MC :: Volume #28

#2780: Mysterious mother tower

? 2780 mysterious mother tower ?2780神奇母塔 You stare me! You get lost/roll to me!” Xiaoshunzi listens to the word also to outside to roar, both eyes stares fiercely in a big way. «» “你瞪我!你给我滚!”小顺子听言也对着外边怒吼一声,双目猛地瞪大。《》 Really this stares, outside that the moon/month Demon Race person of several staring frightens immediately turns around to flee to the wilderness. 果然他这一瞪眼,外边的那几个瞪眼的月魔族人顿时都吓得掉头落荒而逃。 Haha, is really the outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted generation.” Xiaoshunzi laughs, the person of car(riage) has also smiled. “哈哈,果然是色厉内荏之辈。”小顺子哈哈大笑,车的人也都跟着笑了起来。 Has cost a lot of time, God car(riage) has passed through the entire moon/month clan territory, the front has the front door that a big piece light shadow shines. 耗费了不少时间,神车已经穿过了整个的月族领地,前方有一个大片光影照射进来的大门。 Several seniors, the front exited to see the female tower of prison clan.” The businessmen open the mouth to say. “几位前辈,前方出去就可以看到狱族的母塔了。”生意人开口说道。 Also is a meeting, God car(riage) went out from that front door, the intense ray shines on the God vehicle. At this time the car(riage) stopped, Ye Kong and the others went out from the car(riage), was bathed by own body under the sunlight. 又是一会,神车已经从那个大门走出,强烈的光线照射在神车上。这时车停下,叶空等人从车中走出,让自己的身体沐浴在阳光下。 Looks up, sees only, an incomparably big construction, like this appears in front of Ye Kong's. 抬头去看,只见,一个无比高大的建筑,就这样出现在叶空的面前。 Sees only that is resembles the pyramid same construction. But that is not a pyramid, but is duplicate Integration of many pyramid, the triangle is putting up the triangle, there are many triangles, many pyramid, has composed one greatly grand, moreover very mysterious huge construction! 只见那是一个好像金字塔一样的建筑。而那并不是一个金字塔,而是很多金字塔的复合体,三角形架着三角形,有很多的三角形,很多的金字塔,组成了一个巨大的宏伟的而且非常的神秘的巨大建筑! That construction like this stands erect in the surrounding of moon/month clan territory, half body stands erect in the sea of clouds. 那建筑就这样竖立在月族领地的外围,半个身子竖立在云海之中。 This is mother tower!” The person on the scene and others, except for that old steward, other no one have seen the female tower of prison clan, therefore at this moment looks like, by this scene grand and magnificent and shocking! “这就是母塔!”在场人等,除了那个老管家,其他谁也没有见过狱族的母塔,所以此刻看来,都是被这场景的雄伟和壮观而震惊! If first is grand, then mother tower gives people the second feeling is also two characters, is ruined! 如果第一眼是雄伟,那么母塔给人第二眼的感觉也是两个字,就是破败! Sees only that huge grand construction, was actually motley cannot withstand, constructs the superficial color to fill rust stain! Those who make the person love dearly, conforms to pyramid buttress tower, at this moment has resembled the broken fence, blocks from here unable to block from that side! 只见那么巨大雄伟的建筑上,却是斑驳不堪,建筑表面的颜色更是充满了锈渍!更加让人心疼的是,很多符合金字塔其中的小塔,此刻都已经好像残破的围墙,遮住这边遮不住那边! Good magnificent female tower, but was tattered and torn.” Fading God Yao Hui cannot help but sighed. “好壮观的母塔,不过已经千疮百孔了。”衰神姚卉不由得感叹。 That several businessmen open the mouth to say with a smile, this, mother tower just came time, but also suffered the looting of moon/month of Demon Race person!” 那几个生意人开口笑道,“就算这样,母塔刚来的时候,还遭受了月魔族人的洗劫!” Yao Hui gets angry immediately: „Aren't these moon/month of Demon Race people are very honest timidly? So is hateful, others prison clan so was pitiful!” 姚卉顿时怒道:“那些月魔族人不是都很诚实胆小么?怎么也这么可恶,人家狱族都这么可怜了!” Said with a smile in the phoenix seven old stewards: This is not strange, bullies the virtuous and fears the wicked in this world became the theorem, the prison clan when a place, the first matter that must suffer, was looted. However can loot their thing, perhaps is not that simple!” 于凤七的老管家笑道:“这并不奇怪,在这个世界欺善怕恶已经成为定理,狱族每到一个地方,要遭受的第一件事,就是被洗劫。不过能洗劫到他们的东西,恐怕也不是那么简单!” Yao Huiqi said that why? You did not say, the house of prison clan is unexpected outsider against own, I want to be individual can go.” 姚卉奇道,“为何?你不是说,狱族的房屋都是不防外人防自己的,我想是个人都可以进去吧。” This time of old steward has not spoken, that several businessmen open the mouth to say first: Fact truly is this, is individual can enter their home, but wants to take by force these prison clans, is actually not that simple.” 这回老管家没有说话,那几个生意人先开口道:“事实确实是这样,是个人都可以进他们的家,可是想要打劫那些狱族,却不是那么简单的。” The people got so far as by their words muddled. If were prison clan constructs a prison to close oneself, the person who then outside came in probably was the prison guard is the same. The prison clan wanted to find the criminal to take by force, had the difficulty very much? 众人都被他们的话语弄到糊涂了。如果是狱族建了一个监狱把自己关起来,那么外边进来的人就好像是狱卒一样。狱族想要找到犯人并打劫,难道很有难度么? Is speaking to see only in them, from the ruined black prison God tower, flies the slender forms of several wear black long gowns. After several forms come out, directly flies to Ye Kong their front, fell. 正在他们说话只见,从破败的黑狱神塔上方,飞出来几个穿着黑色长袍子的修长身影。几个身影出来以后,就直接飞临到叶空他们前方,落下走了过来。 Ye Kong notes, although that several forms hide behind the black gown, but that gown very frail. Along with their taking a walk, even can feel inside thigh. 叶空注意到,那几个身影虽然躲在黑袍子后边,不过那袍子非常的单薄。随着他们的走动,甚至都能感觉到里边的大腿。 Probably is stature good woman.” Back She Lingpeng also looked, shameless winked to say. “好像是身材不错的女人呢。”后边佘凌鹏也看出来了,无耻的挤眼说道。 Sex maniac!” Xiaoshunzi hypocrisy does not respond, the vision actually looks to Yao Hui, exhibits a heartfelt appearance. “色鬼!”小顺子假正经的不搭理,目光却是看向姚卉,摆出一副衷心的样子。 That several prison clan women arrive in front of Ye Kong's, opens the mouth saying: Is Ye Kong Senior Ye?” 那几个狱族女人走到叶空的面前,开口说道:“请问是叶空叶前辈么?” The Ye Kong nod said: Good, I am Ye Kong.” 叶空点头道:“不错,我就是叶空。” Then invited, our red front Patriarch asked honored guest to enter.” That several female prison clans very polite, said that when shows the way first, leading everybody to move toward the front door direction of black prison God tower. “那么请吧,我们红锋族长请诸位贵客进入。”那几个女狱族都十分的客气,说完,当先领路,带着大家都走向黑狱神塔的大门方向。 Sees Ye Kong just to come to receive the interview of prison clan Patriarch in several businessmen who the phoenix seven old stewards know, is surprised looks at Ye Kong, they do business in the far away place, but also does not know really the Bei Jian God country had this strong character. 于凤七的老管家认识的几个生意人看见叶空刚来就受到狱族族长的接见,都是吃惊的看着叶空,他们都在偏远的地方做生意,还真的不知道北剑神国又出了这号强势的人物。 Ye Kong and the others walk to inside, enters to the interior of black prison God tower, feels was not only magnificent, what were more was to the exquisiteness of prison clan craft! Although this tower after spoiling of many eras, can have the so fine design unexpectedly, but can also see the so exquisite design...... Makes Ye Kong and the others praise to the heavens. 叶空等人一路向里边走,进入到黑狱神塔的内部,感觉到的就不但是辉煌了,更多的是对狱族工艺的精湛!虽然这塔在多少个纪元的糟蹋之后,竟然还能有如此精美的图案,还能看出如此精巧的设计……都让叶空等人叹为观止。 The dwelling of Patriarch red front in some small pyramid of black prison God tower roof. Ye Kong has also ravelled finally, why the prison clan called the black prison God tower to be the female tower. Is because in this God tower divides compound for innumerable little pyramid. These little pyramid are called the child towers! 族长红锋的住处就在黑狱神塔最高处的某个小型的金字塔中。叶空也终于弄明白了,为什么狱族叫黑狱神塔为母塔。是因为这神塔之中又分割复合为无数的小金字塔。那些小的金字塔就被称作子塔! But each child tower probably respected family, a yard, inside lives in a family of prison clan! 而每个子塔就好像一个大家族,一个大院,里边住在一个狱族的家族! But enters the child tower of roof red front family, everybody understood why other families want to hit the breaking into a jail clan are how not the easy matter. 而走进最高处红锋家族的子塔,大家又明白了为什么外族想要打劫狱族是多么不容易的事。 Originally in each child tower, has the channel of innumerable repeat in cycles, probably is a giant labyrinth is the same! Although prison clan only against unexpected others, but outside actually supposes the next giant labyrinth! Person who these want to take by force, entry that you can open access, but you think that the old haunt supreme headquarters of prison clan, that is not one matter that is easy to achieve! 原来在每个子塔之中,有着无数的循环往复的通道,就好像是一个巨大的迷宫一样!虽然狱族只防自己不防别人,可是外边却设下一座巨大的迷宫!那些想打劫的人,你是可以畅通无阻的进入,可是你想到狱族的老窝大本营,那就不是一件容易做到的事! Ye Kong and the others enter the labyrinth with that several stature good prison clan females, he cannot bear emits divine sense, wants to induce this labyrinth to be difficult to walk. 叶空等人跟着那几个身材不错的狱族女子走进迷宫,他忍不住就放出神识,想要感应一下这迷宫到底多难走。 His divine sense emits knows, this all around wall absorbs divine sense, your divine sense can only go forward following a channel! Ye Kong explores divine sense forward, quick, his divine sense has arrived at the head. However is very regrettable, is the dead end. Ye Kong takes back divine sense, from has traded a way newly, finally is defeated. 神识放出才知道,这四周的墙壁都是吸收神识的,你的神识只能顺着一个通道前进!叶空神识向前探索,很快,他的神识就已经走到了头。不过很遗憾,是死路一条。叶空收回神识,又从新换了一条路径,最后还是失败。 Like Ye Kong, all people walk while emit divine sense, thinks that ( 5 ) must find in this labyrinth that road to center. However all people have tried innumerable, finally gave up. 叶空一样,所有的人都是一边走一边放出神识,想㊣(5)要找到这迷宫之中通往中心的那条路。不过所有人都试了无数遍,最后还是放弃了。 Because this labyrinth design was too exquisite! The possibility are too many! Let alone makes Ye Kong they use the footsteps to walk, stands with divine sense that keeps there surveys, perhaps also or knew many ten thousand years to find a correct road! 因为这迷宫设计太精巧了!可能性太多!别说真的让叶空他们用脚步走,就是站在那里不停的用神识探测,恐怕也要不知多少万年才能找到一条正确的路! But what is more depressing, it is said the roads in these labyrinths also during unceasing change! 而更加让人沮丧的是,据说那些迷宫的路还在不断的变化之中! Such road is complex to outsider, can not be awkward to the prison clan. With that several women, Ye Kong they only walk the time of having burnt a joss stick, stood before an elegant palace. 这样的路对外人复杂,可以对狱族来说并不为难。跟着那几个女人,叶空他们只走了一炷香的时间,就站在了一座典雅的宫殿之前。 Come.” Ye Kong and the others file . The design of that palace also very unusual, the gate of normal person opens toward, but here gate opens outward, the door bolt installs outside, this scene really hears something never heard of before. “请进。”叶空等人跟着鱼贯而入。那宫殿的设计也是非常的奇特,正常人的门是往内开,而这里的门是往外开,门闩都装在外边,这种场景实在闻所未闻。 Enters in the main hall, inside sits one to have the imposing manner man very much. His is tall, wears the black gown, the face four directions, the look is dignified, a forehead square jail mark, on the face punctured completely various strange typefaces. 进入大殿之中,里边已经坐着了一个很有气势的男子。他的身材高大,也是穿着黑色的袍子,面孔四方,相貌威严,眉心一个四方的牢型标记,脸上刺满了各种怪异的字体。 Ye Kong looks to know, this was Patriarch. 叶空一看知道,这就是族长了。 Younger generation Ye Kong, sees the prison God God Venerable!” Ye Kong does not dare to neglect, holds the fist in the other hand to bow in salute to salute. “晚辈叶空,见过狱神神尊!”叶空不敢怠慢,抱拳作揖行礼。 Dispense with ceremony, I heard that you do bring the letter that the Craftsman God God Venerable?” Prison God actually direct very much, opens the mouth pertinently, obviously, others prison clan does not give you Ye Kong's face, to the Craftsman God face! “免礼,我听说你带来了匠神神尊的信?”狱神倒是直接的很,一开口就切中要害,显然,人家狱族不是给你叶空的面子,是给匠神的面子! Yes.” Ye Kong sends to the Craftsman God jade Cambodia hastily. However Ye Kong thinks at heart, f*ck your ancestor board board, if you know that Craftsman God told me, will not help the prison clan repair mother tower absolutely, you can drive out me at the scene? “是。”叶空连忙送上匠神的玉柬。不过叶空心里又想,日你先人板板,如果你知道匠神跟我说,绝对不会帮狱族修理母塔,那你会不会当场把我赶出去呢? To the words of reader: 给读者的话: Today three chapters! Thank reads «» First round Does not have Advertisement Welcome to «» 今天三章!感谢阅《》首发无广告请到《》 Please share 请分享 " " target = " _ blank " >\; " target="_blank">\;" target = " _ blank " >\; " >\; target="_blank">\;">\;
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