MGS :: Volume #11

#1011: Again Summon! former acquaintance!

( Thanked cloud Qiqing the valley very hitting enjoyed!) (十分感谢‘云歧青谷’的打赏!) ( Wishes soon the friend friends of college entrance examination to take a test smoothly! Tests an ideal result!) (祝即将高考的友友们考试顺利!考出一个理想的成绩!) Almost are used to construct the present of base in Equipment Points, Item Points and Ability Points, in the Wu Yan remaining points, only then Summon Points, because of building the base uses. 装备点道具点能力点都差不多用于建造基地的现在,无言剩下的点数里,只有召唤点,没有因为建立基地而动用到。 After all, Summon Points specifically was used in Character in Summon Dungeon arriving at itself side, is different from other three types of points, establishes time more or less of base to use, but the scale of base one big, the points naturally are also unable to withstand the load, if because of Wu Yan there is still one Ring of Wealth, now were not poor and blank. 毕竟,召唤点本来就是专门用于召唤副本内的人物来到自己身边的,跟其余三种点数不同,建立基地的时候多多少少得用到一点,而基地的规模一大,点数自然也就不堪重负,如果不是因为无言还有一个金之戒’,现在也算是一穷二白了。 Originally, in four types of points, Wu Yan most without doubt is Item Points, is now, Item Points also same used with Equipment Points and Ability Points similarly, because actually originally not considerable Summon Points has not used the harvest that but complete preservation, in addition the Misaka Little Sisters hunting must come, Summon Points did not reduce instead increases. 本来,在四种点数里,无言最多的无疑是道具点,可是如今,道具点也跟装备点能力点一样用得差不多了,倒是原本不怎么可观的召唤点因为没有动用到而完好的保存了下来,再加上御坂妹妹们狩猎得来的收获,召唤点不减反增。 Looks Summon Points that is preserving not to reduce only instead increases, Wu Yan double bracelet in chest front, some looking pensive. 望着那唯一保存下来不减反增的召唤点,无言手环在胸前,有些若有所思了起来。 Since other three types of points also use was similar, was inferior, this Summon Points has also used forgets about it! 既然其余三种点数也都用的差不多了,不如,这召唤点也用了算了! This idea together then once started , it can hardly stop! 这个想法一起便一发不可收拾了! Properly speaking, just detected should oneself in this time Summon new Character arrive at oneself side to the Wu Yan principle that young girls somewhat have a deficit, Natsuki, Nagisa and Kanon three people now also in his body, not with the meaning that the females could not meet, this was one may be possible greatly the small issue. 照理说,刚刚发觉自己对少女们有些亏欠的无言理应不应该在这个时候召唤新的人物来到自己的身边,那月凪沙夏音三人现在还在他的身体里,没有跟众女们见上一面的意思,这可是一个可大可小的问题。 Based on this issue, Summon new Character comes again, without doubt only meets in the fire the top up, lets the young girls real heart fresh resentment. 在这个问题的基础上,再召唤新的人物过来,无疑只会火上添油,让少女们真的心生怨气。 Although by the young girls to own sentiment, this resentment sooner or later must return to normal, but comprehended laborious Wu Yan of young girls not to want from their faces to see again a faint trace is not happy, this was also he for serveral days in extremely loved one of the young girls reasons. 虽然以少女们对自己的感情,这点怨气迟早还得平复,但已经领悟到了少女们的辛苦的无言可不想再从她们脸上看到一丝丝的不愉快了,这也是他这些天里极为疼爱少女们的缘由之一。 Therefore. Even if in the heart some meanings move, at this time, Wu Yan should not Summon new Character enter the stage again is right. 因此。就算心中有些意动,这个时候,无言也不应该再召唤新的人物出场才对。 However. This time, Wu Yan truly had the Summon thought! 但是。这一次,无言确实动了召唤的念头! Because generally. He thinks that Summon person, is not new Character, but is former acquaintance! 概因为。他想召唤的人,不是什么新的人物,而是旧识 Selected the Summon list, finger drove above the illusory list again and again, in bystander opinion resembled him to gesticulate anything in void, but in Wu Yan's in the eyes, along with the movement that he pointed . The System list is also changing, and made him find own goal. 点开了召唤列表,手指在虚幻般的列表上面连连拖动,在外人看来就好像他正在虚空中比划着什么,但在无言的眼中,随着他手指的动作。系统列表也在变动着,并让他找到了自己的目标。 ...... …… Yakumo Yukari: come from Land of Fantasy Great Youkai, strength very formidable, has with root related Power of Boundary. Is one of the Land of Fantasy founders, is maintaining Great Hakurei Barrier with all previous Hakurei Shrine Maiden together, is Land of Fantasy essential existence \; Summon Points 1000000 points. 八云紫:来自幻想乡大妖怪,实力非常的强大,持有与根源相关的境界之力。是幻想乡的创始人之一,与历代博丽巫女一同维护着博丽大结界,是幻想乡必不可少的存在\;召唤点1000000点。 ...... …… Yes, Wu Yan thinks that the Summon person, precisely once and Summon came by the assistance of System temporarily some time Yakumo Yukari! 是的,无言召唤的人,正是曾经借由系统的辅助而暂时召唤过来一段时间的八云紫 The time of although with Yukari being together only then initially that short one week. But some outwardly kind but inwardly evil, are very astute, the crucial time is looking after and the others like Big Sister, but also helps oneself and the others help people overcome their difficulties, abatement many troublesome boundary Great Youkai. Wu Yan entire group may not have one to give to forget her. 虽然跟相处的时间只有当初那短短的一个星期。但这个有些腹黑,无比精明,关键的时刻又像大姐姐一样照顾着自己等人,还帮自己等人排忧解难,除却不少麻烦的境界大妖怪无言一行人可没有一个将她给忘记了。 Initially reason that Summon Yukari, Wu Yan hit was making her help itself Beast King defeating the thoughts Summon without hesitation comes, like other young girls, Summon did not come to pass through thinking, the sincerity has to work as the meaning of companion Summon. 当初之所以召唤,无言不过是打着让她帮自己将兽王给击败的心思才不假思索的召唤过来的而已,不像其余的少女们,召唤过来是经过了深思熟虑,真心有着当同伴的意思才召唤的。 Said coarse, Summon Yukari comes, a little likely in a Summon goon, a help solves troublesome Item! 说的难听一点,召唤过来,有点像是在召唤一个打手,一个帮忙解决麻烦的道具 Naturally, in such critical situation, that does not have the matter of means that the Summon words, at that time, not only Wu Yan, might not die including the young girls very much in the hand of Beast King! 当然,在那样危急的情况下,那也是没有办法的事情,不召唤的话,那个时候,不只是无言自己,连少女们也很有可能会死在兽王的手中! Wu Yan, has comforted with this excuse own... 无言,也一直是用这个借口来安慰自己的… Who once thinks, Yukari can utilize own Ability unexpectedly, lengthens her to treat in the Silvaria World time, thus kept the Wu Yan entire group side temporarily! 谁曾想,居然能够运用自己的能力,延长她待在斯巴利尔世界的时间,从而暂时留在了无言一行人的身边! This is true being unexpected! 这可是真正的始料未及! What is unexpected, this IQ heaven defying, incomparably astute Great Youkai, but also in that short some time, careful has protected everyone in Wu Yan entire group... 更始料未及的是,这个智商逆天,无比精明的大妖怪,还在那短暂的一段时间里,细心的呵护过无言一行人里的每一个人… To be honest, Wu Yan does not believe Yukari because became own Summons, melts with own life, therefore treats as the genuine companion and the others, by the astuteness and intelligence of Yukari , the person of impossible to first meeting everywhere maintains, at most is emerges the convenient help/gang one, does one's best, let alone the bystander, these with person also few of Yukari acquaintance can make her such do including Land of Fantasy. 老实说,无言并不怎么相信会因为成为了自己的召唤人物,跟自己生命相融,所以将自己等人当做真正的同伴,以的精明与聪慧,也不可能对初次见面的人处处维护,顶多就是兴起的时候顺手帮一下而已,真的去尽心尽力,别说外人了,连幻想乡里那些跟相识的人也没有几个能够让她这么做。 May finally actually be, during that time, Yukari not only with very good, but also played the Big Sister role that the people were together, has given the people many attendances, even if were the Summon time arrived, Yukari also gave Wu Yan to leave behind one to drop own blood, even if walked, used own way to protect Wu Yan in disguised form... 可结果却是,那段时间里,不但跟众人相处的非常的好,还充当起了大姐姐的角色,给了众人不少的照顾,即使是召唤时间到了,也给无言留下了一滴自己的血液,就算走了,也用自己的方式在变相的保护着无言 only has been together obviously for one week, Yukari does not need to achieve this situation, Wu Yan does not know that Yukari has own consideration and planning, has had the sentiment in short one week to the people, but before Yukari just before leaving, that the smiling face of containing is not abandoning, actually absolutely cannot do false! 明明只是相处了一个星期的时间,根本没有必要做到这种地步,无言不知道到底是有自己的考虑和算计,还是真的在短短的一个星期里对众人产生了感情,但临走前那一个蕴含着不舍的笑容,却是绝对做不得假! Only this, even if Yukari has her planning, Wu Yan is also willing to fall into to inside, believes, other young girls also definitely think. 单凭这个,就算真的有她自己的算计,无言也心甘情愿陷入到里面去,相信,其余的少女们也肯定是这么想的。 Now, leaves oneself and the others time from Yukari, calculates also for probably about one month with the Silvaria World time, but, regarding after Yukari leaves, went to Sword Art Online one after another and Strike the Blood Wu Yan, that has enough several years. 如今,距离离开自己等人身边的时间,用斯巴利尔世界的时间来算也就大概一个月左右,不过,对于在离开以后,相继去过‘刀剑神域’与‘噬血狂袭’的无言来说,那可是有足足好几年了。 He, somewhat thinks of this sometimes badly sometimes good, from time to time outwardly kind but inwardly evil from time to time unchaste Youkai Sage... 他,也有些想念这个时坏时好,时而腹黑时而无节操的妖怪贤者了… moreover, comes Yukari Summon, the young girls will not have any opinion, was really good Summons! 况且,把召唤过来,少女们也不会有什么意见,实在是再好不过的召唤人物了! In the heart flashed through these ideas again and again, Wu Yan immediately has also decided Summon Yukari, when seeing that Summon Points 1000000 points inscription, his brow somewhat could not bear beat. 心中连连闪过这些想法,无言也当即决定了召唤,只不过,在看到那‘召唤点1000000点’的字样时,他的眉头还是有些忍不住跳动了起来。 System had renewed one time, after that renewal, the exchange value of points also changed, value that the minority points can play also big, takes Summon Points, originally ten thousand Summon Points, equivalent to present thousand Summon Points, value shrank ten times probably. 系统曾经更新过一次,在那次更新后,点数的兑换值也改变了,少数的点数能够起到的价值也更加的大,就拿召唤点来说,原本的一万召唤点,大概相当于如今的一千召唤点,数值方面缩了十倍。 in other words, Summon Yukari points, in the past, at least 10 million Summon Points! 也就是说,召唤的点数,在过去,至少得一千万召唤点 Even if trades now, needs 1 million... 即使换到现在,也需要1000000… Worthily is boundary Youkai, Demigod Expert...” Scratched on forehead the fabricated cold sweat, Wu Yan has smiled bitterly. “不愧是境界的妖怪,半神强者…”擦了擦额头上莫须有的冷汗,无言苦笑了。 Although his Summon Points has not used, but also four and about 50,000, in addition harvest of Misaka Little Sisters, on probably Hundred Thousand about, but Hundred Thousand, achieves Summon Yukari 1/10 of points... 他的召唤点虽然没有动用到,但也就四、50000左右,再加上御坂妹妹们的收获,也就大概十万左右,而十万,才达到召唤的点数的1而已… It seems like, I must use my ins and outs...” “看来,我得动用到我的老底了…” The hand wields, a space ripples reverberation of crimson in front of Wu Yan's, under fluctuation fluctuating, has put out a golden ring. 手一挥,一个绯红色的空间涟漪回荡在了无言的面前,波动起伏下,吐出了一枚金色的戒指。 The consciousness searched Ring of Wealth the interior, Wu Yan started to seek to be able the exchange Summon Points treasure, after about difference not mostly hour screening and tossing about, this 1 million Summon Points also finally collected, Ring of Wealth in can receive in exchange for Summon Points Item ten not saving one... 意识探到了‘金之戒’的内部,无言开始寻找起能够兑换召唤点的宝物,经过差不多半个小时左右的筛选与折腾,这1000000的召唤点也总算是凑齐了,‘金之戒’内能够换取召唤点物品也十不存一… However can Summon arrive at Yukari, was resources are well used! 不过能够召唤,也算是物有所值了! At that moment, had confirmed own Summon Points number already enough Wu Yan, selected Summon... 当下,确认过自己的召唤点数已经足够的无言,点下了‘召唤’… Buzz...” “嗡…” Dazzling white light, in the entire tent, ascension, but got up! 刺眼的白光,在整个帐篷内,升腾而起了! Was only a pity, even if white light again dazzling, Wu Yan will not place these own attention light above, his vision, had already penetrated that heavily white light, by together wonderful form attracting... 只可惜,即使白光再刺目,无言也不会将自己的注意力放在这些光上面,他的目光,早已透过了那重重的白光,被一道美妙的身影给吸引住了… That is a wear somewhat nondescript young girl! 那是一个穿着有些不伦不类的少女! The powdery white inked ribbon the Princess skirts of hundred pleat lace, the part before body is having Engraved Seal the gossip say/way clothing/taking to dress up, the long hair of golden slightly volume, on tip of the hair is hanging several tiny red butterfly knots, the head wears near a terminal flower the dome, front of hat has the red hairlace that makes into the butterfly knot shape similarly, is serving as contrast the beauty of young girl. 粉白色带着百褶花边的公主裙,身前的部分有刻印八卦的道服披挂,金色微卷的长发,发尾上挂着几个细小的红色的蝴蝶结,头上戴着一顶花边圆顶帽,帽子的前端同样有着一条打成蝴蝶结形状的红色发带,衬托着少女的美丽。 At this time, in both hands of young girl, one hand is also taking a parasol, in another one hand grabs a paper fan, the double pupil shuts tightly, that noble beautiful elegant face appears somewhat serene under the exaggeration of white light, probably the young girl should go to sleep to be the same under the radiant ray, the whole body is elegant mysterious aura, letting the person is unable to neglect her existence feeling. 此时,少女的双手中,一手还拿着一把阳伞,另一手中则抓着一把纸扇,双眸紧闭,那高贵美丽的俏脸在白光的渲染下显得有些安详,好像少女本来就应该在璀璨的光芒下入睡一样,浑身飘逸着一种神秘的气息,让人无法忽略她的存在感。 The young girls, naturally are Yakumo Yukari without doubt! 少女,自然便是八云紫无疑! Does not see after several years, astute intelligent Youkai Sage still beautiful such as returned from the picture general, that reverberation in its side vague one powerful aura that made will of the people spirit intense tremble, seemed telling the common people... 时隔几年不见,精明聪慧的妖怪贤者仍旧美如从画中归来一般,那回荡在其身边若有若无的一丝令人心神剧颤的强悍气息,仿佛在告诉世人... She, Yakumo Yukari, returned again! 她,八云紫,再一次归来了!
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