MC :: Volume #14

#1308: Immortal treasure trade fair

Chapter 1308 immortal treasure trade fair 第1308章仙宝交易会 Ye Kong hear of that females receive a word, in the heart remember one person immediately, asked hastily, „, but Hong Mengni?” 叶空听那女接待一言,心中顿时想起一人,连忙问道,“可是洪梦妮?” Since the Jubao star distinction, Ye Kong the quick ten years had not seen Hong Mengni. Hurried that initially walked, has not greeted with her, afterward had not asked her news...... How also did not know this pitiful girl. 自从在聚宝星分别,叶空都已经快十年没见到洪梦妮了。当初走的匆忙,都没和她打招呼,后来一直也没问她消息……也不知道这个可怜的女孩怎么样了。 However that hostess is actually shakes the head to say with a smile, sorry, because the activity is that five big company does, we also really understand not many, specifically the one who invited was, also only then they know.” 不过那女招待却是摇头笑道,“对不起,因为活动是那五大商号搞的,我们还真的了解不多,具体请的是谁,也只有他们知道。” „.” The Ye Kong nod did not speak, walked toward in the female reception. In this Jubao great boat is really broad in scale, adds a Exalted Immortal coordination again, is simply ordinary with a microcosm. “哦。”叶空点头不语,跟着女接待往里走。这聚宝巨舟里果然规模宏大,再加上仙阵的配合,简直就跟一个小世界一般。 That female reception also said that „our Jubao great boats were mainly divided into several service areas. The bottommost floor, is lodging area, the guest can purchase or rent the room, year to year lives there......” 那女接待又介绍道,“我们这聚宝巨舟主要分为几个服务区。最下边的底层,是住宿区,客人可以购买或者租赁房间,常年住在那里……” Kuang Peng said with a smile, heard that on this great boat was the places of amusement, if I affirmed the lingering debauchery, did not need to buy a real estate.” 狂鹏笑道,“听说这个巨舟上都是玩乐之处,若是我肯定流连灯红酒绿,不需要自己买一处房产吧。” The female reception said with a smile, guest, your this does not understand. Actually lingered outside for a long time, will want to obtain the feeling of family/home, had a family/home on the ship, that will play happily. Moreover, a kind of person also will purchase the house on the ship, that is the fleeing criminal or by chasing down person. Here, the unusual security, everybody immortal strength Cultivation Base was suppressed, even if sees the personal enemy, has no alternative. Moreover, lived obtains our Li Jia to shelter here, therefore was the iron prison mountain does not have the means.” 女接待笑道,“客人,您这就不懂了。其实在外流连久了,就会想要得到家的感觉,在船上有一个家,那会玩得更加开心。另外,还有一类人也会在船上购买房子,那就是逃犯或是被人追杀之人。在这里,非常的安全,大家仙力修为都被压制,就算看见仇家,也是无可奈何。而且,住在这里就是得到了我们李家庇护,所以就算是铁狱山也没办法呢。” Back the prison guards of iron prison mountain, as soon as listens to be angry, each one chirp, wishes one could to go forward with the female reception theory. However thinks that cannot expose the status, they also only then holding down temper. 后边铁狱山的狱卒们一听大怒,个个叽叽喳喳,恨不得上前跟女接待理论。不过想到不能暴露身份,他们也只有按住性子。 The Ye Kong heart said that this excuse gathers the one method of customer, cannot readily believe. Also has not been careful, smiles lightly, along with the tastes, how, on your ship to have the fleeing criminal who the iron prison mountain arrests?” 叶空心说这种说词不过是招揽顾客的一种手段,轻信不得。也没上心,淡淡一笑,随口道,“怎么,你们船上有铁狱山缉拿的逃犯?” The female reception said with a smile, I was heard many years ago have also occurred, now has does not know that these fleeing criminals will not tell me after all on own initiative.” 女接待笑道,“我也是听说很多年前发生过,现在有没有就不知道了,毕竟那些逃犯不会主动告诉我吧。” Kuang Peng opened the mouth to ask at this time, on that your ship these many people, is the public security so good? What to do if occurred to be contradictory?” 狂鹏这时开口问道,“那你们船上这么多人,治安就这么好么?万一发生矛盾怎么办?” The female reception said, on our ship also has the field of honor, if you and your personal enemy agreed, can sign the life and death copy clerk, enters the duel, the one-to-one duel, is absolutely fair, no one can cheat. Naturally, others have also been able to concentrate, except for extracting part gives the dead to make the funeral expenses, other tap parts turn over to the winner, our Li does not make the one cent.” 女接待道,“我们船上也有决斗场,如果你和你的仇人都同意,就可以签下生死文书,进入决斗,一对一的决斗,绝对公平,谁都不可以作弊。当然了,别人也可以投注,除了抽出其中一部分给死者做丧葬费,其他抽头部分都归赢家,我们李家不赚一分钱。” Field of honor, this is actually good.” Kuang Peng nods. “决斗场,这倒是不错。”狂鹏点头。 That female reception has not introduced, arrived at one to pass the road junction. She said, enters this channel, came to the end is the trade fair, if did not have other matters, I left.” 那女接待还没介绍完,就已经来到一处通道口。她说道,“进入这个通道,走到尽头就是交易会了,如果没有其他事情,我就离开了。” Ye Kong just nodded, back has the prison guard to say in a low voice, supernumerary official......” 叶空刚点头,后边却有狱卒低声道,“员外……” Turns head to look, on that ten prison guards all faces has the color of awkward plea, embarrassed said. 回头一看,那十个狱卒个个脸上有尴尬恳求之色,却又不好意思说。 You......” the Ye Kong eye winked winking, immediately understood. “你们……”叶空眼睛眨了眨,顿时明白了。 Your Ye Kong wants to shop, but they do not think. They usually stayed are bored in the iron prison mountain, came out now, naturally wanted the amusement to relax. Listened a moment ago that shop boss said that are excited, now has come , the amusement one was really not unfair to itself. 叶空想购物,可是他们不想。他们平日在铁狱山呆得是无聊透顶,现在出来了,当然要玩乐放松一下。刚才听那店老板介绍的时候,一个个就心动了,现在已经进来了,不玩乐一下实在对不起自己。 Ye Kong knows their thoughts, the nod said, that you then freely move. However remembers make a few rules for all concerned.” 叶空知道他们心思,点头道,“那你们便自由活动去吧。不过记住约法三章。” The prison guards said with a smile immediately happily, supernumerary official you felt relieved!” 众狱卒立即开心笑道,“员外你就放心呗!” So-called made a few rules for all concerned is Ye Kong has decided some customs before going out to them, anything went out do not stir up trouble, do not expose the status, can not use the crime immortal rope casually wait/etc.. 所谓约法三章就是叶空在出门之前给他们定了些规矩,什么出门不要惹事,不要暴露身份,不得随便动用罪仙索等等。 Then, Ye Kong Kuang Peng and Wu Yong three people enter the channel of trade fair. But that ten prison guards also separately move with the female reception. Some stroll the brothel, some go to the gambling establishment, even also some look for the demon person woman...... 接下来,叶空狂鹏和吴勇三人走进交易会的通道。而那十个狱卒则是跟着女接待也分头行动。有的去逛青楼,有的去赌场,甚至还有的去找魔人女人…… Enters the channel, Ye Kong discovers the surrounding scenery, although has not changed, but back these stations the service personnel actually disappeared. As if entered in Array Method. Wu Yong is also one startled, but Ye Kong said with a smile: Might as well, this is to give the swapper keeps secret.” 走进通道,叶空发现周围景物虽然没有变,可是后边那些站着的服务人员却都消失了。仿佛自己走进了一个阵法中。吴勇也是一惊,不过叶空却笑道:“无妨,这是为了给交易者保密。” Participates in trade fair is not each one is extremely expert, there is Cultivation Base to be quite low the shallow person. If these people attend the trade fair with the true colors, in the heart has the worry. Although they are safe at the trade fair, if leaves the trade fair? Again or, do some people tag along after quietly? 参加交易会的其中也不是个个都是绝顶高手,也有修为比较低浅之人。这些人如果用真面目参加交易会,心中就有担心。虽然在交易会上他们是安全的,可是如果离开交易会呢?再或者,有人悄悄尾随呢? Therefore, outside this trade fair has established Array Method. Although seems like a channel, but this is actually thousand 10 million/absolutely ten thousand channels. How everybody urinates, will not urinate to a pot, do not track shyly. 因此,这交易会外边就设置了一个阵法。虽然看似一个通道,可是这却是千千万万个通道。大家怎么尿,都不会尿到一个壶里的,就不要怕人跟踪了。 a short while later, comes to the channel end, here had the reception personnel to wait. 没一会,走到通道尽头,这边已经有接待人员在等待了。 Three seniors, the immortal treasure trade fair is held, if participates to need everyone to pay 100 immortal jade the expenses. If not want to be recognized, can purchase a mask, 20 immortal jade.” Young male Immortal comes up to say politely. “三位前辈,仙宝交易会正在举行,如果参加需要每人缴纳100仙玉的费用。如果不想被人认出,可以购买一只面具,20仙玉。”一个年轻男仙人上来客气说道。 Ye Kong they at this moment already durable old strength, before appearance, has the difference greatly, might as well according to the truth. However Ye Kong also asked, „the present Zhou Jiajun Shanghai Normal College crosses the immortal tribulation, feared that is the celebrity in this trade fair are many, what people?” 叶空他们此刻已经用了苍老之力,面貌和以前大有不同,按道理是无妨的。不过叶空还是又问了下,“眼下正是周佳俊大上师渡仙劫,怕是这次交易会上的名人不少,都有些什么人?” Young male Immortal said: „, We of these concealment status did not say. However also has much has not gone into hiding status, I saw Mr. Li big personally to come, but these concealment status, think that also had many all Immortal Emperor's Residence celebrity.” 年轻男仙人道:“哦,那些隐匿身份的我们不好说。不过也有不少没有隐匿身份的,我就看见李大老板都亲自来了,而那些隐匿身份的,想必也有不少各方仙帝府的名人。” Ye Kong one hear, opens the mouth saying: That takes three masks.” 叶空一听,开口道:“那就拿三个面具。” Then, takes out immortal jade chest, the palm wipes outside, the white light mistake, 360 immortal jade appeared on the tray in back waitress hand. 说完,取出仙玉匣,手掌在外一抹,白光过处,360块仙玉已经出现在后边女服务员手中的托盘上。 Three seniors, please.” That year light male Immortal then let opening, he behind is a leaf of door. “三位前辈,请。”那年轻男仙人这才让开路,他身后是一扇小门。 Wu Yong wears the mask on face, snort/hum said: 20 immortal jade are only anything affect do not have the mask, does not have including the cape, if the acquaintance can recognize with my attire sound, was really too rip-off.” 吴勇把面具戴在脸上,哼道:“20块仙玉只是个什么作用都没有面具,连斗篷都没有,若是熟人还是可以凭着我衣着声音认出,真是太宰人了。” Ye Kong said with a smile: You make to put up with. However looked that our hair beard was white, blocks the face, can recognize our is not simple.” 叶空笑道:“你就将就将就吧。不过看我们一个头发胡子都白了,又挡住脸,能认出我们的也不简单了。” Pushes the door, three people suddenly see the light at present. Surprisingly, after this, was the exchange hall, at this moment inside was putting several hundred tables, was the round tables, in each table population, but at least also had five people. Such calculates, several thousand people are trading unexpectedly. 一推门,三人眼前豁然开朗。让人惊讶的是,这门后就是交易大厅了,此刻里边放着数百张桌子,都是圆桌,每桌上人数不等,不过至少也有五人。这么一算,竟然有数千人正在交易。 The front of hall, the stage, above is standing a auctioneer, is opening the mouth saying: This is a Immortal World rare Silver Dragon ring. Everybody please look that......” was saying, has the beautiful appearance female to push a car(riage) to come up on seeing behind, on the car, a slender woman white hands model, is assuming the orchid fingers posture, is really attractive. 大厅的前方,有一个高台,上边站着一个拍卖师,正在开口道:“这是一件仙界难得的银龙指环。大家请看……”说着,就看见后边有美貌女子推着一辆车上来,小车上,一只纤细的女人玉手模型,摆着兰花指姿势,煞是好看。 However the hand is not the key. The key is on the finger, a silver bright ring! The modeling of that ring is a fine dragonet, the body of dragon is being densely covered the scale, from each direction, unexpectedly also some different color rays. The body of Silver Dragon encircles a circular, forms a ring, very attractive, under the illumination of light, simply is perfect general, let alone the woman, was the man looks has moved. 不过手不是关键。关键是手指上,一只银光闪闪的指环!那指环的造型是一条精致的小龙,龙的身上密布着鳞片,从各个方向来看,居然还有不同颜色的光芒。银龙的身体围成一个圆形,形成一个指环,非常的漂亮,在灯光的照射下,简直是完美一般,别说女人,就是男人看了都动心。 The auctioneers said: This Silver Dragon ring modeling is unique, the woman wears in the hand obviously honored! The value is extraordinary, the man wears the movement in the hand appears graceful! However these are also not complete. Actually this is a rare attack and defense and rides immortal artifact of body! After accept owner, it can turn into the Silver Dragon at any time, making the Master ride \; Runs into the enemy, it can also fight \; The enemies are fierce, it can also plate become one group, wraps in which the Master...... Therefore had this ring, quite in having seven Immortal Sword, seven product Xianjia, seven product Xianshou! Did everybody move?? That bids! Base price 10,000 immortal jade!” 拍卖师说道:“这只银龙指环造型独特,女人戴在手上更显尊贵!其价值非凡,男人戴在手上动作就显得优雅!不过这些还并不是全部。其实这是一件难得的攻防和骑乘一体的仙器认主以后,它可以随时化成银龙,让主人骑乘\;遇到敌人,它还可以战斗\;敌人凶猛,它还可以盘成一团,将主人包在其中……所以有了这个指环,就相当于有了一件七品仙剑,一件七品仙甲,一只七品仙兽!大家动心了嘛?是不是?那就出价吧!底价10000仙玉!” This auctioneer will poison people's minds very much, after this shouted, under immediately on seething with excitement of pot water. 这拍卖师很是会蛊惑人心,这一喊以后,下边顿时就一锅水似的沸腾了。 I leave 20,000 immortal jade!” A hall front line woman shouted, Ye Kong looked, knew, chased down his eastern emperor mansion Li Yingru Immortal Monarch in monster unexpectedly. Immortal Monarch this rank was not shy kills people to seize the treasure, therefore Li Yingru simply has not worn the mask. “我出20000仙玉!”大厅最前方一个女人喊起来,叶空一看,认识,竟然是在妖界追杀他的东帝府黎影汝仙君仙君这个级别已经不怕人杀人夺宝了,所以黎影汝也根本没有戴面具。 However in this transaction field, everybody compared with the immortal jade, is not Cultivation Base. Your Immortal Monarch how, you have been able to buy, I can also buy! Immediately also has a very weak male voice to shout: 21,000.” 不过这这个交易场里,大家比的仙玉,并不是修为。你仙君怎么了,你能买,我也能买!顿时又有个很幼稚的男声喊道:“21000。” Ye Kong looks up, unexpectedly is Peng Wenkao. 叶空抬头去看,竟然是彭文考。 Then also some people one after another shouted, has shouted 50,000 immortal jade, Ye Kong discovered that this selling quotation unexpectedly is Li Wen gold/metal, looked again, Li Yao sits in that table with Li Yuanfen. 接着又有人轮番喊,一直喊道50000仙玉,叶空才发现,这个喊价的竟然是李文金,再一看,李鹞跟李沅芬都在那一桌坐着呢。 Acquaintance, but also is really many.” Ye Kong sighed one. “熟人啊,还真是不少。”叶空叹了一声。 At this time back had the attractive female service personnel to come, making them arrive was emptying near the table, asking them to sit down. 这时已经有漂亮的女服务人员过来,引着他们来到后边的一处空着的桌子边,请他们三人坐下。 When Ye Kong they sit down, on that table sits pair of male and female Immortal. 叶空他们坐下时,那张桌上已经坐着一对男女仙人了。 Static joy, you could rest assured that after us, certainly can afford this ring.” The man said in a low voice. “静怡,你放心,等我们以后一定买得起这指环。”那男子低声说道。 That called static joy female Immortal also only then took back the earnest vision, in the heart sighed, who asked us not to have money. 那个叫静怡的女仙人也只有收回热切的目光,心中叹道,谁叫咱没钱呢。 Ye Kong their three sit down, Kuang Peng also in a low voice asked: What kind of? Can buy for Da Yu?” 叶空他们三个坐下,狂鹏也是低声问道:“怎么样?要不要买给大玉?” Ye Kong said with a smile: Da Yu she is a dragon, but also wants this Silver Dragon ring to do? Turns into the Silver Dragon to make the Master ride, does Da Yu ride? Also, has delivered the woman the ring to have the special meaning in our native place. You, I thought actually you can buy to wear to purple Sister-in-law Qiu.” 叶空笑道:“大玉她本来就是条龙,还要这银龙戒指干什么?化成银龙让主人骑乘,大玉又怎么乘?再说了,在我们老家送女人戒指是有特别含义的。倒是你,我看你可以买下来给紫秋嫂子戴。” Kuang Peng has a look, to think, shakes the head saying: Seven...... The scale was lower.” 狂鹏看看,思索一下,还是摇头道:“七品……档次低了些。” Side that male Immortal throws smiles to make noise, thought aloud: Five product Weiqi, six product Weibao. Seven also think the scale to be low,...... Oneself cannot afford is the same with me, the honest acknowledgment cannot afford, do not injure oneself in putting on a vain show, the words that said is laughed.” 旁边那个男仙人扑哧笑出了声,自言自语道:“五品为器,六品为宝。七品还觉得档次低,切……自己买不起就跟我一样,老实承认买不起,不要打肿脸充胖子,说出的话被人笑话。” Kuang Peng does not want to haggle over but actually, but Wu Yong has been angry, stares saying: What did you say? You cannot afford do not think that others cannot afford!” 狂鹏倒没想计较,可是吴勇已经大怒了,瞪眼道:“你说什么?你买不起不要以为别人买不起!” That male Immortal said: What kind , do you also want to hit me to be inadequate? Here is the Jubao great boat, no one can oppress others with Cultivation Base, your make a move, was careful that drove out by the staff! Ahem, whom my Luo Wenhui never fears!” 那男仙人道:“怎么样,你还想打我不成?这里是聚宝巨舟,谁也不能用修为压人,你动手,小心被工作人员赶出去!哼哼,我罗文辉从来不怕谁!”
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