LM :: Volume #5

#80: Forbids 2 times

The Lord of Mysteries Chapter 80 forbids a novel online to listen to twice 诡秘之主第80章两次禁止有声小说在线收听 Saw that in scarlet moon lowers one to wear the black windproof coat to grasp the young man of iron black revolver, makes dealing to entire world important personage basically not strange Quinas Kherg immediately. 看到红月中降下一位身穿黑色风衣手持铁黑色左轮的年轻男人,对全世界重要人物基本不陌生的丘纳斯.科尔格立刻就做出了应对。 He is grasping iron sheet the left hand of pocket watch, the thumb rapid traverse, reached the disorderly embed in pocket watch peak one of the several metal buttons, the right arm lifts fiercely, with encircling a six gray barrel, aimed at Gehrman Sparrow. 他握着“铁皮”怀表的左手,拇指快速移动,伸向了凌乱镶嵌于怀表顶端的几个金属按钮之一,右臂则猛地抬起,用围成一圈的六根灰色枪管,瞄准了格尔曼.斯帕罗 This process is similar to the spark of metal impact excitation, quick had finished, but the left hand thumb of Quinas Kherg has not pressed finally. 这个过程就如同金属碰撞激发的火花,很快就已结束,而丘纳斯.科尔格的左手拇指最终没有按下去。 He overcame oneself conditioned reflex, has not used Concerto of Lights and Shadows 《Prohibit》 directly. 他克服了自己的条件反射,没直接动用“光与影的协奏曲”“禁止” This is because he did not know about Gehrman Sparrow, was not clear the opposite party most excels at anything . Moreover, is going against the Gehrman Sparrow appearance not necessarily is Gehrman Sparrow, blind 《Prohibit》 will only waste the opportunity. 这是因为他对格尔曼.斯帕罗并不了解,不清楚对方最擅长什么,而且,顶着格尔曼.斯帕罗长相的未必就是格尔曼.斯帕罗,盲目“禁止”只会浪费机会。 He plans to observe again, waits, with the aim of formulating the law with clear aims, twists the rule. 他打算再观察一下,等待一下,以便更有针对性地制定律令,扭曲规则。 Bang bang bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰砰砰! Then sends out call of despair the unusual pistol, divulges the black and ice-cold bullet storm, one covers the enemy under scarlet moon. 那把奇特的手枪发出绝望的嘶喊,宣泄出黑而冰冷的子弹风暴,一下就将红月下的敌人笼罩。 At this time, the Gehrman Sparrow form was suddenly transparent, becomes insufficiently real. 这个时候,格尔曼.斯帕罗的身影陡然透明,变得不够真实。 The bullet that simultaneously arrives in penetrated the goal of throwing over the black windproof coat, tears the remnant shadow that he left behind. 同时抵达的子弹穿透了披黑色风衣的目标,撕裂了他留下的残影。 But Quinas Kherg behind, solemn-looking Gehrman Sparrow appears suddenly, body half volt, to leans forward, black top hat of top of the head under scarlet moonlight shone catches wiped the blood-color. 丘纳斯.科尔格的身后,面容冷峻的格尔曼.斯帕罗突地浮现,身体半伏,向前倾着,头顶的黑色礼帽绯红月光照耀下染上了一抹血色。 He lifts the iron black long manages revolver in hand fiercely, at the same time slightly mouth of aiming, flip under trigger. 他猛地抬起手里的铁黑色长管左轮,于瞄准的同时微张嘴巴,轻碰了下扳机。 Bang! 砰! The Quinas Kherg right side, the floor one blasted out, splashes the innumerable fragment. 丘纳斯.科尔格的右侧,地板一下炸开,溅起了数不清的碎片。 Gehrman Sparrow this spear/gun unexpectedly so oddly, moreover destructive power obvious insufficiency. 格尔曼.斯帕罗这一枪竟偏得如此离谱,而且破坏力明显不足。 This is Corrupt Count’s 《Distort》, it makes the ballistic yawing, the might reduce. 这是“堕落伯爵”的“扭曲”,它使弹道偏离,威力减小。 Seized this opportunity, Quinas Kherg 《Confusion》 the criterion of weight distance, one step arrived in the balcony in bedroom. 抓住这个机会,丘纳斯.科尔格“混乱”了衡量距离的尺度,一步就来到卧室的阳台上。 Then, his half revolution the body, in which metal button of according to beginning „the iron sheet pocket watch, and opens the mouth to say gravely seriously: 然后,他半转过身体,地一声按动了手中“铁皮”怀表的其中一个金属按钮,并庄重严肃地开口道: This place forbids teleportation!” “此地禁止传送!” Silent within, Jadesong Manor that huge scarlet moon shines had some unknown change, opened fire the later body to change pale Gehrman Sparrow to highlight from void fast. 无声无息间,巨大红月照耀的玫歌庄园发生了某种未知的变化,开枪之后身体快速变淡的格尔曼.斯帕罗又从虚空中凸显了出来。 He cannot successfully change places. 他没能成功更换位置。 Concerto of Lights and Shadows, 《Prohibit》! “光与影的协奏曲”,“禁止” To Quinas Kherg, actually no matter Gehrman Sparrow excels at anything, since he can teleportation, that probably 《Prohibit》, be able immediately no gap high-frequency short distance teleportation enemy, not only repugnant, but also danger! 丘纳斯.科尔格而言,不管格尔曼.斯帕罗究竟擅长什么,既然他能够“传送”,那就必须立刻“禁止”,一个能无间隔高频率短途“传送”的敌人,不仅讨厌,而且危险! Discovered own teleportation failure, the Gehrman Sparrow expression has not had the change, the form twisted fast, removes all colors, only stayed behind pitch-black. 发现自己“传送”失败,格尔曼.斯帕罗的表情却未有改变,身影快速扭曲了一下,褪去所有颜色,只留下了深黑。 This pitch-black collapsed suddenly, spreads out in the ground, could not illuminate the shadows of region to fuse in the moonlight together, difficult minute each other. 这“深黑”猛然垮塌,摊开在了地面,与月光照不到区域的阴影们融合在一起,难分彼此。 The position that bang bang bang bang bang, Gehrman Sparrow stood a moment ago, the bullet hole presently, tore the floor for the first time. 砰砰砰砰砰,格尔曼.斯帕罗刚才站立的位置,弹孔乍现,撕裂了地板。 Bang! 轰隆! There collapses directly, revealed that below room, may not have the dust to leap. 那里直接垮塌,显露出了下方的房间,可却没有灰尘腾起。 But in such sound, Jadesong Manor covers in the deep shadow as before, without whom awakens, without echo. 而这样的动静里,玫歌庄园依旧笼罩在深厚的阴影中,没谁惊醒,没有回声。 Quinas Kherg restrains the 《Prohibit》 shadow to hide the impulsion of behavior immediately, is raising Revere’s Call of Despair, is grasping Concerto of Lights and Shadows, observed all around calmly, waited for Gehrman Sparrow to appear again, launches the attack. 丘纳斯.科尔格克制住了立刻“禁止”阴影躲藏行为的冲动,提着“里维尔的绝望嘶喊”,握着“光与影的协奏曲”,冷静地观察起四周,等待格尔曼.斯帕罗再次出现,发动攻击。 But, in tattered room, various shadows peaceful silent, without slightly sound, but out of the window, minaret and chimney are hoodwinking the ice-cold black as before, huge scarlet moon as if hangs in the roof. 可是,破烂的房间内,各处阴影安静无声,没丝毫动静,而窗外,尖塔与烟囱依旧蒙着冰冷的黑色,巨大的红月仿佛就悬在屋顶。 The plant in garden, the grapevine of distant place, 花园里的植物,远处的葡萄藤, Various types of classical windows, in such night, as if degenerated the background, obviously naked eye obvious, actually swayed does not sway. Entire Jadesong Manor is so gloomy and cold, dark and silent, like forgot in the corner that no one paid attention to no one to discover, does not have the vitality. 各种古典的窗户,在这样的夜里,似乎都退化成了背景,明明肉眼可见,却连摇晃都不摇晃一下。整座玫歌庄园都是如此阴冷、黑暗、寂静,就像被遗忘在了无人关注无人能发现的角落,毫无生机可言。 As half God, as influential figure of information world, Quinas Kherg some certain guess, suspected rapidly this is related with the authority of Secret domain. 作为一名半神,作为情报世界的大人物,丘纳斯.科尔格迅速就对此有了一定的猜测,怀疑这与“隐秘”领域的权柄有关。 This made him have many associations, but Gehrman Sparrow has not appeared as before. 这让他产生了不少联想,而格尔曼.斯帕罗依旧没有出现。 He has not made the sneak attack unexpectedly, but also let go the opportunity of guided bomb, left behind so many crevices to me...... his could it be that not clear high sequence Lawyer or Arbiter, once made fully the preparation in the early period of the fight, will be nasty? In the Quinas Kherg heart flashed through doubts. 他竟然没做偷袭,还放弃了连续打击的机会,给我留下了这么多空隙……他难道不清楚一位高序列“律师”或者“仲裁人”,一旦在战斗前期做足了准备,会多么难以对付吗?丘纳斯.科尔格心中闪过了一丝疑惑。 To the surrounding observation and relative is not that urgent condition, making him soon clearly recognize own situation, understands defeated Gehrman Sparrow this enemy is not the key, escaped from this strange and secret world is the key point. 对周围的观察和相对不是那么紧迫的状态,让他很快就认清楚了自身的处境,明白了打败格尔曼.斯帕罗这个敌人不是关键,逃出这奇异而隐秘的世界才是重点。 If unable to leave here, following likely also has other danger! 如果无法离开这里,后续很可能还有别的危险! So long as can be separated from this gloomy style Jadesong Manor, even if Angel arrives, places Beckland me not to need to be that afraid......, but the secret world of this artificial manufacture, has an exit|to speak inevitably, this was in mysticism is unable to circle the past rule...... the use and distortion Lawyer of path half God rule to the matter that most excelled at! Various Quinas Kherg ideas, had the resolution numerous rapidly. 只要能脱离这阴暗风格的玫歌庄园,哪怕天使降临,身处贝克兰德的我也不用那么害怕……而这种人为制造的隐秘世界,必然存在一个出口,这是神秘学里无法绕过去的一个规则……对规则的利用和扭曲正是“律师”途径半神最擅长的事情!丘纳斯.科尔格各种想法纷呈间,迅速有了决断。 He turns around suddenly, makes an effort to jump from the balcony, since such as the spring is the same fast fast. 他骤然转身,从阳台上用力跳起,如弹簧一样起速飞快。 This military half God one jumped the high place, but the speed has not slowed down unexpectedly, no whereabouts trend. 这位军方半神一下跳到了高处,可速度竟没有放缓,毫无下落的趋势。 He is keeping such speed, is getting higher and higher, is getting higher and higher, flew unexpectedly like this. 他保持着这样的速度,越来越高,越来越高,竟这样飞了起来。 Corrupt Count, 《Use》! 堕落伯爵”,“利用” This is to 《Use》 of rule, lengthened took off this process, letting the speed can keep very long. 这是对规则的“利用”,延长了起跳这个过程,让速度可以保持很久。 If Quinas Kherg can become Sequence Two Angel, he even can rely on this extraordinary capability, jumps from the ground to scarlet moon on directly. 如果丘纳斯.科尔格能成为序列2天使,他甚至可以凭借这个非凡能力,直接从地面跳到红月上。 Jumps to the midair at the same time, Quinas Kherg flung under the right arm, started 《Confusion》 this extraordinary capability. 跳到半空的同时,丘纳斯.科尔格甩了下右臂,发动了“混乱”这个非凡能力。 He must aim at the entire Jadesong Manor entire strange world, makes certain 《Confusion》, makes here produce the ripples shortly, exposes the true exit|to speak. 他要以整座玫歌庄园整个奇异世界为目标,制造一定的“混乱”,借此让这里短暂产生涟漪,暴露真正的出口。 In an instant, in Jadesong Manor the background same fresh flower and grapevine presented swaying, dark minaret, chimney and classical window also downplay the feeling that the shadow covered in abundance. 刹那间,玫歌庄园内背景一样的鲜花和葡萄藤出现了摇晃,阴黑的尖塔、烟囱和古典窗户也纷纷淡化了影子笼罩的感觉。 The whole world, only has that wheel to be giant, close at hand scarlet moon has not changed, calmly is hanging there as before. 整个世界,唯有那轮巨大的,近在眼前的红月没有丝毫变化,依旧静静悬挂于那里。 It is the exit|to speak! Quinas Kherg adhered to the rule from the confusion, depended upon the concrete feedback, judged where should leave. 它就是出口!丘纳斯.科尔格从混乱中把握到了规律,依靠具体的反馈,判断出了该从哪里离开。 Has not hesitated, his waist makes an effort, with the aid of 《Magnify》 this extraordinary capability, changed the direction forcibly, was rushed toward that wheel bright red bright moon by oneself. 没有迟疑,他腰部用力,借助“放大”这个非凡能力,强行改变了方向,让自身往那轮鲜红明澈的月亮奔去。 At this time, in the shadow of Jadesong Manor main room front was long a person, wore the black windproof coat, wore half high top hat, solemn-looking Gehrman Sparrow. 就在这个时候,玫歌庄园主屋前方的阴影里长出了一个人,正是穿黑色风衣,戴半高礼帽,面容冷峻的格尔曼.斯帕罗 Wū! 呜! The strong winds emerge out of thin air, curl Gehrman Sparrow to charge into the above, pursues Quinas Kherg. 狂风凭空出现,卷着格尔曼.斯帕罗冲向上方,追赶起丘纳斯.科尔格 Gehrman Sparrow in wind also lifts the iron black revolver of right hand, touched off the trigger. 风中的格尔曼.斯帕罗随之抬起右手的铁黑色左轮,扣动了扳机。 Bang! 砰! A bullet departs, blasting open is the innumerable fragments. 一枚子弹飞出,炸裂为无数碎片。 They turn into the storm at once, covers the region that Quinas Kherg is at completely. 它们旋即化成风暴,将丘纳斯.科尔格所在的区域完全笼罩。 The Death's Knell revolver, slaughter, the shrapnel sweeps away! “丧钟”左轮,“屠杀”,霰弹横扫! Almost is simultaneously, Quinas Kherg did not have the indication to change the leading the way direction, from rushing to moon turned fell. 几乎是同时,丘纳斯.科尔格毫无征兆地改变了前行的方向,从奔去月亮变成了直直下坠。 He therefore evaded the attack of bullet storm, might be prepared. 他因此躲过了子弹风暴的袭击,像是要有准备。 No, does not seem like, he is prepared early! Although he main objective is to escape from mutation Jadesong Manor, but was worried as before Gehrman Sparrow will seize the chance to attack itself, therefore, thinks simply a trap, plans to take own fleeing as the bait, fishes Gehrman Sparrow that hides, in advance wounds and even causes heavy losses to the opposite party. 不,不是像是,他就是早有准备!他虽然主要目标是逃出异变的玫歌庄园,但依旧担心格尔曼.斯帕罗会趁机袭击自己,所以,简单想了个陷阱,打算以自身的逃离为诱饵,钓出躲藏起来的格尔曼.斯帕罗,先行击伤乃至重创对方。 The whereabouts to half, the Quinas Kherg form rebound suddenly, direction that once again 《Distort》 oneself led the way. 下落到一半,丘纳斯.科尔格的身影陡然反弹,又一次“扭曲”了自己前行的方向。 This time, his destination is the Gehrman Sparrow flight trajectory next station! 这一次,他的目的地是格尔曼.斯帕罗飞行轨迹的“下一站”! He takes the left hand of pocket watch to make an effort in the future, separated unexpectedly held Gehrman Sparrow spatially, the opposite party from dozens meters external bracing before oneself body. 紧接着,他拿怀表的左手用力往后一拉,竟隔空抓住了格尔曼.斯帕罗,将对方从好几十米外拉到了自己身前。 Corrupt Count, 《Magnify》! 堕落伯爵”,“放大” Wū! 呜! The wind sound/rumor surges, Quinas Kherg held the Gehrman Sparrow chest front clothing, took advantage of opportunity to arrive at the unusual pistol of right hand. 风声激荡中,丘纳斯.科尔格抓住了格尔曼.斯帕罗胸前的衣物,顺势将右手的奇特手枪抵了上去。 Bang bang bang bang bang! 砰砰砰砰砰! Revere’s Call of Despair made the innumerable bullet like the machine gun, body tearing of Gehrman Sparrow, rips the slip of paper that danced in the air all over the sky instantaneously. “里维尔的绝望嘶喊”像机枪一样打出了数不清的子弹,瞬间就将格尔曼.斯帕罗的身体撕裂,撕成了满天飞舞的纸片。 The Quinas Kherg pupil light slightly has the solidification, immediately moves the left hand thumb, once again pressed down a pocket watch metal button. 丘纳斯.科尔格眸光略有凝固,当即移动左手拇指,又一次按下了怀表其中一个金属按钮。 In the crack sound, this Corrupt Count said on the dignified opens the mouth without hesitation: 喀嚓的声音里,这位“堕落伯爵”毫不犹豫就威严开口道: This place forbids to use the substitute person!” “此地禁止使用替身!” This voice falls, the midair the wind sound/rumor has stopped, Jadesong Manor restored again peacefully, was covered by the deep shadow again. 这话音一落,半空呜的风声已是停止,玫歌庄园再次恢复了安静,重新被深色的阴影笼罩。 The direction that the Quinas Kherg change goes forward, starts to turn circle in the midair, seeks for the Gehrman Sparrow trace, however, the dim light of night solidifies, anything exceptionally does not have. 丘纳斯.科尔格改变前进的方向,开始在半空转圈,寻找格尔曼.斯帕罗的踪影,然而,夜色凝固,什么异常都没有。 This Corrupt Count considered, the preparation continued to rush to that huge scarlet moon. 这位“堕落伯爵”斟酌了一下,准备继续奔向那巨大的红月 At this time, in the garden, vineyard and manorial lord room, person's shadows or growing, or raised, rapid forming. 就在这个时候,花园、葡萄园、庄园主屋里,一道道人影或长出,或拔高,迅速成形。 Their black hair brown pupil, the outline is all profound, wears silk top hat, wears the black windproof coat, unexpectedly is Gehrman Sparrow! 他们皆黑发棕瞳,轮廓深刻,戴丝绸礼帽,穿黑色风衣,竟都是格尔曼.斯帕罗 The only difference is, their physique is normal, some backs are hollow, some indistinct inflation, some are only light. 唯一的不同是,他们有的形体正常,有的背部凹陷,有的隐约胀气,有的只薄薄一层。 Sees this, Quinas Kherg recalls immediately had encountered a dangerous enemy: 看到这一幕,丘纳斯.科尔格立刻回想起了曾经遭遇过的一个危险敌人: One of Intis intelligence service's leaders in secret ; 因蒂斯情报部门暗中的领导者之一; Crafty Mage! 一位“诡法师” Lord of Mysteries 诡秘之主 诡秘之主https://
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