LM :: Volume #3

#96: „Kidnaps”

City of Generosity Bayam, in Intis consulate. 慷慨之城拜亚姆,因蒂斯领事馆内。 Elaine sits before the dressing table, in looks at mirror attractive actually slightly thin and pale, was lost in thought for several minutes. 伊莲坐在梳妆台前,看着镜中漂亮却略显憔悴的自己,怔怔出神了好几分钟。 Escapes from The Black Death these days to her is not only full of the anticipation, and is full of the suffering, the fear is discovered by the pirate and adventurer incautiously, Tracy was grasped by Vice Admiral Disease, loses the freedom thoroughly, is unable to return to the hometown again, returns to the original life. 逃出黑死号的这段时间对她来说既饱含期待,又充满煎熬,害怕一不小心就被海盗、冒险家发现,被“疾病中将特雷茜抓回去,彻底失去自由,再也无法重返故乡,重归原本的生活。 Until through the family residual relations, hides in the motherland consulate, got so far as the passage ticket that leaves the sea, she relaxed. 直到通过家族残留的关系,躲进祖国领事馆,弄到了离开大海的船票,她才放松了一些。 But this still being insufficient makes her mind steadfast, she thinks that mounted northern continent truly is all conclusions. 但这依然不足以让她的心灵踏实安稳,她认为真正地登上北大陆才是一切的结束。 Thinks of here, Elaine cannot bear lift the right hand, stroking under was not too fair, but the cheeks skin of enough health, discovered that its exquisite degree were the marine trader to change for the better during that time much, had the reversal time, was back to the young girl time passage the misconception. 想到这里,伊莲忍不住抬起右手,抚摸了下不算太白皙但足够健康的脸颊皮肤,发现它的细腻程度比自己做海商那段时间好转了不少,有种逆转时光,重回少女年华的错觉。 Actually, after entering the Intis consulate, she outside fleeing from the sea was also many a option, that is Church of the Storms and some Ruen military and consulate spies cooperates, takes itself as the bait, seizes Vice Admiral Disease Tracy. 其实,进入因蒂斯领事馆后,她在逃离大海之外又多了个选项,那就是和风暴教会鲁恩军方、领事馆部分间谍合作,以自身为诱饵,抓捕“疾病中将特雷茜 But she thinks is very long, finally dropped this plan, even asked itself the family elder good friend who was the consulate military officer do not hide the matter here to inform others. 但她想了很久,终于还是放弃了这个计划,甚至拜托担任领事馆武官的家族长辈好友不要将自己躲在这里的事情告知他人。 No matter what, she has not caused the damage of essence to me, will give in to me in many places on the contrary, satisfies me...... except for each night, every night...... that , that is also only the surface...... during the recollection, the Elaine cheeks are suddenly bright red. 不管怎么样,她始终没对我造成实质的伤害,在很多地方反倒会迁就我,满足我……除了每晚,每晚……那也,那也只是表面……回忆之中,伊莲脸颊忽然飞红。 That the night that makes one be enchanted by, the happiness that fiery of that limbs entanglement, that is inconceivable, passed over gently and swiftly in her mind, is hard to return to normal shortly unexpectedly. 那一个个让人迷醉的夜晚,那肢体纠缠的火热,那难以想象的欢愉,都在她脑海内掠过,短暂竟难以平复。 Elaine slow took a deep breath, long puts out. 伊莲缓慢吸了口气,又长长吐出。 She shakes the head, lets to the family of free yearning to hometown bosom the remembrance of the family member occupies the mind. 她摇了摇头,让对自由的向往对故乡的眷怀对亲人的思念重新占据心灵。 She looked in eyeglasses again, a red hair ring wheel that will let fall gets up. 她再次望了眼镜中的自己,将垂落的红发一圈圈盘起。 Then, her apply Nong spreads the straight eyebrows, strengthened the shadow, was seemed like the distinct contour by oneself, the line is profound. 然后,她涂浓涂直眉毛,加强了阴影,让自己看起来更轮廓分明,线条深刻。 After such a puts on make-up, Elaine became the neutrality a point, had the heroic spirit extremely. 经过这么一番化妆,伊莲变得更中性了一点,极有英气。 She takes off the clothing, bound to put down the chest with the cloth strip, then wore the white shirt, the black waistcoat, the masculine trousers and two-row takes away the long formal clothes. 她脱掉衣物,用布条裹平了胸部,接着穿上白衬衣、黑马甲、男性长裤和双排扣长礼服。 Finally, she takes down silk top hat, wears in the top of the head, covers up the red hair that the plate has all. 最后,她取下丝绸礼帽,戴于头顶,将盘起的红发尽数遮掩。 At this time, she in mirror looked like a delicate and pretty young man to exceed the female, especially that pair deep green such as the eye of gem as if particularly suited similar appearance for a part, had a charming profoundness. 这个时候,镜中的她更像一个俊美的年轻男性胜过女子,尤其那双碧绿如宝石的眼睛似乎分外适合类似的扮相,有种迷人的深邃。 Elaine waited for one patiently, sounds the door until some people. 伊莲耐心等待了一阵,直到有人敲响房门。 She takes the baggage, opens the door, the good friend who follows that family elder arrives at the side gate of consulate garden. 她提上行李,开门出去,跟随那位家族长辈的好友一路来到领事馆花园的侧门。 A carriage has stopped there, will send her to the harbor, travels by the passenger ship, goes to Ruen Kingdom Pritz Harbor, detours to return to Intis from there. 一辆马车已停在那里,将送她去港口,搭乘客轮,前往鲁恩王国普利兹港,从那里绕道返回因蒂斯 Elaine has the extraordinary counter- tracing skill, carefully examines the surroundings earnestly, including that horse cart driver. 伊莲有非凡的反追踪技巧,认真地审视起周围,包括那位马车夫。 Local native, skinny capable, does not love the hat, the facial features before sees compares, no change, is somewhat nervous, this very normal...... Elaine completes the confirmation, thanked the good friend of that family elder, is taking the baggage, boarded the carriage. 本地土著,干瘦精壮,不爱戴帽子,五官与之前见到时相比,没什么改变,表情有些紧张,这很正常……伊莲做完确认,感谢了那位家族长辈的好友,提着行李,登上了马车。 During the wheel rollings, she purses the lips to look to out of the window, sees only Intis parasol tree erect quick swept backs. 车轮滚动间,她抿嘴望向窗外,只见一株株因蒂斯梧桐树正飞快后掠。 This makes her have to plant the misconception of unexpectedly returning to Trier. 这让她竟有种回到特里尔的错觉。 That is a sunny metropolis, clamps the region that situated in the Lyne River and Renzo river, wind radiance flatters, the rose variety is numerous, the humanistic art is developed, is the sacred place of painter, musician and writer of fiction. 那是一座充满阳光的大都市,位于莱恩河、塞伦佐河夹出的地带,风光明媚,玫瑰品种众多,人文艺术发达,是画家、音乐家、小说家的圣地。 That is the Intis capital, after that is Great Emperor Russell rebuilds, the first worldwide basis metropolis in the true sense, that is also the Elaine hometown, the place that she grows up since childhood, in the dream sees and flows off the tears city frequently for this reason. 那是因蒂斯的首都,那是罗塞尔大帝改建后的,第一座真正意义上的世界性大都市,那也是伊莲的故乡,她从小长大的地方,梦中常常看见并为此流下眼泪的城市。 Has not known how long, Elaine suddenly thought some are not right, because the surrounding street is getting more and more lonely, is getting more and more remote. 不知过了多久,伊莲突然觉得有些不对,因为周围的街道越来越冷清,越来越偏僻。 Has been her of marine trader, although moves in Misty Sea for a long time, is not very familiar with Sunya Sea Bayam, but Sequence Nine hunter can bring enough vigilance for her. 做过海商的她虽然长期在迷雾海活动,对苏尼亚海拜亚姆不够熟悉,但序列9的“猎人”能为她带来足够的警觉性。 „Is this route correct?” Elaine moves the position, inquired that cart driver discretely. “这路线正确吗?”伊莲挪动位置,谨慎地询问那位车夫。 She is preparing jumping off at any time, prepares to condense the fireball. 她随时准备着跳车,准备着凝聚火球。 The cart drivers have not turned head, the looks at front path, flatter said with a smile: 车夫没有回头,看着前方的道路,讨好般笑道: Honored young lady, this road is nearer, moreover does not meet the jamming easily. “尊贵的小姐,这条路更近,而且不容易遇到堵塞。 You know that Bayam completed many years, at that time so many so many horse-drawn vehicles, many streets are very not narrow, around noon, in the evening around, was easy to stop up, walking was quicker than the saddle horse car(riage).” “你知道的,拜亚姆建成有很多年了,那时候没这么多人没这么多马车,许多街道很狭窄,在中午前后,傍晚前后,非常容易堵塞,走路都比坐马车快。” Right? Elaine thinks, believed this view, because she has encountered the similar case in many cities. 是吗?伊莲想了想,相信了这个说法,因为她在不少城市都遇到过类似情况。 Trier is good, Great Emperor Russell transformation old city time, very far-seeing developed the path, even if to today, enough used...... Elaine just to flash through such thought that suddenly heard the male horse's neigh that pulled a cart, seemed somewhat painful. 还是特里尔好,罗塞尔大帝改造旧城区的时候,很有远见地拓展了道路,哪怕到了今天,也足够使用……伊莲刚闪过这么个念头,突然听见拉车的牡马嘶了一声,似乎有些痛苦。 You and other, it as if stepped on anything.” The cart drivers make the carriage stop aside, jumped. “您等一下,它似乎踩到了什么。”车夫让马车靠边停住,自行跳了下去。 Elaine had not thought this has anything, but the corner of the eye split vision sweeps, sees this is the strip no one's silent lane. 伊莲本来没觉得这有什么,可眼角余光一扫,看见这是条没有人的寂静巷子。 Her heartstrings one tightens, must dash the compartment without hesitation, tumbles to outside. 她的心弦一下绷紧,毫不犹豫就要撞破车厢,翻滚至外面。 No matter this is the extreme response, she thinks that must do that. 不管这是不是过激的反应,她都认为必须这么做。 At this moment, the heart of hearts emerges the intense fear suddenly, as if as hungry stared as the extreme monster by one. 就在这时,她内心深处霍然涌现出强烈的恐惧,仿佛被一只饥饿到极点的怪物盯上了。 Then the pressure from spirituality level makes her hesitates, does not dare to take action rashly. 那来自灵性层面的压力让她变得迟疑,不敢轻率地采取行动。 At once, she heard a low and deep voice: 旋即,她听见了一道低沉的嗓音: I will not harm you. “我不会伤害你。 I asked some questions.” “我问一些问题。” In the Elaine mind the thought numerous, measures various choices that under can make presently fast. 伊莲脑海内念头纷呈,飞快权衡了下当前能做的各种选择。 Finally she does not have to run away blindly, under the pressure of that huge terrifying, sat the home position. 最终她没有盲目地逃遁,在那巨大恐怖的压力下,坐回了原位。 She planned that looked the situation adjusts own plan again little. 她打算看情况再一点点调整自己的行动计划。 The compartment gate opens, that skinny capable native cart driver walked, sat the Elaine opposite, was Faceless Man Klein. 车厢门打开,那干瘦精壮的土著车夫走了上来,坐到了伊莲的对面,正是“无面人克莱恩 He to act the cart driver, how practiced to control the horses and vehicles specially, this was he did not have with enough time the technology of true learned in the Thengen City Night Watcher squad. In view of the fact that the time press, he grasps not fully, has to use Hunger's Squirming aura, the successful horses become obedient. 他为了扮演车夫,专门练习了怎么驾驭马匹和车辆,这是他在廷根市值夜者小队还没来得及真正学会的技术。鉴于时间紧迫,他掌握得并不充分,只好动用“蠕动的饥饿”的气息,成功马匹变得听话。 Meanwhile, hid ran in nearby Danis, sat to the position of cart driver, controlled the vehicles. 与此同时,隐藏在附近的达尼兹奔跑了过来,坐至车夫的位置,驾驭起车辆。 His edge rounding felt hat presses very lowly, clothes like the true cart driver. 他的圆边毡帽压得很低,穿着打扮就像个真正的车夫。 Elaine slightly curved back, can same kick out to the cheetah vigilantly momentarily. 伊莲警惕地微弯腰背,随时能向猎豹一样扑出。 She felt that the line of sight of opposite that man has swept own forehead, eyebrow, eye, nose, mouth, neck, chest, the waist abdomen and both legs slowly, looks at her extremely is not comfortable. 她感觉对面那个男人的视线缓慢地扫过了自己的额头、眉毛、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴、脖子、胸口、腰腹和双腿,看得她极为不自在。 Similar vision, similar sizing up way, she in Intis, in Trier, in rushing about in marine that days, had experienced, that is the hooligan, is the disgusting fellow, filled **. 类似的目光,类似的打量方式,她在因蒂斯,在特里尔,在奔波于海上那段日子里,都曾经见识过,那属于流氓,属于恶心的家伙,充满了**。 But this time, she has not felt strangely is insulted, does not think that the opposite party wants to tear up own clothing, is fantasizing certain not normal pictures. 但这一次,她奇怪地没感觉受到侮辱,也不认为对方想撕掉自己的衣物,在幻想某些不正常的画面。 It looks like on the contrary in research food...... is similar the ice-cold creamy snakes to paste my skin to walk randomly...... Elaine unable to withstand finally, opens the mouth to say on own initiative: 反倒更像在研究食物……就仿佛有一条冰冷滑腻的蛇贴着我的皮肤游走……伊莲终于承受不住,主动开口道: What do you want to ask?” “你想问什么?” Completely grasped the Klein body leans forward of opposite party appearance characteristics, the both arms naturally put on two thighs, the palm half empty half junction grasps on the spot: 完全掌握了对方体貌特征的克莱恩身体前倾,双臂自然搁于两条大腿上,手掌半虚半实地交握起来: „Have you heard Jimmy Necker this person?” “你听说过吉米.内克这个人?” Elaine recalled for several seconds, shakes the head firmly the denial. 伊莲回忆了几秒,坚定地摇头否定。 She frowns, asked confusedly: 她微皱眉头,迷茫问道: „Did you find fault the person?” “你是不是找错人了?” He is a rich merchant, rich merchant that likes collecting, have you heard similar person in Tracy there?” Klein asked again. “他是一个富商,喜欢收藏的富商,你在特雷茜那里听说过类似的人?”克莱恩再次问道。 Tracy...... Elaine sighed secretly, responded earnestly: 特雷茜……伊莲暗自叹了口气,认真回应道: No, she has not raised the rich merchant that likes collecting.” “没有,她从没提过喜欢收藏的富商。” The eyes of Klein looks at red hair girl, the tone said not so fast but so slow neither: 克莱恩看着红发女郎的眼睛,语气不快不慢地说道: „Did her room have the southern continent Empire of Balam ancient literature?” “那她的房间有南大陆拜朗帝国的古代文献吗?” No, she is not people who like reading these materials, she reads repugnantly, the novel must I read to her listens.” Was saying to be saying, Elaine revealed wiped the forced smile. “没有,她不是一个喜欢读这些资料的人,她非常讨厌看书,就连小说都必须我读给她听。”说着说着,伊莲露出了一抹苦笑。 What novel does she read?” The Klein tone invariably asked. “她都看什么小说?”克莱恩语气不变地问道。 Russell these classics, as well as present popular love story.” Elaine confident reply. 罗塞尔的那些经典,以及现在流行的爱情故事。”伊莲坦然回答。 Klein nods: 克莱恩点了点头: „Does she have collection room?” “她有收藏室吗?” Has, but except for her with a few visiting, others cannot enter mystically, including me.” Elaine recalls was saying. “有,但除了她和少数几位神秘的拜访者,别人不能进入,包括我。”伊莲回忆着说道。 Klein silent several seconds, is maintaining the posture invariable say/way: 克莱恩沉默了几秒,保持着姿势不变道: Tells your story.” “讲一讲你的故事。” My?” The Elaine surprise referred to itself. “我的?”伊莲诧异指了指自己。 Klein nods gently, not again redundant. 克莱恩轻轻颔首,没再重复。 Elaine gawked dull a say/way: 伊莲呆愣了一阵道: My story is very simple. “我的故事很简单。 „ Before my father is Intis , the royal family Sauron family member, divided not to calculate few wealth, but he wallowed in the alcohol, lover, hemp and gambling, finally got so far as the bankruptcy. “我的父亲是因蒂斯前王族索伦家族的成员,分到了不算少的财富,但他沉迷于酒精、情妇、大麻和赌博,最终弄到破产。 To repay debt, I choose to accept family's some conditions, becomes Extraordinary, and went to sea to start the marine trader.” “为了偿还债务,我选择接受家族的一些条件,成为了非凡者,并出海做起了海商。” PS: Recovered consciousness by today finally, was recovered, because has not retained the draft, this chapter of number of words were a little few, and has not revised, over the two days must retaining the draft makes up.. PS:到今天总算缓过来了,算是痊愈了,因为没有存稿,这章字数有点少,而且还没修改,这两天得把存稿补上。。
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