LM :: Volume #3

#117: dragon prestige

Bang! 砰! The brass color bullet across half bar, shot at Adulator the body of Misol Jin. 黄铜色的子弹穿过半个酒吧,射向了“巧言者米索尔.金的身体。 But when it will soon hit, Misol brown brown pupils suddenly becomes deep dark. 可就在它即将命中的时候,米索尔褐色的眼眸突然变得深暗。 That bullet one turns round, toward on, accurately hit slightly a drinking glass that packs the golden beer. 那枚子弹一下拐弯,略微朝上,准确命中了一个装满金黄色啤酒的玻璃杯。 In the intense sound, that cup is split up instantaneously, threw the liquor fluid to all around. 激烈的响声里,那杯子瞬间四分五裂,将酒液抛向了四周。 Meanwhile, Misol holds the cup of nearby alcoholic, the arm opens, the small arm flings, threw it to Klein. 与此同时,米索尔抓住旁边酒客的杯子,胳膊张开,小臂一甩,将它扔向了克莱恩 What significance does this have? Klein is sideways slightly, avoided that drinking glass, whatever it falls to the wall on, falls crushes. 这有什么意义?克莱恩只是略微侧身,就躲开了那个玻璃杯,任由它摔到墙上,摔得粉碎。 At this time, Adulator Misol throw and rolls, rushed to the entrance of underground area, tried to enter inside, looked for the helper or flees from the dense say/way. 这时,“巧言者米索尔连扑带滚,奔向了地下区域的入口,试图进入里面,寻找帮手或是从密道逃离。 He initially recognized that that strange and crazy adventurer camouflages Elaine, mounts The Black Death, assassinates Vice Admiral Disease Tracy attacker. 他初步认定那个陌生又疯狂的冒险家就是伪装成伊莲,登上黑死号,刺杀“疾病中将特雷茜袭击者 But the opposite party almost successful performance makes him understand that in situation one-on-one, oneself are not his opponent! 而对方差点成功的表现让他明白单对单的情况下,自己不是他的对手! This is expert of pirate admiral level! 这可是海盗将军级的强者 deng deng deng! Klein pursued high-speed to Adulator Misol. 蹬蹬蹬克莱恩高速追向了“巧言者米索尔 His form is swift and violent and agile, in the so disorderly bar, has not stepped on anyone unexpectedly. 他的身影迅猛又矫捷,在如此杂乱的酒吧内,竟没有踩到谁。 Saw with own eyes that the guard in underground area raised the pistol to welcome, sees with own eyes Misol Jin soon through the entrance, saw with own eyes that around the bar guarding closed up toward here in abundance, Klein not hesitant, got hold of the left hand suddenly. 眼见地下区域的守卫提着手枪迎了过来,眼见米索尔.金即将通过入口,眼见酒吧四周的看守纷纷往这边靠拢,克莱恩没有犹豫,霍然握紧了左手。 His black glove covered the level dark golden close scale instantaneously, his dark brown pupils one becomes pale, seems raises up. 他那只黑色的手套瞬间覆盖了层暗金色的细密鳞片,他深棕色的眼眸一下变淡,似有竖起。 Invisible wave takes him as the source, sweeps across toward all around. 紧接着,一阵无形的波浪以他为源点,向着四周席卷开来。 This wave place visited, hugs the alcoholics who under squat to be in abundance weak, trembles, military contact staff Os Kent also obviously loses the reason, as if encountered the world's to be most fearful the most terrifying matter, only wants to escape from here. 这波浪所过之处,抱头下蹲的酒客们纷纷瘫软,瑟瑟发抖,军方联络人员乌斯.肯特也明显失去理智,仿佛遭遇了世界上最可怕最恐怖的事情,只想逃出这里。 The bar guards who close up, were also occupied the mind by the enormous fear, ran aimless everywhere, provoded a bigger confusion. 靠拢过来的酒吧看守们同样如此,被极大的恐惧占据了心灵,漫无目的地到处奔跑,引发了更大的混乱。 When ding-dong! The guards in underground area abandoned oneself guns, or rushes to the corner, shrinks one group, either the whole body shiver stands in same place, the pants crotch is moist at the visible speed. 当当当!地下区域的守卫们扔下了自己的枪支,或奔向角落,缩成一团,或浑身颤抖地立在原地,裤裆以肉眼可见的速度湿润起来。 Adulator Misol such as was also struck by lightning, the fear turns circle in the entrance unceasingly. 巧言者米索尔也如遭雷击,害怕地就在入口处不断转圈。 This is Psychiatrist shock and awe, called Long Wei, or group confusion! 这是“心理医生”的“震慑”,也叫“龙威”,或“群体混乱”! This is Klein at present the only range control extraordinary capability! 这是克莱恩目前仅有的范围控制型非凡能力! At this time, the form that Klein runs high-speed has not stopped, the tread several among steps had rushed to side Misol. 此时,克莱恩高速奔跑的身影并没有停止,蹬蹬几步间就已冲到了米索尔身旁。 In this instance, in his mind appeared spontaneously a scene: Seemingly falls into enormous frightened Misol to raise the head suddenly, twists the waist to suspend the arm, rumbled the right fist, directly soared own head. 就在这个瞬间,他脑海内油然浮现出了一幕场景:看似陷入极大恐惧的米索尔突然抬头,拧腰摆臂,轰出了右拳,直奔自己的头部。 Klein has not made the ponder, fully believes Clown the danger had a premonition, immediately under bent back and side crossed the body. 克莱恩没做思考,充分相信“小丑”的危险预感,当即弯下腰背并侧过了身体。 Almost is simultaneously, Adulator Misol raised the head suddenly, brown brown pupils is dark, no chaotic. 几乎是同时,“巧言者米索尔霍然抬头,棕褐色的眼眸幽暗清醒,没有一点混乱。 He does not know when had broken out of the influence of Long Wei! 他不知什么时候已经摆脱了“龙威”的影响! This is comes as a surprise to Klein the matter. 这是出乎克莱恩意料的事情。 Bang! 砰! The Misol muscle rouses, back twists, the arm swung, rumbles a fist of as if shell, the goal that but actually cannot hit the estimate, hit on the entrance wall. 米索尔肌肉鼓出,腰背一拧,手臂摆动,轰出了一记仿佛炮弹的拳头,但却没能击中预想的目标,打在了入口处的墙壁上。 kuāng dāng! 哐当 The position that his fist touches, the bricks and stones smashing splits, rapid presented one spider web crowding around large cave/hole, but the entire bar as if has rocked. 他拳头所触的位置,砖石粉碎裂开,迅速就出现了一个“蜘蛛网”簇拥的大洞,而整个酒吧都仿佛有所晃动。 The might of this fist did not know many times compared with the bullet of revolver! 这一拳的威力比左轮手枪的子弹强了不知多少倍! But at this time, Klein has dodged behind his side, the body is stiff, the glove as if covered a gold. 而这个时候,克莱恩已闪到了他的侧后方,身体重新挺直,手套则似乎覆盖上了一层黄金。 In his dark brown pupils two lightnings shine for the first time, shot like the bullet. 他深棕色的眼眸内两道闪电乍亮,如同子弹般射了出去。 Interrogator, spirit piercing! 审讯者”,“精神刺穿”! „!” “啊!” Misol Jin sent out a pitiful yell immediately, but has not actually tumbled in the place, the pain tumbles, but lifts both hands, tries to cover the head. 米索尔.金顿时发出了一声惨叫,但却没有跌倒于地,痛苦翻滚,只是抬起双手,试图捂住脑袋。 He quickly mysteriously restores from this mental pierced pain, but the feeling forehead had actually been resisted by the ice-cold metallic pipe, seeing opposite solemn thin adventurer to deduct the trigger. 他很快就神奇地从这种精神被刺穿的痛苦里恢复,但却感觉额头已被冰冷的金属管抵住,看见对面冷峻消瘦的冒险家扣下了扳机。 Two people to so near situation, even if spirit piercing effect only maintained for one second, Klein lifts the right arm sufficiently, arrives at the muzzle of revolver in Adulator on the head of Misol Jin! 两人相距如此近的情况下,哪怕“精神刺穿”效果只维持了一秒,也足以克莱恩抬起右臂,将左轮的枪口抵在“巧言者米索尔.金的脑袋上! Bang! 砰! The words that Misol Jin wants to beg for mercy retracted in the throat from half mouth place, on the wall after his brain presented a picture that is constituted by the blood red and few white, beautiful but unfortunate, bright, disorderly. 米索尔.金想要求饶的话语从半张的嘴巴处缩回了喉咙里,他脑后的墙壁上出现了一副由点点血红和少量白色构成的画面,凄艳,鲜明,凌乱。 In the eye the appearance elapses, Misol one but actually, depends on the wall backward, slid to the ground. 眼睛里神采逝去,米索尔向后一倒,靠着墙壁,滑向了地面。 On noon of February 1 , 1350, Adulator Misol was hunted. 1350年2月1日中午,“巧言者米索尔被狩猎。 Klein looked at the eye also to be in the bar in confusion, closed the front door of underground area fiercely, entangles the iron chain, ties a knot forcefully. 克莱恩看了眼还处于混乱中的酒吧,猛地将地下区域的大门关上,缠上原本就存在的铁链,强行打了个结。 His curved under back, dragging Misol Jin to lead the way several steps to the underground area, but has not directly entered. 他弯下腰背,拖着米索尔.金向地下区域前行了几步,但又未直接进入。 He is alerting possibly the enemy who runs out of inside, while spreads out left palm, lifted high aimed at Adulator near below the Misol corpse. 他一边戒备着可能从里面冲出的敌人,一边摊开左掌,举高临下地对准了“巧言者米索尔的尸体。 Regarding herding this The Black Death third officer, he does not have a psychological burden, believes that the opposite party affirms the evil to be grave, this as a result of Misol once for Vice Admiral Hurricane Klingus subordinate, but pirate admiral that has elapsed has even handled the matter of slaughter ship, is a suitable cold blood person, in that red gloves Nightmare from Hunger's Squirming the bitter experience can sneak a peek at 12 ; second, Misol now is Vice Admiral Disease potency, was equal to indirectly is the Demoness Cult potency, does not know how many participates in the population trading. 对于放牧这位黑死号三副,他没有一点心理负担,相信对方肯定罪恶深重,这一是由于米索尔曾经为“飓风中将齐林格斯的下属,而那已经逝去的海盗将军甚至做过屠船的事情,是一个相当冷血的人,从“蠕动的饥饿”内那个红手套梦魇”的遭遇就可以窥见一二,二是米索尔现在为“疾病中将”效力,间接等于为魔女教派效力,不知参与过多少起人口贩卖。 Hunger's Squirming restored the light human skin appearance, the palm position split, presented two scarlet eyes. 蠕动的饥饿”恢复了薄薄人皮的样子,掌心位置裂开,出现了两只猩红的眼睛。 Suddenly, the corridor to underground area blew the piercing cold wind, it on the Misol corpse circled in Adulator unceasingly, slowly outlined the eyebrow is very that short the fuzzy person's shadow, eye socket got sucked into. 瞬息间,通往地下区域的过道内刮起了刺骨的寒风,它不断在“巧言者米索尔的尸体上打旋,慢慢勾勒出了眉毛很短、眼窝深陷的模糊人影。 The black actually not dim luminous spot gushes out from the corpse fast, in the similar union with Misol spiritual body, common investment Hunger's Squirming, sneaks in a finger of blank, had certain connection with all around environment, 黑色却不黯淡的光点飞快从尸体上涌出,与米索尔灵体内的同类结合,共同投入“蠕动的饥饿”内,钻进其中一根空白的手指,与四周环境发生了一定的关联、 Hunger's Squirming first is becomes pitch-black, not only evil different and honored, then returns to the original condition, sends out to earnestly seeking of flesh. 蠕动的饥饿”先是变得深黑,既邪异又尊贵,接着恢复原状,散发出对血肉的渴求。 Klein calmly induced for several seconds, slightly feels discovered the ability that pleasantly surprised this time pulls out is quite practical, although only then two types, but actually compared with before Living Corpse three are also better! 克莱恩静静感应了几秒,略感惊喜地发现这次抽到的能力相当实用,虽然只有两种,但却比之前“活尸”的三种还要好! Until at this time, he knows that Misol is Lawyer path Sequence Six Rotten Baron, but two ability that he selects stem from Rotten Baron, from corresponding Sequence Seven Briber. 直到这个时候,他才知道米索尔是“律师途径序列6腐化男爵”,而他抽中的两种能力一个源于“腐化男爵”,一个来自对应序列7贿赂者”。 The former is distortion, through the language, action and the intention distortion goal, the construction helps certainly own order, thus achieves the limit or affects the goal of opponent. 前者是“扭曲”,通过扭曲目标的语言、行动和意图,构建一定的有利于自身的秩序,从而达到限制或影响对手的目的。 The latter called bribe, was actually only Briber various types bribe one of the ability, the segmentation can be called bribe- weakened. 后者就叫“贿赂”,却只是“贿赂者”各种“贿赂”能力的一种,细分可以称为“贿赂—削弱”。 Uses this ability the premise gives goal certain thing, then can the big scope weaken the goal to aim at own attack, defense or the control within certain amount of time. 使用这种能力的前提是给予目标一定的事物,然后就能在一定时间内较大幅度削弱目标针对自身的攻击、防御或控制。 Gives goal certain thing? He threw? the liquor to me even bribe the cup Worthily is Dark Emperor path, not only the loophole of order, and appears overbearing...... no wonder my Long Wei and spirit piercing on Misol, the effect is not ideal, the might of bullet dropped, I also think that spear/gun can lift his skull directly...... Klein one suddenly. 给予目标一定事物?他扔了杯酒给我就算“贿赂”了?不愧是“黑皇帝途径,既秩序的漏洞,又显得霸道……难怪我的“龙威”和“精神刺穿”在米索尔身上,效果都不理想,就连子弹的威力都下降了,我还以为那一枪能直接掀开他的头盖骨……克莱恩一下恍然。 Meanwhile, he understands why initially will cannot help but fly to Dark Emperor, flies to King of the Five Seas Nast, that is because the opposite party twisted his vanguard intention, keeping him from stopping. 同时,他明白了当初为什么会不由自主飞向“黑皇帝”号,飞向“五海之王纳斯特,那是因为对方扭曲了他的前行意图,让他无法停止。 Also good...... Klein lowered the head to look at eye Adulator the Misol corpse, went toward the underground area line. 还不错……克莱恩低头瞄了眼“巧言者米索尔的尸体,向着地下区域行去。 He must look for food to Hunger's Squirming. 他得给“蠕动的饥饿”找点食物。 Does not know that was lost to the above the grey mist reason repeatedly, Hunger's Squirming now is not crazy, as if can also endure, therefore, Klein does not worry, slowly leads the way, prevents the accident/surprise. 不知是不是屡次被丢到灰雾之上的缘故,“蠕动的饥饿”现在不算疯狂,似乎还能忍受,所以,克莱恩也不着急,慢慢前行,防止意外。 Has not walked several steps, he saw Great Strongman Ozil to lead to help the subordinate come out, inside had Extraordinary, there is a ringer, the quantity were many! 没走几步,他看见“巨力士奥兹尔领了帮属下出来,里面有非凡者,也有枪手,数量不少! The Klein expression has not changed, the black glove covered the dark golden scale once again. 克莱恩表情没有变化,黑色的手套又一次覆盖上了暗金色的鳞片。 His pupils again becomes pale, as if raises up, the invisible wave turns toward the front to well up instantaneously. 他的眼眸再次变淡,仿佛竖起,无形的波浪瞬间向着前方涌去。 Psychiatrist, Long Wei! 心理医生”,“龙威”! PS: This number of words is a little few, and has not repaired, because was loaf yesterday, now has not retained the draft, tonight must make up one to retain the draft, manual funny. PS:这张字数有点少,而且还没修,因为昨天偷懒,现在没存稿了,今晚得补一张存稿,手动滑稽。
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