LM :: Volume #5

#84: Joint operations

Beckland, northern district, Church of Saint Samuel. 贝克兰德,北区,圣赛缪尔教堂 Church of the Storms Cardinal and Beckland church Archbishop, Deep Blue Officiate Reidar Valentine lowered from the wind, falls left side to have in minaret of bell. 风暴教会枢机主教贝克兰德教区大主教,“深蓝主祭雷达尔.瓦伦丁从风中降下,落到了左侧有大钟的尖塔内。 He is throwing over black long gown that embroiders the storm symbol, on the face the beard is thick, the hair stands erect short, luster such as dark blue near all black. 他披着绣有风暴符号的黑色长袍,脸上胡须浓密,头发短而直立,色泽如深蓝近纯黑。 This stature strong half God looked at another side, to has waited for there person's shadow said: 这位身材健硕的半神将目光投向了另外一侧,对早已等待在那里的人影道: „Is Holamik, what matter clear? Why did Anthony ask us to come suddenly?” 霍拉米克,清楚是什么事情吗?安东尼为什么忽然请我们过来?” The object who he spoke wore the white pastor robe, wore the clergy soft hat, was kind-looking, the expression was temperate, was the Church of Steam god former council member, Beckland church Archbishop, half God and half human Holamik Haydn. 他说话的对象身穿白色牧师袍,头戴神职人员软帽,面容慈祥,表情温和,正是蒸汽教会神前会议成员,贝克兰德教区大主教,半神半人霍拉米克.海顿 Hears Reidar's issue, Holamik responds quietly: 听到雷达尔的问题,霍拉米克沉静回应道: I am not earlier than you arrive at many, in fact, I leave the laboratory several minutes.” “我并不比你早到多少,事实上,我离开实验室才几分钟。” He is not only the clergy, is the well-known scientist, is the Beckland University physics department honorary professor. 他不仅是神职人员,还是知名科学家,是贝克兰德大学物理系荣誉教授。 Reidar Valentine was just about to say anything again, suddenly saw together the person's shadow along the coiling around narrow staircase, in darkness that in scarlet moon is unable to illuminate thoroughly, mounted minaret. 雷达尔.瓦伦丁正要再说点什么,忽然看见一道人影沿着盘绕的狭窄楼梯,在红月无法照透的黑暗里,登上了尖塔 This person's shadow wears the black belt/bring red ecclesiastical robe, the chest front is wearing five Sacred Emblem of Darkness, face is clean, without having beard, the eye is profound and tranquil, just like is one of the Church of the Night 13 archbishops, Beckland church head, Saint Anthony Stevenson. 这人影穿着黑中带红的神职人员长袍,胸前佩戴着五枚黑暗圣徽,脸庞干净,没留胡须,眼睛深邃而宁静,俨然便是黑夜教会十三位大主教之一,贝克兰德教区负责人,圣者安东尼.史蒂文森 What matter do you have unable to wait till dawn? Said, your Church of the Night does like discussing the matter at the night?” Deep Blue Officiate Reidar Valentine, when first opens the mouth to say. “你有什么事情不能等到天亮吗?还是说,你们黑夜教会喜欢在夜晚谈事情?”“深蓝主祭雷达尔.瓦伦丁当先开口道。 Anthony walks the steps, stopped there, seriously said: 安东尼走完阶梯,停在了那里,表情严肃地说道: „A very urgent matter.” “一件很紧迫的事情。” What matter?” Reidar pursues asks. “什么事情?”雷达尔追问道。 At this time, Holamik Haydn will also look at Anthony Stevenson, waits for him to give the answer. 此时,霍拉米克.海顿也将目光投向了安东尼.史蒂文森,等待他给予答案。 In similar scene, Holamik especially likes person who has Church of the Storms exists, this means that the opposite party will inquire on own initiative, was tactless, needs him to say anything again. 类似的场景里,霍拉米克特别喜欢有风暴教会的人存在,这意味着对方会主动提问,毫不委婉,无需他再说点什么。 Anthony looked at their one eyes to say respectively: 安东尼分别看了他们一眼道: „ Related with the royal family, “与王室有关, Invited Ms. Arianna and you says. ” 还是请阿里安娜女士和你们讲吧。” He finishes speaking, in the side shadow outlined one fast the simple long gown, was the bark waistband, is red the both feet, is throwing over the female form of hair. 他话音刚落,旁边阴影里就飞快勾勒出了一道着简朴长袍,系树皮腰带,赤着双脚,披着头发的女性身影。 Saw this existence, Reidar and Holamik immediately will be fine a ritual: 一看到这位存在,雷达尔和霍拉米克立刻就行了一礼: Good evening, Ms. Arianna.” “晚上好,阿里安娜女士。” Their expressions simultaneously become serious, to the importance and crucial nature of tonight's matter had the profound cognition: 他们的表情同时变得严肃,对今晚事情的重要性和关键性有了深刻的认知: Can let Angel that walks in the ground acts, is not the minor matter! 能让一位行走于地上的天使出面,绝不是什么小事! Meanwhile, they are also hard to contain some vibrations, discovered oneself do not know unexpectedly the Monastery of Night chief, the secret servant, when Ms. Arianna arrived at Beckland. 同时,他们也难以遏制地有些震动,发现自己竟不知黑夜修道院的院长,隐秘的仆人,阿里安娜女士什么时候来到贝克兰德了。 Normally, three big church and royal courts and military have certain tacit understanding in this aspect, that is ground Angel and 0 level sealed item does not appear in Beckland. 正常情况下,三大教会和王室、军方在这方面是有一定默契的,那就是地上的天使“0”级封印物不出现在贝克兰德 Good evening, two archbishops.” Arianna does not return a courtesy arrogant said. “晚上好,两位大主教。”阿里安娜一点也不傲慢地回礼道。 She lifts the right hand at once, grasped in the midair gently. 她旋即抬起右手,轻轻在半空抓了一下。 Some glimmer bloom, transforms scenes in the darkness, that is the entire process that Arianna and Quinas Kherg talked. 些许微光绽放,于黑暗里幻化出一幕幕场景,那是阿里安娜丘纳斯.科尔格对话的整个过程。 This as if preserved for a long time secret to show before others finally. 这仿佛保存许久的隐秘终于展现在了别人面前。 looks at looks at, Deep Blue Officiate Reidar Valentine could not bear say one: 看着看着,“深蓝主祭雷达尔.瓦伦丁忍不住开口说了一句: He has promoted Sequence Four unexpectedly, becomes half God.” “他竟然已经晋升序列4,成为半神。” This archbishop knows Quinas Kherg, thinks this MI9 deputy office chief has Sequence Five, depends upon negative effect serious sealed item to have the battle efficiency of half God level, has not thought that camouflages. 这位大主教认识丘纳斯.科尔格,原本以为这位军情九处的副处长只得序列5,依靠一件负面效果严重的封印物才有半神层次的战斗力,没想到那不过是伪装。 Influence of Church of the Storms to the military is bigger than other two big church. 风暴教会对军方的影响力比其他两大教会都要大。 No one responded to Reidar, when that secret showed that Holamik said: 没人回应雷达尔,等到那个隐秘展现完毕,霍拉米克才说道: Related to the Blood Emperor secret vestige, sent in inside a large number of people, these two in addition, whatever, is not a good deed.” “一个涉及‘血皇帝’的秘密遗迹,被送入里面的大量人口,这两者加起来,无论怎么样,都不是一件好事。” Truly!” Reidar approves the person of same belief, we go to that vestige now!” “确实!”雷达尔赞同道,“我们现在就去那座遗迹!” Arianna looks all around, said calmly: 阿里安娜环顾一圈,平静说道: This relational royal family, involves the king, you best first win the approval of respective Your Sanctity.” “这关系王室,牵涉国王,你们最好先征得各自圣座的同意。” In the linguistic environment of this Angel, Your Sanctity refers to Holy See, for referring to church power center. 在这位天使的语境里,圣座指的是教廷,代指教会权力中枢。 Good.” Two archbishops had not complied hesitant. “好。”两位大主教没有一点犹豫就答应了下来。 Also after a while, fed back dark blue bishop Reidar Valentine and Holamik Haydn carry sealed item respectively, together with Anthony Stevenson and Arianna same place, before arriving at Quinas Kherg, enters that place of Blood Emperor vestige. 过了一阵,得到反馈的“深蓝主教”雷达尔.瓦伦丁霍拉米克.海顿分别携带一件封印物,连同安东尼.史蒂文森阿里安娜一起,来到了丘纳斯.科尔格之前进入“血皇帝”遗迹的那个地方。 Arianna put out an iron oxide black pigment figure chapter that immediately inscribes the complex symbol, grasps it in the hand, is trying the stimulation. 阿里安娜随即拿出了一个铭刻有复杂符号的铁黑色纹章,将它握在手里,尝试着激发。 It has not made any camouflage, such is situated in confidently same place, does not seem to be worried that the guard in vestige will recognize himself. 祂没做任何伪装,就那样坦然立于原地,似乎一点也不担心遗迹内的守卫会认出自己。 The behavior of looks at this secret servant, Holamik seems thinking deeply about anything, Reidar is calm, does not think what issue. 看着这位隐秘仆人的行为,霍拉米克仿佛在思索什么,雷达尔则一脸平静,不认为有什么问题。 In the underground vestige, on a strange metal base, the gloomily blue ray leaps suddenly, formed a leaf of front door. 地下遗迹内,一个奇异的金属基座上,幽蓝的光芒骤然腾起,形成了一扇大门。 The guard who four wear the pitch-black whole body armor penetrates immediately gloomily blue, examines outside situation, and prepares to awaken „the gate of teleportation with certain means confirmation whether camouflages for others, by this decided whether must open door. 四个穿深黑全身盔甲的守卫当即透过幽蓝,察看起外面的情况,并准备用一定的办法确认唤醒“传送之门”那位是否为别人伪装,以此决定是否要开“门”。 But, their anything has not seen, region nobody left of correspondence. 可是,他们什么都没看见,对应的区域空无一人。 Exudes intensely when their hearts anxious, had big doubts, their behind, the person's shadow such as was outlined by the description together fast, the clothes robe has sewing trace Church of the Night head ascetic Arianna. 就在他们心中泛起强烈不安,产生了不小疑惑时,他们的身后,一道人影如被描绘般飞快勾勒了出来,正是衣袍有缝补痕迹的黑夜教会苦修士首领阿里安娜 Suddenly, four guarded the deep sleep in the past, Anthony, Reidar, Holamik entered the underground vestige one after another. 瞬息间,四名守卫沉睡了过去,安东尼、雷达尔、霍拉米克相继进入了地下遗迹。 They do not have directly along the path downward, but across the hall, floats to the midair, overlooks all. 他们没直接沿道路往下,而是穿过大厅,浮至半空,俯视起一切。 Here is by the oppressive rule world, some in luminous constructs the flame that shines upon from the growth for the strange messes and human race of different place. 这里是被黑暗统治的世界,些许的光亮来自生长于不同地方的奇异苔藓和人类建筑内映照出的火光。 With the aid of their shining, without dark visual Extraordinary, can grasp to the overall appearance of this huge vestige: 借助它们的照耀,哪怕没有黑暗视觉的非凡者,也能把握到这庞大遗迹的整体模样: One side is the limestone dike, it spreads upward, cannot see the end, as if connected the ground, one side does not see the bottom dark canyon, as if Devil abyss residence. The path that is spreading the flagstone passes through both, strung together halls and buildings everywhere, often had human race to communicate, was peaceful and silent. 一侧是灰石岩壁,它蔓延往上,看不到尽头,似乎连通了地面,一侧是不见底部的幽暗深谷,仿佛恶魔的深渊居所。一条铺着石板的道路贯穿两者,将一处处大厅、一栋栋建筑串了起来,不时有人类来往,安静而沉默。 Three big church's several archbishops are just about to hold several to be able thoroughly the person in bottom vestige, inquired that was clear internal situation, saw the person's shadow to fly from the dark canyon suddenly together, directly soared itself and other half God. 三大教会的几位大主教正要抓住几个能深入地底遗迹的人,询问清楚内部的情况,突然看见一道人影从幽暗深谷里飞了出来,直奔自己等半神 That person's shadow rectangular face, the head wears the white sending wrap/sets, the mouth keeps two to cast aside in the beard that the end goes up slightly, the eyebrow is thick, the eye is big, on persona quite somewhat similarity with playing cards. 那人影有一张长方脸,头上戴着白色的发套,嘴边留着两撇在尽头略微上翘的胡须,眉毛浓密,眼睛较大,与扑克牌上的人物形象颇有几分相似之处。 He wears the formal clothes, is throwing over the overcoat, the shoes are extremely sharp long, the appearance and current era come apart, probably lives in the previous hundred years. 他穿着礼服,披着大氅,鞋尖极长,打扮与当前时代脱节,像是活在上个百年。 Regarding him, Anthony and Holamik and other archbishops are not strange, know that he is Sunya crown prince Grove Augustus, one of the royal family half God. 对于他,安东尼和霍拉米克等大主教一点也不陌生,知道他是苏尼亚亲王格罗夫.奥古斯都,王室的半神之一。 How did you enter here?” Grove first asked that the expression slightly somewhat was surprised uncertain. “你们怎么进入这里了?”格罗夫抢先问道,表情略有些惊疑不定。 Each other looked at one, Anthony said on own initiative: 彼此看了一眼,安东尼主动说道: We have been tracing several lot of population mysterious missing cases, locked MI9 Quinas Kherg, through him, found here.” “我们一直在追查几起大量人口神秘失踪案,锁定了军情九处丘纳斯.科尔格,通过他,找到了这里。” The Grove expression changed several, looked at eye that to let the person mood tranquil female, is considering asking: 格罗夫表情变化了几下,看了眼那位让人心情宁静的女性,斟酌着问道: Ms. Arianna?” 阿里安娜女士?” Yes, these population missing main points I am responsible.” The Arianna spoken language responded succinctly. “是的,那些人口失踪案由我负责。”阿里安娜言语简洁地回应道。 Crown Prince Grove revealed wiped the forced smile: 格罗夫亲王露出了一抹苦笑: Was we were too greedy, discovered after this vestige, is only thinking unearthed, harvests inside item. In order to keep secret, but also had certain relation with Demoness Cult, collects the population to construct the channel through them, holds certain ceremony. “是我们太贪心了,发现这处遗迹之后,只想着自己挖掘,收获里面的物品。为了保密,还和魔女教派有了一定的联系,通过她们搜集人口来修建通道,举行一定的仪式。 No, is not such that you think, is only the normal ceremony, they are also living, in vestige deep place. “不,不是你们想的那样,只是正常的仪式,他们还活着,就在遗迹深处。 If you do not believe, I can get you to get down now the inspection, there except for the seal and building that have not turned on completely, anything does not have.” “如果你们不相信,我现在就可以领你们下去检查,那里除了还未完全打开的封印和建筑,什么都没有。” Hears his reply, Anthony and Holamik, Reidar looked at each other one mutually, all saw the doubts in opposite party eyes. 听到他的回答,安东尼和霍拉米克、雷达尔互相对视了一眼,皆看到了对方眼中的疑惑。 The situation of response and imagination that this and they expect is entirely different! 这和他们预料的反应、想象的情况截然不同! This makes them suspect that made a any mistake, matter is not serious like the imagination. 这让他们怀疑是不是弄错了什么,事情远不像想象那么严重。 At this moment, Arianna opens the mouth: 就在这时,阿里安娜开口了: You also made Grand Smog Event.” “你们还制造了大雾霾事件。” No.” Crown Prince Grove shakes the head once again, that is the lesson that and demoness cooperate, they want to control Edsac unexpectedly, has the power of kingdom, after we see through, made Grand Smog Event, after that we lost the contact with them.” “不。”格罗夫亲王又一次摇头,“那是和魔女们合作的教训,她们竟然想控制埃德萨克,借此掌握王国的权力,被我们识破后,就制造了大雾霾事件,从那之后,我们就和她们断绝联系了。” At this point, he referred to below, said confidently: 说到这里,他指了指下面,坦然道: To keep secret to unearth a Blood Emperor vestige, do we possibly handle that matter? “就为了保密挖掘一处‘血皇帝’的遗迹,我们怎么可能做那种事情? So long as under you arrives at the deep place, inspects carefully, can understand my meaning. “只要你们下到深处,仔细检查一遍,就能明白我的意思。 Hehe, relax, has Ms. Arianna, what trap is unable to surround you . Moreover, first did not say the issue of this ability, even if we can bury the vestige deep place you secret, Holy See can still find the problem, before I do not believe you embark, to respective Your Sanctity have not reported this matter, then wait a minute, if you have not gone back, they definitely will have correct dealing.” “呵呵,放心,有阿里安娜女士在,什么陷阱也无法困住你们,而且,先不说有没有这个能力的问题,即使我们能隐秘地将你们埋葬到遗迹深处,教廷也能发现问题,我不相信你们出发前没向各自的圣座汇报这件事情,再等一会,你们若是没回去,他们肯定会有正确的应对。” Reidar and Anthony and other half God thought respectively, looked on front clothes robe simple Arianna. The Arianna tranquil nod said: 雷达尔和安东尼等半神各自思索了一下,将目光投向了前方衣袍简朴的阿里安娜身上。阿里安娜平静点头道: Good.” “好。” Angel and three Saint under the influence of Crown Prince Grove, entered the deep place of bottom vestige immediately, discovered that here has one piece to hide in the vestige that in the darkness still no one visited, has is taught the men and women of composition different ceremony, all are peaceful and ordered. 一位天使、三位圣者随即在格罗夫亲王的引领下,进入了地底遗迹的深处,发现这里有一片藏在黑暗中尚无人踏足的遗迹,有被教导着组成不同仪式的男男女女,一切都安宁而有序。 Arianna and Holamik and other half God according to their idea, inspect the zones of different respectively, even leaves here, observes to the distant place, but anything had not discovered. 阿里安娜霍拉米克半神按照自身的想法,分别检查起不同区域,甚至离开这里,到更远处去察看,但什么都没发现。 ............ ………… After obtaining the notice of Arianna, Klein turned into Quinas Kherg the manor a servant, making this MI9 deputy office chief vanish. 得到阿里安娜的通知后,克莱恩丘纳斯.科尔格变成了庄园内一位仆役,让这位军情九处的副处长就此消失。 Then, he does not have to hold the offering sacrifices ceremony anxiously, delivered to the above the grey mist research item of this harvest, the patience waited till the dawn. 然后,他没急着举行献祭仪式,将这次收获的物品送到灰雾之上研究,耐心等到了天明。 PS: Monday asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~ PS:周一求推荐票月票~
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