MGS :: Volume #10

#989: Five ‚Prison Barrier’ criminal!

( Thanked sound of thunder very and dream small monster hitting enjoyed!) (十分感谢‘雷响’、‘梦之小妖’的打赏!) Anything!” “什么!” Sends out Master of screams, is that just like delinquent same Prison Barrier criminal. 发出惊呼声的主人,是那个宛如不良少年一样的‘监狱结界’罪犯。 Unexpectedly my...” originally covered entirely the rampant domineering face to be substituted by gloomy, must just like the face exaggeration of that hateful pale got up general, can look, own attack was invalid, regarding delinquent, seemed a very disappointed matter. “居然把我的…”一张原本布满了嚣张跋扈的面孔被阴沉所取代,将那张讨厌的脸渲染得犹如铁青了起来一般,可以看得出来,自己的攻击无效,对于不良少年来说,似乎是一件很受打击的事情。 That flame...” Old person of La Ma clothing to was covered causes to narrow the eye to open the circle by the wrinkle suddenly, inside flashes through a faint trace the flame. “那个火焰…”喇服饰的老人那对被皱纹所覆盖导致一直眯着的眼睛陡然睁圆,里面闪过一丝丝的火光。 That absolutely is not the ordinary flame!” “那绝对不是普通的火焰!” Who is he?...” The frivolous woman and tall and strong man simultaneously cast near spatially float in Wu Yan the vision in midair, although the two people expression was still seductive, cold Ruohan iced, but can listen from their expressions, they, were dignified. “他是谁?…”轻浮的女人与魁梧的男子同时将目光投到了临空悬浮在半空中的无言,虽然两人的表情仍旧是一个妖媚,一个冷若寒冰,但从他们的语气中可以听出,他们,已经凝重起来了。 With in stayed that long time in Prison Barrier, delinquent is formidable they are knows, now, that puts together completely the opposite party fully strikes, had been resisted unexpectedly like this, is beyond control they not to be tempered with a sense of caution. 同在‘监狱结界’里呆了那么长的时间,不良少年的强大他们都是知道的,现在,那拼尽了对方全力的一击,竟是被这样抵挡了下来,由不得他们不心生警惕。 Tokoyogi Aya, a pair has narrowed the eyes like the flame eye. 就连仙都木阿夜,一对如火焰般的眼睛都不禁眯了起来了。 In Prison Barrier in liberated that flash, by then situation, seized the Natsuki time that Tokoyogi Aya can succeed. 在‘监狱结界’被解放的那一霎那里,本来,以当时的情况,仙都木阿夜是可以成功的夺走那月的时间的。 However, because Wu Yan Rule Breaker: All Charms are Broken will grip the reason of Natsuki body, finally, no.014 the curse is incomplete. 但是,因为无言将‘破尽万法之符’扎进那月身体的缘故,结果,‘no.014’的诅咒并不完全。 Has won power, has not actually won to remember. 夺走了力量,却没有夺走记忆。 Tokoyogi Aya that this regarding plan dark oath book reappearing. The basic use does not have! 这对于打算将‘暗誓书’给重现出来的仙都木阿夜来说。根本一点用处都没有! Now, because of this man... 如今,又是因为这个男人… It seems like, that barrier should be he arranges...” Tokoyogi Aya lowers the head, whispering one, is actually causes another four Prison Barrier the attention of criminal. “看来,那个结界应该是他布置的了…”仙都木阿夜低着头,呢喃了一句,却是引起另外四个‘监狱结界’罪犯的注意。 Is he?!” Criminals simultaneously looked to Wu Yan, aura of faint trace evil spirit started from their body ascension, but. “就是他吗?!”一众犯罪者们齐齐的看向了无言,一丝丝凶煞的气息开始从他们的身上升腾而起了。 That is after innumerable slaughters, in the hand moistens the air/Qi of evil spirit blood the talented person of evil could have completely! 那是经过无数次的屠杀,手中沾满了鲜血的邪恶之人才能拥有的凶煞之气! Yan!( Sensei)” 言!老师)” Another side, the apartment rooftop front door has also hit, Kotori, Natsuki, Kanon, Nagisa, Yukina and Kojou and the others also one after another went into the scene, arrived at Prison Barrier criminals opposite. 另一边,公寓天台的大门也打了开来,琴里那月夏音凪沙雪菜古城等人纷纷跑到了现场,来到了‘监狱结界’的犯罪者们对面。 Is looking at opposite five forms. The Natsuki small face tightens. 望着对面的五道身影。那月小脸绷紧。 Really is you?!” “果然是你们吗?!” „Are you... Witch of the Void?...” Frivolous woman seemingly by the Natsuki present appearance frightening. In has not recognized the opposite party immediately. “你是…‘空隙的魔女’?…”轻浮的女人貌似被那月现在的样子给吓了一下。没有在第一时间里认出对方来。 Ahahaha! what happened?! Witch of the Void! Turned into now this appearance?!!!” delinquent looks to reduce several Natsuki, has been startled, shortly afterwards very joyfully laughs wildly to make noise. 啊哈哈哈怎么了?!‘空隙的魔女’!怎么变成现在这个样子了?!啊!!”不良少年看着缩小了几号的那月,怔了一下,紧接着非常愉悦的狂笑出声。 Also really suits you! Bastards!” “还真是适合你呢!混蛋!” Lowered from the sky, falls on the Natsuki side. Sees the four forms of opposite besides Tokoyogi Aya. The Wu Yan's brow digs. 从天空中降下,落在了那月的身边。看着对面除了仙都木阿夜以外的四道身影。无言的眉头微撅。 With Tokoyogi Aya in together criminal? It seems like is not the ordinary goods...” “跟仙都木阿夜在一起的罪犯吗?看来不是普通的货色呢…” Natsuki nodded. The line of sight sweeps to that is laughing wildly delinquent. 那月点了点头。视线扫向那个正在狂笑中的不良少年 Shtra D, inherited Asian god descendant day section the Ability criminal, has is controlling Psychokinesis Ability. Just attack, should be he sends!” 修特拉?d,继承了亚神后裔‘天部’能力的犯罪者,拥有着操控念动力能力。刚刚的攻击,应该就是他发出来的了!” The line of sight swept to has stood the frivolous woman by Shtra D, the Natsuki opens the mouth. Gigliola Ghirardi, Third Progenitor Chaos Bride the bloodlines clan, is old generation pure blood Vampire, its Familiar can operate others' mind/energetic, is quite dangerous Character!” 视线扫向了站在修特拉?d旁边的轻浮女人,那月开口。“吉里欧拉?吉拉尔提,第三真祖混沌皇女’的血脉氏族,是‘旧世代’的纯血吸血鬼,其眷兽能够操纵别人的精神,是个相当危险的人物!” Then, Natsuki looked to that tall and strong armor man. Broodt Dumblegraff, is Western European church employment former Mercenary, is Dragonslayer Clan final descendant, power all in that body with that the sword on, to he, must be careful his sword!” 说完,那月又看向了那个魁梧的铠甲男子。“布鲁得?丹布古尔拉夫,是西欧教会雇佣的前佣兵,也是‘屠龙一族’的末裔,一身力量全在那副身体与那把剑上,对上他,必须小心一下他那把剑!” Finally, the Natsuki vision threw in old person body of La Ma clothing. As for him, he is called Kiliga Gilika , has implanted Flame Spirit in the body ‚’ technique -type monster, was Elementalist...” 最后,那月的目光投在了喇服饰的老人身上了。“至于他,他叫做奇利加?吉利卡,是个在身体里植入了‘炎精灵’术式的怪物,算是一个精灵使吧…” Flame Spirit Elementalist?...” From beginning to end does not have to see these Prison Barrier Kotori of criminal, heard the Natsuki words, finally looked at Kiliga, on the face appeared the look of being interested. 炎精灵精灵使?…”从始至终都没有正眼看过那些‘监狱结界’罪犯的琴里,听到了那月的话,终于是看了一眼奇利加,脸上浮现了感兴趣的神色了。 Adds on with you again uses Tokoyogi Aya of type Magecraft system, so that's how it is...” Wu Yan curled the lip, has smiled. “再加上跟你使用一个类型魔术体系的仙都木阿夜,原来如此…”无言撇了撇嘴,笑了起来。 One hasn't been simple Character?...” “没有一个是简单的人物吗?…” Hey hey hey...” Kojou has grasped own fist, is feeling ominous aura that sends out from that five forms, clenched teeth. „Isn't situation is not very wonderful?...” 喂喂喂…”古城握了握自己的拳,感受着从那五道身影上散发出来的不祥的气息,咬了咬牙。“情况不是很不妙吗?…” Yukina-chan... Kanon-chan...” Nagisa dreads grabs the hand of Yukina, is holding Kanon, somewhat has been afraid. 雪菜酱夏音酱…”凪沙畏惧的抓着雪菜的手,抱着夏音,有些害怕了起来。 All right, Nagisa-chan...” Yukina tightened the hand of Nagisa, has forced a smile. Wu Yan-sensei and Minamiya-sensei here, do not have the issue...” “没事的,凪沙酱…”雪菜紧了紧凪沙的手,强笑了一声。“无言老师南宫老师都在这里,没问题的…” Nagisa looked at Yukina one, seemed given to convince same by her had relaxed, had not actually discovered that in Yukina in the eyes has to richly not being able to melt worry. 凪沙看了雪菜一眼,似乎被她给说服了一样松了一口气,却是没有发现在雪菜眼中有着浓郁到化不开的担忧。 This is also natural, now, Natsuki power was won most probably, Kojou and Kanon, also her three people cannot say the status in the Nagisa front, only depends on Wu Yan and Kotori two people, Yukina does not know, they can compete with present five strong Prison Barrier criminal. 这也是自然的,如今,那月力量被夺走了大半,古城夏音,还有她三人在凪沙的面前又不能坦露身份,只靠无言琴里两人,雪菜不知道,他们能不能敌得过眼前的五个超强的‘监狱结界’犯罪者。 Naturally, this is Yukina does not understand Wu Yan and Kotori true strength and opposite party five criminals the reason of true strength, otherwise, she will not think. 当然,这也是雪菜不了解无言琴里真正实力与对方五个犯罪者的真正实力的原因,否则,她就不会这么认为了。 Because, present five Prison Barrier the criminals are 8th Rank Expert, but also is not ordinary 8th Rank Expert! 因为,眼前的五个‘监狱结界’的犯罪者都是八阶强者,还都不是普通的八阶强者 But, Wu Yan and Kotori, are actually 9th Rank! 可是,无言琴里,却是九阶 Even if only dispatches a person, can solve them casually! 即使只出动一个人,也能随随便便解决他们了! Moreover, to Prison Barrier five criminals, not only then their two... 而且,对上‘监狱结界’五个罪犯的,也不只有他们两个… Oh? here seems having very interesting matter...” 哦?这里似乎发生着非常有趣的事情呢…” With the frivolous sound with golden mist, Vatler both hands inserts in the pocket together, excited appearance in one side! 伴随着一道轻佻的声音与一阵金色雾气的荡起,瓦托拉双手插在口袋中,一脸兴奋的出现在了一旁! Such interesting matter, since did not ask me to participate, but also was really sly...” “这么有趣的事情既然也不叫我参加,还真是狡猾啊…” Vatler!” 瓦托拉!” Dimitrie Vatler!” 迪米托里叶?瓦托拉!” Many people on the scene have simultaneously called out in alarm, really made the smiling face on Vatler face. 在场不少人同时惊呼了起来,令得瓦托拉脸上的笑容更甚。 Goes forward one step, arrived at Wu Yan entire group front, the opposite of criminals, Vatler vision one by one has swept the front five people, the smiling face on face was getting more and more joyful. 上前一步,来到了无言一行人的前面,犯罪者们的对面,瓦托拉目光一一扫过前方的五人,脸上的笑容越来越愉悦了。 Secretary Witch... day section descendant... Dragonslayer Clan final descendant... Chaos Bride clan... Flame Spirit manipulator...” “‘书记魔女’…‘天部’的后裔…‘屠龙一族’的末裔…‘混沌皇女’的氏族…‘炎精灵’的操纵者…” Haha... Hahahaha!” Vatler is hard to quench the sense of joy in heart, could not bear laugh loudly. 哈哈哈哈哈哈!”瓦托拉难以仰制心中的愉悦感,忍不住放声大笑了起来了。 Good! Too was really good! Must be like this interesting!” “好!真是太好了!就是要这样才有趣!” Is listening to Vatler inspired that just like finding prey common big laughter, opposite, four besides Tokoyogi Aya average per person somewhat got angry. 听着瓦托拉那振奋的宛如找到猎物一般的大笑声,对面,除了仙都木阿夜以外的四人均是有些发怒了。 Hateful bastard! However is the trivial Vampire aristocrat!” On Shtra forehead the blue vein sticks out suddenly, in the heart under the operation of anger, sharp strong winds curls up in his Shao, in the howling sound changes into most fatal invisible wind blade, tangential Vatler! “可恶的混蛋!不过是区区的吸血鬼贵族!”修特拉额头上青筋暴起,在心中怒火的操纵下,一股锐利的狂风在他的绍卷起,呼啸声中化为最致命的无形风刃,切向了瓦托拉 Do not give me to be too rampant! Bastards!!!” “别给我太嚣张了!混蛋!!!” Heh...” Vatler is fierce the face, pair of eyes changed into the scarlet rapidly, at the same time, wraps the sea snake in quiet blue flame to stick out suddenly from him comes, great mouth, by far is ordinary like the invisible heavy shell in former's ultra strong atmospheric pressure, in sonic boom sound, bang to front! “嘿…”瓦托拉狰狞着脸,一对眼眸迅速化为了猩红色,与此同时,一头包裹在幽蓝色火光中的海蛇从他背后暴起现身,巨嘴一张,一股远胜于前者的超浓烈大气压有如无形的重炮弹一般,在音爆声中,轰向前方! the next moment, the invisible wind blade and invisible barometric pressure shell welcomed suddenly in one! 下一刻,无形的风刃与无形的气压炮弹猛然迎在了一起! Bang!!!” “嘭!!!” The ear-splitting rumbled sound shook inevitably, also fierce windage that brings, in two are operating the attack of atmosphere similarly to bumping, surrounding air current the bystander will also suffer, just like sound wave bombing, that under the storm impacts of ten levels of typhoons did not open, sweeps across to the four directions! 震耳欲聋轰鸣声不可避免的震荡了起来,带来的还有剧烈的爆风,在两个同样操纵着大气的攻击对碰下,周围的气流殃及池鱼,宛若音浪般轰炸而起,那不下于十级台风的风浪冲击而开,席卷向了四方! „!” Yukina, Kanon and Nagisa three people of raise hand, keeping off of conditioned reflex in own front, the personal appearance was blown to fly hastily almost. “啊!”雪菜夏音凪沙仨人连忙抬手,条件反射的挡在自己的面前,身形被吹得差点飞了起来。 No, the personal appearance is quite small, was in itself also Nagisa of average person had the trend of dropping down! 不,身形比较小,本身又是普通人的凪沙已经有了倒下的趋势了! Does not know when arrives at three female Wu Yan to put out a hand the body that will grasp Nagisa that soon to tumble, while convenient was also blown somewhat uncomfortable Kanon to give to hold on by the wind, two young girls protecting in bosom. 不知道什么时候来到三女身边的无言伸手抱住了凪沙那即将跌倒的身体,顺带的还把被风吹得有些难受的夏音给拉住,将两个少女给护在了怀中。 Looks out the barometric pressure that the front is assailing slowly with the form of criminals that was covered up, Wu Yan deeply took a breath, looks to Nagisa in bosom. 遥望着前方徐徐吹袭开来的气压与那被遮掩住的犯罪者们的身影,无言深吸了一口气,看向了怀中的凪沙 Was sorry, Nagisa, you rest one quite to be good temporarily...” “抱歉了,凪沙,暂时你还是睡一会比较好…” Nagisa only with enough time hears these words, shortly afterwards, strong sleepiness raided to her mind, gave the hypnosis to pass her... 凪沙只来得及听到这句话,紧接着,一股浓烈的睡意袭向了她的脑海,将她给催眠过去了… Fight! Be ready to be set off!( To be continued......) 战斗!一触即发!(未完待续……)
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