MOGX :: Volume #16 九天苍茫论英雄

#1634: The god of time

Outside Eighth Heavenly Layer, God is born, leaves to go to Human World personally. 第八重天外,神明出世,亲自动身前往人间 The crisis time, Supreme Tian comes to keep off pass/test, after number ten thousand years, Absolute Beginning reappears point, the strength keeps off God. 危机时刻,太上天现身挡关,时隔数万载,太初再现锋芒,力挡神明 Special existence that Supreme Tian, the Daoist Gate 33 Leader accumulations become, the experience surmounts hundredth Samsara cultivation base and Martial Dao experience, a dynasty awakens, Heaven and Earth vibrates. 太上天,道门33位魁首聚集而成的特殊存在,经历超越百世轮回修为武道经验,一朝觉醒,天地震动。 Daoist Gate Overwhelming Righteous Qi, overwhelming, alarms wind and cloud, is the Human World rise and fall, 33 Daoist Gate Leader just now return, then to Great World absolute God, disregards the life and death. 道门浩然正气,翻江搅海,惊动风云,为人间兴亡,33位道门魁首方才归来,便对上大世界绝对的神明,将生死置之度外。 cultivation hence, you should treasure your life.” The God opens the mouth, whole body Time Principle spreads, swallows all. 修行至此,你应该珍惜自己的生命。”神明开口,周身时间法则扩散,吞噬一切。 Is the Human World safety, the Heaven Above Heaven fearless life and death.” “为人间的安危,天上天无惧生死。” 33 Daoist Gate Leader complied with one tranquilly, in the hand Highest Beginning Sword Supporting Heaven, the strong winds anger mist has surged, changes into the giant vortex, broke to front God. 33位道门魁首平静应了一声,手中太始剑擎天,狂风怒岚激荡,化为巨大的漩涡,破向前方神明 However, Daoist Gate shocking move, actually when approaching God rapid dissipation, body of being hard wound and God. 然而,道门惊世之招,却是在逼近神明之时迅速消散,难以伤及神明之身。 A fight of impossible victory, Heaven Above Heaven knew in the heart, is actually regretless. 一场不可能胜利的战斗,天上天心知,却是无悔。 God, appreciates your brave.” “神,赞赏你的勇敢。” During the speeches, God left palm lifts lightly, the black air current is turbulent, swallow the Heaven and destroy the Earth, the place visited, lost the brilliance including Star(s)/Xingchen. 说话间,神明左掌轻抬,黑色的气流汹涌,吞天灭地,所过之处,连星辰都失去了光彩。 When the myriad things all have is senile, Star(s)/Xingchen and Sun and Moon, even is no exception Heaven and Earth, God of control time, had already gone beyond the Martial Artist category, the Control(ler) Heaven and Earth myriad things life and death. 万物皆有衰老之时,星辰日月,甚至连天地都不例外,掌控时间的神明,已然超越了武者的范畴,主宰天地万物的生死。 The black air current approaches, Supreme Tian wields a sword, Daoist Gate Overwhelming Righteous Qi is turbulent, keeps off the move hardly. 黑色气流逼近,太上天挥剑,道门浩然正气汹涌,硬挡来招。 Bang! 轰隆! Two Strength attack mutually, Daoist Gate Overwhelming Righteous Qi dissipates accordingly, the Supreme Tian under foot draws back several steps continually, the corners of the mouth overflows red. 两股力量互相冲击,道门浩然正气应声消散,太上天脚下连退数步,嘴角溢红。 Two moves, God then completely obviously without doubt, is better than Heaven Above Heaven that 33 Daoist Gate Leader turn into to fall leeward. 只是两招,神明之强便尽显无疑,强如33位道门魁首化成的天上天都落入下风。 At this time, the distant place, wiped the beautiful form to take a step, according to, already to war. 这时,远方,一抹美丽的身影迈步走来,照目之间,已至战局之中。 Sword of First Thought comes out of the sheath, deep blue brilliance intensely bright, with the sword of exquisite sword heart recast, Divine Sword is clever, the sword sound resounds through Nine Heavens. 初心之剑出鞘,湛蓝光华耀眼夺目,以玲珑剑心重铸之剑,神剑通灵,剑声响彻九天 Powerful enemy who comes suddenly, unusual, God fixes one's gaze on, turns the palm to keep off always the sword. 突来的强敌,非同寻常,神明凝眸,翻掌挡向来剑。 First Thought , the sword potential is actually the steep revolutions, insightful sword heart, just like knowing in advance the God style, first a thorn to the God chest, 初心至,剑势却是陡转,通透剑心,宛如预知神明招式,先一步刺向神明胸膛, „It is not bad.” “不差。” God lifts the hand, the two fingers ball opens sword edge, a palm Yuan regelation, powerful return move. 神明抬手,双指弹开剑锋,掌元再凝,强势回招 Bang! 轰! At this moment, rear Supreme Tian plunders, on Highest Beginning Sword enormous and powerful Righteous Qi is turbulent, keeps off the move of god again. 这一刻,后方太上天掠至,太始剑上浩荡正气汹涌,再挡神之招。 Human World double holy war God, the sword revolves, holds like great waves, every gesture and motions, is the energy of peak certainly Yi. 人间双圣战神明,剑回旋,掌如涛,一招一式,皆是顶峰绝逸之能。 Ah Man and Supreme Tian collaborate, Sword of First Thought, Daoist Gate overwhelming sword, dual swords parallel, suddenly, keeps off the God style unexpectedly. 阿蛮太上天联手,初心之剑,道门浩然之剑,双剑并行,一时间,竟是挡下了神明的招式。 Fights side Shi, then to whiteglow war, two people strength full, whole body holy light glistens, attacks defends, the offensive and defensive change, does not have the flaw. 大战方始,便至白热的大战,两人战力全开,周身圣光辉耀,一攻一守,攻守轮替,毫无破绽。 When, in the human world, two saints risk their lives to block divine might, Immortal Territory, is headed by Fan Lingyue, numerous Saint same cultivation base full, in addition holds Immortal Territory, stimulates to movement the Immortal Territory growth. 就在人间双圣舍命挡神威之时,仙域,以凡聆月为首,众圣同样修为全开,加持仙域,催动仙域成长。 The Human World final hope, only has Immortal Territory to be separated from Great World, human just now has to defeat the hope of God. 人间最后的希望,唯有仙域脱离大世界,人类方才有战胜神明的希望。 Sky over Immortal Territory, the thunder gallops, deafening, has Immortal Territory become, trim Heaven and Earth had the mutation. 仙域上空,雷霆奔腾,声声震耳欲聋,仙域将成未成,整片天地都发生了异变。 The Four Guardians present world, roared Nine Heavens, the energy of shocking everybody, made the person with amazement. 四象现世,咆哮九天,惊世骇俗之能,令人骇然。 But in Human World, on Guigui, boundless endless Holy Yuan soars to the heavens, dyed the golden color entire Human World. 而在人间,鬼鬼身上,磅礴无尽的圣元冲天,将整个人间都染成了金色。 Holy Embryo awakens, seems less than five -year-old child, within the body is having the destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth prestige energy. 圣胎觉醒,看上去不足五岁的孩童,体内却是拥有着毁天灭地的威能。 Outside ten steps, Mu Chengxue staggers to stand firm figure, looks at the front to float in void Guigui, looks with amazement. 十步外,暮成雪踉跄稳住身形,看着前方浮于虚空的鬼鬼,面露骇然。 Knew in the heart that the intense restlessness, making Mu Chengxue unable to attend to Guigui formidable Strength, plundered to go forward forcefully, wants to want Strength of seal Guigui within the body. 心知强烈的不安,令暮成雪顾不得鬼鬼身上强大的力量,强行掠上前,欲要封印鬼鬼体内的力量 She has promised him, must look after Guigui for him. 她答应过他,要替他照顾鬼鬼 Lives the wheel, dies the wheel.” “生有轮,死有轮。” Mu Chengxue releases one blood Yuan, forcefully restore within the body collapse Grand Dao Principle, instant, on void, collapse Grand Dao Bridge appears. 暮成雪释开一身血元,强行修复体内崩毁大道法则,刹那,虚空上,一座崩毁大道之桥出现。 The blood Yuan soars to the heavens, fills the Grand Dao Bridge fissure unceasingly, Mu Chengxue Life Yuan also along with the it fierce dissipation. 血元冲天,不断填补大道之桥的裂痕,暮成雪一身生命之元也随之剧烈消散。 Along with the restore of Grand Dao Bridge, Mu Chengxue whole body Aura increases suddenly, double pupil gradually ice-cold. 随着大道之桥的修复,暮成雪周身气息急剧攀升,双眸渐渐冰冷。 Supreme Indifference, the person of feeling emotion, actually has to choose to forget kindnesses. 太上忘情,有情之人,却是不得不选择忘情。 Drinks!” “喝!” cultivation base gradually turns round, Mu Chengxue gives a long shout, the whole body different light erupts, suppresses Guigui within the body surging forward Strength forcefully. 修为渐复,暮成雪一声长喝,周身异光爆发,强行压制鬼鬼体内汹涌澎湃的力量 Outside Eight Heavenly Layers, God has the feeling, looks the angry look, a palm lays out, after endless Time and Space, pressure to Supreme. 八重天外,神明有感,面露怒色,一掌拍出,时隔无尽时空,压向太上 Human World, the palm of God raids, Mu Chengxue behind, the giant sword wing appears, keeps off the move of god hardly. 人间,神明之掌袭来,暮成雪身后,巨大的剑翼出现,硬挡神之招。 In an astonishing impact, Mu Chengxue behind pair of wings accordingly collapse, the blood spurts everywhere. 一声惊人的冲击中,暮成雪身后双翼应声崩毁,鲜血飞洒漫天。 I, cannot go back on word.” “吾,不能食言。” Mu Chengxue body staggers, the final will that only saves stimulates to movement it to support the body of heavy losses, forcefully Strength of seal Guigui within the body. 暮成雪身子一个踉跄,仅存的最后意志催动其撑持着重创的身子,强行封印鬼鬼体内的力量 seal of the Samsara, infiltrate Guigui within the body, Mu Chengxue whole body Life Yuan also along with the it fierce consumption, the white hair like the snow, such as blood. 一道道轮回之印,打入鬼鬼体内,暮成雪周身生命之元也随之剧烈消耗,白发如雪,如血。 Unknown Small World, Knowing Heaven's Will sits cross-legged, three Grand Dao Bridge ups and downs on void, but on three Grand Dao Bridge, fourth Grand Dao Bridge approached the congealing reality. 未知小世界,知命盘坐,三座大道之桥沉浮虚空上,而在三座大道之桥上,第四座大道之桥已经接近凝实。 The time in the past, approached fourth Grand Dao Bridge that the merit becomes little is throughout is actually not able completely the congealing reality. 只是,时间一点点过去,已经接近功成的第四座大道之桥却是始终无法完全凝实。 Being led far astray by a slight error erroneous by thousand li (500 km), as if, misses anything. 差之毫厘谬以千里,似乎,还是差些什么。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, outside Eighth Heavenly Layer, the shocking war is even more frigid, on the double Saint dyed red, facing God, anybody has not all been able to support for a long time. 这一刻,第八重天外,惊世一战越发惨烈,双圣身上皆已染红,面对神明,任何人都无法长久撑持。 However, the double Saint no one has retreated, even if whole body dyed red, is not also willing to give up. 然而,双圣谁都没有退却,即便周身染红,亦不肯放弃。 You, name!” “你们,名字!” Insistence of human, God is also moved, opens the mouth to ask. 人类的坚持,神明亦为之动容,开口问道。 Supreme Tian!” 太上天!” Ah Man!” 阿蛮!” Two people replied, dual swords Supporting Heaven, this life final cultivation base completely melts blaspheming god move. 两人回答,双剑擎天,今生最后的修为尽化渎神之招 Six Paths Fall, Demon Tribulation myriad, Supreme Forbidden Sword!” 六道同坠,魔劫万千,太上禁剑!” First Thought do not forget, Life and Death Turning The Heavens, Samsara Forbidden Style!” 初心勿忘,生死转天,轮回禁式!” The double pole soars to the heavens, Myriad Swords moves the world, two people whole body all Strength all penetrate last in the sword, dazzling brilliance fills the air, illuminates Human World outside Nine Heavenly Layers. 双极冲天,万剑动世,两人周身所有力量全部贯入最后一剑中,耀眼的光华弥漫,照亮九重天外的人间 This life not regret, next life goodbye/meet again.” “今生不悔,来世再见。” Human World, the sound reverberation of Ah Man, spreads over Human World each corner. 人间,阿蛮的声音回荡,传遍人间每一个角落。 Bang! 轰! Outside Eight Heavenly Layers, most terrifying erupts to the engine knock, the scary prestige can destroy trim Heaven and Earth directly, the astonishing monstrous waves spread unceasingly, Heaven, Earth, Sun, Moon, and Stars destroys completely in the impulse of this terrifying, performs to melt the nihility. 八重天外,最恐怖的冲击声爆发,骇人的威能直接毁去整片天地,惊人的巨浪不断蔓延,天、地、日月、星辰全部在这恐怖的冲击力毁去,尽化虚无。 The Ning Chen chest sudden severe pain of Small World, closed up, opens both eyes suddenly. 小世界,正在闭关的宁辰胸口突然剧痛,豁然睁开双眼。 Human World, ends of the earth, Supreme dyed red, full power seal Holy Embryo. 人间,天涯海角,太上染红,全力封印圣胎 A blood, changes into the seal, submerges Guigui within the body, only to complete this life final commitment. 点点鲜血,化为封印,没入鬼鬼体内,只为完成今生最后的承诺。 At this time, on void, terrifying Divine Might depressed, God went out, did not say a language, the direct palm patted in the Supreme chest. 这时,虚空上,恐怖的神威压下,神明走出,不言一语,直接一掌拍在了太上胸膛。 A deep splashing blood, the dyed red starry sky, in the starry sky, dyes completely the Grand Dao Bridge accordingly disintegration of blood. 一泓溅血,染红星空,星空上,染尽鲜血的大道之桥应声崩碎。 ( Ps: The big result neared, writes four years of Grand Xia to terminate finally, thank the friends to accompany!) (ps:大结局在即,写了四年的大夏终将完结,感谢朋友们一路的相伴!) ( ( = = …… ……
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