MC :: Volume #13

#1283: Immortal tribulation marvelous sight

Chapter 1283 第1283章 Immortal tribulation marvelous sight 仙劫奇景 Southern Immortal Emperor's Residence. 南方仙帝府 Different with other Immortal Emperor's Residence, in south emperor mansion is not the parents big room, unusual atmosphere. But is small bridge over the flowing stream, the garden is deep, the bird sues lightly, the green radish crawled completely the wall. 和其他仙帝府不同,南帝府邸内并不是高堂大屋,非常大气。而是小桥流水,庭院深深,鸟雀轻诉中,绿萝爬满了墙。 Possibly south this is also quite suitable the Immortal disposition, is quite amiable, but said from another angle, south Immortal is also quite astute, the trick are quite many, is good at doing business. 可能这也比较适合南方仙人的性格,比较随和,不过从另一个角度说,南方仙人也比较精明,伎俩比较多,也善于经商。 South these years emperor closed-door cultivation, south emperor domain under handling of south emperor Princess Zhi congealing fairy maiden, pours also methodically, in good order. 这些年南帝闭关,南帝领域就在南帝公主芷凝仙子的打理下,倒也有条不紊,井井有条。 In this moment lonesome and quiet courtyard, a Zhi congealing fairy maiden vigor attire, in drinks tea, while is looking in the hand jade Cambodia. On the table big pile of jade Cambodia, are also divided about arrange, the left has looked, the right has not looked. 此刻一间幽静院落内,芷凝仙子一身劲装,正在一边喝茶,一边看着手中玉柬。桌上还有一大堆玉柬,分成左右排列,左边是看过的,右边是没看的。 This in processing official business. 这就是在处理公务了。 Actually the Immortal World the emperor in immortal emperor and world of mortals has the difference greatly, in comparison, the immortal emperor wants to be idler. First, any floods drought famine disaster victims, these matters are quite few, Immortal World Immortal is casual to solve with ease. Moreover each star has immortal general that Immortal Emperor's Residence accredits to guard, the local area can solve, does not need to report Immortal Emperor's Residence. 其实仙界的仙帝和凡间的皇帝大有不同,相比之下,仙帝要清闲很多。首先,什么水灾旱灾饥荒灾民,这些事情比较少,仙界仙人随便出一个就能轻松解决。而且每个星球都有仙帝府派驻的仙将镇守,当地就可以解决,不用汇报去仙帝府 Next, any case of injustice corruption corrupt official does evil, these matter immortal emperors do not manage. Anything kills a person and takes his possessions to seize the daughter and so on, nobody managed, dies also died in vain, who asked you Cultivation Base to be inferior to the person. 其次,什么冤案贪腐昏官作恶,这些事仙帝也是不管的。什么杀人越货强抢民女之类,没人管,死了也是白死,谁叫你修为不如人。 , Has an audience with the emperor, diplomacy as for the imperial civil service examination of world of mortals emperor, education wait/etc., to immortal emperor, totally does not have. Therefore the immortal emperor very much, do not visit them to manage over a thousand stars leisurely and carefree, but one month not necessarily has an official business. 至于凡间皇帝的科举、上朝、外交、教育等等,对仙帝来说,也是一概没有。所以仙帝悠闲地很,别看他们管着上千个星球,可一个月也不一定有一件公务。 Naturally, they have not been all right to do completely. 当然了,他们也并不是完全没事干的。 For example was thing that some star presents tribute short? For example this immortal emperor has wanted birthday. At these times is a little busy. For example has quite big matter again, limits the sale of table salt like previous Western Emperor aspect, the southern emperor domain many stars that does do not have the salt to eat, this will alarm Immortal Emperor's Residence. 比如某个星球进贡的东西怎么少了?比如本仙帝要过寿诞了。这些时候就有点忙。再比如发生比较大的事,象上次西帝方面限制食盐的销售,搞的南帝领域很多星球没盐吃,这才会惊动仙帝府 Jade Cambodia that therefore Zhi congealing fairy maiden looks , the official business is few, majority is the information. 所以芷凝仙子看的玉柬,其中公务很少,大部分都是情报。 The information were quite recently many, Zhi congealing fairy maiden looked often, drank the mouth tea, then knit the brows to think. 最近情报比较多,芷凝仙子经常看一下,就饮口茶,然后皱眉思索一番。 She behind, a skin swarthy maidservant does not dare to disturb, when her bowl must do, exchanges one cup to her. 她身后,一个皮肤黝黑的侍女也不敢打扰,只是在她茶碗要干时,给她换上一杯。 Zhi congealing fairy maiden looks to take the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator of bowl, thinks of anything, the thought received, opens the mouth saying: Chasing, told you a good news, Ye Kong already by Immortal Lord to seal/confer Weitie prison mountain Yudian.” 芷凝仙子看着来拿茶碗的黑手,想到什么,思想收了回来,开口道:“蔡辛啊,告诉你一个好消息,叶空已经被仙主封为铁狱山狱典了。” This maidservant small girl chasing, she asked: Iron prison mountain Yudian is several immortal general?” 这个侍女正是小丫头蔡辛,她问道:“铁狱山狱典是几品仙将?” Zhi congealing fairy maiden said with a smile: Iron prison mountain Yudian regardless of grade...... Must say the position height, should be only higher than the immortal emperor is not low.” 芷凝仙子笑道:“铁狱山狱典是不论品级的……要说职位高低,应该比仙帝只高不低。” The chasing said surprised: Is older than the immortal emperor? Real?” 蔡辛吃惊道:“比仙帝还大?真的嘛?” Zhi congealing fairy maiden said: Right. The region and immortal emperor who although he manages cannot compare, but he can catch under the immortal emperor the prison, but the immortal emperor actually cannot catch him, it can be said that in the role that Immortal World walked sideways.” 芷凝仙子道:“没错。虽然他管理的区域和仙帝不能比,可是他可以抓仙帝下大狱,而仙帝却不能抓他,可以说是在仙界横着走的角色了。” Chasing great happiness: He can chasing down his immortal imperial capital directly grasps.” 蔡辛大喜道:“那他直接可以将追杀他的仙帝都抓起来。” Zhi congealing fairy maiden actually shakes the head, can grasp according to the truth, is Ye Kong his strength is too after all weak, the immortal soldier quantity are also under few, is impossible to catch the immortal emperor.” 芷凝仙子却是摇头,“按道理可以抓,可是叶空他毕竟实力太弱,手下仙兵数量又少,是不可能抓仙帝的。” The chasing also said: That Zhai Dongliang our mildew territory grasps, that is also a salt bandit chief of stopping at no evil!” 蔡辛又道:“那就把我们白毛域的翟东亮抓起来,那也是一个无恶不作的盐匪头子!” Zhi congealing fairy maiden forced smile, by the Ye Kong present ability, Zhai Dongliang cannot grasp.” 芷凝仙子苦笑,“以叶空现在的能力,翟东亮也不能抓。” The chasing is depressed: This cannot grasp, that cannot grasp, when this officer has any meaning.” 蔡辛郁闷道:“这个不能抓,那个也不能抓,这官当的有什么意思。” I thought that his first can handle these slippery customers of iron prison mountain first is good.” Zhi congealing fairy maiden has smiled one, said: Chasing, you prepare, tomorrow with me to the iron prison mountain, just leaf Zhenhao will cross the small immortal tribulation, invited me to participate. Takes you, you can also see long-awaited Young Master leaf.” “我看他第一步能把铁狱山的那些老油条先搞定就不错了。”芷凝仙子笑了一声,道:“蔡辛,你准备一下,明天跟我去往铁狱山,刚好叶镇豪渡小仙劫,也邀请我去参加了。带上你,你也可以见到朝思暮想的叶公子。” Chasing complexion one red, shakes the head saying: I.” 蔡辛脸色一红,摇头道:“我还是不去了。” Zhi congealing fairy maiden said: Moonlight lake water that previous time brings, you have been useless. Said that is feared washed Young Master leaf not to know you white, how the present to have the opportunity, you actually?” 芷凝仙子道:“上次带回来的月光湖水,你一直没用。说是怕洗白了叶公子就不认识你了,怎地现在有机会,你却不去了?” The chasing said: Young Master leaf, although presently reigning high weight, is actually the crisis on top of crisis, beset with difficulties both at home and abroad, I cannot disturb him at this time.” 蔡辛道:“叶公子虽然现在位高权重,可是却危机重重,内外交困,我可不能在这个时候去打扰他。” Beimang star. 北邙星。 Ye Kong originally not anxiously iron removal prison mountain, but welcomed Northern Emperor. Northern Emperor said that you are stupid, leaf Zhenhao the small immortal tribulation, has the big shots of various Immortal World roads to attend surely, is just your this new prison standard Sir steps onto the opportunity in onstage, you also drag anything to tow, to catch up to follow close on me to walk together! 叶空本来不急着去铁狱山的,不过却迎来了北帝北帝说你蠢啊,那叶镇豪的小仙劫,必定有仙界各路的头面人物出席,刚好是你这个新任狱典大人走上前台的时机啊,你还拖什么拖,赶紧跟我一起走吧! Therefore, Ye Kong, Kuang Peng and Wu Yong three people with Northern Emperor, go toward the iron prison mountain together. 于是,叶空狂鹏、吴勇三人跟着北帝,一起往铁狱山而去。 The Beimang star most approaches the iron prison mountain the star, ten days, the iron prison mountain in the line of sight has been possible and in range. 北邙星是最靠近铁狱山的星球,十天不到,铁狱山就已经在视线可及的范围之内了。 Ye Kong was second time came, but this time was obviously different from the previous time. 叶空是第二次来了,不过这次明显和上次不一样。 Sees only sky over the iron prison mountain dark green deep, presented a size to achieve several hundred mu green fog, that green fog was deeper toward the middle color, was shallower toward the border color, the blanch, changed pale, finally vanished. 只见铁狱山上空的苍冥中,出现了一片大小达到数百亩的青色云雾,那青色云雾越往中间颜色越深,越往边沿颜色越浅,发白,变淡,最后消失。 With tribulation clouds of world of mortals can say that is completely different. World of mortals tribulation clouds, is the dark clouds, thunder and lightning able to move unhindered, although the big piece, is anomalous. But Immortal World tribulation clouds, is actually so unusual, assumes the regular circular, probably an incomparably huge green stuffed dumpling skin allocates in airborne, is magnificent and beautiful, does not feel the bad risk. 和下界的劫云可以说完全不一样。下界劫云,是黑云,其中雷电纵横,虽然大片,却不规则。而仙界劫云,却是如此奇特,呈规则的圆形,就好像一张无比巨大的青色饺子皮平摊在空中,壮观而美丽,一点都不感觉到凶险。 In fact Immortal World Transcend Tribulation also truly safe. 事实上仙界渡劫也确实安全的很。 Northern Emperor said: tribulation clouds of world of mortals, that is because cultivator Cultivation belongs to heaven defying to change to assign, therefore in tribulation clouds is having meaning of scourge penalty, therefore the bad risk is incomparable, often was hit vanishes in a puff of smoke, several thousand years of Cultivation is destroyed in a moment...... However the Immortal World rule is actually different, Immortal World encourages Immortal cultivate, the ingredient that therefore tribulation clouds has not punished, mainly tests. Is the small immortal tribulation is tests Immortal has reached a Immortal Monarch level.” 北帝道:“下界的劫云,那是因为修士修行属于逆天改命,所以劫云中带着天谴惩罚的意味,因此才凶险无比,动不动被打得灰飞烟灭,数千年修行毁于一旦……不过仙界的规则却是不同,仙界是鼓励仙人修炼的,所以劫云并没有惩罚的成分,主要还是考验。小仙劫就是考验仙人是不是已经达到一个仙君的水平。” Kuang Peng is also first time hears these, in the past he crossed Heavenly Tribulation a narrow escape, has not actually thought that the tribulation of Immortal World so was unexpectedly relaxed. 狂鹏也是第一次听说这些,当年他渡天劫可谓九死一生,却没想到仙界之劫竟然如此轻松。 He asked: „Didn't that immortal tribulation have dangerously? This was too easy, was individual can pass.” 他问道:“那仙劫就是没有危险了?这太容易了吧,是个人就可以度过。” Northern Emperor shakes the head, has the danger, does not have the danger generally. But has unable the Transcend Tribulation danger!” Looked that everybody does not understand, Northern Emperor explains religious doctrine: Small immortal tribulation has not plundered thunder, but actually three waves of attacks. The first wave of immortal knows the attack, the second wave of immortal light bombardment, the tertiary wave knows to the immortal with the immortal Yuan simultaneously attacks...... It is well known, the immortal knows with immortal Yuan is our Immortal cultivate basis, if the first wave of attack were defeated, generally will fall one/1st Layer realm \; If second wave of being defeated, will fall two realm \; If under the tertiary wave defeat, that difficultly said. Once had Immortal to project on superior Golden Immortal from superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal directly, a time wiped out six levels.” 北帝摇头,“不是没有危险,是一般没有生命危险。可是却有无法渡劫的危险!”看大家不懂,北帝又讲道:“小仙劫没有劫雷,不过却有三波攻击。第一波仙识攻击,第二波仙光轰击,第三波对仙识和仙元同时攻击……众所周知,仙识和仙元是我们仙人修炼的根本,如果第一波攻击就败下阵来,一般会掉落一层境界\;如果第二波败下阵来,会掉落两层境界\;如果第三波败下阵,那就难说了。曾经有个仙人从上等罗天上仙直接被打到上等金仙,一次被打掉六个层次。” Ye Kong and the others, as soon as listens to be also flabbergasted, although the immortal tribulation will not be killed, but punishes is not small. Arrived Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, each one/1st Layer must cultivate several hundred over a thousand years, wipe out one/1st Layer is many years Cultivation Base is destroyed. 叶空等人一听也都是咋舌,虽然仙劫不会被打死,可是惩罚也不小。到了罗天上仙,每一层都得修炼个几百上千年,打掉一层就是多少年的修为被毁了。 Wu Yongdao: That Immortal may really be bad luck, if I, falls Golden Immortal from superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, I definitely do not do, eats and drinks then forget about it, perhaps again cultivate to superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, again Transcend Tribulation, again gives to hit......” 吴勇道:“那个仙人可真是倒霉啊,如果是我,从上等罗天上仙掉到金仙,我肯定不干了,吃吃喝喝算了,说不定再修炼到上等罗天上仙,再渡劫,再给打回去……” Northern Emperor shakes the head, this word is bad, since our generation steps onto Immortal Path, do not think making merry. Falls realm, must exert oneself, thinks how many personal enemies you have tied to Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, at this moment falls , do how many people want to kill you to seize the treasure? Can you not diligently? Diligently is not the dead end! Asked the road of immortal, was lies in unceasingly climbs, cannot have the lax heart. Cannot cross, crosses again! Cultivation Base did not have, practices again! Anything can not have, so long as in heart surmounts not losing hope, all can come again.” 北帝摇头,“此言差矣,我辈既然走上仙路,就不要想着吃喝玩乐。掉落境界,更加要奋发,想想你到罗天上仙一路结了多少仇人,此刻掉落,又有多少人想杀你夺宝?你怎能不努力?不努力就是死路一条!求仙之路,就是在于不断攀登,不可有松懈之心。渡不过去,再渡!修为没了,再练!什么都可以没有,只要心中超越之心不死,一切都可以重来。” Wu Yongting, the complexion blushed, silently nod. 吴勇听了,脸色发红,默默点头。 Northern Emperor has smiled, said: That bad luck Immortal that actually I said a moment ago, you know.” 北帝又笑了起来,说道:“其实我刚才说的那个倒霉仙人,你们都认识的。” Ye Kong and the others, as soon as listens, curiously asked that who was?” 叶空等人一听,都好奇问道,“是谁?” Kuang Peng and Wu Yong are also in heart thinks, from superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal by immortal tribulation striking back superior Golden Immortal...... Who? Is it possible that is Northern Emperor? 狂鹏和吴勇也是心中思索,从上等罗天上仙被仙劫打回上等金仙……谁啊?莫非是北帝自己? Is Grandma Yao.” Northern Emperor announced the answer finally. “是姚婆婆嘛。”北帝终于公布了答案。 „!” Three people have thought of anyone, had not guessed correctly that unexpectedly is Grandma Yao. “啊!”三人把谁都想到了,就是没猜到竟然是姚婆婆。 Northern Emperor sighed: Yao Senior is our generation model, three times cross the small immortal tribulation, the first time wiped out two, crossed for several thousand years, she second Transcend Tribulation, unexpectedly has asked the price with no intention of buying superior Golden Immortal...... We think that she had been finished, certainly wants to be demoralized, is unable to recover, who knows her to start cultivate next day. Finally third time crossed the small immortal tribulation successfully.” 北帝叹道:“姚前辈是我辈楷模啊,三次去渡小仙劫,第一次被打掉两层,过了数千年,她又第二次渡劫,竟然一直被打落到上等金仙……我们都以为她完蛋了,肯定要意志消沉,一蹶不振,可谁知第二天她就又开始修炼。终于第三次成功渡过小仙劫。” Speaking of Yao Senior matter, Ye Kong they cannot help but guesses: Your majesty, is it possible that Yao Senior is the Upper Realm deity, why we cannot see her Cultivation Base, may think that she is formidable.” 说到姚前辈的事,叶空他们不由得猜测道:“陛下,姚前辈莫非是上界天神,为何我们都看不出她修为,可又觉得她非常强大。” Northern Emperor was actually not willing saying that beckoned with the hand saying: „To say, she will say, or you asked her, behind I did not dare to discuss her, in brief this person was quite bad luck, one day you knew.” 北帝却是不愿多说,摆手道:“想说的时候,她自己会说,或者你们自己去问她,我可不敢背后谈论她,总之她这人比较倒霉,总有一天你们就知道了。” Everybody was saying, the motorcade entered in the range of iron prison mountain. 大家说着,车队已经进入了铁狱山的范围内。 Immediately has to ride the prison guard of unusual animals to come, salutes saying: Does not know that which immortal emperor Sir, welcome. Please show the flat and thin piece, small is good the notification.” 立即就有骑着异兽的狱卒过来,行礼道:“不知哪家仙帝大人,欢迎光临。请出示片子,小的好进去通报。” Actually sees nine Caifeng to pull a cart, Immortal World who does not know that is Northern Emperor harnesses? Did not inquire about to show gravely, this was must by the procedure. As for the show flat and thin piece, shows the invitation, naturally, to Northern Emperor this rank, not having the invitation also to enter. 其实看见九只彩凤拉车,仙界谁不知是北帝驾到?不过问一下以示庄重,这是必经程序。至于出示片子,就是出示请柬了,当然了,到了北帝这种级别,没有请柬也能进。 The essential issue, is general these superior throw the flat and thin piece at the same time, will hand over the immortal jade chest. 关键的问题,是一般这些上位者扔出片子的同时,也会递上个仙玉匣。 However this time, Sir Northern Emperor mean-spirited. He said with a smile to Ye Kong: Prison standard Sir, looked your.” 不过这一次,北帝大人小气了一回。他对叶空笑道:“狱典大人,看你的了。” The meaning of Northern Emperor is very obvious, making Ye Kong come a new officer to take office three fires, plays a power and prestige in the iron prison mountain entrance, finds fault, punishes some people, frightens these prison guards, this nobody dares to create obstacles for Ye Kong. 北帝的意思很明显,让叶空来个新官上任三把火,在铁狱山大门口就耍个威风,找个茬子,处罚些人,震慑一下那些狱卒,这样就没人敢刁难叶空了。 However Ye Kong thinks, does not have like this dry. After all, he now is superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, just took office, greatly plays the power and prestige, unavoidably villains holds sway then the wild feeling to the person. Naturally, Ye is the villain knew actually, but he actually does not want to display. 不过叶空想想,没有这样干。毕竟,他现在才是上等大罗金仙,刚来上任,就大耍威风,难免给人小人得志便猖狂的感觉。当然了,其实叶某人就是小人得知,不过他却不想表现出来。 Ye Kong smiles, oneself take out one to empty white jade Cambodia, inside gets sets, iron prison mountain, Ye Kong.” Then, this jade Cambodia and an immortal jade chest, making Wu Yong delivering. 叶空笑笑,自己取出一个空白玉柬,里边打上一排字,“铁狱山,叶空。”接着,把这个玉柬和一个仙玉匣,让吴勇给送出去。 Northern Emperor looks, secretly nod. Do not look that this Ye Kong semblance seemingly warm-blooded impulses, is the method are also many, this probe, plays is very agile. 北帝一看,暗自点头。别看这叶空外表貌似热血冲动,可是手段也是不少的,这一手试探,就玩的很利落。 Outside that prison guard has met jade Cambodia, has met the immortal jade chest, in the heart is very happy, a guarding a gate immortal soldier who how your immortal emperor, do not bribe my iron prison mountain? 外边那狱卒接了玉柬,又接了仙玉匣,心中很开心,你仙帝又如何,还不是要贿赂我铁狱山的一个守门仙兵? However waits for him to see setting of jade Cambodia , China again, immediately hesitated. Ye Kong must hold the post of iron prison mountain Yudian, later was here member, oneself collected his money, wasn't that does not look to oneself happily? 不过等他再看见玉柬中的一排字,顿时就踌躇了。叶空要担任铁狱山狱典,以后就是这里的一把手了,自己收他的钱,那不是自己给自己找不痛快么? However he thinks immediately, several vice- prison standards said that pays no attention to this superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, is built on stilts him, drives away him...... He drew out the heart of contempt immediately, accepts the immortal jade chest secretly. 但是他随即又想到,几个副狱典都说了,不理这个上等大罗金仙,架空他,把他赶走……他顿时起了轻视之心,把仙玉匣偷偷收下。 But Ye Kong after car(riage) curtain actually knew fairly well, cold snort/hum, seems like this time, many people do not welcome me.” 而车帘后的叶空却是心中有数了,冷哼一声,“貌似这次来,很多人都不欢迎我啊。”
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