MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3867: Terrifying impact

But, the next quarter, stranger matter happened. 可是,下一刻,更为诡异的事情发生了。 Sees only, the Secret Cave Group Saint 11 people, almost will put in the palm in dantian simultaneously, pulling out. 只见,秘洞群圣十一人,几乎同时将放入丹田内的手掌,给拔了出来。 After their palms draw out, then destroyed dantian restores immediately. 当他们的手掌拔出之后,那被破坏的丹田立刻修复。 They still had not received any damage, and in their hands, but also presented a thing. 他们仍旧没有受到任何损伤,并且在他们的手中,还出现了一物。 That is the similar stone same object. 那是类似石头一样的物体。 Is the fragment, coming out that Chu Feng can look, that should be some treasure, was divided into 11 fragments. 是碎片,楚枫能看的出来,那应该是某种至宝,被分成了十一个碎片。 If the fragment is in one, treasure can reappear. 若是碎片合为一体,至宝便可重现。 „Did these fellows, the treasure, hide in dantian unexpectedly?” “这些家伙,竟然将宝贝,藏到了丹田之内?” At this time, Chu Feng is very surprised. 此时,楚枫感到非常的惊讶。 Although does not know how Secret Cave Group Saint achieves, but they as if really dantian, treated as cosmos sack. 虽然不知道秘洞群圣如何做到的,但他们似乎真的将丹田,当做了乾坤袋 Can be used to lay aside the treasure, and can open at any time, not causes the damage to their cultivation realm and body. 可以用来放置宝贝,并且可以随时打开,也不会对他们修为和身体造成伤害。 Chu Feng knows finally why that day in World Spirit Mansion Gate, Chu Feng has taken away their cosmos sack, but in that cosmos sack simply did not have the treasure to be all tattered. 楚枫终于知道,为何那日在界灵府门之内,楚枫已经将他们的乾坤袋收走,可那乾坤袋内却根本没有宝物全是破烂了。 Originally their treasure, all placed in dantian. 原来他们的宝贝,全都放在了丹田之内。 Swish Swish Swish 唰唰唰 In the meantime, that Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child pinches to decide single-handed, later in the fragment the hand throws. 就在此时,那秘洞群圣老大单手捏决,随后将手中碎片丢出。 Other ten people also comply. 紧接着,其他十人也是随之照做。 Quick, that fragment pieces together the same place, changed to a strange lifeform unexpectedly. 很快,那碎片拼凑到一起,竟然化作了一个奇异的生物。 That lifeform, resembling is a white fat dog, but that nose, is very big, probably the pig nose is common. 那生物,似是一只白色的胖狗,可那鼻子,却很大,像是猪鼻子一般。 However, compared with the common pig nose, but also wants on big several times to continue. 不过,要比寻常的猪鼻子,还要大上几倍不止。 This lifeform seems like has the life, and does not seem like the forge statement. 这生物看上去是具有生命的,并且不像是伪造的声明。 But it is situated in there, motionless, looking like the statue is ordinary. 可是它立于那里,一动不动,就像是雕像一般。 And, cannot feel its aura, is similar it not to exist general. 并且,感受不到它的气息,就仿佛它不存在一般。 In brief, this thing, is somewhat strange. 总之,这个东西,也是有些诡异。 Your several were also too careful, unexpectedly hid in the treasure dantian.” “你们几个也太小心了吧,居然将宝贝藏到丹田内。” Words said, such strange matter, how you do achieve?” “话说,这么诡异的事情,你们是怎么做到的?” However, compares has the giant pig nose in this at present, unusual lifeform like dog, Chu Feng more curious is actually, how Secret Cave Group Saint they are the treasure, puts in dantian. 不过,相比于眼前这个有着巨大猪鼻子,又像狗一样的奇特生物,楚枫更好奇的却是,秘洞群圣他们是如何将宝贝,放到丹田内的。 Hehe, Little Brother Asura, this is our Little Brother talent, you may not study, you are too difficult to learn.” “嘿嘿,修罗兄弟,这是我们兄弟的天赋,你可千万别学,你是学不来的。” Right, do not study, if you studied, cultivation realm may not guarantee.” “对对对,千万别学,你要是学了,修为可就不保了。” Secret Cave Group Saint people, grinning saying, and during speeches, but also performs to appear intent. 秘洞群圣的众人,笑嘻嘻的说道,且说话间,还尽显得意。 That this does, have what function?” Chu Feng points at that unusual lifeform to ask. “那这个,有何作用?”楚枫指着那奇特的生物问道。 This thing, is called the universe great nose beast, is treasure.” “这个东西,叫做乾坤巨鼻兽,算是一件至宝。” It can through its sense of smell, smell some dangerous thing.” “它能够通过它的嗅觉,嗅到一些危险的东西。” Only can use one time, the non- critical moment, our Little Brother will not use it.” “不过只能使用一次,非关键时刻,我们兄弟是不会使用它的。” At this moment, as if did not have other means that can only explore the way by it.” The Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child said. “不过事到如今,似乎没有别的办法了,只能靠它来探路了。”秘洞群圣老大说道。 That starts quickly.” Chu Feng said. “那快开始吧。”楚枫说道。 Little Brother Asura, you release together formation power, ties up with this universe great nose beast together, waits, when it starts to see clearly the dangerous aura, you can also have the same induction, thus distinguishes here the form.” The Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child said. 修罗兄弟,你释放一道结界之力,与这乾坤巨鼻兽捆绑到一起,等一下当它开始洞察危险气息,你也能够有相同感应,从而分辨此处的形式。”秘洞群圣老大说道。 Good.” “好。” Sees that Chu Feng does not neglect, but rushes to comply. 见状,楚枫也不怠慢,而是赶忙照做。 whistling 呼呼呼 When formation power of Chu Feng release, ties up after that so-called universe great nose beast. 而当楚枫释放的结界之力,与那所谓的乾坤巨鼻兽捆绑之后。 Chu Feng can see that universe great nose beast shivers slightly, and has no special change. 楚枫可以看到,那乾坤巨鼻兽只是微微颤动,并没有什么特殊的变化。 But suddenly, the Chu Feng's sense of smell, becomes extremely keen. 可是忽然间,紧接着楚枫的嗅觉,变得极为敏锐。 That sense of smell, connected the Chu Feng's induction, even connected the Chu Feng's soul. 那嗅觉,连接到了楚枫的感应,甚至连接到了楚枫的灵魂。 Meanwhile, the extremely rich bloody air/Qi, as well as murderous aura, is ordinary like the tide, starts to come from both sides fast galloping of rock cave, attacks to Chu Feng. 与此同时,极为浓郁的血腥之气,以及杀气,如同潮水一般,开始自岩洞的两端快速的奔腾而来,不停的向楚枫冲击。 „It is not good is not good, was too fearful.” “不行了不行了,太可怕了。” I cannot induce again, otherwise my soul will unable to support “我不能再感应了,不然我的灵魂会支撑不住” Quick, Secret Cave Group Saint others, started to cut off in abundance, tied up in together formation power with that universe great nose beast. 很快,秘洞群圣的其他人,开始纷纷斩断了,与那乾坤巨鼻兽捆绑在一起的结界之力 Sweeping across that because, along with that bloody air/Qi, as well as murderous aura comes, the whole person will be revolved by the aura of that terrifying, that will create the offensive of impact on the soul. 因为,伴随着那血腥之气,以及杀气的席卷而来,整个人都会被那恐怖的气息围绕,那是会对灵魂造成冲击的攻势。 However the short moment, that Secret Cave Group Saint person, is frightens trembles. 不过短短片刻,那秘洞群圣的人,就已是吓得瑟瑟发抖。 If continues, will decide however by fierce of that terrifying aura impact, even if were scared to death while still alive, should still possibly have. 若是继续下去,定然会被那恐怖气息冲击的更为厉害,就算被活活吓死,也不是没有可能。 In this case, Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child, was rushes to cut off the contact with that universe great nose beast. 这种情况下,就连秘洞群圣老大,也是赶忙斩断了与那乾坤巨鼻兽的联系。 Big brother, Little Brother Asura he, is still inducing unexpectedly, quickly cuts off their relations.” “大哥,修罗兄弟他,竟然还在感应,赶快斩断它们的联系。” At this time, is seeing with own eyes formation power of Chu Feng release, unexpectedly also and that universe great nose beast is connected. 此时,眼见着楚枫释放的结界之力,竟还在与那乾坤巨鼻兽相连。 During the small 11 speeches of Secret Cave Group Saint, then releases own formation power, changes to the formation sharp blade, wants to cut off the relation of Chu Feng and that thing. 秘洞群圣的小十一说话间,便释放出自己的结界之力,化作结界利刃,想要斩断楚枫与那东西的联系。 Waits for.” “等一下。” But, the Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child is actually rushes to intend to stop in the meantime. 可就在此时,秘洞群圣的老大却是赶忙出手阻拦。 Big brother, that aura was too strong, this thing will strengthen the Little Brother Asura sense , to continue, it could die by that aura impact, even if not die, still the spirit may be damaged, causes the crazy.” “大哥,那气息太强了,这东西会强化修罗兄弟的感官,继续下去,它可能会被那气息冲击而死,就算不死,也可能会精神受损,导致疯癫。” Secret Cave Group Saint saying that small 11 worry about very much. 秘洞群圣的小十一很是担忧的说道。 Stupid, you have a look carefully, Little Brother Asura can he, have the symptom of fearing?” “愚蠢,你仔细看看,修罗兄弟他,可有惧怕的症状?” The old thumb of Secret Cave Group Saint Chu Feng was saying. 秘洞群圣的老大指着楚枫说道。 Hears this words, Secret Cave Group Saint others, is starts to size up Chu Feng carefully. 听得此话,秘洞群圣的其他人,则是开始仔细打量楚枫 But this does not size up importantly, they are also the colors of eye of reveal shock. 而这一打量不要紧,他们也是目露震惊之色。 They induced the moment time, is frightens trembles, the cold sweat again and again, is unable to return to normal oneself that frightened innermost feelings. 他们不过感应了片刻功夫,已是吓得瑟瑟发抖,冷汗连连,无法平复自己那恐惧的内心。 Chu Feng he, is but longer than the time that they observe, but Chu Feng's body, actually very tranquil, has not come under the too tremendous impact. 可是楚枫他,比他们观察的时间都要久,但楚枫的身体,却是非常的平静,并没有受到太大的影响。 Little Brother Asura his was formation power, the release made a mistake, isn't simply connected with this universe great nose beast success?” 修罗兄弟他的结界之力,是不是释放错了,根本没有与这乾坤巨鼻兽成功相连啊?” Secret Cave Group Saint small 11 asked. 秘洞群圣的小十一问道。 fart, you think Little Brother Asura, like you stupid?” 放屁,你以为修罗兄弟,像你一样蠢?” Saying that the Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child despises. 秘洞群圣的老大鄙夷的说道。 But that aura is so fearful, why can he be not affected?” Secret Cave Group Saint small 11 asked. “可那气息如此可怕,为何他能不受影响?”秘洞群圣的小十一问道。 This explained that his Spirit power is tyrannical enough, can support it, resists the impact of that aura.” The Secret Cave Group Saint eldest child said. “这说明他的精神力足够强横,可以支撑它,抵挡住那气息的冲击。”秘洞群圣的老大说道。 „, Real false?” “啊,真的假的?” If, that this... this also were too abnormal?” “倘若是真的,那这…这也太变态了吧?” Hears this words, the Secret Cave Group Saint people eyes color of shock, was rich many. 听闻此话,秘洞群圣众人眼中的震惊之色,更是浓郁了不少。
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