long as obtains its approval, here each gate, can open.” “只要得到它的认可,这里每一道门,就都能够打开。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Little Brother Asura, how should that this qualifications gain?” 修罗兄弟,那这资格该如何获取?” Secret Cave Group Saint asked. 秘洞群圣问道。 Place, can gain, along with me comes.” “有一个地方,可以获取,随我来。” During the Chu Feng speeches, then starts to lead the way, but Secret Cave Group Saint hurried with the past. 楚枫说话间,便开始引路,而秘洞群圣则是赶忙跟了过去。 Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb is very big, although they, but explored a small part. 斩妖大帝墓很大,尽管他们,只是探索了其中一小部分。 But because, they have the reason of that map, then causes them, to internal structure of this Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb, understands clearly in chest/heart. 可因为,他们已经有了那张地图的原因,便使得他们,对这斩妖大帝墓的内部构造,已是了然于胸。 At this time, Chu Feng brings the place that they go , is actually in a map, no place. 只是此时,楚枫所带他们来到的地方,却是一个地图中,没有的地方。 That is together a corridor, the position of this corridor is secret. 那是一道长廊,这长廊的位置非常隐秘。 Although enters this corridor, and there is no stop, if not but Chu Feng guides, believes that they will not that notice here quickly. 虽然进入这长廊,并没有什么阻拦,可若非楚枫带路,相信他们不会那么快注意到此处。 Reason that so, that is because here too does not lose face, was neglected easily. 之所以会如此,那是因为这里太不现眼,容易被人忽略。 Even discovered here, here still has nothing to hide the important Treasure appearance, will therefore be neglected. 就算发现了此处,此处也没有任何藏匿重宝的样子,所以还是会被人忽略。 In other words, if not Chu Feng guides, even if Secret Cave Group Saint discovers this entrance, is not willing to walk. 换句话说,若非楚枫带路,哪怕秘洞群圣发现这个入口,也不愿意走进来。 At least, before exploring entire Demon Cutting Great Emperor Tomb, will not choose to enter such a place to explore. 至少,在探索完整个斩妖大帝墓之前,是不会选择进入这样一个地方探索的。 This corridor very narrow, more walks toward, is shabby. 这个长廊非常的狭窄,越是往里走,越是破旧不堪。 And, as is thorough, the aura of danger transmits, that type of aura was discomforting, making the heart of Secret Cave Group Saint also hang. 并且,随着深入,还有危险的气息传来,那种气息令人不安,让秘洞群圣的心也是悬了起来。 But Chu Feng, actually does not decelerate, fast march. 楚枫,却是毫不减速,快速的行进。 But what is strange, in this corridor, obviously gives out dangerous aura, and is thorough, that aura for strong. 而奇怪的是,这长廊之中,明明散发着危险气息,并且越是深入,那气息越为浓烈。 But, walks, has not encountered what danger. 可是偏偏,一路走来,并没有遇到什么危险。 Finally, they passed through that say/way narrow corridor. 终于,他们穿过了那道狭窄的长廊。 When across the flash of corridor, Secret Cave Group Saint immediately at present one bright. 而当穿过长廊的一瞬间,秘洞群圣顿时眼前一亮。 Afterward, looks again to Chu Feng, in the vision were also many wiped the admiration. 随后,再度看向楚枫,目光之中又多了一抹敬佩。
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