LM :: Volume #5

#71: Jadesong Manor

Beckland, Queen District, the leaning northwest suburb, takes the carriage to need the place that one hour can arrive, Jadesong Manor according to River of Tasok constructs, the surroundings beautiful scenery, the internal flowers and trees are prosperous. 贝克兰德,皇后区,偏西北方向的郊外,乘坐马车需一个多小时才能抵达的地方,玫歌庄园塔索克河而建,周围风景秀丽,内部花木繁盛。 Mentioned also strangely, the Beckland city the multi- rains, the sunlight period were all the year round few, but its suburb, the cloud layer is always thin, was sunny, the great distance is not obviously far, actually presented the entirely different two weather , west the northern suburbs were most obvious, even was one of the northern continent quite famous grape planter places, but walked probably 50 kilometers from this region along River of Tasok toward the northwest again, the weather situation will approach the Beckland city. 说来也奇怪,贝克兰德城区长年多阴雨,日照时间较少,可它的郊外,总是云层稀薄,阳光灿烂,明明相隔不远,却呈现截然不同的两种天气,其中,以西北郊最为明显,甚至是北大陆相当有名的葡萄种植地之一,而从这片区域沿塔索克河再往西北走大概50公里,天气情况又会靠近贝克兰德城区。 Similar situation made the meteorologists throughout the doubts puzzled, could not find the appropriate theory to expound the reason, Klein a little guessed indistinctly: 类似的情况让气象学家们始终疑惑不解,找不到合适的理论来阐明原因,克莱恩则隐约有点猜测: In fourth era, here is Tudor- Trensost unites the capital of empire, “Blood Emperor” Arista also abandons the human nature in this place completely, becomes God that falls insanely, therefore, the weather and terrain by permanently the small range change, are really normal- the information in this aspect, Leonard Mitchell has when the Tarot Society free alternating current mentions 12. 第四纪,这里是“图铎特伦索斯特”联合帝国的首都,“血皇帝”亚利斯塔也是于此地完全抛弃人性,成为疯掉的神灵,所以,天气和地形被永久地小范围地改变,实属正常-这方面的情报,伦纳德.米切尔有在塔罗会自由交流时提及一二。 Moreover, as time-honored, the region of human race earliest activity, this piece Land of Hope buries is not knowing that many places the vestige, they might have certain invisible impact on the weather in the ancient times. 而且,作为历史悠久,人类最早活动的区域,这片“希望之地”埋藏着不知多少处古代遗迹,它们都很可能会对天气造成一定的无形的影响。 The carriage drives into Jadesong Manor, after was advocated the room to encircle in the middle fountain basin and flake garden, stopped outside the main entrance. 马车驶入玫歌庄园,经过被主屋围在中间的喷泉水池和小片花园,停在了正门外。 Klein just brought steward Walter to go down the carriage, sees manor deacon Richardson to get two rows of manservant and maid, stands near the gate, waits for the employer. 克莱恩刚带着管家瓦尔特走下马车,就看见庄园执事理查德森领着两排男仆和女佣,立在门边,等待雇主。 Compared with 160 Buckland Street, here servant number are more, but belongs second-rate and below. 比起伯克伦德街160号,这里的仆役数量更多,但都属于二等及以下。 Looking at a clothing was straight, Richardson with a new look, Klein nods to say with a smile: 看了眼衣物笔挺,面貌一新的理查德森,克莱恩含笑点头道: Does well.” “做得不错。” Does not wait for Richardson to respond, he takes down the hat, gives personal manservant Eniyuni together with the cane together, asked directly: 不等理查德森回应,他边取下帽子,连同手杖一起递给贴身男仆恩尤尼,边直接问道: Chatted the living room that and played cards to be ready to the ladies “给女士们闲聊、打牌的起居室预备好了吗” Has prepared, laid aside the pokers, tarot and some chess games, the piano, violin and other common musical instruments also moves.” Richardson replied smoothly. “已经准备好,放置了扑克、塔罗和一些棋类游戏,钢琴、小提琴等常见乐器也搬了进去。”理查德森流畅地回答道。 Klein passes the front door, lightly nodded and said: 克莱恩通过大门,轻轻颔首道: „The smoking room of gentlemen?” “男士们的吸烟房呢?” Just like the ladies, on main building two, was separated by five rooms.” Richardson does not need the servants in manor to remind, even without making the recollection, gave the answer. “和女士们一样,都在主楼二层,相隔了五个房间。”理查德森无需庄园内的仆人们提醒,甚至没做回想,就给出了答案。 Cannot move the careless mistake for the first hunting that the employer initiates, each minor matter inquired, although was very tired, but the spirit was extremely stimulated. 为了雇主发起的第一次狩猎活动不出纰漏,他每一件小事都有过问,虽然身体很疲惫,但精神极亢奋。 Klein also asked the situation in some dinner and guest room, the confirmation is appropriate. 克莱恩又问了些晚餐和客房的情况,确认都已妥当。 In a while, he and others Jadesong Manor changed surname the first group of guests after Dantes: 没过多久,他等来了玫歌庄园改姓唐泰斯后的第一批客人: Congressman Macht! 马赫特议员一家! Here compared with my elk manor mostly.” Macht takes off the coat with a smile, gives the servant, while the praise said, I have heard Jadesong from fermenting the wine is splendid, but does not have the opportunity to taste, today can satisfy the curiosity finally.” “这里比我的麋鹿庄园大多了。”马赫特一边笑着脱掉外套,递给仆人,一边夸赞道,“我一直都听说玫歌自酿的葡萄酒非常出色,但始终没机会品尝到,今天总算能满足好奇心了。” Hope cannot disappoint you.” Klein said with a smile modestly. “希望不会让你失望。”克莱恩谦虚笑道。 As the northern continent famous grape planter place, the champagne, red wine and the white wine quality Beckland northwestern suburbs region are good, but this place manor mostly is the aristocrat, from fermenting the alcohol will not sell basically outward, therefore, few heard in the market, the person who the people of upper circles of society or are close to this circle, knows the situation. 作为北大陆有名的葡萄种植地,贝克兰德西北郊这片区域的香槟、红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒都品质上佳,但此地庄园大多属于贵族,自酿的酒类饮料基本不会对外售卖,所以,在市场上几乎没人听说,只有上流社会的人或者接近这个圈子的人,才知晓情况。 Jadesong is one of the place most typical manors, from fermenting the wine received in the widespread acclaim of circle, the red wine of special year had even started out over a hundred pounds 1 bottle of prices by the collector. 玫歌是此地最具代表性的庄园之一,自酿的葡萄酒受到了所在圈子的广泛赞扬,特殊年份的红葡萄酒甚至被收藏家开出过上百镑一瓶的价格。 However, Klein can buy such a manor by 20.000 gold pound, naturally also accepted some conditions, that is the wines of all special years the person who is sent by Duke of Negan carries off. 不过,克莱恩能以两万金镑买下这么一座庄园,自然也是答应了一些条件的,那就是所有特殊年份的葡萄酒都由尼根公爵派来的人带走。 Congressman Macht is quite clear, does not have the expectation to drink the collection level the famous name wine, hearing this said with a smile: 马赫特议员对此相当清楚,也没期望能喝到收藏级的名酒,闻言笑道: You can open several bottles of liquor, “你可以多开几瓶酒, Gives me to pour a small cup respectively, which year making me evaluate the surplus the liquor to be most outstanding well. ” As one of the upper circles of society, he has not truly drunk the Jadesong Manor liquor, the reason is very simple, he is New Party congressman, but high-rank Duke of Negan is the Conservative main sponsor. 分别给我倒一小杯,让我好好评鉴一下剩余哪个年份的酒最为出众。”作为上流社会的一员,他确实没喝过玫歌庄园的酒,原因很简单,他是新党议员,而上位尼根公爵是保守党主要资助者。 Does not have the issue.” Klein complied immediately, the vision took advantage of opportunity to sweep nearby Harula face. “没问题。”克莱恩当即答应了下来,目光顺势扫过了旁边海柔尔脸庞 Compared with the 7-8 month, this young girl was obviously open, no longer ran into the stranger to shrink, even is not willing to participate in the evening banquet and dance party- this let be familiar with her person to think that she fell ill. 七八月份相比,这位少女明显开朗了许多,不再遇到陌生人就畏畏缩缩,甚至不愿意参与晚宴和舞会-这让熟悉她的人都以为她生病了。 But this is the Audrey the Justice merit, she when Ruen Charity Foundation and Dawn Dantes meet, twice mentioned recently had seen Miss Harula Macht. 而这都是“正义”奥黛丽的功劳,她在“鲁恩慈善助学基金”道恩.唐泰斯碰面时,前后两次提到最近见过海柔尔.马赫特小姐。 Such exchange views no issue initially, because Harula is the person who Audrey and Dantes are familiar with, is happening together of two people circle, when chatting seeks for the topic from similar friend is the normal one tendency, but, Klein can understand the suggestion of Miss Justice, understands that she in saying at own in Wuhui, banquet have met Harula two, separately underwent two follow-up treatments. 这样的交流初看没任何问题,因为海柔尔奥黛丽唐泰斯都熟悉的人,是两人圈子的交集,闲聊时从类似朋友身上寻找话题是再正常不过的一种倾向,不过,克莱恩听得懂“正义”小姐的暗示,明白她在说自己于舞会、宴会上遇到过海柔尔两次,分别做了两次后续治疗。 After arranging a Macht room, Klein welcomed second group of guests who participate in the weekend hunting: 安排好马赫特一家的房间后,克莱恩迎来了参加周末狩猎活动的第二批客人: Major General Quinas Kherg and he explained a friend who ahead of time must lead. 丘纳斯.科尔格少将和他提前说明要带的一位朋友。 This friend, Klein knew, but the opposite party does not know Dawn Dantes, he is the steam powered vehicle tycoon, Franmi Cage, is the main investor of bicycle project, depends upon doubtful Lawyer Lawyer, bought 10% stocks at the low price from Sherlock Moriarty. 这位朋友,克莱恩认识,但对方不认识道恩.唐泰斯,他是蒸汽动力车大亨,弗兰米.凯奇,也就是脚踏车项目的主要投资者,依靠一名疑似“律师”律师,以低价从夏洛克.莫里亚蒂手里多买了10%的股份。 Since is related with Lawyer, was the friend can understand with Corrupt Count...... Klein went forward with a smile, respectively hugged with Major General Quinas and Franmi Cage: 既然和“律师”有关,那与“堕落伯爵”是朋友就能够理解了……克莱恩笑着上前,分别与丘纳斯少将和弗兰米.凯奇拥抱了一下: Welcome you.” “欢迎你们。” He withdraws immediately, to having a four points of Fusac bloodline, tall obese, eye blue color very pale Franmi said: 他随即退后,对有四分之一弗萨克血统,身材高大肥胖,眼睛蓝色很淡的弗兰米道: Heard that your steam powered vehicle is very famous, why doesn't have?” “听说你的蒸汽动力车很出名,为什么没有开过来?” Franmi had not replied with enough time, Quinas Kherg of dauntless man appearance has opened the mouth to say with a smile: 弗兰米还没来得及回答,硬汉模样的丘纳斯.科尔格已笑着开口道: No, you do not understand him, he will not let up any opportunity to demonstrate his steam powered vehicle. “不,你不了解他,他不会放过任何机会展示他的蒸汽动力车。 But, that car(riage) was too heavy, in coming on the way, fell in the soil, could not pull out, fortunately, I never believe that his set, oneself took the carriage, followed on the heels, otherwise, he must take the surplus paths by the both legs.” “但是,那辆车太重了,在前来的途中,陷进了泥土里,拔不出来,幸运的是,我从不相信他那一套,自己乘坐马车,跟在后面,要不然,他得靠双腿走完剩余的道路。” Subject matter was our paths was too bad, this needs to renovate, needs to reconstruct, needs to lay down the railway rail like the steam train!” Franmi refuted one, lets go to say to Klein, I want to look for some investments from your here, haha, later said.” “主要问题是我们的道路太差了,这需要翻新,需要重建,就像蒸汽列车需要铺设铁轨一样!”弗兰米反驳了一句,对克莱恩摊手道,“我本来想从你这里找一些投资,哈哈,以后再说吧。” Before was you invests us, now actually asks me to invest...... Klein then clearly to become aware a matter profoundly, that was calculates the quite famous wealthy man upper level the kingdom! 以前是你投资我们,现在却找我要投资……克莱恩这才深刻明悟了一件事情,那就是自己在王国上层算颇为有名的富翁了! Also is a donation value 10.000 many pounds stock, is the purchase expensive manor, made the contact with the military, looked is very rich! 又是捐赠价值1万多镑的股份,又是购买昂贵的庄园,又与军方建立了联系,一看就很有钱! But in fact, my current total assets on 5-6 ten thousand gold pound, when possibly 1/10 of Miss Justice wealth...... do not know, when I can become a net worth 1 million pounds rich person...... Klein self-ridiculed, slightly makes the thinking saying: 可实际上,我目前的总资产也就五六金镑,可能才“正义”小姐财富的十分之一……不知什么时候,我才能成为身家百万镑的大富翁……克莱恩自嘲之余,略作思索道: Doesn't matter, I to the union of machinery and steam am interested very much, can look at your steam powered vehicle.” “没关系,我对机械和蒸汽的结合很感兴趣,有空可以看一看你的蒸汽动力车。” Is good.” Franmi said with a smile immediately, „, if not know that you donated the great wealth to Church of the Night, I also think that you were the follower of steam.” “非常棒。”弗兰米顿时笑道,“如果不是知道你向黑夜教会捐赠了大量财富,我还以为你是蒸汽的信徒。” After all drew triangle sacred emblem...... Klein not to continue the topic in the chest front, in order to avoid being discovered own intention by Quinas. 毕竟曾经在胸前画过三角圣徽……克莱恩没继续刚才的话题,以免被丘纳斯发现自己的意图。 He referred to the staircase tastes: 他指了指楼梯口道: How the smoking room the cigar that does try here to collect? “去吸烟房试一试这里收藏的雪茄怎么样? Until buying this manor, I know that here constructs special to deposit the room of cigar, the constant temperature, the constant humidity, but, you know that I can smoke, actually does not like.” “直到买下这座庄园,我才知道这里修建有专门存放雪茄的房间,恒温,恒湿,不过,你们知道的,我能抽烟,却不喜爱。” Good, has chief?” On the Quinas Kherg face appeared the smile. “不错,有‘酋长’吗?”丘纳斯.科尔格脸上浮现出了笑容。 Naturally.” Klein gave the affirmative answer. “当然。”克莱恩做出了肯定的答复。 Actively main purpose that he holds hunting only then, that is hunts this MI9 major general deputy office chief, therefore, various aspects considered fondness of opposite party. 他积极举行狩猎活动的主要目的只有一个,那就是狩猎这位军情九处的少将副处长,所以,各方面都考虑到了对方的喜好。 However, Klein anxiously do not begin to this hunting, because he to Quinas Kherg this mister also insufficient understanding that hid the half God strength, but also waits for at meetings, in hunting, grasps to the conduct and vigilant degree by chance opposite party and along item. 不过,克莱恩没急切地到这次狩猎就一定要动手,因为他对丘纳斯.科尔格这位隐藏了半神实力的先生还缺乏足够的了解,还有待在一次次聚会,一次次狩猎里,把握到对方的行事偏好、警惕程度和随身物品 As Magician, Klein does not perform the unprepared performance! 作为一名“魔术师”,克莱恩不做无准备的表演! ............ ………… Chowod District, in some house. 乔伍德区,某栋房屋内。 Forsi puts down the books in hand, looked at the eye Quinn that walks back and forth in the living room, cannot bear open the mouth to ask: 佛尔思放下手里的书籍,看了眼在起居室内走来走去的,忍不住开口问道: What are you worrying?” “你在烦恼什么?” Quinn looked at her one eyes saying: 看了她一眼道: I am immediately have the situation of close relation to inform MI9 in the worry Viscount Staford and strange female, conceals, until having a more further development.” “我在烦恼是立刻将斯特福德子爵与陌生女子有密切联系的情况告知军情九处,还是隐瞒下去,直到有更进一步的发展。” Why can conceal?” Forsi first asked back, at once oneself answers, „ Viscount Staford with your father, the death was related, but you usually did not have the opportunity not to have the strength to ask him to confront, the fear therefore exposed, affects mother and younger brother, but now, he may be taken by surprise because of that strange female, be was good to cope with the condition that this was your opportunity, therefore, you hesitated, right? „ “为什么要隐瞒?”佛尔思先是反问,旋即自己做出了回答,“斯特福德子爵和你父亲,的死亡有关,但你平时没机会没实力找他对质,害怕因此暴露,影响到母亲和弟弟,而现在,他有可能因那名陌生女子遭遇意外,处于较好对付的状态,这就是你的机会,所以,你犹豫了,对吧?“ Quinn silently affirmed: 沉默了一下道: Yes.” “是的。” The Forsi closing up books, are staring at the eyes of good friend, said earnestly: 佛尔思合拢书本,盯着好友的眼睛,认真说道: Since you hesitated, that explained that you have the tendency.” “既然你犹豫了,那就说明你内心已经有倾向。” Quinn nods to say slowly: 缓慢地点了点头道: Yes.” “是的。” Forsi gathered together under the long hair of slightly volume, stood, extends the right hand saying: 佛尔思拢了下微卷的长发,站了起来,伸出右手道: I have known that your decision, un, needs to help?” “我已经知道你的决定,嗯,需要帮忙吗?” Sees Quinn to hesitate has not been replying, her said with a smile: 迟疑着没做回答,她笑了一声道: I am Sequence Six Extraordinary!” “我可是序列6非凡者哦!” Does not wait for the Quinn opens the mouth, she about looked at one: 不等开口,她又左右看了一眼: If you did not feel relieved, we can also seek the extra help.” “如果你不放心,我们还能寻求额外的帮助。” Her implied meaning asks the member to help on Tarot Society. 她言下之意就是在塔罗会上找成员帮忙。 Quinn thinks, sighed said: 想了想,吐了口气道: Temporarily does not need, our two first make the attempt , goes out now , to continue to monitor Viscount Staford.” “暂时不需要,我们两个先做尝试,呃,现在就出门吧,继续监控斯特福德子爵。” Now?” Forsi gawked, good, but before then, I first make astrology divination with the crystal ball, under confirmation degree of hazard.” “现在?”佛尔思愣了一下,“好吧,但在此之前,我先用水晶球做次占星,确认下危险程度。” After busy, she holds that pure crystal lane single-handed: 经过一番忙碌,她单手托着那纯净的水晶球道: Has certain danger.” “有一定的危险。” PS: Monday asked recommendation ticket monthly ticket ~ PS:周一求推荐票月票~
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