MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#3766: Strange poison

You did not say, this person is not your grandson, why are you anxious?” Gu Mingyuan asked. “你不是说,此人不是你孙子,那你何必紧张?”古冥鸢问道。 Even if he is not my grandson, may still be a life, you must punish punish me, how can slaughter innocents?” Blood Devouring Hall hall master said. “就算他不是我孙子,可也是一条生命,你要惩罚就惩罚我,怎能滥杀无辜?”噬血堂堂主说道。 Slaughters innocents, did people like you, actually say this words?” “滥杀无辜,你这种人,竟然说出这种话?” Suddenly, Gu Mingyuan looks the scowl, obviously is the Blood Devouring Hall hall master words, angered Gu Mingyuan. 忽然,古冥鸢面露怒容,显然是噬血堂堂主的话,惹怒了古冥鸢 The words- 话罢- A strength, then from its palm release, the twinkling covers that crazy man whole body. 一层力量,便自其掌心释放,瞬息笼罩那疯癫男子全身。 - 呃啊- The next quarter, that crazy man then sends out the pitiful yell of pain. 下一刻,那疯癫男子便发出痛苦的惨叫。 That seriously is the pitiful yell of being in deep sorrow. 那当真是痛不欲生的惨叫。 Thinks, Gu Mingyuan such existence, wields later, can make the crazy man vanish into thin air. 想一想,古冥鸢这样的存在,随后一挥,都能让疯癫男子烟消云散。 Suffers him, simply is the easy as pie minor matter. 折磨他,简直是易如反掌的小事。 Stop, stop!!!” “住手,住手!!!” But after looking at the crazy man pain the appearance, Blood Devouring Hall hall master shouting oneself hoarse roared. 而看着疯癫男子痛苦的样子后,噬血堂堂主则是声嘶力竭的咆哮起来。 Moreover, covered entirely on his face loved dearly and anger and other complex colors. 不仅如此,在他的脸上还布满了心疼以及愤怒等复杂之色。 Things have gotten to this point, everyone understands that crazy man is this Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson, otherwise he is impossible so to care. 事已至此,所有人都明白,那疯癫男子就是这噬血堂堂主的孙儿,否则他不可能如此在意。 But is incomprehensible, Blood Devouring Hall hall master, so cares about own grandson obviously. 可令人不解的是,噬血堂堂主,明明如此在意自己的孙儿。 But even if looks helplessly own grandson suffers hardships, has not actually opened the mouth saying that that incites him to kill the Chu Feng's secret murderer, is actually. 但就算眼睁睁的看着自己的孙儿受苦,却也没有开口说出,那个指使他来杀楚枫的幕后凶手,究竟是谁。 senior .” 前辈,罢了。” Suddenly, Chu Feng acted, held the wrist/skill of Gu Mingyuan. 忽然,楚枫出手,抓住了古冥鸢的手腕。 Chu Feng calculates that looked, the Blood Devouring Hall hall master intention has decided that even if Gu Mingyuan suffered this man while still alive lethal, Blood Devouring Hall hall master will not say. 楚枫算看出来了,噬血堂堂主心意已决,就算古冥鸢活活将这个男子折磨致死,噬血堂堂主也不会说的。 Although Chu Feng cannot think through, Blood Devouring Hall hall master, why must be so obstinate argumentative, even spares no sacrifice itself and close life, is not willing saying that to pull strings secretly. 虽然楚枫也想不通,噬血堂堂主,为何要如此嘴硬,甚至不惜牺牲自己和至亲的性命,也不愿说出那幕后指使。 But Chu Feng actually knows, continues, indeed does not have result. 楚枫却知道,继续下去,也的确没有结果 Even if killed Blood Devouring Hall hall master, still had/left a foul odor, but that is not result that Chu Feng wants. 就算杀了噬血堂堂主,也只是出了一口恶气,但那不是楚枫想要的结果 Chu Feng, you have not possibly known, actually many dies in Blood Devouring Hall hand some innocent person.” 楚枫,你可能还不知道,死在噬血堂手中的无辜者究竟有多少。” Regarding this person, does not need to be softhearted.” “对于这种人,根本不必心慈手软。” Sees Chu Feng to stop itself unexpectedly, Gu Mingyuan says. 楚枫竟阻拦自己,古冥鸢开口说道。 senior, the Blood Devouring Hall person indeed dies pities insufficient, but he is innocent.” 前辈,噬血堂的人的确死不足惜,但是他是无辜的。” Chu Feng said this saying time, looked at that crazy man. 楚枫说这话的时候,将目光投向了那位疯癫男子。 You...... .” “你……唉,罢了。” Originally is your Chu Celestial Clan matter, do whatever you want.” “本来就是你楚氏天族的事,你们随意吧。” Gu Mingyuan is not only helpless, but also is somewhat indignant, said this words time then walked. 古冥鸢不仅无奈,还有些气愤,说此话的时候便走了出去。 senior, you also first go out.” 前辈,你们也先出去吧。” Chu Feng said to Grandmaster Liangqiu and Chu Xuan Zhengfa. 楚枫梁丘大师楚轩正法说道。 But Grandmaster Liangqiu they, is very tactful, after Chu Feng opens the mouth, they then walked. 梁丘大师他们,也很识趣,在楚枫开口后,他们便走了出去。 At this time, that crazy man, runs up to the Blood Devouring Hall hall master body before again, tight holds that to tie up Blood Devouring Hall hall master that. 此时,那名疯癫男子,再度跑到噬血堂堂主身前,紧紧的抓住那被捆绑住的噬血堂堂主 Although, he is a fool, but he recognizes Blood Devouring Hall hall master is his grandfather. 虽然,他是个傻子,但是他认得噬血堂堂主是他的爷爷。 Chu Feng, thank you.” 楚枫,多谢你。” But what is accidental/surprised, that Blood Devouring Hall hall master, unexpectedly is also over the face grateful expressed gratitude to Chu Feng. 而令人意外的是,那噬血堂堂主,竟然也是满面感激的对楚枫道谢。 Therefore, you acknowledged finally he was your grandson?” “所以,你终于承认他是你的孙子了?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Yes, he indeed is my grandson.” “是,他的确是我孙子。” Blood Devouring Hall hall master also knows, at this moment, he was unable to conceal, and does not need to conceal. 噬血堂堂主也知道,事到如今,他已经无法隐瞒,并且也没必要隐瞒了。 I did not understand very much, secretly actually that pulls strings is, can let your such keeping one's mouth shut?” “我很不理解,那幕后指使究竟是什么人,能够让你如此的守口如瓶?” What I do not understand, even if you do not want to say the murderer/culprit, can still write a person casually, does not need to resist like this hardly.” Chu Feng said. “我更不理解的是,你就算不想说出真凶,也可以随便编出一个人,没必要这样硬抗。”楚枫说道。 Regarding Chu Feng this words, the corners of the mouth of Blood Devouring Hall hall master, revealed wiped the forced smile. 对于楚枫此话,噬血堂堂主的嘴角,露出了一抹苦笑。 Chu Feng, said you possibly not to believe that my such person, doing all kinds of evil, should not have the bottom line is.” 楚枫,说出来你可能不信,我这样一个人,作恶多端,本应该没有底线才是。” But in fact, I have my bottom line, my for a lifetime, has not lain, has deceived people.” “但实际上,我也有着我的底线,我这一辈子,就没有说过谎,骗过人。” You can say me to face retribution for a life of crime, but I absolutely am not a despicable villain.” “你可以说我恶贯满盈,但我绝对不是一个卑鄙小人。” Actually, that wants to kill your person, if others , but he is my benefactor, he has the life-saving efforts to me, even discards own life, I cannot betray the benefactor.” “其实,那个想杀你的人,若是其他人也就罢了,但他是我的恩人,他对我有救命之恩,就算舍弃自己的性命,我也不能背叛恩人。” Blood Devouring Hall hall master said this saying time, over the face is sigh with emotion, Chu Feng thought that he does not seem like deceiving himself. 噬血堂堂主说这话的时候,满面感慨,楚枫觉得他并不像是在骗自己。 Looked coming out, you care about your benefactor very much, but you should also consider for your grandson.” “看的出来,你很在乎你那个恩人,但你也应该为你的孙儿考虑一下。” Who you are willing to say your benefactor are, I put you to leave, if you did not say, your grandson has been accompanying you here.” Chu Feng said. “你愿意说出你那个恩人是谁,我就放你们离开,你若不说,你孙儿就一直在这里陪着你。”楚枫说道。 If so, that but actually actually also good.” “若是这样,那其实倒也不错。” But who once thinks, regarding Chu Feng these words, that Blood Devouring Hall hall master smiled unexpectedly. 可谁曾想,对于楚枫这句话,那噬血堂堂主竟然笑了。 His is not smiling of satire, but is satisfied smiling, seems like this prison life, is the life that he wants is the same. 他这可不是讽刺的笑,而是一种满足的笑,就好像这种牢狱生活,是他想要的生活一样。 You can close for a lifetime, evil that your grandson, you make , wants him to repay for you?” Chu Feng asked. “你可以关一辈子,你孙子呢,你做的孽,也要他替你偿还?”楚枫问道。 Chu Feng such remarks, Blood Devouring Hall hall master gawked suddenly, later looks that is hugging itself merely, grandson who sobs unceasingly, in eye of Blood Devouring Hall hall master, was emerges to wipe complex. 楚枫此话一出,噬血堂堂主忽然愣了一下,随后再看着那仅仅抱着自己,不断哭泣的孙子,噬血堂堂主的眼中,也是涌现出了一抹复杂。 Slowly consideration.” “慢慢考虑吧。” When wants saying that said.” “什么时候想说了,就什么时候说。” Chu Feng said that this words, then turn around, the preparation leaves. 楚枫说完此话,便转身,准备离开。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But suddenly, the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson, is actually both hands holds the head, falls to the ground to tumble, starts the pain calls out. 可忽然之间,噬血堂堂主的孙子,却是双手抱头,倒地翻滚,开始痛苦的嚎叫起来。 Sees that Chu Feng rushes to turn round, the release formation power, therapy for it. 见状,楚枫赶忙回过身来,释放出结界之力,为其疗伤。 But one for treating later, Chu Feng actually astonished discovery, Blood Devouring Hall hall master pain at this moment, with previously Gu Mingyuan suffers to have nothing to do. 可是一番治疗之后,楚枫却惊愕的发现,噬血堂堂主此刻的痛苦,与先前古冥鸢的折磨无关。 But in his head, has thing, that seems like black liquid. 而是在他的脑袋里,有着一个东西,那像是一个黑色的液体。 That black liquid is very strange, has the life probably, but it had integrated the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson's soul, is that thing, making the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson so suffer. 那黑色的液体很是古怪,就好像具有生命,而它已经融入了噬血堂堂主孙子的灵魂,是那个东西,让噬血堂堂主的孙儿如此痛苦的。 Chu Feng even felt, the Blood Devouring Hall hall master intelligence is not perfect , may be very related with that black liquid. 楚枫甚至觉得,噬血堂堂主智力不健全,很可能也与那黑色的液体有关。 Your grandson was poisoned, do you know?” “你孙子中毒了,你知道吗?” Chu Feng raise one's head asked to Blood Devouring Hall hall master. 楚枫抬头噬血堂堂主问道。 Regarding the Chu Feng's words, Blood Devouring Hall hall master sighed very much reluctantly. 对于楚枫的话,噬血堂堂主很是无奈的叹息了一声。 He is my grandson, how I can not know that he was poisoned?” “他是我孙子,我岂会不知道他中毒了?” Useless, I have tried many means that is unable to relieve this poison.” “不过没用的,我试过很多办法,都无法解除此毒。” I in other Star Region, had once looked for World Spirit Grandmaster, lets it by Spirit Formation method bound this poison, is exempt from my grandson to be suffered by the toxicity.” “我曾在其他星域,找过一位界灵大师,让它以结界阵束缚此毒,免受我孙儿遭受毒性折磨。” These years lived in peace with each other, were just making a move of Gu Mingyuan, destroyed the Spirit Formation law in my grandson soul, cause so.” Blood Devouring Hall hall master said. “原本这些年来都相安无事,想必是刚刚古冥鸢的出手,破坏了我孙儿灵魂之内的结界阵法,才导致如此。”噬血堂堂主说道。 „It is indeed difficult to relieve, but if bound lives, I can try actually.” Chu Feng said. “的确很难解除,但若是束缚住的话,我倒是可以试一试。”楚枫说道。 „Are you willing to help him?” Hears this words, Blood Devouring Hall hall master the look moves immediately. “你愿意帮他?”听闻此话,噬血堂堂主顿时神色一动。 But Chu Feng simply has not actually managed him, but has sat cross-legged to sit, the release formation power, covers on the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson's body. 楚枫却根本没理他,而是已经盘膝而坐,释放出结界之力,笼罩在噬血堂堂主孙子的身上。 Chu Feng he, has been starting to help the Blood Devouring Hall hall master grandson therapy. 楚枫他,已经在开始帮助噬血堂堂主的孙儿疗伤。 Sees this one, the Blood Devouring Hall hall master vision is more complex. 见此一幕,噬血堂堂主的目光越加复杂起来。 The poisonous no small matter of his grandson within the body, he called that World Spirit Grandmaster help initially, was colored the high price. 他孙儿体内的毒非同小可,当初他叫那位界灵大师帮忙,也是花了大价钱。 Because, wanting bound to live in that poison, but needs to consume certain price. 因为,想要束缚住那毒,可是需要耗费一定代价的。 No one is willing to help in vain. 没有人愿意白白帮忙。 Chu Feng as World Spiritist, must know this point, but Chu Feng is willing to help him, even without hesitation then acted, this lets Blood Devouring Hall hall master accidental/surprised at the same time, more actually changes countenance. 楚枫身为界灵师,不可能不知道这一点,但楚枫还是愿意帮助他,甚至毫不犹豫的便出手了,这让噬血堂堂主意外的同时,更多的却是动容。
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