MC :: Volume #28

#2792: Ominous horizontal female beast

? 2792 ominous horizontal female beast ?2792凶横母兽 In Ye Kong uses radiance to cut a Divine Sword sword to cut to the thatched hut that smashes, actually suddenly feels not a very good feeling. «» 就在叶空使用光华斩神剑一剑斩向那砸来的茅屋之时,却突然感觉到一股非常不好的感觉。《》 „It is not good!” At the same time that in the Ye Kong heart dangerous feelings, a sword cuts immediately, personal appearance rapid retreat! “不好!”叶空心中顿时有一种危险的感觉,一剑斩出的同时,身形飞速的后退! However at this time, his movement already slow one step. 不过这时,他的动作已经慢了一步。 „!” Suddenly, transmits severe Howl from that thatched hut! Afterward, bang, the Ye Kong's sword has not hit that thatched hut, sees the thatched hut to separate from the center, separates fiercely, the bushes fly randomly, torn to pieces! “嗷!”突然,从那茅屋之中传来一声厉啸!随后,轰地一声,叶空的剑还没有击中那茅屋,就看见茅屋从中央分开,猛地分开,茅草乱飞,支离破碎! But in that separated thatched hut, jumps out -and-a-half-and-a-half person of beast giant and fierce things suddenly, that thing double fist grasps mutually, screamed one, was pounding to the Ye Kong overhead! 而在那骤然分开的茅屋之中,跳出一个半人半兽巨大而凶猛的东西,那东西双拳互握,尖叫一声,对着叶空当头就砸! What monster?” In the Ye Kong heart is startled, does not need radiance to cut the Divine Sword to hit, the personal appearance retroceded rapidly. “什么怪兽?”叶空心中吃惊,不待光华斩神剑击中,身形已经飞速后退。 Bang! A monster fist pounds fiercely on the ground, ground shivers, presents a giant trap! 轰!怪兽猛地一拳砸在地上,地面一阵颤抖,出现一个巨大陷坑! Ye Kong rebounds fiercely, this sees clearly. Giant monster that presents, eight scanning people, the figure is slim, the skin is white, unexpectedly seems is the build that the prison clan women enlarge. However this giant prison clan woman fruit the body, the chest two meat same are only hanging with the broken pocket. 叶空猛地跳开,这才看清楚。出现的巨大怪兽,有八分像人,身材修长,皮肤白,竟然看上去是个狱族女人放大的体型。不过这个巨大的狱族女人光果着身子,胸脯两块肉跟个破口袋一样挂着。 What is most fearful is the face of this woman, azure purple, gigantic incomparable, not only ugly, but could also not see the human the prototype! 最可怕的是这个女人的脸,青紫色,硕大无比,不但丑陋,而且根本已经看不出人类的原型了! „!” That only female beast hides in thatched-roofed hut, wanted to come out to give Ye Kong to strike suddenly fatally. But has not thought that the Ye Kong speed is fast, early avoids unexpectedly, her anger, shouts one, once again jumps, hits with that huge azure purple head unexpectedly to Ye Kong! “嗷!”那只母兽躲在草屋之中,本来想要突然出来给叶空致命一击。可是没想到叶空速度非常快,竟然早早躲开,她更加的愤怒,嘶吼一声,又一次跃起,竟然用那巨大的青紫色脑袋撞向叶空 Good ugly monster beast, you give me dead!” Ye Kong simply does not have a favorable impression to this ugly half -and-a-half people of beast, make a move does not have the point politeness. “好丑陋的妖兽,你给我去死!”叶空对这种丑陋的半人半兽根本没有一丝的好感,出手也没有点点的客气。 ! Ye Kong concentrates to stand above Qingshan, both hands shake hand the God Lord light sword, the white light turn into an intensely bright line, the head of female beast cuts to hitting directly. 嚓!叶空凝立在青山之上,双手握着手中主神器光剑,白光化成一条耀眼夺目之线条,迎头斩向撞来的母兽的头颅。 However made the Ye Kong surprised matter occur, the sharpness of God Lord, no small matter, even if puts on good God armor, does not dare to greet Ye Kong this sword. But that has the female beast of azure purple giant head, actually does not dread! 不过让叶空吃惊的事情发生了,主神器之锋利,非同小可,就算是穿着不错的神甲,也不敢迎接叶空这一剑。可是那有着青紫色巨大头颅的母兽,却是毫不畏惧! Bang! 轰! The loud sound resounds through in the summit! Ye Kong this sword, makes a futile effort unexpectedly! 巨响在山巅响彻!叶空这一剑,竟然徒劳无功! Originally, the azure purple head of that female beast, actually has does not know many mysterious seal! When the Ye Kong's radiance cuts the Divine Sword soon cuts, giant ancient Yu clan rune/symbol writing will appear. That said after rune/symbol writing appears, the Ye Kong's light sword above radiance, whish one is split up unexpectedly! 原来,那母兽的青紫色的头上,竟然有着不知多少的神奇的封印!当叶空的光华斩神剑快要斩中之时,就会有一个巨大的古狱族符文出现。那道符文出现以后,叶空的光剑上面的光华,竟然哗地一下四分五裂! This is Ye Kong has not seen the scene, radiance that the light sword spouts can also be similar to unexpectedly the thing of disruption entity the innumerable fragments! 这是叶空从来没有见到过的场景,光剑喷出的光华竟然也能如同实体之物碎裂成无数的片段! Really fierce!” The Ye Kong form moves, leaps once more backward! “果然厉害!”叶空身影又是一动,再次向后跃开! „!” The female beast cannot hit once more, is angry, crazy, she is kyoodling, and only the giant orangutan equally fiercely thrashes the withered chest, then, turned toward Ye Kong to throw once again. “嗷!”母兽再次又击不中,大怒,更加的疯狂,她嗷嗷乱叫着,跟只巨大的猩猩一样猛地捶打自己干瘪的胸部,然后,又一次向着叶空扑了过来。 Ye Kong at this moment only then runs away, in heart dark startled, the f*ck your ancestor board board, what thing this is, God Lord isn't afraid unexpectedly? Has bumped into ancient Yuzu formidable remaining really? 叶空此刻只有逃窜,心中暗惊,日你先人板板,这到底是什么玩意,竟然连主神器都不害怕?难道真的碰到了古狱族的强大遗存? Ye Kong is running away, actually back suddenly hears is, afterward, that only female beast unexpectedly suddenly stops the pursuit, rushes to that mountain valley the side of old woman. 叶空正在逃走,却突然听见后边又是嗷地一声,随后,那只母兽竟然突然停下追击,奔回那个山谷中老妪的身旁。 How?” Some Ye Kong doubts, that female beast pursues well, how to go back suddenly. “怎么了?”叶空有些疑惑,那个母兽追得好好的,怎么会突然回去了。 However made scene that Ye Kong shocked once again appear, the side of that female beast Ms. racing time/return, crawled side the old woman, rubbed gently on the old woman with the giant head, in mouth...... Exudes unexpectedly, mother...... Mother......” sound. 不过让叶空又一次惊呆的场景出现了,那个母兽奔回老妪的身边,就匍匐在老妪身边,用巨大的脑袋在老妪身上磨蹭,口中……竟然发出声声,“妈……妈……”的声音。 Although ancient Yuzu the language of language different present world, the language of more different Earth human. However some sounds can actually be common. 虽然古狱族的语言并不同现在世界的语言,更不同地球人类的语言。不过有些声音却是能共通的。 In the Ye Kong heart cannot believe, this female beast unexpectedly is the daughter of that old woman? The old woman is the image of normal old age prison clan, if has not made a mistake, this female beast is the old woman for a long time refines! This old woman actually own daughter building up this appearance. 叶空心中不敢相信,难道这母兽竟然是那老妪的女儿?那老妪是正常的老年狱族的形象,如果没有搞错的话,这个母兽就是老妪长时间施法炼制的!这个老妪竟然把自己的女儿给炼成这副模样。 An uncontainable anger produces from the Ye Kong heart. 一股难以克制的愤怒从叶空心中产生。 Meanwhile, that old woman was also using ancient Yuzu the language to say anything to that female beast, but also touched her head with the hand, that feeling, probably comforted own child to be the same. However the voice of old woman slowly changes the place is sharp, afterward lifts hand finger/refers of Ye Kong, sends out severe Howl! 与此同时,那个老妪也在用古狱族的语言对那个母兽说着什么,还用手抚摸她的脑袋,那种感觉,就好像安慰自己的小孩一样。不过老妪的声音慢慢的变地尖利,随后抬手一指叶空,发出一声厉啸! „!” Immediately, that only female beast once again goes crazy general, in both eyes blood red, with that gigantic azure purple head, to Ye Kong fierce to/clashes! “嗷!”顿时,那只母兽又一次发狂一般,双目之中血红,用那硕大的青紫色头颅,对着叶空凶猛的冲过来! Ye Kong sees this scenery, in both eyes is also first time flashes through the murderous intention, this was he arrived here first time to have the murderous intention really! 叶空看见此景,双目中也是第一次闪过杀机,这是他来到这里第一次真的动了杀机! He to an old age being acquainted old man, simply had not killed intent, but discovered that now this old man unexpectedly so vicious savage, he will not have any keeps the hand! 本来他对一个垂暮的不相识老者,根本没有杀意,可是现在发现这老者竟然是如此的狠毒凶残,他再也不会有任何的留手! Incarnation ancient God!” The summit of mountain, hears Ye Kong's one to roar, but in the roaring sound, his body inflates fiercely! “化身古神!”青山之巅,传来叶空的一声怒吼,而在怒吼声中,他的身体猛地膨胀开来! Hi! Time when the female beast throws, the Ye Kong's form to dozens zhang (3.33 m), has put out a hand to grasp fiercely, a palm of the hand has resisted the head of female beast. However above the head of that female beast, has massive ancient Yu clan rune/symbol writing! 嗨!当母兽扑来的时刻,叶空的身影已经化到数十丈大小,猛地伸手一抓,就一巴掌抵住了母兽的脑袋。不过那母兽的脑袋之上,却是有着大量的古狱族符文! Rumbling! The sound of unceasing rupturing, the Ye Kong clear feeling own palm must be blasted open generally! On this moment Ye Kong's palm has emerged benevolent king armor! Pulp that the protection of benevolent king armor, the Ye Kong's palm must be exploded. 轰轰轰!不断的爆裂之声,叶空清楚的感觉到自己的手掌都要被炸裂了一般!此刻叶空的手掌上已经浮出了仁王甲!要不是仁王甲的保护,叶空的手掌说不定都要被炸的稀烂。 However ancient Yuzu rune/symbol writing strength is also the no small matter, such explosion, a little cannot endure including benevolent king armor unexpectedly! 不过古狱族的符文力量也是非同小可,这样的爆炸,竟然连仁王甲都有点吃不消! Chaos lotus, leaves!” Ye Kong is one severely drinks, in wrist/skill, together blue-green light shadow lightning same ejection! “混沌莲,出!”叶空又是一声厉喝,手腕之中,一道青绿色的光影闪电一样的射出! The seedling of chaos lotus was quite astute, after exiting, has not struck to the head of female beast. The time of but while Ye Kong and female beast refusing to compromise, rapid circling to the body of female beast! 混沌莲的幼苗就比较精明了,出去以后,并没有击向母兽的头颅。而是趁着叶空和母兽僵持的时刻,飞速的绕向母兽的身体! whistling! 呼呼呼! The speed of chaos lotus seedling fast, probably a long whip, crazy bypasses the body of female beast! Meanwhile, the surface of seedling also in crazy growth twig! These green branches and leaves, probably plague is the same, is unable to shunt. 混沌莲幼苗的速度飞快,就好像一条长鞭,疯狂的绕过母兽的身体!与此同时,幼苗的表面还在疯狂的生长出枝杈!那些绿色的枝叶,就好像一场瘟疫一样,根本无法躲开。 The free time who blinks, chaos lotus has been covered with the body of female beast, even, but also has started out the small white bloom! 只是眨眼的工夫,混沌莲就已经长满了母兽的身体,甚至,还开出了小朵的白花! „!” That only female beast finally felt the danger! She is whooshing crazily, crazy swaying from side to side, crazy wants to be separated from the fetter of chaos lotus seedling! “嗷!”那只母兽终于感觉到了危险!她疯狂的嘶吼着,疯狂的扭动,疯狂的想要脱离混沌莲幼苗的束缚! But she discovered that this point was late! 可是她发现这一点已经迟了! Although her head seal are many and fearful, but the chaos lotus seedling does not touch her head, but binds her body firmly! Let her unable move! 虽然她头上的封印非常的多而可怕,可是混沌莲幼苗并不触及她的脑袋,只是牢牢的绑定她的身体!让她无法的动弹! But at this time, Ye Kong's also finally can receive! 而这时,叶空的手也终于可以收了回来! The distant place, that savage old woman had discovered finally also the gravity of matter, in her mouth sends out a wailing, turns into the light shadow to throw unexpectedly rapidly, wants to rescue by the female beast that the chaos lotus seedling ties up. 远处,那个凶残的老妪终于也发现了事情的严重性,她的口中发出一声尖啸,竟然也化成光影飞速扑来,想要解救被混沌莲幼苗绑死的母兽。 However at this time, Ye Kong did not have pitying. Or at this moment, humanity elimination is the biggest benevolence! 不过在这时,叶空已经没有了怜悯。或者说,此时此刻,人道消灭才是最大的仁慈! Ye Kong looks down that only female beast, in the mouth lightly said: I and your not resentment does not have the enmity, although you must kill me, but I have not actually hated you! But at this moment, I ended your pain, did you hate me not to matter!” 叶空低头看着那只母兽,口中淡淡道:“我与你无怨无仇,虽然你要杀我,不过我却没有恨过你!而此刻,我是结束你的痛苦而已,你恨不恨我都无所谓!” Ye Kong said, the wrist/skill turns, left one to have the small dagger of incomparably terrifying might! 叶空说完,手腕一翻,已经多出了一把有着无比恐怖威力的小小匕首! Extinguishes the divine tool dagger! This is Ye Kong the dagger of extinguishing divine tool obtains from sword demon God there, this might of dagger, although cannot catch up shoots the might that the day jade and God blood from the pores of the feet combine, but has also gone far beyond the might of God Lord! 灭神器匕首!这正是叶空从剑魔神那里得到的灭神器的匕首,这把匕首的威力虽然赶不上射天琅和神血箭组合的威力,不过也已经远远超过了主神器的威力! What is more important, a relic of this extinguishing God clan, most suits strikes to kill these ancient clan! 更重要的是,这种灭神一族的遗物,最适合击杀这些古族! Dies!” Ye Kong fiercely thorn to the head of female beast! “去死吧!”叶空猛地刺向母兽的头颅! ! 噗! Looks at the first round not to have the advertisement welcome to «» 看首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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