MC :: Volume #28

#2765: Being destined

2765 is destined 2765命中注定 „The axe of god of thunder! Cuts!” “雷神之斧!斩!” A black clothes, the whole body was stood by the black package mysterious incomparable ugly God in the summit of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sea of clouds, a lifting hand finger/refers of being relentless, in the mouth drinks this! 一袭黑衣,全身都被黑色的包裹神秘无比的丑神站在万丈云海之巅,毫不留情的抬手一指,口中喝出这一声! The ugly God in the day jade mountain cultivate 1 million years, all efforts, contains in! All loves hate, contains in this axe! This axe, is containing an ugly God 1 million years of experience! 丑神在天琅山修炼1000000年,所有的努力,都含在其中!所有的爱恨,也含在这一斧之中!这一斧,蕴涵着丑神1000000年的经历! Was ridiculed, was satirized, was spurned! 被人讥笑,被人讽刺,被人唾弃! All, in this axe! 一切的一切,都在这一斧之中! Does not want!” Although the snake God is God Lord, although beautiful Lisa was very formidable, although, although...... But this is came from a Immortal Spiritual God the strength! God king, Immortal Spiritual God, the kings of ten thousand God! “不要!”虽然蛇神是主神,虽然美丽莎已经很强大,虽然,虽然……可是这是来自一位不朽神灵的力量!神王,不朽神灵,万神之王! The god of thunder, is one for the Spiritual God that the powerful is famous! 雷神,本来就是一位以强力著称的神灵! beautiful Lisa sees this axe to cut, in a pair of beautiful beautiful pupil as if saw in world most terrifying matter! 美丽莎看见这一斧斩下,一双美艳的美眸中仿佛看见了世间最恐怖的事! No! Does not want!” beautiful Lisa's sharp howling, perfectly round body crazy swaying from side to side of her huge yellow red interaction, wants to run away! “不!不要!”美丽莎尖利的吼叫,她巨大的黄红相间的滚圆身体疯狂的扭动,想要逃走! During she from this strikes, saw the terrifying might, sees formidable killing intent, seeing her dead inevitably! 她从这一击之中,看见了恐怖的威力,看见强大的杀意,看见了她必然的死亡! Bang! 轰! An axe, is relentless, is having the prestige of formidable god of thunder, like this cuts on the beautiful Lisa's body! 一斧,毫不留情的,带着强大的雷神之威,就这样斩在美丽莎的身体上! An axe cuts in the center-section of beautiful Lisa giant body, but that blue formidable electric current actually crazily walks randomly her whole body! But in that crazy electric current, the change that also there are shocks everybody earthshakingly the huge thunderclap that keeps! 一斧斩在美丽莎巨大身体的中段,不过那蓝色的强大电流却是疯狂的游走她的全身!而在那疯狂的电流之中,又有惊天动地惊世骇俗的巨大雷声不停的翻动! This axe no doubt is having the boundless strength, but a more formidable shortcoming is actually this walks randomly, God thunder! 这一斧固然带着磅礴的力量,可是更强大的缺点却是这游走的,神雷! The surroundings do not know many Shenzhou of green bright God country's was brought the disaster, during this strikes, vanishes in a puff of smoke! But Half-Step God and Deity more green bright God country's, actually crazy flees and becomes separated! 周围不知多少的绿煌神国的神舟被带灾,在这一击之中,灰飞烟灭!而更多的绿煌神国的偏神神人们,却是疯狂的逃散开去! Distant Deity that these run away turn head to look, this panic-stricken seeing, the body of beautiful Lisa that giant and bright snake God, in the blue God thunder, started the collapse! 那些逃的远远的神人们回头看,这才惊恐的看见,美丽莎那巨大而鲜艳的蛇神的身体,在蓝色的神雷之中,开始了崩溃! The beautiful Lisa's God body, started to be finished! 美丽莎的神体,开始完蛋! Does not want! I cannot die!” beautiful Lisa yells the penetration trim sea of clouds crazily! “不要!我不能死!”美丽莎疯狂的喊叫穿透整片云海! Does not know the multi- distant places, the giant who a whole body oozes pus hears this to shout, immediately the whole body shakes, the face that whole face oozes pus first is one startled, afterward reveals the color of pain! 不知多远处,一个全身流脓的巨人听见这一声嘶吼,顿时全身就是一震,那满脸流脓的脸孔先是一惊,随后流露出痛苦之色! Lisa!” Although the poisonous God has gotten down enough toxin to Ye Kong, can start these hidden toxins at any time, making Ye Kong stop like the deceased person! But when he hears beautiful Lisa's shouting, he wants not to think, goes crazy same flees! “丽莎!”虽然毒神给叶空下了足够的毒,可以随时发动那些隐毒,让叶空像个死人一样停下!可是当他听见美丽莎的呼喊,他还是想都没有想,发疯一样的奔逃回去! beautiful Lisa, do not die!” The poisonous God shouts loudly! Perhaps in 1 million years of being together, beautiful Lisa, is really not only the use so is for him simple! “美丽莎,你不要死!”毒神放声嘶吼!或许在1000000年的相处中,美丽莎对他来说,已经并不是真的只是利用那么简单! But in that side sea of clouds, a mysterious man of whole body black clothes, grasped to return to original state human form beautiful Lisa, this beautiful woman, although her God body also remains 2%, enters the stupor at any time, but must acknowledge, she is still the beautiful woman who makes all men move. 而在那边云海之中,一个全身黑衣的神秘男子,已经抱住了还原成人形的美丽莎,这个美艳的女人,虽然她的神体还剩2,随时进入昏迷,可是不能不承认,她依然是个让所有男人动心的美艳女人。 Jianyi, saw my this, did you satisfy?” beautiful Lisa at this moment, did not have the strength, did not have the ambition, is similar to many years ago is the same, lies down in the bosom of ugly God, is having the light smiling face. “建义,看到我这样,你满意了吗?”此刻的美丽莎,没有了力量,没有了野心,如同很多年前一样,躺在丑神的怀中,带着淡淡的笑容。 In that beautiful smiling face, filled despaired and sorrowful. 只是那美艳的笑容之中,充满了绝望和悲哀。 The ugly God is holding this soft body, motionless, as if also returned many years ago...... He is only ordinary Deity, he is also not the ugly God, he is very small and weak, he is having the dream, has this woman! 丑神抱着这具柔软的身体,一动不动,仿佛也回到了很多年前……他只是一个普通的神人,他还不是丑神,他还很弱小,他带着梦想,拥有这个女人! „Did you satisfy? Is this result that you must see?” beautiful Lisa another said. Her speech did not have the past arrogance, has not kept aloof, has not played with the man in the self-confidence of stock palm. “你满意了嘛?这就是你要看到的结局嘛?”美丽莎又一声说道。她的说话没有了往日的趾高气扬,没有高高在上,没有把男人玩弄于股掌的自信。 Said gently, said that the tears have rolling flowed off. 只是轻柔地说道,说完,泪水已经滚滚流下。 No! This is not the result that I want to see!” Ugly God cannot help but replied, the beautiful Lisa's words chui has hit in his heart the softest place. Although this place had been used the thick hard incomparable shell to wrap by him, is in the face of beautiful Lisa's a few words, actually disintegrates! “不!这不是我想看到的结局!”丑神不由自主的就回答道,美丽莎的话已经一棰击中了他心中最柔软的地方。虽然这个地方已经被他用厚厚的坚硬无比的壳包裹起来,可是在美丽莎的一句话面前,却是土崩瓦解! Why you must like this to me!” During shouting that beautiful Lisa with tears goes crazy suddenly, shouts, she extends make a move, the snow white hand suddenly on rips open on ugly God face is keeping off the black cloth...... “那你为什么要这样对我!”含泪的美丽莎突然发疯的嘶吼,嘶吼之中,她伸出手,雪白的手突如其来就一把撕开丑神脸上的挡着的黑布…… Appears at present, is a cleanly thorough incomparable face! 出现在眼前的,是一张干净地彻底无比的脸! Without the eye, does not have the mouth, does not have the hair, does not have all on others face! Only then in the forehead, there is white Godhead, this was Cai Jianyi, person who absolutely did not have the face. 没有眼睛,没有嘴巴,没有毛发,没有别人脸上的一切!只有眉心之中,有颗白色的神格,这就是蔡建义,完全没有脸的人。 Your this coward! I make you ask others to plant flowers, you are bent on having oneself type, can you blame me? I make you kill the poisonous God, you cannot achieve, compelling me to use the appearance to entice the poisonous God, can you blame me? Your Cultivation Base is bad, hope that simply has not raised one's head, you also want me with you, can you blame me?” “你这个孬种!我让你去找别人种花,你偏要自己种,你能怪我么?我让你害死毒神,你做不到,逼得我自己用色相去勾引毒神,你能怪我么?你自己修为不济,根本没有出头的希望,你还要我跟着你,你能怪我么?” beautiful Lisa each issue probably benefits the arrow same to jab into the ugly God, he who asked was dumbfounded! Perhaps, each gratitude and grudges, looking from the different people, has the different loves to hate! 美丽莎每一个问题都好像利箭一样刺进丑神心里,问的他哑口无言!或许,每一段恩怨,从不同的人看,就有不同的爱恨! Your this coward, you spoke, you used the mouth to speak! I know that you want to cry, you burst into tears! Your this coward! Your this coward!” “你这个孬种,你说话啊,你用嘴说话呀!我知道你想哭,你流泪啊!你这个孬种!你这个孬种!” beautiful Lisa goes crazy to be the same probably, crazy digging out of a pair of white and tender hand on the ugly God tabula rasa same face grasps! 美丽莎好像发疯一样,一双白嫩的手在丑神白板一样的脸孔上疯狂的抠抓! Can see, ugly God the cheek on face starts to damage, the breakage spot, has the bright red flesh and blood to appear, has the blood bead from seeps out! 可以看见,丑神的脸上的面皮开始破损,破裂的部位,有鲜红的血肉出现,有血珠从其中渗出! Your this coward, you knows that harms my good deed!” beautiful Lisa as in going crazy grabs the face of ugly God...... “你这个孬种,你就知道害我的好事!”美丽莎依旧在发疯的抓着丑神的脸…… However suddenly, the ugly God actually fiercely lifts the hand, seizes a beautiful Lisa's hand. 不过突然,丑神却是猛地一抬手,将美丽莎的一只手捉住。 In that white and tender hand, under the index finger, drop of powder blue liquid, is dispersing the light flower fragrance in the air! 在那白嫩的手上,食指下,一滴粉蓝色的液体,正在空气中发散出淡淡的花香! „The toxin of non- face flower, you may really be natural!” The voice of ugly God spreads from his abdomen, has not imagined the anger, not moved, on the contrary, feeling relaxed, beautiful Lisa, you, if this move, I have not known that really how to deal with you! Actually, do not look that I have not spoken, do not look that I am very sad, but, but I have been waiting, when you leave this move, I have truly execute your determination!” “无脸花之毒,你可真是大方!”丑神的声音从他腹中传出,并没有想象中愤怒,也没有伤感,相反,还有一种释然,“美丽莎,你若不出这一招,我还真的不知如何应对你!其实,别看我没有说话,别看我很悲伤,可是,可是我一直在等,等你出这一招,我才有真正处死你的决心!” Hears this, beautiful Lisa's both eyes stared immediately in a big way, immediately smiled bitterly saying that you changed, you really changed, originally you have been waiting to kill me! So that's how it is, you really changed! Is I am silly!” 听见这一句,美丽莎的双目顿时瞪大了,随即苦笑道,“你变了,你真的变了,原来你一直都在等着杀死我!原来如此,你真的变了!是我傻!” Was not I changed, was I grows! Also is not you are silly, but is you are too intelligent!” “不是我变了,是我成长了!也不是你傻,而是你太聪明!” Ugly God Cai Jianyi roared, the palm makes an effort fiercely, beautiful Lisa's own finger wrenched apart immediately, that sharp fingertip, just inserted in the flesh of her arm! 丑神蔡建义怒吼一声,手掌猛地一用力,美丽莎自己的手指顿时扭断,那锋利的指尖,刚好插进她自己手臂的肌肤之中! „! Does not want!” beautiful Lisa's crazy shouting, she was put aside by Cai Jianyi fiercely! “啊!不要!”美丽莎疯狂的嘶吼,她被蔡建义猛地丢开! Can clear seeing, this make the man infatuated body everywhere in emitting the black smog, but in the haze, her body starts rottenly, then beautiful appearance face, rapid rottenly becomes the white flesh lump! 可以清楚的看见,这具让男人痴迷的身体到处都在冒出黑色的烟雾,而在烟气中,她的身体开始腐烂,那么美貌的脸,也迅速腐烂成白色的肉块! „! No!” When the poisonous God dashes about wildly to return, appears in him at present, is just beautiful Lisa is rotten, absolutely did not have the human form picture! “啊!不!”当毒神狂奔返回,出现在他眼前的,刚好是美丽莎腐烂不堪,已经完全没有人形的景象! Although beautiful Lisa has poisoned poisonous God, although the beautiful Lisa goal is to control the poisonous God, although beautiful Lisa at the back of poisonous God and She Lingpeng illicit intercourse, but these cannot conceal a fact, the poisonous God has the real sentiment to beautiful Lisa! 虽然美丽莎毒害了毒神,虽然美丽莎目的是控制毒神,虽然美丽莎背着毒神和佘凌鹏苟合,可是这一些都不能掩盖一个事实,毒神却是对美丽莎有着真的感情! Does not want......” poisonous God face distortion to be incomparable, in the item has the tears to roll down, opens the mouth to say slowly, felt relieved, I will become Immortal will resurrect your! Lisa, you are waiting! My certain meeting!” “不要……”毒神面孔扭曲无比,目中有泪水滚下,开口缓缓道,“放心,我会成为不朽复活你的!丽莎,你等着!我一定会!” The poisonous God said, both eyes look at the front ugly God, turns head Ye Kong that has a look at to catch up with afterward, in the mouth every single word or phrase said, I before diligently cultivate, the only matter that must do, kills you, kills your two bastards!” 毒神说完,双目看着前方的丑神,又回头看看随后赶来的叶空,口中一字一句道,“不过我在努力修炼之前,要做的唯一一件事,就是杀死你们,杀死你们这两个混蛋!” Ye Kong comes back also to see beautiful Lisa to be killed by poison, but thinks that many non- face clans, he thought this woman dies under the toxin of non- face flower, is really destined! ro! ~! 叶空回来也看见美丽莎被毒死,不过想到那么多无脸族,他却又觉得这个女人死在无脸花之毒下,真是命中注定!ro!~! 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