MC :: Volume #13

#1286: Another acquaintance

Chapter 1286 第1286章 Another acquaintance 又一个熟人 Listens to imperial concubine Feng's question, the Xiling Lin nod saying: Right, this straddling of zones channel is I makes a connection. Reason that tortuous , because my Cultivation Base is quite low, cannot make a connection with the direct broken channel, this uses the compromised means that taking advantage of the weight too big oppression surrounding space of star the phenomenon that down to twists, makes this channel.” 听着凤妃的问话,西陵琳点头道:“没错,这个跨界通道正是我打通。之所以曲折迂回,是因为我的修为比较低,不能打通直接的破界通道,这才使用折衷的办法,借着恒星的重量太大压迫周围空间以至扭曲的现象,打出这条通道。” Imperial concubine Feng to this technical too strong issue basically is an idiot, vacant nod, said: Girl, looks at you to be pure, the makings are noble, think that is the Immortal World wealthy and prominent family wealthy and powerful family, does not know that has not to have the husband's family's home, you told that the woman cannot delay......” 凤妃对这种技术性太强的问题基本是白痴,茫然点头,又道:“姑娘,看你冰清玉洁,气质高贵,想必是仙界的高门大户,也不知道有没婆家,跟你说啊,女人就是不能耽搁……” In Xiling heart depressed, aunt who which this comes, actually talk intimately with relative acquaintance. However the impression to this woman was actually good much, two people chitchatted, making Feng imperial concubine and the others have an understanding to the present Immortal World situation. 西陵心中郁闷,这哪来的大妈,倒是交浅言深。不过对这女人的印象倒是好了不少,两人一阵攀谈,让凤妃等人对现在的仙界形势有了个了解。 However imperial concubine Feng listened is also very fearful, now others Immortal Lord immortal imperial capital had one set of team, she wants to jump to others on again, it is estimated that was unlikely. 不过凤妃听了也是很心寒的,现在人家仙主仙帝都有了一整套班子,她再想跳到别人头上,估计是不太可能的。 However imperial concubine Feng has a mind to hire oneself but actually Xiling Lin, calculated the temporary shelter, but the Xiling fairy maiden came and went freely, she impossible to a Western Emperor native of Latvia, naturally the persuasive words rejected. 但是凤妃倒有心投靠西陵琳,也算有了暂时的栖身之所,可是西陵仙子独来独往惯了,她也不可能给西帝拉人,当然婉言拒绝了。 When they just entered Immortal World, Xiling Lin received Western Emperor to pass on the book to her Immortal Sword. Ye Kong takes over the iron prison mountain, this matter will he congratulate? However leaf Zhenhao the immortal tribulation grand ceremony is also held, cannot yellow leaf Zhenhao the face, therefore can only make the Xiling fairy maiden go. 当他们三人刚进入仙界,西陵琳就收到了西帝给她的仙剑传书。叶空接任铁狱山,这种事他怎么会去道贺?不过叶镇豪的仙劫大典同时举行,又不能黄了叶镇豪的面子,于是就只能让西陵仙子去。 Xiling Lin looked passed on the book, reached behind the back to receive Magical Formula, blocked the space channel, this said to imperial concubine Feng: Eldest sister, we said goodbye, I also wanted iron removal prison mountain one line, bye.” 西陵琳看了传书,回手收了法诀,将空间通道堵上,这才对凤妃道:“大姐,我们就此别过吧,我还要去铁狱山一行,再会。” As soon as imperial concubine Feng listens to the great happiness, she is just about the iron removal prison mountain. Hastily miserable say/way: Younger Sister, you do not know, both of us leave Immortal World to be so long, the place that living does not have. Or we have a look with your iron removal prison mountain.” 凤妃一听大喜,她正要去铁狱山呢。连忙又凄苦道:“妹妹,你是不知,我们二人离开仙界那么久,连个住的地方都没有。要不我们跟你去铁狱山看看吧。” Xiling Lin thinks, these two are truly pitiful, oneself do not have the means help, Ye Kong should have the means that therefore then a situation saying, said that side has to call the Ye Kong's friend, now is iron prison mountain Yudian, leading them to have a look to be the prison guard bailiff and so on, there is a dwelling, has an income. After all Cultivation Base of imperial concubine Feng and sound tail is also good, should not have the issue. 西陵琳一想,这两人确实可怜,自己没办法帮忙,叶空应该有办法,于是便把情况一说,说那边有个叫叶空的朋友,现在做铁狱山狱典,带他们去看看能不能做个狱卒捕快之类,也有个住处,有个收入。毕竟凤妃和响尾的修为也是不错,应该没问题。 As soon as imperial concubine Feng listens, my goodness, the boy such quickly made the prison standard! If oneself can pass, causes a method, can perhaps rescue predecessor Immortal Lord. 凤妃一听,好家伙,那小子这么快就做狱典了!自己若是能过去,使点手段,说不定能救出前任仙主 Loud tail that however had not opened the mouth is actually cold snort/hum one, you lost heart.” Said that is saluting to the Xiling fairy maiden, that not work girl.” 不过一直没开口的响尾却是冷哼一声,“你就死了心吧。”说完对着西陵仙子一行礼,“那就不劳姑娘了。” Then, draws imperial concubine Feng to walk. Imperial concubine Feng injures not to have, hits the making a sound tail, has to be drawn by him, in the mouth scolded: Your this coward, useless thing!” Flew quite far, shouts: Surnamed Ye, I will not let off you!” 接着,拉着凤妃就走。那凤妃伤也没好,也打不过响尾,只好被他拉着,口中骂道:“你这胆小鬼,没用的东西!”飞了好远,才又喊道:“姓叶的,我不会放过你!” Xiling Lin has not heard, her flying iron removal prison mountain. She the wing speed that uses the strength of moonlight to congeal is actually good, flew over half a month, finally arrived at the iron prison mountain. 西陵琳也没听到,她一路飞去铁狱山。她用月光之力凝结成的羽翼速度倒是不错,飞了大半个月,终于来到了铁狱山。 She arrives, one has approved finally. Green tribulation clouds of iron prison Shanshangfang swelled to the surrounding area 5000 mu, stands in the iron prison mountain, looks up that piece presses in huge tribulation clouds of top of the head, making the person have a feeling of ventilation, Ye's strength that is fearless to this Heaven and Earth is also awe-stricken! 她来到的时候,已经是最后一批了。铁狱山上方的青色劫云已经胀大到方圆5000亩,站在铁狱山,抬头看着那一片压在头顶的巨大劫云,让人有一种透不过气来的感觉,就连天不怕地不怕的叶某人对这天地的力量也是充满敬畏! At this time, Ye Kong and two partners were standing in the entrance of palace of hell, bored to looking up the day. This tribunal named cautious punishment palace, but Ye Kong likes being called the palace of hell. Naturally, five immortal emperors have done in a big way, the iron prison mountain is all right to do basically, Ye Kong this Yama also idles to the egg hurts. 这时,叶空和两个伙伴正站在阎王殿的大门口,无聊到抬头望天呢。这间公堂名叫慎刑殿,不过叶空更喜欢叫做阎王殿。当然了,五大仙帝做大,铁狱山基本没啥事可干,叶空这个“阎王爷”也闲到蛋疼。 Wu Yongma: This bird officer did is really senseless, I looked that was inferior to us to go to the emperor domain to transfer the revolutions, does that with Mani taught these dogs to raise! Also tried my old Wu's strength to promote many.” 吴勇骂道:“这个鸟官做了真是无趣,我看不如我们去中帝领域转转,跟玛尼教那些狗养的干上一场!也试试我老吴的实力到底提升了多少。” Ye Kong knows that he keeps thinking to revenge, nod said, felt relieved, will have the opportunity.” 叶空知道他惦记报仇,点头道,“放心,会有机会的。” In this time, is running in a prison guard. This prison guard knew, this is Li Dongxu who previous belt Ye Kong goes to the Tianzihao prison cell. This Li Dongxu but actually is also an assiduous solid person, is not any faction, who makes him do things in any case, he goes, therefore likes directing him. 正在这时,跑进一个狱卒。这个狱卒都认识,这是上次带叶空去天字号牢房的李东旭。这李东旭倒也算是个勤勉实在的人,也不属于任何派系,反正谁让他干事,他都去,所以都喜欢使唤他。 Li Dongxu comes, hurries to report saying: Sir leaf Zhenhao dispatched me to say one, his small immortal tribulation arrives in the tomorrow's high noon, when the time comes must announce the appointment, invited leaf Yudian the formal dress attendance.” 李东旭进来,赶紧汇报道:“叶镇豪大人遣我过来说一声,他的小仙劫就在明日正午来到,到时候还要宣布任命,请叶狱典正装出席。” The Ye Kong nod said: Knew.” 叶空点头道:“知道了。” Ye Kong said, Li Dongxu actually does not walk, suddenly has knelt. 叶空说完,李东旭却不走,顿了一下,突然跪了下来。 leaf Yudian, the villain is guilty. The villains do not recognize a superior has eyes, initially also received the immortal jade of Sir leaf, part that these are villain minute of arriving.” Li Dongxu kowtows, while puts out an immortal jade chest, said: Sir felt relieved, the immortal jade that these divvy up, the villain will take back with them immediately, when the time comes gives the Sir to send again.” “叶狱典,小人有罪。小人有眼不识泰山,当初还收了叶大人的仙玉,这些是小人分到的部分。”李东旭一边磕头,一边拿出一个仙玉匣,又说道:“大人放心,那些分掉的仙玉,小人会立即跟他们收回,到时候再给大人送来。” Ye Kong nods, although this Li Dongxu the person is honest, but will very cultivate the behavior, good. However what makes Ye Kong strange is, oneself came here ten days, saw that Li Dongxu this boy had 78 times, does he today render back the money? 叶空点头,这个李东旭虽然人老实,可是挺会做人,不错。不过让叶空奇怪的是,自己来这里十天了,见到李东旭这小子已经有78次,他怎么今天才来还钱呢? „, This prison standard does not lack these fragmentary change, you work actually laboriously, the Tianzihao prison cell year to year does not see the sunlight, happiness money when this prison standard sends to everybody, later did not do to raise again.” “罢了,本狱典也不缺这些零碎小钱,倒是你们工作辛苦,天字号牢房常年不见阳光,就当本狱典给大家发的欢喜钱,以后休要再提了。” Li Dongxu hurrying stands, the heart said, this new prison standard Sir really cultivates the behavior is also watertight, money does not want, but wants everybody not to speak irresponsibly, has the drop level. 李东旭赶紧站起来,心说,这新狱典大人果然做人也是滴水不漏,钱不要,只是要大家别乱说,有点子水平啊。 But when his mind relaxes, there are hear of Ye Kong to ask lightly: „Did Li Dongxu, some people kibitz to you?” 可就在他心神放松时,有听叶空淡淡问道:“李东旭,有人给你支招了吧?” Li Dongxu frightens jumps, kneels down hastily, said: Prison standard Sir, originally small had forgotten this matter, was the day before yesterday in meals Fang play, listening the male of one's father's generation older than one's father who lit a fire saying that the prison standard Sir manner was intelligent, the mind was minimum, the tolerance was similar to the needle eye is ordinary, ya zi must, if offended him, in the future must be retaliated......” 李东旭吓得一跳,连忙跪下,说道:“狱典大人,本来小的忘记了这事,可是前日在膳房玩,听烧火的宗伯说,狱典大人为人聪颖,却心眼极小,肚量如同针眼一般,睚眦必较,若是得罪他,日后必受报复……” Li Dongxu has not said, Wu Yong has flown into a rage, scolded: Instead! The meals room lights a fire to peel Cong the inferior rascal, dares to slander the Sir in behind blatantly, talked nonsense simply! My Wu Yong this goes to kick the tapping prison mountain him!” 李东旭没说完,吴勇就暴跳如雷了,骂道:“反了!膳房烧火剥葱的下等泼才,也敢在背后公然诽谤大人,简直是胡说八道!我吴勇这就去把他踢出铁狱山!” Li Dongxu is also timid, the truth one said that after saying, thought to be unfair to the male of one's father's generation older than one's father, hurried and said: Actually male of one's father's generation older than one's father person very good......” 李东旭也是胆小,老实话一下都说了,说出以后,又觉得对不起宗伯,赶紧又道:“其实宗伯人很好的……” Kuang Peng is actually goes forward a footpath: „Was person very good still to speak these words in back? Does he have what basis? Sir leaf is broadminded, in the prime minister stomach can pole a boat, dirty/small error that so can it be that he said?” 狂鹏却是上前一步道:“人很好还在背后说这些话?他有何根据?叶大人宽宏大量,宰相肚里能撑船,岂是他说的这般龌蹉?” Ye Kong is actually holds on him, said with a smile: Actually that male of one's father's generation older than one's father said also right, Ye mind is not truly big, the moral character is not big, offends my does not have the good end finally...... However that male of one's father's generation older than one's father, so understands me, en, if I have not guessed wrong, perhaps runs into the acquaintance.” 叶空却是一把拉住他,笑道:“其实那宗伯说的也没错,叶某人确实心眼不大,气量也不大,得罪我的最后都没好下场……不过那宗伯,如此了解我,恩,如果我没猜错,恐怕是遇到熟人了。” Kuang Peng beckons with the hand saying: Any acquaintance, goes to call that anything male of one's father's generation older than one's father!” 狂鹏摆手道:“什么熟人,去把那什么宗伯叫来!” Li Dongxu just about to walks, was stopped by calling out by Ye Kong, leaves, you are busy your, I see him, is the meals room?” 李东旭刚要走,却被叶空叫住,“别,你忙你的,我自己去见他,是膳房吧?” I lead the way to the Sir am.” Li Dongxu leads Ye Kong and the others to move toward the mess hall, is at heart disturbed, does not know how this male of one's father's generation older than one's father is out, oh, is the mouth is inexpensive. “我给大人引路就是。”李东旭带着叶空等人走向膳堂,心里忐忑,不知道这宗伯下场如何,唉,都是自己嘴贱啊。 But Kuang Peng and Wu Yong were discontented. Kuang Peng said: Sir, you now are the prison standard, the member of iron prison mountain, whom must see to call on the line, why to go to seek an interview a lighting a fire old man personally? This falls the status! Xu Yinchao Chen Zhijie knows, must arrange anything surely.” 狂鹏和吴勇都不满了。狂鹏道:“大人,您现在已经是狱典了,铁狱山的一把手,要见谁叫一下就行,干嘛去亲自求见一个烧火老头?这是掉身份的!那徐银超陈志杰知道,必定又要编排出什么。” Ye Kong smiles, the racket he, said: You leave urgently are scolding him, the male of one's father's generation older than one's father, you are also knew that you are riper than me!” 叶空笑笑,拍拍他,道:“你别急着骂他,那宗伯,你也是认识的,你比我熟啊!” Kuang Peng one hear stunned, thought some little time, to think of a person. Immediately said surprised: Is he!” 狂鹏一听愕然,想了好一会,才想到一个人。顿时吃惊道:“难道是他!” Good!” “不错!” Actually the Ye Kong first time glimpsed sect side, this time hears the male of one's father's generation older than one's father, then on the nature guessed correctly that is he. 其实叶空第一次来就瞥见了宗方,这次一听说宗伯,那就自然猜到是他。 Male of one's father's generation older than one's father in front of Ye Kong, but is year ascended, ascended comes up, one had not found this senior, two have not bumped into the rich woman to support, therefore quite went down in the world. But he is keeping thinking about the Junior Brother. Afterward inquired, the pitiful Junior Brother arrived at the Immortal World auspicious day in one day, directly made the prison! 宗伯是在叶空前边而是年飞升的,飞升上来,一没找到本门前辈,二也没碰上富婆包养,所以就比较落魄了。而他又惦记着师弟。后来一打听,可怜师弟来到仙界好日子没过一天,就直接做大牢了! sect side will not arrive at the iron prison mountain to break into a jail brave, he wants to visit prisoners. Does not come to know, this iron prison mountain does not permit to visit prisoners! Naturally, if you are rich and powerful, that exception. 宗方也不会胆大到来铁狱山劫狱,他本来是想来探监的。不过来了才知道,这铁狱山是不准探监的!当然了,如果你有钱有势,那个例外。 But sect side which rich, arrived at the iron prison mountain to wind around including oneself has used up, wants to walk cannot leave. Just, the iron prison mountain lacks to light a fire, stays behind, makes winds around, perhaps one side also has the opportunity to be able with Qing Liewei to see. 可宗方哪有钱,来到铁狱山连自己盘缠都用完了,想走都走不掉。刚好,铁狱山缺个烧火的,就留下吧,挣些盘缠,说不定还有机会能跟卿列伟见一面。 This does is 20 years. The person of Immortal World does not die in any case, you want the low key, do not reveal wealth, do not become enemies, can forever go on living, 20 years in an instant. 这一干就是20年。仙界之人反正不死,你只要低调点,别露富,别结仇,就能永远活下去,20年不过转眼间。 sect side the cultivate quality is also general, in addition he not only does not have money and does not have the backstage, therefore does not have the medicine pill immortal jade, 20 years have promoted pitiful one/1st Layer! At this moment is medium Golden Immortal! 宗方的修炼素质也是一般,加上他既没钱又没后台,所以也没丹药仙玉,20年才提升了可怜的一层!此刻才是中等金仙 When that day, sees Ye Kong, he thought sorrowfully. Did not have the face to see the person. How heroic spirit back then he in the world of mortals was, most hated the person to scold him, who scolded the homicide who! Now everyone can scold him, he must meet rudeness with a smile. 所以当那日,看见叶空,他就觉得悲哀了。没脸见人了。想当年他在下界是如何的豪气,最恨人骂他,谁骂他杀谁!现在谁都可以骂他,他还得赔笑脸。 Thinks Ye Kong walked, even if. Has not actually thought, Ye Kong came back, but also has been the prison standard Sir! Moreover comes together, Kuang Peng! Kuang Peng is earlier than ascended for ten years him, now superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal. Ye Kong compared with him late the ascended several years, now is also superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal! 本来以为叶空走了,就算了。却没想到,叶空又回来了,还做了狱典大人!而且同来的,还有狂鹏狂鹏比他早飞升十年,现在都上等大罗金仙了。叶空比他晚飞升十几年,现在也是上等大罗金仙 This makes him feel sad. Too disgraced. Medium Golden Immortal, ok, does not see. 这让他情何以堪。太丢人了。中等金仙,算了,不见也罢。 Has not actually thought that one time broken mouth in mess hall, wolf drawing on. 却没想到,一次在膳堂里的碎嘴,把狼给招来了。 sect Fangzheng lights a fire in that is tying up an apron, sits the pony stool, sits after the chamber. Immortal World makes the meals also to light a fire the stove, the dish that because makes like this is delicious! Tomorrow was the ceremony, although was immortal Exalted Immortal, but person the desire of food and drink was very difficult to restrain, therefore the meals room was also specially busy, worked overtime. 宗方正在那烧火呢,绑着个围裙,坐着小马凳,坐在炉膛后。仙界做膳食也是要生火上灶的,因为这样做出的菜好吃呀!明天就是典礼了,虽然都是大仙上仙,可人的口腹之欲还是很难克制的,所以膳房也是特别忙碌,加班加点。 sect Fanggan a meeting, felt suddenly behind has the acupuncture same feeling...... Has the line of sight to gaze at itself! The sect side thump, turns head to look at heart hastily! 宗方干了一会,猛然感觉到背后有针刺一样的感觉……有视线注视自己!宗方心里咯噔一下,连忙回头去看! Saw only two once familiar form to stand in meals door. 只见两个曾经熟悉的身影正站在膳房门口。
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