MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3816: Being unjust

Boy, you surrounds our matters, can endure you.” “小子,你困住我们这件事,都可以忍你。” You dare to take by force us, you may really not want to live.” “你敢打劫我们,那你可真是不想活了。” Is seeing with own eyes Chu Feng, really must take advantage unexpectedly, that several World Spiritist, expressed very disgruntled mood. 眼见着楚枫,竟然真的要趁火打劫,那几位界灵师,都表现出了很是不悦的情绪。 „, You do not want to make me live, such being the case, I cannot make you live.” “哦,原来你们是不想让我活了,既然如此,那我就不能让你们活了。” Chu Feng spoke this saying time, although on the face is hanging the light smile as before, but the Chu Feng's smile is actually becomes cold, especially that vision, was gives out had/left dense killing intent. 楚枫说这话的时候,虽然脸上依旧挂着淡淡的笑容,可是楚枫的笑容却是变得冷冽起来,尤其那目光,更是散发出了森森杀意 Your this little rascal.” “你这小鬼。” Feels Chu Feng's killing intent, that 11 World Spiritist, is in the heart one tight. 感受到楚枫的杀意,那十一位界灵师,也是心中一紧。 They can feel, Chu Feng that killing intent is not cracks a joke, Chu Feng's killing intent is to train. 他们能感觉到,楚枫杀意不是开玩笑的,楚枫的杀意历练而出。 Only from Chu Feng gives out killing intent, they then can feel, loses the life in Chu Feng hand, and is not infrequent. 只从楚枫散发杀意,他们便能感觉到,葬送在楚枫手中的性命,并不在少数。 At this moment stands before them, at all is not a junior, is more like a murder demon. 此刻站在他们面前的,根本不是一个小辈,更像是一个杀人魔头。 But thinks again, the Chu Feng's actions, they also understand, Chu Feng said does. 而再想想,楚枫的所作所为,他们也明白,楚枫说的出做的到。 If continues to oppose with Chu Feng, cannot do well them really to meet the poor life not to guarantee. 若继续与楚枫作对,搞不好他们真的会小命不保。 Good all various professions, the wealth is the things.” “行行行,钱财乃身外之物。” Therefore, they compromised. 于是,他们妥协了。 Good, this was you says.” “好,这可是你们说的。” „It is not I compels your.” “可不是我逼你们的。” Swish Swish Swish 唰唰唰 During the Chu Feng speeches, then searches to act, cosmos sack of that 11 waist, total revenue cyst. 楚枫说话之间,便探出手去,将那十一位腰间的乾坤袋,全部收入了囊肿。 Little rascal, your was excessive, that inside may incessantly in thing that in this World Spirit Mansion Gate obtains.” “小鬼,你这就过分了,那里面可不止是在这界灵府门内得到的东西。” Sees Chu Feng, unexpectedly direct begin, and robs their cosmos sack directly, that several said. 楚枫,竟然直接自己动手,并且直接将他们的乾坤袋抢走,那几位不由说道。 But Chu Feng, actually pays no attention to them radically, but starts to examine these 11 cosmos sack. 楚枫,却根本不理他们,而是开始查看起这十一个乾坤袋 But after an examination, Chu Feng is actually the disappointment of whole face. 可是一番查看之后,楚枫却是满脸的失望。 Chu Feng thinks, these 11 people, each despicable is shameless, and regards money as one's life, the body should have many treasure. 楚枫原本以为,这十一个人,各个卑鄙无耻,并且视财如命,身上应该有着不少宝贝。 But this does not look importantly, in this cosmos sack slightly valuable thing, gives out this World Spirit Mansion Gate aura. 可是这一看不要紧,这乾坤袋内稍微值钱的东西,都散发着这界灵府门的气息。 Showing, their valuable treasure, were just attained from this World Spirit Mansion Gate, but they, was poor must die. 说明,他们身上值钱的宝贝,都是刚刚从这界灵府门内拿到的,而他们自己本身,则是穷的要死。 „Were you too also poor?” Chu Feng asked. “你们也太穷了吧?”楚枫问道。 Little rascal, your is not too concerned about face, you take by force us, unexpectedly also shuts out us to be poor?” “小鬼,你这就太不要脸了,你打劫我们,居然还嫌弃我们穷?” That several World Spiritist, from the heart felt indignant and helpless, knowing whether to laugh or cry. 那几位界灵师,也是发自内心的感到气愤和无奈,一个个的哭笑不得。 They have seen the robber, but has not seen the so rampant robber. 他们见过劫匪,但还从来没有见过如此嚣张的劫匪。 Poor devil, wastes my time.” “穷鬼,浪费我时间。” Chu Feng said that this words, then received that 11 cosmos sack, and turns around to prepare to depart. 楚枫说完此话,便将那十一个乾坤袋收了起来,且转身准备离去。 Little rascal, you halt to me.” “小鬼,你给我站住。” Sees Chu Feng to walk unexpectedly, that several World Spiritist rush to open the mouth. 楚枫竟然要走,那几位界灵师赶忙开口。 Matter?” Chu Feng asked. “还有事?”楚枫问道。 Naturally has the matter, do you want to walk away like this?” “当然有事,难道你要这样一走了之?” Did not reach an agreement, treasure that here obtains to you, you let off us.” “不是说好了,把此处获得的宝贝给你,你就放过我们吗。” We not only the treasure that here obtained to you, our treasure also gave you, haven't you let loose us?” That several World Spiritist asked. “我们不仅将此处获得的宝贝给你了,我们自身的宝贝也都给你了,你还不放开我们?”那几位界灵师问道。 „The time that World Spirit Mansion Gate opens in any case soon ended, you might as well many here, the dull meeting.” Chu Feng said. “反正界灵府门开启的时间都快要结束了,你们不如就多在这里,多呆一会吧。”楚枫说道。 Boy, I urged you to cultivate the behavior do not go too far.” “小子,我劝你做人不要太过分。” Cultivates the behavior to keep the frontline, in the future will meet well, when you really we are so good to bully?” “做人留一线,日后好相见,你真当我们是这么好欺负的吗?” Little rascal, you, if did this, that may not be insincere, how cultivates the behavior can fail to keep one's word?” “小鬼,你倘若就这样做了,那可就太不厚道了,做人怎么能够言而无信呢?” That several World Spiritist asked. 那几位界灵师问道。 Hears this words, Chu Feng is the mouth one, saying of smiling: Treats people like you, I never stressed the integrity.” 听闻此话,楚枫则是嘴巴一咧,笑眯眯的说道:“对待你们这种人,我从来不讲诚信。” But Chu Feng this words saying, looking fierce of that several air/Qi, then immediately crack cursed. 楚枫此话说完,那几位气的龇牙咧嘴,便立刻破口大骂 Whatever but how that several cursed, Chu Feng actually paid no attention, left here like this. 可任由那几位如何咒骂,楚枫却是理都不理,就这样离开了这里。 However, Chu Feng has not gone out of this formation front door, the under foot then starts to sway fiercely. 不过,楚枫还未走出这道结界大门,脚下便开始剧烈摇晃起来。 Chu Feng can feel, powerful formation power, oneself will twine. 紧接着,楚枫能够感觉到,一股强大的结界之力,将自己缠绕起来。 Afterward, in the Chu Feng's front, presented a formation gate unexpectedly, but oneself were also twined oneself formation power, advanced in that formation gate forcefully. 随后,在楚枫的前方,竟出现了一座结界门,而自己也是被缠绕自己的结界之力,强行的推到了那结界门之中。 But said the formation gate across that Chu Feng discovered, he had left World Spirit Mansion Gate. 而穿过那道结界门,楚枫发现,他已经离开了界灵府门 At this moment, World Spirit Mansion Gate entrance formation, has vanished does not see, but above the square, as well as outside the square, is gathering many people. 此刻,界灵府门入口结界,已经消失不见,但在广场之上,以及广场之外,聚集着许多人。 Even these, Chu Feng familiar form. 甚至这其中,还有楚枫熟悉的身影。 That is the Water Mirror Heavenly Cave person, Water Mirror Heavenly Cave Headmaster, as well as Water Mirror Heavenly Cave Headmaster granddaughter Yang Shenshen. 那是水镜洞天的人,水镜洞天掌教,以及水镜洞天掌教的孙女杨深深都在。 These people, are waiting for anything to be the same probably. 这些人,就好像在等待着什么一样。 That moment when Chu Feng presents, everyone will look at Chu Feng. 而当楚枫出现的那一刻,所有人都将目光投向了楚枫 Chu Feng becomes here focus. 楚枫成为了此处的焦点。 Originally what these people wait for is Chu Feng. 原来这些人等待的是楚枫 Chu Feng felt that some are not right, oneself at this moment, not only hangs above the midair, but that winding in his formation power, not only was still stranded this him, and that formation power, changed to formation chains unexpectedly, tied up Chu Feng. 楚枫感觉有些不对劲,自己此刻,不仅悬于半空之上,而那缠绕在他身上的结界之力,不仅仍旧困这他,并且那结界之力,竟然化作了结界锁链,将楚枫捆绑住了。 This time he, looks like a criminal, is wearing the crime to expose to the public to be the same. 此时的他,就像是一个罪人,正在戴罪示众一样。 But his Chu Feng, does what crime have? 可是他楚枫,何罪之有? Bold avid follower, in the report comes.” “大胆狂徒,报上名来。” Suddenly, shouted angrily to resound, flickers the body to wait and see, under the crowd, has several forms. 猛然间,一声怒喝响起,瞬身观望,在人群下方,有着数道身影。 From the clothing, Chu Feng can see, these people are this Seven Sun Mountain Range protector. 从服饰来看,楚枫可以看出,这些人都是这七阳山脉的守护者。 But that sends out to shout angrily, wears White-Cloak, he is the leaders of these protectors, Sir White-Cloak. 而那位发出怒喝的,身穿白袍,他便是这些守护者的领头人,白袍大人。 Why to tie up me?” “干嘛捆住我?” Encounters so treats, Chu Feng is the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards but is actually also vertical, looks disgruntledly. 遭遇如此对待,楚枫也是剑眉倒竖,面露不悦。 However, Chu Feng's is disgruntled, actually traded sneering of these protectors, even the scowls on their face, must be thicker than Chu Feng. 然而,楚枫的不悦,却换来了那些守护者的冷笑,甚至他们脸上的怒容,比楚枫还要更浓。 Why ties up you?” “为何捆住你?” You disregard the rule, by over hundred years old status, mixes in World Spirit Mansion Gate, robs the treasure with the junior, why you unexpectedly may also I ask me to tie up you, how can you know the sense of honor two characters to write?” Sir White-Cloak gets angry the sound to shout. “你无视规则,以百岁以上身份,混入界灵府门,与小辈抢夺宝物,你居然还敢问我为何捆住你,你可知廉耻二字如何写?”那白袍大人怒声喝道。 But at this time, on the noisy crowd, the discussion was heavier, everyone is directing to Chu Feng. 而此时,原本就嘈杂的人群,议论声则更重了,大家都在对楚枫指指点点。 In crowd Water Mirror Heavenly Cave these people, is the brow tight wrinkle. 就连人群之中水镜洞天那些人,也是眉头紧皱。 Cannot think of senior, unexpectedly is really that cheating person.” “想不到前辈,竟然真的是那个作弊之人。” Is only, why can senior do this?” “只是,前辈为何要这样做啊?” senior seems like, not like so shameless person?” 前辈看上去,并不像如此无耻之人啊?” Yang Shenshen and others, is puzzled, they do not understand why Chu Feng must this. 杨深深等人,皆是一脸不解,他们不明白楚枫为何要这样做。 Freely, they still respected Chu Feng, after all Chu Feng once helped them be busy. 尽管,他们仍然敬重楚枫,毕竟楚枫曾帮过他们大忙。 But, Chu Feng in their hearts, that incomparably great image, actually dropped much. 可是,楚枫在他们心中,那原本无比伟岸的形象,却是不由的跌落了不少。 But Yang Shenshen and others, but did not understand why Chu Feng this. 杨深深等人,只是不理解楚枫为何这样做。 However others, without were so then polite, they from starting direction, evolves speaking to shame Chu Feng, various insult and coarse words, resound through unceasingly. 但是其他人,便没有这么客气了,他们从开始的指指点点,演变成出言羞辱楚枫,各种辱骂以及难听的话语,响彻不断。
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