MGS :: Volume #10

#1000: Inexplicable arrival! Flame light!

( Achieves thousand chapters to scatter flower for this book!) (为本书达到千章而撒花!) ( Thanked Yatsuki Tatsuha very 1888 dozens enjoyed! As well as ‚’ and ultra Anan and love | acg and scarlet night. Moe and cloud Qiqing the valley and is my little brother and has dish radish and night is sleepless hitting to enjoy!) (十分感谢‘夜月辰羽’的1888打赏!以及‘’、‘超者安安’、‘love丨acg’、‘赤夜.萌奈’、‘云歧青谷’、‘都是我小弟’、‘有菜萝卜’、‘夜〃無眠’的打赏!) ( Friend friends! Doesn't come one round? Hits to enjoy anything...[ Tearful]...) (友友们!不都来一发吗?打赏什么的...[泪汪汪]...) The aurora common gorgeous ray has covered the entire piece of space, has covered limitlessly that void... 极光一般的绚丽光芒笼罩了整一片空间,也覆盖了那无边无际的虚空… The gorgeous ray is changing own shape and color frequently, namely like aurora, such as rainbow... 绚丽的光芒时时刻刻都在不停的改变着自己的形状与颜色,即如极光,亦如彩虹… In air, time seemingly already completely static, except for aurora of that distortion, in sending out is resembling any thing is swaying from side to side beyond the happy effect sound, in the space does not have other things to move again, probably here, except for the light, does not have other thing to continue again to exist same here... 空气中,时间貌似已经完全静止了,除了那扭曲的极光在散发着好像什么东西扭动着的舒畅效果音以外,空间里再也没有其余的事物在活动,好像在这里,除了光,再也没有其余的东西是可以继续存在在这里一样… Silent, lonely, void and depressed... 寂静、孤独、空虚、沉闷… This, is this world complete... 这,就是这个世界的全部… When Wu Yan has opened own eye, appears in his in the eyes scene, does not have accidental/surprised is startled him at the scene, frowned. 无言睁开了自己的眼睛,出现在他眼中的场景,毫无意外的将他怔在当场,皱起了眉头了。 This is...” Condition launch looked at own body, as to confirm that they exist to be the same, Wu Yan is searching in the mind the somewhat blurry memory, on the face full is the doubts. “这是…”条件发射的看了一下自己的身体,仿佛想证实它们是不是存在着一样,无言搜索着自己脑海里有些迷糊的记忆,脸上满是疑惑。 Why can I here?...” “为什么我会在这里呢?…” Deeps frown, Wu Yan searched for the memory that was coming back gradually diligently, shortly afterwards has lifted the head fiercely. 眉头紧锁,无言努力的搜寻着那渐渐回来的记忆,紧接着猛的抬起了头。 Was right! I an exhibit room in Nagisa arrived at ‚the gate of cornerstone together!” “对了!我跟凪沙一起到‘基石之门’的一间展览室里去了!” Remembered in the mind the last memory puzzle, Wu Yan observed the situation all around. 想起了脑海里最后一块记忆的拼图,无言环视了一眼四周 Why will I appear here? Here, where is also...” “可是为什么我会出现在这里?这里,又是哪里…” Before appearing here, Wu Yan remembers, the scene that oneself see finally is the whole body is sending out cold light Nagisa, the sound that finally hears is the System Notification sound, System Notification Demonic Beast Engraved Seal is activated. Nagisa turns into own Familiar matter! 在出现在这里以前,无言记得,自己最后看到的场景是浑身散发着寒光凪沙,最后听到的声音是系统的提示音,提示妖兽刻印’被激活。凪沙变成自己的眷兽的事情! Properly speaking, this meeting, turns into oneself Familiar Nagisa to return to own body to be right. How blinks, did oneself come here?... 照理来说,这会,变成自己眷兽凪沙应该会回到自己的身体中才对。怎么一个眨眼,自己就来到了这里呢?… In the heart full is the doubts at the same time. Wu Yan also slowly raised own vigilance, he can affirm, here is not remembers went to any place! 心中满是疑惑的同时。无言还慢慢的提起了自己的警惕,他可以肯定,这里不是自己记忆中去过的任何一个地方! Moreover, this place, somewhat seems to be strange, probably is not the appearance of real existence... 而且,这个地方,似乎也有些古怪,好像并不是真的存在着的样子… Sensei!” 老师!” Suddenly, Nagisa that familiar sound resounds in the Wu Yan's body side. In sound, lively open intonation, although has not changed, but in tone uneasy is actually clearly may hear. 突然,凪沙那熟悉的声音在无言的身侧响起。声音里,活泼开朗的语调虽然没有改变,但语气中的忐忑不安却是清晰可闻。 Nagisa!” Hears the Nagisa sound, Wu Yan turns the head to look hastily. Looked that to has stood in own side, tight is holding Nagisa of own arm, in the heart certain. 凪沙!”听到凪沙的声音,无言连忙转头看去。看向了站在自己的身旁,紧紧的抱着自己的一条手臂的凪沙,心中一定。 Sensei...” Tightened in the hand Wu Yan's arm, some Nagisa fears approached Wu Yan some. Where is here?...” 老师…”紧了紧手中无言的手臂,凪沙有些害怕的靠近了无言些许。“这里是哪里啊?…” Here is my world, thou's world...” “这里是吾的世界,也汝的世界…” In this instantaneous. originally fell into the time static Status/Situation space, while a beautiful limpid sound resounds, probably recover flowing was the same, flood angry of faint trace. 在这一个瞬间里。原本陷入了时间静止状态的空间,在一道优美清澈的声音响起的同时,好像回复了流动一样,泛起了一丝丝的生气 No, should say that is the cold air! 不,应该说是寒气! In space of distortion. Rapid sweeping across of white freezing point white fog under the beautiful limpid sound reverberation comes, shortly, the space of entire distortion was covered by the cold ice! 扭曲的空间里。一阵白色的冰点白雾在优美清澈的声音回荡下迅速的席卷而来,顷刻间,整个扭曲的空间都被寒冰所覆盖! The flower petal same tiny ice crystal doping in the white rime fog, with the atmospheric mix of surroundings in one, in the ground, the sharp icicles started prominently, such as thorn same but actually sets upright, as if in preventing any person close as, but in the rear area of icicle, in the white rime fog, is winding around the huge form of white cold air, but reappearing slowly. 花瓣一样的细小冰晶掺杂在了白色的冰雾中,与周围的大气混合在了一起,地面上,一根根尖锐的冰柱开始突出,如荆棘一样的倒竖而起,仿佛在阻止着什么人接近似的,而在冰柱的后方,白色的冰雾里,绕缠着白色寒气的巨大身影,缓缓的浮现而出。 Monster bird wing, merpeople lower limb, Queen stance! 妖鸟似的羽翼,人鱼似的下肢,女王似的姿态! That is Familiar! 那是一只眷兽 Although Wu Yan has seen only two times, but actually incomparably familiar Familiar! 一只无言虽然只见过两次,但却无比熟悉的眷兽 Bewitching Princess of Azure Ice!” Wu Yan in great surprise, nearby Nagisa is actually unusual stared at the Queen of same form that ice, in red eyes was reappearing suddenly a blur of faint trace. “‘妖姬之苍冰’!”无言大惊,一旁的凪沙却是反常的盯着那冰之女王一样的身影,红色眼眸中突然浮现了一丝丝的迷离。 Wu Yan already had no time to observe the Nagisa present performance, because he saw... 无言早已无暇观察凪沙现在的表现了,因为他看到了… In white rime fog, Bewitching Princess of Azure Ice under body, also together form, together with the Nagisa almost big or small form... 在白色的冰雾中,‘妖姬之苍冰’的身下,还有着一道身影,一道跟凪沙差不多大小的身影… Form Master is having pale golden long straight hair, but that pale golden long straight hair as if also will transform into other colors, is dim, that long golden hair in the surges, is similar to the flame seems to be common, each surges, above will flash through other color lusters, like rainbow, very noticeable. 身影的主人拥有着一头淡金色的长直发,但那淡金色的长直发似乎还会转变为其它的颜色,朦胧间,那长长的金发似乎在翻腾,如同火焰一般,每一次翻腾,上面都会闪过一丝其余颜色的色泽,像彩虹似的,非常的引人注目。 eyes is the blue color, just like the hair, inside will flash through other gloss similarly, but is different from the rainbow same pale golden color hair, her to eyes, only meets the glittering flame common flame light, a pair of ear somewhat obvious elongated some, like Spirit, described with Fairy, can appropriately. 眼眸是碧蓝色的,跟头发一样,里面同样会闪过其余的光泽,只不过跟彩虹一样的淡金色头发不同,她的那对眼眸里,只会闪烁火焰一般的焰光,一对耳朵有些明显的拉长了些许,就像一个精灵一样,或者,用妖精来形容,能够更贴切一点。 The dream-like fine face, the young girl has is surmounting the beautiful appearance of degree human can have, that is the beauty of peak a meeting produces subconsciously dreads, at this time, on that extremely beautiful elegant face, a light smiling face, decorated above... 梦幻般精致的脸孔,少女拥有着超越人类所能拥有的程度的美貌,那是一种会让人下意识的产生畏惧的极致的美,此时,那张极其美丽的俏脸上,一个淡淡的笑容,装饰在了上面… That is its Fairy appearance is symmetric, a very simple-hearted and arrogant smiling face. 那是与其妖精般的容貌相称的,一个非常天真无邪又高傲的笑容。 You!” Wu Yan attracted one to flood the air of ice-cold mist, the look gradually cold. “你!”无言吸了一口充斥着冰冷雾气的空气,神色渐渐的冷了下来。 „Are you that have stayed in the consciousness body of Nagisa within the body?!” “你就是那个一直呆在凪沙体内的意识体吧?!” Just blurted to say the above those words, the voice had not even fallen, shortly afterwards, appeared in Wu Yan present one makes him somewhat scared. 刚刚脱口说出了上面的那句话,话音甚至还没有落下,紧接着,出现在无言眼前的一幕就让他有些傻眼了。 „...” In that peak beautiful appearance was hanging an arrogant smiling face, but is cold the face in Wu Yan, when with nearly scolds the same sound said the above those words, young girl that arrogant smiling face fiercely broke down, what replaces it is a somewhat timid expression. “呜…”那极致的美貌上本来是挂着一个高傲的笑容的,但在无言冷着脸,用近乎呵斥一样的声音说出了以上那句话时,少女那高傲的笑容猛的垮了下去,取而代之的是一个有些胆怯的表情。 Suddenly drops the world of mortals like Goddess of keeping aloof, turns into shrinking little girl to be the same, the performance of difference, makes cold extremely slightly Wu Yan some of face not to adapt. 就像一个高高在上的女神陡然跌落凡间,变成一个畏畏缩缩的小女孩一样,极其差异的表现,让得冷着脸的无言微微有些不适应了。 Sensei!” Nearby Nagisa suddenly furious is shouting to Wu Yan: Do not frighten villain!” 老师!”一旁的凪沙陡然气愤的对着无言喊道:“不要吓坏人家啦!” „?!” Wu Yan stunned looks at angry Nagisa, just wants to say anything, but before Nagisa actually suddenly ran up to the Fairy young girl body, gentle is patting her back. “诶?!”无言愕然的看着生气凪沙,刚想说点什么,可凪沙却是突然跑到了妖精般的少女身前,温柔的拍着她的背脊。 obediently, do not fear, Sensei well-meant...” 乖乖,别怕,老师没有恶意的…” Aw...” The young girls have made a cute unusual sprouting sound, looked at Nagisa, looked at Wu Yan, immediately weak opens the mouth. 啊呜…”少女发出了一个可爱异常的萌音,看了看凪沙,又看了看无言,随即弱弱的开口。 I original... Forgave thou...” “吾原…原谅汝了…” Ha?” The Wu Yan's expression that called a splendor, the corners of the mouth to twitch immediately again and again. “哈?”无言的表情顿时那叫一个精彩,嘴角连连抽搐。 Makes probably is I am bullying the person to be the same really?... 怎么弄的好像真的是我在欺负人一样啊?… In heart some not calm flashes through this idea, but Wu Yan also loosen one breath. 心中有些不淡定的闪过这个想法,但无言松下了一口气了。 At least, by the young girl this expression, should not be now the hostile enemy...?... 至少,以少女现在这个表情,应该不是什么怀有敌意的敌人了…吧?… Looks that timid looks at own beautiful young girl, Wu Yan is smiling bitterly shaking the head, cast Nagisa body the vision. 看着那正怯怯的看着自己的美丽少女,无言苦笑着摇了摇头,将目光投到了凪沙身上 „Do you know her? Nagisa...” “你认识她吗?凪沙…” hearing this, Nagisa winked own big eye. 闻言,凪沙眨了眨自己的大眼睛。 Does not know...” “不认识…” Didn't know?” Wu Yan detected that own head somewhat seems to be disorderly. „Do you do Ma to care about her appearance probably very much?!” “不认识?”无言发觉自己的脑袋似乎有些凌乱。“那你干好像很关心她的样子啊?!” Has?” tilted the head of Nagisa doubts, frowned. I do not know, but has a sound to tell Nagisa at heart, Nagisa should such care about her!” “有吗?”凪沙疑惑的歪了歪脑袋,皱起了眉头了。“我也不知道,不过心里有个声音一直在告诉凪沙,凪沙应该这么关心她!” Sound at heart?” Wu Yan felt oneself were getting more and more muddled, immediately has tidied up the train of thought of innermost feelings hastily, has cast aside that timid young girl one eyes. “心里的声音?”无言感觉自己越来越糊涂了,当下连忙收拾了一下内心的思绪,撇了那个怯弱的少女一眼。 Like this? She just together appeared along with Familiar, should be Vampire, could it be that you are not afraid?!” “这样好吗?她刚刚可是伴随着眷兽一起出现的,应该是一个吸血鬼,难道你不害怕?!” Well...” Heard the Wu Yan's words, Nagisa stayed, at once is startled well makes noise. “咦…”听到无言的话,凪沙呆了一下,旋即惊咦出声了。 Real Yay! Nagisa I do not fear her appearance probably!” “真的耶!凪沙我好像不怕她的样子呢!” Found Nagisa surprisedly that like the counterfeiting expression, Wu Yan did not frown completely. 瞧见凪沙那惊奇中完全不像作假的表情,无言也皱起了眉头了。 Why don't you fear her?...” “为什么你不怕她啊?…” Does not know...” Nagisa has given such answer once more, turns the head to look that to own cherished the timid young girl, the look starts confusedly. “不知道…”凪沙再次给出了这样的答案,转头看向自己怀中的怯弱少女,神色开始迷茫了起来。 But felt, probably already with her in was very together long the appearance...” “但感觉,好像已经跟她在一起很久了的样子…” Wu Yan was silent immediately. 无言顿时沉默了。 Truly, from some perspective, this young girl in together was very indeed long with Nagisa. 确实,从某个方面来讲,这个少女的确跟凪沙在一起很久了。 After all, young girl continuously in Nagisa within the body, with that only Familiar same place... 毕竟,少女一直都在凪沙体内,跟着那只眷兽一起… Rubbed own forehead, the Wu Yan's line of sight has swept body of young girl, perhaps was felt the Wu Yan's line of sight, the young girl timid shrank the body. 揉了揉自己的眉心,无言的视线扫到了少女的身上,或许是感受到了无言的视线,少女怯怯的缩了缩身体。 No... To me... Throws by the line of sight of failure in politeness...” “不…不要对吾…投以失礼的视线…” Is sorry...” The Wu Yan forced smile makes noise, recalled that initially borrowed the body of Nagisa to confront with oneself, and also with kissing this way acknowledged own that consciousness body, Wu Yan is unable her at present this only will act cute Little Princess stroke of superior line. “抱歉抱歉…”无言苦笑出声,回想起当初借用凪沙的身体跟自己对峙,并且还用接吻这种方式来承认自己的那个意识体,无言怎么也无法将她跟眼前这个只会卖萌小公主划上等线。 Put the light own tone as far as possible, Wu Yan inquired one. 尽量放轻自己的语气,无言询问了一句。 „, Told me first, did you name?...” “那么,先告诉我吧,你叫什么名字啊?…” The young girls shot a look at Wu Yan one secretly, emboldening have been mad. 少女偷偷的瞥了无言一眼,壮起了胆气来。 „... Avrora...” “阿…阿古罗拉…”
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