MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3823: Is the evil star

Although that rainbow light is unusual, but the people have not seen through, therefore at present, pursues the rainbow light, only has Chu Feng and Yin Zhuanghong two people. 那虹光虽不同寻常,可众人还没看穿,因此眼下,追赶虹光的,只有楚枫殷妆红两个人。 But, that rainbow light speed is too fast, is seeing with own eyes Chu Feng and Yin Zhuanghong, has pursued the rainbow light. 可是,那虹光速度太快,眼见着楚枫殷妆红,已经追赶到了虹光。 Sees only rainbow light one to turn around, forgives two people unexpectedly, directly soars Fan Chou to go. 只见虹光一个转身,竟饶过二人,直奔范畴而去。 This time, the rainbow light speed, was faster than several times to continue previously, cannot pursue Chu Feng, Fan Chou has not responded, was hit by that rainbow light. 这一次,虹光速度,比先前快了几倍不止,连楚枫都追赶不上,范畴更是还没反应过来,便被那虹光击中。 Hit Fan Chou, not only without being wounded, backs up continually does not have, instead was his body is also the gives out rainbow light/only, the body floated. 只是,被击中的范畴,不仅没有负伤,连倒退都没有,反而是他的身体也是散发虹光,就连身体都是漂浮了起来。 Just like this time Fan Chou, was given the sacred strength to be the same. 就宛如,此时的范畴,被赋予了神圣的力量一般。 This was caused attention that presented all juniors, but was careful looked, people as if discovered the reason was. 这可是引起了在场所有小辈的瞩目,而仔细一看,人们似乎发现了原因所在。 At this time in the hand of Fan Chou, presented a key, this key for the color of ancient bronzes, but precisely of that rainbow light sends out the key. 此时范畴的手中,出现了一把钥匙,这把钥匙为古铜之色,而那虹光的正是那把钥匙发出。 „, Is this unexpectedly a treasure?” “哇,这竟是一件宝贝?” At this time, calls out in alarm intermittently spreads unceasingly, but that gives out greedy vision, condenses on that key. 此时,阵阵惊呼不断传出,但同时那一道道散发贪婪的目光,也是凝聚在那把钥匙身上。 As we all know, can see Grandmaster Yuan Shu, only has a person. 大家都知道,能够见到袁术大师的,只有一个人。 But this key, is only then, this makes everyone guess, likely, this key, sees the Grandmaster Yuan Shu key. 而这把钥匙,也是只有一个,这让大家猜测,很可能,这把钥匙,就是见到袁术大师的关键。 Although the rainbow light is strong, but removes quickly, originally Fan Chou of float in midair, fell on the ground. 虹光虽强,但很快褪去,原本漂浮在半空中的范畴,也是落在了地上。 Gives me.” “给我。” Fan Chou just fell to the ground, big hand, then extended his front, was Li Xiao. 范畴刚刚落地,一只大手,便伸到了他的面前,是李潇 „?” Fan Chou is puzzled. “啊?”范畴一脸不解。 I said to me, do not make me emphasize second.” “我说给我,不要让我强调第二遍。” The Li Xiao straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, the sound changes unusual vicious. 李潇剑眉倒竖,声音变的异常凶狠。 This makes Fan Chou look the scared look, does not know what to do. 这让范畴面露惧色,不知如何是好。 But, the form actually blocked in the meantime together before the Fan Chou body, was Chu Feng. 可就在此时,一道身影却是拦在了范畴身前,乃是楚枫 Go away.” Chu Feng said to that Li Xiao. “滚。”楚枫对那李潇说道。 But Chu Feng such remarks, the not to mention Fan Chou shock, other juniors on the scene are also shocking. 楚枫此话一出,莫说范畴震惊,就连在场的其他小辈也是震惊。 In their opinion, if not for just Fan Chou is blocking, that Li Xiao has beaten savagely this fellow. 在他们看来,刚刚若不是范畴拦着,那李潇早就暴打这个家伙了。 This fellow at this time, dares to Li Xiao saying that unexpectedly this words, isn't this courts death? 这个家伙这个时候,竟然还敢对李潇说这种话,这不是找死吗? What my really gives your face.” “我真特么的是给你脸了。” At this time, Li Xiao is also angry, cannot attend to 3721, the pressure sweeps away, but at the same time, that fist brings the fresh breeze, directly soars Chu Feng to come, but these is not a gate time, but is dantian. 此时,李潇也是大怒,顾不得三七二十一,威压横扫而出的同时,那拳头已是带着劲风,直奔楚枫而来,但这一次可不是面门,而是丹田 His do not teach Chu Feng is so simple, his is must make heavy losses to Chu Feng. 他这不是要教训楚枫这么简单,他这是要重创楚枫 Bang Wa Wa 呜哇 The pitiful yell transmits, form flying upside down goes together, but that flying upside down goes, is not Chu Feng, but is Li Xiao. 惨叫传来,一道身影倒飞而去,只不过那倒飞而去的,不是楚枫,而是李潇 Such a, is impressive, but careful looked, people were an eye of reveal are more panic-stricken. 这样一幕,已是令人惊叹,可是仔细一看,人们就更是目露惊恐了。 This time Li Xiao, falls on corner, his surface does not have the scar, but the complexion is actually the incomparable paleness, blood in gulps, puts out from its in unceasingly, nose eye ear, like the column common blood, overflows unceasingly. 此时的李潇,落在墙角处,他表面没有伤痕,可脸色却是无比的苍白,大口大口的鲜血,不断自其口中吐出,就连鼻子眼睛耳朵,也有如柱一般的鲜血,不断溢出。 Meanwhile, people can also hear, the sound, that is the sound of bone disruption. 同时,人们还能够听到,咔嚓咔嚓的声音,那是骨头碎裂的声音。 The Li Xiao bone, broke to pieces the dregs from top to bottom every inchs, that was not only the mortal body, but was the soul, otherwise Li Xiao not being the extent that pain. 李潇浑身上下每一寸骨头,都碎成了渣,那不仅仅是肉身,而是灵魂,否则李潇不至于如此痛苦。 I indeed give your face.” “我的确是给你脸了。” In the meantime, the indifferent sound also resounds together. 就在此时,一道冷漠的声音随之响起。 The next quarter, everyone will look at Chu Feng. 下一刻,所有人都将目光投向楚枫 Looks again to Chu Feng, everyone is the innermost feelings one tight, is afraid. 再度看向楚枫,所有人都是内心一紧,不寒而栗。 Until at this time, they know, originally this fellow named Asura, at all is not one instigates the package, but is an evil star. 直至此时,他们才知道,原来这个叫做修罗的家伙,根本不是一个怂包,而是一个煞星。 You listened to me, this key, was its initiative choice Fan Chou, this Fan Chou luck, was his life.” “你们给我听好了,这把钥匙,是它主动挑选的范畴,这范畴的运气,也是他的命。” Who, if such as that Li Xiao is the same, but also wants to seize, I spoke the offensive talk in front, the Li Xiao wound, is lightest one.” Chu Feng sound like thunder, vision like blade. “谁若如那李潇一样,还想强抢,那我把丑话说在前头,李潇的伤,是最轻的一个。”楚枫声音如雷,目光如刃。 Regarding such Chu Feng, many people do not dare with Chu Feng looking at each other, naturally not to dare to revolt. 对于这样的楚枫,许多人都不敢与楚枫对视,自然更是不敢反抗。 However, always has the accident/surprise. 不过,总有意外。 You think that who you are, dares to gesticulate to us.” “你以为你是谁,敢对我们指手画脚。” You did not inquire, which present is not the family background is high-ranking.” “你也不打听打听,在座的哪一个不是出身显贵。” Father does not know that you are what cultivation realm, does not know that you are what background, but is here dissolute, you are unqualified.” Monkey-like, actually the well-dressed man stood. “老子不知道你是何修为,也不知道你是何来头,但是在这里放肆,你还不够格。”一名尖嘴猴腮,却衣着华丽的男子站了出来。 Oh, that may I ask, are you master have what gate, the name?” Chu Feng asked. “喔,那敢问,你是师出何门,姓甚名谁啊?”楚枫问道。 You listened to father, father called Liang Fengxue, was Snow Mountain Sword Village Young Master, my father is the Venerable peak.” That is striking one's chest, face self-satisfied saying. “你给老子听好了,老子叫凉风雪,乃雪山剑庄少庄主,我父亲乃尊者巅峰。”那位拍着胸脯,一脸得意的说道。 Snow Mountain Sword Village, Liang Fengxue is right, come, you come.” Chu Feng beckons. 雪山剑庄,凉风雪对吧,来,你过来。”楚枫对其招了招手。 „, Dares to coming from shout to receive in exchange, you may really look to hit.” That Liang Fengxue spoke, then walked toward Chu Feng, but his starting to walk step at the same time, the strong winds erupts, wreaked havoc eight sides. “吗的,敢对来自呼来换取,你可真是找打。”那凉风雪说话间,便向楚枫走去,而他迈开步伐的同时,狂风大作,肆虐八方。 This Liang Fengxue cultivation realm, is Eight Rank Martial Immortal, wants to be stronger than First Rank that Li Xiao, no wonder will have such energy. 凉风雪修为,乃是八品武仙,比那李潇还要强出一品,难怪会有如此底气。 However, sees only a Chu Feng palm to rumble, that Liang Fengxue then a pitiful yell, flew upside down to go later, falls on that Li Xiao side. 然而,只见楚枫一掌轰出,那凉风雪便哇的一声惨叫,随后倒飞而去,落在了那李潇的身旁。 When Liang Fengxue falls to the ground, the whole body is the blood, the Li Xiao bone is completely broken, is this Liang Fengxue, the bone is completely incessantly broken, is bruised and lacerated, falls to the ground the later pitiful yell again and again, looking like suffered the torture to be the same. 凉风雪落地之际,浑身是血,李潇不过骨头尽碎,可是这凉风雪,不止骨头尽碎,更是皮开肉绽,落地之后惨叫连连,就像是遭受了酷刑一般。 Listened, no matter I your masters had/left what gate, from where, but here, you best with me politely, otherwise, I called you to compare this Liang Fengxue, but also was miserable.” “听好了,我不管你们师出何门,来自何地,但在这里,你们最好跟我客气一点,否则,我叫你们比这个凉风雪,还要惨。” Chu Feng is pointing at that Liang Fengxue, takes a look at the people. 楚枫指着那凉风雪,打量众人。 But remaining these juniors, although the innermost feelings are indignant, but actually does not dare to put. 而剩下的那些小辈,虽然内心气愤,可却连个屁都不敢放了。 If not personally sees, cannot believe simply, at this time these tremble, the vision dodges, the people of frightened looking deathly pale, taunted to Chu Feng with just these, even the spoken language blame, unexpectedly is the same group of people. 若非亲眼所见,简直不敢相信,此时那些瑟瑟发抖,目光闪躲,被吓的脸色惨白的众人,与刚刚那些对楚枫冷嘲热讽,甚至言语责怪的,竟是同一批人。 Brother Fan Chou, walks, has me, guarantees you safely.” 范畴兄,走吧,有我在,保你安然。” Chu Feng turns the head, said to Fan Chou. 楚枫转过头来,对范畴说道。 Previously also he of devils, looked at to Fan Chou time, changed into another countenance completely. 先前还凶神恶煞的他,看向范畴的时候,完全换成了另外一副嘴脸。 Little Brother Asura, thank you, but your acts, was too heavy?” Saying of Fan Chou trembling with fear. 修罗兄弟,谢谢你了,不过你这出手,是不是太重了?”范畴战战兢兢的说道。 Isn't heavy, if also some people dare rubbish, I make you have a look, what is heavy.” Chu Feng grinning saying. “不重不重,若是还有人敢废话,我就让你看看,什么叫重。”楚枫笑嘻嘻的说道。 But his words spread, that follows in his behind juniors, but in one on heart tight. 而他此话传出,那跟在他身后的小辈们,可就心中一紧。 This saying, does not listen to them in other words? 这话,不就是说给他们听的吗? Threat, this absolutely in obviously threat. 威胁,这绝对是在明显不过的威胁。 But regarding his threat, the juniors actually does not dare to refute. 可是偏偏对于他的威胁,众小辈却是不敢反驳。 Because they have known now, this fellow is not bluff, he is real vicious and merciless. 因为现在他们已经知道,这个家伙可不是虚张声势,他是真的心狠手辣啊。 Young animal, making you here crazy, waits for here, looked how I killed you.” “小崽子,让你在这里狂,等出了这里,看我怎么弄死你。” Although these junior surfaces submit, is their innermost feelings, really has not actually submitted. 虽然这些小辈表面臣服,可是他们的内心,却并未真的臣服。 Even looks to the Chu Feng's vision, occasionally will also flash through virulently. 甚至看向楚枫的目光,偶尔还会闪过恶毒。 ps: ps: Has not paid attention to the honeybee WeChat public number Little Brother, please pay attention. 没关注蜜蜂微信公众号的兄弟们,都请关注一下。 The WeChat public number of honeybee, meets every day immediately, pushes Martial God Asura update. 蜜蜂的微信公众号,会每天在第一时间,推送修罗武神更新 Little Brother do not need to keep looked at update not to have update , so long as because Martial God update, cell phone WeChat will remind you. 兄弟们再也不用不停的看更新更新了,因为只要武神更新后,手机微信就会提醒你们。 In the WeChat public number of honeybee, Chu Feng there is a rumor that can look, this Chu Feng to divulge to an outsider, only then the public number can look. 在蜜蜂的微信公众号,还有楚枫外传可以看,这个楚枫外传,只有公众号可以看。 Therefore Little Brother, the WeChat public number of quick attention honeybee. 所以兄弟们,快关注蜜蜂的微信公众号吧。 Name: Kindhearted Bee supporters'association 名称:善良的蜜蜂后援会 In WeChat increases in the friend, found the public number, searches the Kindhearted Bee supporters'association in the public number, the attention then. 微信添加朋友里,找到公众号,在公众号里搜索善良的蜜蜂后援会,关注即可。 Specifically reminded: Some many illegal people pretend to be the honeybee, everyone pays attention, pays attention. 特别提醒:有很多人非法之徒冒充蜜蜂,大家关注的时候,注意一下。 The WeChat public number of honeybee is eight characters: Kindhearted Bee supporters'association 蜜蜂的微信公众号是八个字:善良的蜜蜂后援会 For example: Kindhearted Bee „” supporters'association, Kindhearted Bee supporters'association Martial God Asura, Kindhearted Bee supporters'association Martial God, this type is to pretend to be, everyone do not pay attention. 如:善良的蜜蜂“的”后援会,善良的蜜蜂的后援会修罗武神,善良的蜜蜂后援会武神,这种都是冒充的,大家不要去关注。
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