LM :: Volume #5

#82: Self-help

The Lord of Mysteries eighth 12 chapter of self-help has a novel online to listen to 诡秘之主第八十二章自救有声小说在线收听 „Not good...... to be controlled...... spiritual body string...... to do as one with Faceless Man, Secret Puppeteer and Crafty Mage by him ”, even has fought directly senior Extraordinary and half God and half human exist, Quinas Kherg is not strange to the current situation, even is quite familiar, has certain understanding. “不好……被他掌控……灵体之线了……”作为一个和“无面人”“秘偶大师”“诡法师”都打过交道,甚至直接战斗过的资深非凡者半神半人存在,丘纳斯.科尔格对当前的处境并不陌生,甚至相当熟悉,有一定的了解。 Therefore, he is very clear, oneself have fallen into the fatal trap, time not over 15 seconds that can be used to help oneself! 所以,他很清楚,自己已掉入致命的陷阱,能用来自救的时间不会超过十五秒! But in these 15 seconds, the train of thought detention will be getting more and more serious, the revolution of thought will be getting more and more slow, and finally, possibly only found out the means to take several seconds, but the stiff stereotypical body was put into practice also the expenditure not short time the idea, at most ten seconds that in other words, Quinas Kherg can be used to help oneself over! 而这十五秒里,思绪的滞涩会越来越严重,念头的运转会越来越迟缓,到了最后,可能仅想出办法就要好几秒钟,而僵硬呆板的身体将想法付诸实践也得花费不短的时间,也就是说,丘纳斯.科尔格能用来自救的顶多十秒出头! Naturally, he had the consideration before from now on time that several seconds of ways, that gives up directly to own control, reveals Legendary Creature Form, lengthens by the Secret Puppet time, and through having itself disturbs the enemy, making him certainly be attacked. 当然,他以前有考虑过后期那几秒的应对办法,那就是直接放弃对自身的控制,显露出神话生物形态,借此拖长被秘偶化的时间,并通过存在本身干扰敌人,让他遭受一定的冲击。 However as the matter stands, even if successfully got rid of Secret Puppet, even conquered the enemy, Quinas Kherg does not have the big assurance to continue to go on living. 不过这样一来,就算成功摆脱了秘偶化,甚至战胜了敌人,丘纳斯.科尔格也没多大把握能继续活下去。 He is not that type can free switch half God between the human race shape and Legendary Creature Form, he has nothing to grasp under Legendary Creature Form to maintain the reason. 他不是那种能在人类形态和神话生物形态之间自由切换的半神,他没什么把握在神话生物形态下保持住理智。 In other words is, through releasing Legendary Creature Form gets rid of Secret Puppet the result big probability is, Quinas Kherg this person died at the scene, the monster of the same name occupies his body. 换句话说就是,通过释放神话生物形态摆脱秘偶化的结果大概率是,丘纳斯.科尔格这个“人”当场死去,同名的怪物占据他的身体。 Because of this, does not arrive really does not have the means that Quinas Kherg not to make such attempt. 正因为如此,不到真的没有办法,丘纳斯.科尔格不会做这样的尝试。 While train of thought slow is not that fierce, resounded Revere’s Call of Despair while the ear bank, this military half God had first plan of self-help rapidly. 趁着思绪滞缓的不是那么厉害,趁着耳畔响起了“里维尔的绝望嘶喊”,这位军方半神迅速有了第一个自救的方案。 He at not the too slow speed, moved right hand thumb. 他以不算太慢的速度,动了右手拇指一下。 Corrupt Count, 《Magnify》! 堕落伯爵”,“放大” Quinas Kherg wants 《Magnify》 is not the attack of own some condition or some sealed item, but is the Revere’s Call of Despair negative effect! 丘纳斯.科尔格“放大”的不是自己的某个状态或者某件封印物的攻击,而是“里维尔的绝望嘶喊”的负面效果! This can make the holder hear call of despair the unusual revolver once for a while, to not having divinity living creature, this is serious, will therefore lose control very much easily, crazy, spiritual tearing or the mind blank, but to Sequence Four, because itself has legendary creature side, the effect that this calls out falls short greatly. 这把奇特的转轮手枪会让持有者时不时听见绝望的嘶喊,对没有神性生物来说,这非常严重,很容易就会因此失控、疯狂、精神撕裂或头脑空白,而到了序列4,由于本身已拥有了神话生物的一面,这嘶喊的效果大打折扣。 Quinas Kherg, this calls out can also make his spirit beginning point absent-minded, the mood produces some manic, no too tremendous influence, even he has adapted initially. 丘纳斯.科尔格而言,这嘶喊也就能让他精神出现点恍惚,情绪产生些狂躁,没什么太大的影响,甚至他已经初步适应。 But at this moment, he must make this call of despair enlarge to the degree that half God a little cannot withstand, by this by own energetic bitter experience pierces the ache, thus gets rid of the control on spiritual body string! 而此时此刻,他要让这“绝望的嘶喊”放大到一位半神都有点承受不住的程度,以此让自身精神遭遇刺穿般的疼痛,从而摆脱“灵体之线”上的掌控! Because 《Magnify》 does not need any obvious movement, has the speed of effect extremely is also quick, the opposite takes the Death's Knell revolver, wears half high top hat, was surrounded by the strong winds, floats cannot prevent in Gehrman Sparrow of midair promptly, was used this extraordinary capability by Corrupt Count successfully. 由于“放大”不需要什么明显动作,起效的速度也极快,对面拿着“丧钟”左轮,戴着半高礼帽,被狂风环绕,浮于半空的格尔曼.斯帕罗没能及时阻止,被“堕落伯爵”成功使用了这个非凡能力。 But next second, Quinas Kherg wait/etc. actually does not change terrifying Call, but is a tranquility. 可下一秒,丘纳斯.科尔格等来的却不是变恐怖的“嘶喊”,而是一片宁静。 Normalcy that still had shouting also vanished! 原本还存在的正常“嘶吼”也消失了! This is the random mutation that Concerto of Lights and Shadows brings! 这是“光与影的协奏曲”带来的随机性异变! Really...... is unlucky...... the Quinas Kherg thought to flash through slowly, cannot attend to dejectedly, immediately starts the second self-help. 真是……不走运……丘纳斯.科尔格念头缓慢闪过,顾不得去沮丧,立刻开始了第二次自救。 His lifts the right hand, aimed at Gehrman Sparrow within 150 meters with Revere’s Call of Despair, will soon touch off the trigger. 他一顿一顿地抬起右手,用“里维尔的绝望嘶喊”瞄准了150米内的格尔曼.斯帕罗,即将扣动扳机。 Meanwhile, directly soars the strong winds that his right hand blows to disintegrate from the interior suddenly, collapses for the air current of scattering in all directions quickly. 与此同时,直奔他右手吹来的狂风突然从内部瓦解,很快崩溃为四散的气流。 Corrupt Count, 《Confusion》! 堕落伯爵”,“混乱” Quinas resisted the disturbance of Gehrman Sparrow. 丘纳斯借此对抗住了格尔曼.斯帕罗的干扰。 Bang bang bang the sound sound, Revere’s Call of Despair like a machine gun, is spitting the bullet of danger crazily, 紧接着,砰砰砰的声音响了起来,“里维尔的绝望嘶喊”就像一把机枪,疯狂地吐着危险的子弹, For a long time has not stood still. Wears the Gehrman Sparrow body of black windproof coat to vibrate continuously, had not actually been hit. 许久没有停歇。身穿黑色风衣的格尔曼.斯帕罗身体连续抖动,却未被命中。 These bullets are scratching his outline, flew to the distant place, crushed the Jadesong Manor window and wall, let a house collapsed peacefully. 那些子弹擦着他的轮廓,飞向了远处,击碎了玫歌庄园的窗户和墙壁,让其中一栋房屋安静垮塌。 Bang bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰砰! The following bullet storm continues to raid, finally, Gehrman Sparrow was hit, continuously repeatedly! 后续的子弹风暴继续袭来,终于,格尔曼.斯帕罗被命中了,连续多次! In blood splash splashes, Gehrman Sparrow in paperman like the strong winds, swings to struggle unceasingly, was possibly torn momentarily. 一股股血花飞溅中,格尔曼.斯帕罗就像狂风里纸人,不断地摇摆挣扎,随时可能被撕裂。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Then stopped this Call the unusual pistol finally, but Gehrman Sparrow except for the head, other spot were many fierce blood-color holes. 砰!砰!砰!那把奇特的手枪终于停止了这次“嘶喊”,而格尔曼.斯帕罗除了头部,别的部位多了一个又一个狰狞的血色窟窿。 Normal, this definitely is the deceased person has the condition that but Gehrman Sparrow had not actually been affected to continue to operate spiritual body string by anything. 正常来说,这绝对是死人才有的状态,可格尔曼.斯帕罗却没受什么影响般继续操纵着“灵体之线” On him these exaggerating wounds, slow are but healing firmly. 他身上那些夸张的伤口,则在缓慢但坚决地愈合着。 This is the effect of Flower of Blood ring. 这是“血之花”戒指的效果。 This Gehrman Sparrow essentially is "Winner" Eniyuni! 这个格尔曼.斯帕罗本质上是“赢家”恩尤尼 He had not passed away in that wind -type attack a moment ago , because he releases Luck that oneself saved , because Quinas Kherg enough Unlucky! 他之所以没在刚才那风式的攻击里逝去,是因为他释放了自己积攒的“幸运”,是因为丘纳斯.科尔格足够“不幸” But call of despair that the bullet brings, to Secret Puppet, is equal to not having. 而子弹带来的“绝望嘶喊”,对一个秘偶来说,等于没有。 Saw with own eyes that the wild attack has not achieved the expected effect, but the time of self-help are getting more and more less, Quinas Kherg according to thinks a moment ago the good plan, has almost not made the ponder to loosen the left hand five fingers slowly. 眼见狂暴的攻击没达到预期的效果,而自救的时间越来越少,丘纳斯.科尔格按照刚才想好的方案,几乎没做思考地缓慢松开了左手五指。 That iron sheet pocket watch one was separated from his palm, toward under is falling. 那个“铁皮”怀表一下脱离了他的手掌,往着下方落去。 At this critical juncture, Quinas Kherg gave up Concerto of Lights and Shadows decisively, lets it far away from the battlefield, dodges the influence of random mutation by this. 值此关键时刻,丘纳斯.科尔格果断放弃了“光与影的协奏曲”,让它远离战场,以此规避随机性异变的影响。 Then, he possibly only then arrived at two self-helps the opportunities, had not the good mutation again, is unable to recover! 接下来,他可能只有一到两次自救的机会了,再出现不好的异变,根本无法补救! Dial plate half order half chaotic sealed item falls fast, Quinas Kherg to wound fast healing Gehrman Sparrow, the difficult earth movement under was pointing. 表盘半秩序半混乱的封印物飞快下坠中,丘纳斯.科尔格对着伤口快速愈合的格尔曼.斯帕罗,艰难地动了下手指。 He should have two choices ; first, according to most starts to try to find the good third self-help solution, but brain action ; second, the injury of 《Magnify》 opposite enemy, making him die at the scene. 他原本应该有两个选择,一是按照最开始想好的第三个自救办法,不过脑子地行动,二是“放大”对面敌人的伤势,让他当场死亡。 However, Quinas Kherg can also ponder quickly time, after cannot expect in Gehrman Sparrow so many spears/guns, not only without dying, the control of spiritual body string has not received anything to affect, in the plan does not have corresponding following. 但是,丘纳斯.科尔格还能较快思考的时候,没能预料到“格尔曼.斯帕罗”中了那么多枪后,不仅没死,就连“灵体之线”的掌控都未受到什么影响,方案里没有相应的后续。 But at this time, his head like crowded the starch, has no way to do excessively pondered, does not want therefore to waste the time, can only act according to the plan. 而这个时候,他脑袋就像被塞满了浆糊,没法去做过多思考,不想因此浪费时间,只能按照预案行动。 Wū! 呜! Wears the transparent glove, with the Gehrman Sparrow body week of iron oxide black revolver, the strong winds is suddenly intense he holds, circles is flushing away toward the upper air. 戴透明手套,拿铁黑左轮的格尔曼.斯帕罗身周,将他托着的狂风骤然激烈,盘旋着往高空冲去。 Wū! 呜! Gehrman Sparrow by the strong winds depending on binding, under the testimony of huge scarlet moon, was rushing to the jet black nighttime sky. 格尔曼.斯帕罗被狂风挟裹着,在巨大红月的见证下,奔向了漆黑的夜空。 Corrupt Count, 《Magnify》! 堕落伯爵”,“放大” Helped the strong winds of Gehrman Sparrow flight become the tornado by 《Magnify》! 帮助格尔曼.斯帕罗飞行的狂风被“放大”成了龙卷风! As the matter stands, he and Quinas Kherg distance by drawing to about 150 meters, Secret Puppet will therefore be expired quickly! 这样一来,他和丘纳斯.科尔格的距离很快就会被拉到150米开外,秘偶化将因此失效! Saw that the goal achieves initially, has not been separated from the Quinas Kherg face of control expression suddenly becomes complex. 看到目的初步达成,还未脱离控制的丘纳斯.科尔格脸上表情忽然一顿一顿地变得复杂。 That tornado extreme velocity inflated, swept across, affected him, threw him to the upper air, let him and Gehrman Sparrow distance is unable to pull open thoroughly. 那龙卷风极速膨胀,席卷了过来,波及了他,将他也丢向了高空,让他与格尔曼.斯帕罗的距离无法彻底拉开。 Really unfortunate. 真是不幸啊。 Under dim light of night, in scarlet moonlight, two person's shadows getting smaller. 夜色之下,绯红月光之中,两道人影越来越小。 Quick, that tornado returned to normal, the trend on two people flying has been alleviated. 很快,那龙卷风恢复了正常,两人上飞的趋势得到缓解。 Seized this opportunity, the train of thought that Quinas Kherg soon solidified issued another thought: 抓住这个机会,丘纳斯.科尔格快要凝固的思绪下达了另一个念头: Stops......” “中止……” He stopped the strength of maintaining the flight, with the aid of the attraction of land, like a meteorite, fell fast to, spread out with Gehrman Sparrow rapidly. 他中止掉了维持飞行的力量,借助大地的吸引力,就像一颗陨石,飞快落向了下方,迅速与格尔曼.斯帕罗拉开了距离。 Then, he has not gone to manage Gehrman Sparrow to control the strong winds, turns around to pursue, the joint rusted drew the left arm before the body equally slowly. 然后,他没去管格尔曼.斯帕罗正驾驭狂风,掉头追来,关节生锈了一样在身前缓慢拉动左臂。 This is one closing movement. 这是一个“关门”的动作。 He must make a piece of wall -type in the air seal by Corrupt Count’s 《Distort》, making Gehrman Sparrow be stopped, is unable to catch up. 他要以“堕落伯爵”的“扭曲”制造一片墙壁式的空中封印,让格尔曼.斯帕罗受到阻拦,无法追上。 At this moment, under also living these Secret Puppet, these Gehrman Sparrow, lift the left arm simultaneously, made the hand signal of gunshot. 就在这时,下方还活着的那些秘偶,那些格尔曼.斯帕罗,同时抬起左臂,做出了枪击的手势。 Bang bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰砰! Bullets projected, covered Quinas Kherg of midair. 一枚枚子弹射出,覆盖了半空的丘纳斯.科尔格 When impact wave dispersing, on Quinas Kherg are many several blood-color holes. 等到冲击波浪散开,丘纳斯.科尔格身上已是多了几个血色窟窿。 After the initial several bullets and shells hit, he with the aid of the fierce swaying of ache and body, finally shakes off the control of spiritual body string, the speed of thought is restored. 被最初几枚子弹、炮弹命中后,他借助剧烈的疼痛和身体的摇晃,终于摆脱了“灵体之线”的控制,思维的速度得到恢复。 Then, he in that critical moment 《Confusion》 the follow-up fire, the wound that 《Distort》 oneself suffered, finally had not died unexpectedly, is only the severe wound. 接着,他在那关键时刻“混乱”了后续的射击,“扭曲”了自身遭受的创伤,最终竟没有死去,只是重伤。 But from the upper air whereabouts, takes many magical item Gehrman Sparrow to be blocked by invisible wall that” he makes, cannot pursue. 而从高空下落,拿着不少神奇物品格尔曼.斯帕罗被他制造的“无形之墙”挡住,没能追赶上来。 Also is 《Distort》, the speed that Quinas Kherg crashes slows down instantaneously, fell gently light the ground. 又是一个“扭曲”,丘纳斯.科尔格坠落的速度瞬间放缓,轻飘飘落到了地上。 He has not handled other matter with enough time, the body is one stiff, looked at dumbly same place. 他还未来得及做别的事情,身体又是一僵,呆立在了原地。 He thought that own hand and foot are resisting with, did not listen to order, he thought that within the body is hiding a strange thing! 他觉得自己的手和脚在与自己对抗,不听命令了,他觉得体内藏着一个陌生的事物! Then, under he sees that wheel huge scarlet moon to shine, the Jadesong Manor main room belongs to the room of master, the person's shadow walked together, stands in the balcony. 然后,他看见那轮巨大的红月照耀下,玫歌庄园主屋属于主人的房间内,一道人影走了出来,立在阳台上。 His black hair brown pupil, wears silk top hat, wears the black windproof coat, the outline is profound, line chilling, is Gehrman Sparrow. 他黑发棕瞳,戴丝绸礼帽,穿黑色风衣,轮廓深刻,线条冷硬,又是一个格尔曼.斯帕罗 This Gehrman Sparrow right hand is also assuming the posture of gunshot, then received, puts to the mouth, blew. 这个格尔曼.斯帕罗右手同样摆着枪击的姿势,接着收了回去,放至嘴边,吹了一下。 This is Klein. 这是克莱恩自己。 A moment ago he made is not the air bullet, parasitism bullet that but promotes at the strength of air bullet! 他刚才打出的不是空气子弹,而是以空气子弹的力量推出的“寄生子弹” By clone of Amon legacy Insect of Time manufacture parasitism bullet! 阿蒙分身遗留“时之虫”制作的“寄生子弹” It can make one unable to survive too long Insect of Time, lets it parasitic in goal within the body, is operated by the user. 它可以制造一条存活不了太久的“时之虫”,让它“寄生”于目标体内,由使用者操纵。 Klein takes out this bullet specially, in own, is waiting for an opportunity, waits for Quinas Kherg to discard Concerto of Lights and Shadows, be at having no way to avoid to have no way the 《Distort》 condition. 克莱恩特意将这枚子弹取出,拿在自己手里,就是在等待一个机会,等待丘纳斯.科尔格扔掉“光与影的协奏曲”,又处于没法躲避没法“扭曲”的状态。 The former after that Corrupt Count was initially controlled spiritual body string, has been able to foresee, because the opposite party will not make the random mutation affect to help oneself, but the latter needs to be patient. 前者在那位“堕落伯爵”被初步控制“灵体之线”后,已是可以预见,因为对方不会让随机性异变影响自救,而后者需要耐心。 In a moment ago, the patience had the return, the opportunity appeared, Klein first lifts the hand fire, without random mutation disturbance, infiltrated the body of Quinas Kherg parasitism bullet accurately! 就在刚才,耐心有了回报,机会出现了,克莱恩第一个抬手射击,在没有了随机性异变干扰的情况下,准确将“寄生子弹”打入了丘纳斯.科尔格的身体! Before if became effective is not deception bullet, but is deprivation bullet, that was another fighting method. 如果之前生效的不是“欺瞒子弹”,而是“剥夺子弹”,那又是另一种打法了。 Has no way to control Gehrman Sparrow of Quinas Kherg of body in shortly on such looks at balcony under huge scarlet moon, takes top hat, by the hand according to the chest, is bowing to slightly. 短暂没法控制身体的丘纳斯.科尔格就那样看着阳台上的格尔曼.斯帕罗在巨大红月下,取掉礼帽,以手按胸,对着自己微微鞠躬。 The opposite party black windproof coat swings gently within, his train of thought detention. 对方黑色风衣轻轻荡起间,他连思绪都滞涩了。 Lord of Mysteries 诡秘之主 诡秘之主https://
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