MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3834: Red Cloaked Holy Land

Meng Rufei was soon irritated, but he does not have the means. 孟如飞快要被气死了,可是他却没有办法。 Because of Yin Zhuanghong the person, indeed is Chu Feng. 因为殷妆红等的人,的确就是楚枫 And Yin Zhuanghong and other Chu Feng's goals, wants to invite Chu Feng to go to Red Cloaked Holy Land be a guest. 并且殷妆红楚枫的目的,还是想邀请楚枫红衣圣地作客 This made Meng Rufei more uncomfortable, but actually cannot say anything. 这让孟如飞更加不爽了,可却也不能说什么。 After all, he has known, Chu Feng is one also wants the outstanding junior compared with him, and also has Yuan Shu to make Leaning Mountain, even if he is uncomfortable, is at least the surface, does not dare to oppose with Chu Feng. 毕竟,他已经知道,楚枫是一位比他还要优秀的小辈,并且身后还有袁术靠山,哪怕他再不爽,可是至少表面,也不敢与楚枫作对了。 If dares at this time, to look for Chu Feng to be troublesome again, he may really probably ask for trouble. 若是敢在这个时候,再找楚枫麻烦,那他可真是要自讨苦吃了。 As for this invitation, rare Yin Zhuanghong is so warm, Chu Feng will not be naturally abundant her face, therefore decides to travel together. 至于这个邀请,难得殷妆红如此热情,楚枫自然也不会博她的面子,所以决定同行。 Then, Chu Feng, Yin Zhuanghong, Meng Rufei, Zhang Duotuo one group of went to Red Cloaked Holy Land. 就这样,楚枫,殷妆红,孟如飞,张舵驼一行人前往了红衣圣地 But as for Red Cloaked Holy Land is where, influence that that is Yin Zhuanghong is. 而至于红衣圣地是何处,那乃是殷妆红所在的势力。 In Red Cloaked Holy Land, without man, from Headmaster to Elder, so that disciple, is completely a female. 红衣圣地之内,没有男子,从掌教长老以致弟子,全部都是女子。 But that Red Cloak, is the symbol of Red Cloaked Holy Land. 而那一席红衣,便是红衣圣地的标志。 Red Cloaked Holy Land, although is the female, but strength actually cannot be underestimated, is Overlord that this Reincarnation Upper Realm deserves. 红衣圣地,虽皆是女子,可实力却不容小觑,乃是这轮回上界当之无愧的霸主 Even in entire All Heavens Star Region, has the influence of space. 甚至在整个诸天星域,都是有着一席之地的势力。 Yin Zhuanghong, in Red Cloaked Holy Land, has the unusual position. 殷妆红,在红衣圣地,也是有着非同一般的地位。 She is Red Cloaked Holy Land Headmaster passes on disciple, is Red Cloaked Holy Land only Holy Maiden. 她是红衣圣地掌教的亲传弟子,也是红衣圣地唯一的一个圣女 This all sorts of status, have almost established her future position, she basically is the Red Cloaked Holy Land future Headmaster successor. 这种种身份,几乎已经奠定了她未来的地位,她基本上就是红衣圣地未来的掌教接班人。 Also no wonder, Yin Zhuanghong so will be popular in All Heavens Star Region, Nangong Yifan these talents, wallow in Yin Zhuanghong. 也难怪,殷妆红诸天星域会如此受欢迎,就连南宫亦凡那些天才,都沉迷于殷妆红 To come is also, a collection status, the talent, the strength, can the beautiful appearance in one, nearly perfect female, who not like? 想来也是,一个集身份,天赋,实力,美貌于一身,近乎完美的女子,谁会不喜欢呢? As for Zhang Duotuo and Meng Rufei master and disciple, why must travel together with them, Chu Feng has also asked Yin Zhuanghong, but Yin Zhuanghong has not spoken frankly, only said that is her teacher invites. 至于,张舵驼以及孟如飞师徒俩,为何要与他们同行,楚枫也问过殷妆红,可殷妆红并没有直说,只说是她师尊邀请的。 However according to Chu Feng guessed, Red Cloaked Holy Land will not invite for no reason, Zhang Duotuo and Meng Rufei go be a guest, something requested mostly. 不过根据楚枫猜测,红衣圣地不会平白无故的邀请,张舵驼孟如飞前去作客,多半是有事相求。 Otherwise, by the Yin Zhuanghong individuality, how also to Zhang Duotuo and Meng Rufei, is so polite? 否则,以殷妆红的个性,又怎么会对张舵驼孟如飞,如此客气? Naturally, this is also only Chu Feng's guesses personally. 当然,这也只是楚枫的个人猜测罢了。 After one hurries along, Chu Feng also saw the Red Cloaked Holy Land true colors. 一番赶路之后,楚枫也是见到了红衣圣地的真面目。 Red Cloaked Holy Land, by huge floats the spatial islands, strange place that the connection becomes. 红衣圣地,是由一座座巨大的浮空岛屿,连接而成的奇异之地。 In the island has floats the spatial waterfall, as far as eyes can reach, like silver dragons, from in the air jumps down, is quite magnificent. 岛上有着许多浮空瀑布,一眼望去,如同一条条银龙,从空中一跃而下,颇为壮观。 But compares in the trees, in the island are more, what planter is the flowers. 而相比于树木,岛上更多的,种植的乃是花朵。 The flower type is many, but without exception, is the red. 花的种类甚多,但无一例外,皆是红色。 The flowers covered to float the spatial islands, the distant place wait and see, opened one red Sea of Flowers above clouds, beautiful intoxicated. 花朵覆盖了一座座浮空岛屿,远处观望,就似是开在云朵之上的一片红色花海,美的令人心醉。 Although the scenery is extremely beautiful, but Red Cloaked Holy Land disciple, actually difference from Chu Feng imagination. 虽然景色极美,但红衣圣地弟子,却与楚枫想象的不同。 The Chu Feng itself/Ben thinks, such wonderland, lives, should be such as Yin Zhuanghong such female celestial. 楚枫本以为,这样的人间仙境,住着的,应该都是如殷妆红这样的仙女。 But in fact, is not so. 但实际上,则是不然。 With guard beside formation, these Elder. 就拿把守在结界之外的,那些长老而言。 Although, they also wear the red long skirt, being beautifully attired of appearance. 虽然,她们也是身穿红色长裙,打扮的花枝招展。 But they each one are tall, is ordinary just like the robust man, that facial features also indecently. 可她们却个个身材高大,宛如壮汉一般,那面容也是不堪入目。 The appearance of devils, cannot describe with the tigress, the female demon conforms to their images. 凶神恶煞的样子,已经不能用母老虎来形容,女夜叉更符合她们的形象。 But after entering Red Cloaked Holy Land, Chu Feng saw all kinds of females. 而进入红衣圣地之后,楚枫更是见到了各种各样的女子。 Has the fat to become ball female, has such as the female of waste of flax thinly, has female who the skin jet black such as black ink dyes, there is the whole face smallpox smallpox or the female of whole face person with a pockmarked face. 有胖的成球的女子,有瘦如麻杆的女子,有皮肤漆黑如墨染的女子,也有满脸痘痘或者满脸麻子的女子。 Although, in Red Cloaked Holy Land, many gorgeous females. 虽然,红衣圣地内,也不乏容貌出众的女子。 But are more, actually was still these of undistinguished appearance, even somewhat ugly female. 可是更多的,却仍是这些其貌不扬,甚至有些丑陋的女子。 Girl, said everyone loves to be pretty.” “丫头,都说爱美之心人皆有之。” Why doesn't your Red Cloaked Holy Land female, decorate the facial features?” “为何你们红衣圣地的女子,都不修饰一下面容呢?” Really curious, when Chu Feng by Yin Zhuanghong, after being placed the habitat, he cannot bear finally, inquired to Yin Zhuanghong. 实在好奇,所以当楚枫殷妆红,安置到了栖息之地后,他终于是忍不住,对殷妆红询问起来。 As cultivator, wants to change what appearance, simply is the easy as pie matter. 身为修武者,想改变什么容貌,简直是易如反掌之事。 Why are the beautiful women in cultivator world many? 为何修武者世界的美女多? Actually through the conditioning of method, inborn beautiful quality has, but beautiful to Yin Zhuanghong this degree, seriously is extremely few. 其实很多都是通过手段的修整的罢了,天生丽质的不是没有,但美到殷妆红这种程度的,当真是极少。 But also because just, revises the facial features, is easy as pie regarding cultivator, therefore Chu Feng is curious, why the Red Cloaked Holy Land female, is willing to show by so the appearance. 可也正因为,修改面容,对于修武者易如反掌,所以楚枫才好奇,为何红衣圣地女子,愿意以这般面貌示人。 My teacher, taught us since childhood, must be real.” Yin Zhuanghong said. “我师尊,从小就教导我们,要做真实的自己。”殷妆红说道。 Is only so?” Chu Feng asked. “只是如此吗?”楚枫问道。 How can also?” Yin Zhuanghong asked. “还能如何?”殷妆红反问道。 Hehe......” Chu Feng smiles, immediately asked: If they revised the facial features, can have the penalty?” “嘿嘿……”楚枫嘿嘿一笑,旋即问道:“若是他们修改了面容,可会有惩罚?” Eh......” Yin Zhuanghong hesitated, later said: Has.” 额……”殷妆红迟疑了一下,随后说道:“有。” Hears this words, Chu Feng to smile was thicker, said: That no wonder, this is the compulsory request, if cancels your penalties, you have a look at them whether can also be this appearance shows?” 听得此话,楚枫笑的更浓了,说道:“那就难怪了,这就是强制性要求的,若是取消你们这个惩罚,你看看她们是否还会是这个样子示人?” Do not mind others'business.” During the Yin Zhuanghong speeches, threw a map to Chu Feng. “你可别多管闲事了。”殷妆红说话间,将一张地图丢给了楚枫 Chu Feng opens the map, the discovery is the Red Cloaked Holy Land map. 楚枫打开地图,发现是红衣圣地的地图。 Red Cloaked Holy Land is very but big, but the region that this map draws, is actually less than Red Cloaked Holy Land 1%, therefore Chu Feng asked girl, what meaning was this?” 可是红衣圣地很大,而这地图所画的区域,却不及红衣圣地的百分之一,于是楚枫问道“丫头,这是什么意思?” „The place on map, you can go, place that the map has not drawn, do not go, otherwise, I, could not save you even.” Yin Zhuanghong said. “地图上的地方,你是可以去的,地图没有画出来的地方,你千万不要去,否则,就算是我,也救不了你。”殷妆红说道。 Girl, I, but is a guest, is not imprisoned.” Chu Feng face suffering saying. “丫头,我可是来做客的,不是来坐牢的啊。”楚枫一脸委屈的说道。 I do not have the means that here is Red Cloaked Holy Land, is somewhat well-mannered, Headmaster must observe.” Listened to a Chu Feng such saying, Yin Zhuanghong also somewhat to feel sorry, explanation. “我也没有办法,这里是红衣圣地,有些规矩,掌教都要遵守。”听楚枫这样一说,殷妆红也是有些过意不去,不由的解释起来。 Ok, I and you cracked a joke, I was a comparison defend the well-mannered person, will not run all over the place.” “好了,我与你开玩笑的,我是一个比较守规矩的人,不会乱跑的。” Was inferior that you and I said that you look for Grandmaster Yuan Shu for what matter, what matter that Zhang Duotuo and were Meng Rufei invited by you are?” Chu Feng asked that he was very curious. “不如你与我说说,你找袁术大师是为何事,那张舵驼孟如飞被你们邀请来又是何事吧?”楚枫问道,他是真的很好奇。
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