LXY :: Volume #39

#1: Tomato new book «Flying Sword Asking» has uploaded!

eventually, tomato another new book once more, allowing us to enter brand-new novel World. 终于,番茄又一本新书再度,让我们进入一个崭新的小说世界吧。 New book named «Flying Sword Asking», the first chapter has uploaded. 新书名为《飞剑问道》,第一章已上传。 Everybody clicked on my author name I to eat tomato to find my new book, or direct search flying sword in the website asked can also find the new book, the new book has drawn a charge, this new book tomato wrote very much attentively, splendor that can write, and made everybody pleasantly surprised! 大家点击我的作者名‘我吃西红柿’就能找到我的新书,或者在网站内直接搜索‘飞剑问道’也能找到新书,新书已经出炉,这本新书番茄很用心写,一定会写的精彩,且让大家惊喜! * * * *
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