LM :: Volume #3

#115: Klein's plan

The Lannhose big probability is Sequence Eight Con Artist, this happen to belongs to Thief path, has the corresponding meeting admission ticket does not let the matter that the person is unable to understand and accept, on the contrary, this conforms to the logic very much...... in destiny recluse at the meeting buys magical item that can steal others extraordinary capability absolutely easy many...... look like this compared with other circles is the clue that Snake of Destiny Will Ascetin said...... Klein sits in the sides of the bed, is suddenly open. 兰尔乌斯大概率是序列8的“诈骗师”,这正好属于“偷盗者途径,拥有相应聚会的“入场券”不是太让人无法理解和接受的事情,相反,这很符合逻辑……于“命运隐士”们的聚会上求购可以窃取别人非凡能力的神奇物品绝对要比其他圈子里容易很多……看来这就是“命运之蛇威尔.昂赛汀所说的线索……克莱恩坐在床沿,霍然开朗。 He arranges himself to summon oneself ceremony busily, enters above the grey mist, brought back to the real world the badge of that eyeball size. 他忙布置自己召唤自己的仪式,进入灰雾之上,将那枚只有眼珠大小的徽章带回了现实世界。 This badge inscribes directly destiny and concealment the symbolic sign of correspondence, the back has the tiny ancient Hermes engraved inscription: Has this thing, then joins. 这徽章正面铭刻着“命运”与“隐匿”对应的象征符号,背后则有细小的古赫密斯铭文:“持有此物,即可加入”。 Klein is just about to pour into spirituality, stimulates the badge, information will transmit, the synchronization obtains latest meeting time and place, suddenly somewhat is scruple. 克莱恩正要灌注灵性,激发徽章,将“信息”发送出去,同步得到最新的聚会时间和地点,却忽然有些迟疑。 „...... Is negligent for a while, forgot unexpectedly divination makes the danger! If in that meeting has the Lannhose half God level elder, locked my position, that troublesome was big, this Vice Admiral Disease Tracy in a short time looked for Ageless Demoness to be the helper like before, has no alternative but to guard against...... conducting oneself, this/should headstrong time headstrongly, should instigate must instigate!” Klein patted under the forehead, re-enters above the grey mist that mysterious space discretely, made divination with spiritual pendulum technique. “……一时大意,竟然忘记占卜这么做有没有危险!如果那个聚会里有兰尔乌斯半神级长辈,借此锁定了我的位置,那麻烦就大了,这就像之前‘疾病中将特雷茜在很短时间内找来了‘不老魔女’做帮手一样,不能不提防……做人呐,该莽的时候得莽,该怂的时候也得怂!”克莱恩拍了下额头,谨慎地重入灰雾之上那片神秘空间,用“灵摆法”做了次占卜 After no dangerous enlightenment, he breathes a sigh of relief, leaves above the grey mist, sat on easy chair in the hotel room. 得到没什么危险的启示后,他舒了口气,离开灰雾之上,坐到了旅馆房间内的安乐椅上。 With the irrigation of his spirituality, the badge surface blooms a misty clear splendor, they condense the common light beam fast, toward half air-launched. 随着他灵性的灌注,徽章表面绽放出一层濛濛清辉,它们飞快凝聚成不起眼的光束,向着半空射了出去。 In a while, the same light beam returns, disperses the palm of the hand size the illusory parchment, above uses Ancient Fusac language to write one line of words: 没过多久,同样的光束返回,散开成巴掌大小的虚幻羊皮纸,上面用古弗萨克语书写着一行单词: June 6 , 1350 9 : 00 pm, River of Tasok estuary.” “1350年6月6日傍晚9点,塔索克河入海口。” 4 months...... have this time, I collect Secret Puppeteer neat principal material no problem, the only barrier is money is insufficient, but this is not difficult, I 6945 pounds assets, sell one to two Extraordinary characteristics to have more than enough to spare now again . Moreover, what marine are many are motion hanging bounty, no, cannot be so arrogant, what clue can removes...... this Four Kings and seven generals be? The Klein body leans forward, the back slightly bow, starts to think again with hardship. 还有四个多月……有这时间,我重新搜集齐“秘偶大师”的主材料都没有问题,唯一的障碍就是钱不够,但这不算困难,我现在有6945镑资产,再卖一到两份非凡特性就绰绰有余了,而且,海上多的是移动的悬赏金,不,不能这么自大,得把四王和七将军排除出去……这算什么线索?克莱恩身体前倾,腰背微弓,再次开始苦苦思索。 Following destiny recluse the meeting, he thought of a person suddenly: 循着“命运隐士”们的聚会,他忽然想到了一个人: Leonard Mitchell! 伦纳德.米切尔 Poet schoolmate participated in of Babur river valley destiny recluse meeting, what goal no matter out, is to carry out the official business, does illicit private work, may be stolen others extraordinary capability magical item...... to ask him to borrow, or buys? Is this true clue? The Klein spirit inspires, had the sketchy plan rapidly: 诗人同学参与了巴布尔河谷的那场“命运隐士”聚会,不管出于什么目的,是执行公务,还是做私活,都有可能得到窃取别人非凡能力的神奇物品……可以找他借,或者买?这才是真正的线索?克莱恩精神一振,迅速有了粗略的计划: „ The first step, puts above the grey mist wireless telegraph, accumulates the aura ; “第一步,把无线电收报机放到灰雾之上,积累气息; „ The second step, a few days later, uses that wireless telegraph to contact magical mirror Arrods ; “第二步,几天后,利用那台无线电收报机联络魔镜阿罗德斯; „ The third step, inquired where can quite be stolen others extraordinary capability with ease magical item ; “第三步,询问从哪里可以较为轻松地得到窃取别人非凡能力的神奇物品; If the answer is very clear, that fourth step follows clue, achieves the goal simply, if the answer fuzzy or high-risk, fourth step then inquires poet schoolmate the present position. “要是答案很清晰,那第四步就跟着提示走,简简单单达成目标,如果答案模糊或者充满危险,第四步则询问诗人同学现在的位置。 „The fifth step, making Emlyn White that fellow take this badge to look for poet schoolmate, looks at him to have corresponding item, can make a transaction. I did not act directly, will be recognized incautiously, that similarly troublesome enormous, but Emlyn calculates that now Earth Goddess church's person, no, the Earth Goddess church's ghost, is contacted by him, even were reported or seized by poet schoolmate at the scene, is still insufficient to tie up the stake frame.” “第五步,让埃姆林.怀特那家伙拿着这枚徽章去找诗人同学,看他有没有相应的物品,能否做一次交易。我就不直接出面了,一不小心就会被认出来,那同样麻烦极大,而埃姆林现在算大地母神教会的人,不,大地母神教会的鬼,由他去接触,即使被诗人同学举报或当场抓捕,也不至于被绑上火刑架。” Has plan how then made anything and to make, Klein the state of mind is neat immediately, is happy, decides to go out eats a Bayam characteristics grilled fish. 有了接下来做什么和怎么做的方案,克莱恩顿时神志清爽,心情舒畅,决定出门吃一条拜亚姆特色烤鱼。 ............ ………… In the dark blue sea level, golden dream is calmly navigated by the setting sun is smudging the golden color brilliance. 深蓝色的海面上,被夕阳涂抹着金色光辉的“黄金梦想”号正静静航行。 Danis is under permission of captain, in admiring vision, shrank from time to time head high, chest out from time to time entered the room of opposite party. 达尼兹得到船长的允许,在一道道艳羡的目光里,时而畏畏缩缩时而昂首挺胸地进入了对方的房间。 What inside are most is a bookshelf, the above is suspending volume of books. 里面最多的是书架,上方摆着一册册书籍。 Vice Admiral Iceberg Ademona stands before the desk, the hand grasps the black absorbing water fountain pen, writes the word fast: 冰山中将艾德雯娜立在书桌前,手握黑色的吸水钢笔,飞快书写着单词: „...... I similar item, Anderson, he also had not said that can help you pay attention, but this needs enough luck.” “……我并没有类似的物品,约德森同样如此,他表示会帮你留意,但这需要足够的幸运。” Ademona lifts the head, spring water limpid light blue pupils looks to Danis: 艾德雯娜抬起脑袋,泉水般清澈的浅蓝眼眸看向达尼兹: You arrange the ceremony, summoned the ceremony of Gehrman Sparrow messenger.” “你来布置仪式,召唤格尔曼.斯帕罗信使的仪式。” I?” Danis is just thinking whether will then obtain special treatment of captain, the hearing this surprise referred to itself. “我?”达尼兹正想着接下来是否会得到船长的特别对待,闻言诧异地指了指自己。 Right.” Ademona folds the letter paper, is straight the body, nods, this can help you be familiar with similar ceremony, later I will inspect the content of this aspect.” “对。”艾德雯娜折好信纸,直起身体,点了点头,“这能帮助你熟悉类似的仪式,以后我会考核这方面的内容。” Good......” Danis receives disappointedly, recalled strongly, the prepare that only had a ceremony of candle slowly. “好吧……”达尼兹收起失望,竭力回想,缓慢地布置好了那只有一根蜡烛的仪式。 Finally, he under the gaze of Ademona, pulls out to sparkle the shining Ruen gold coin, places on the sacrificial altar. 最后,他在艾德雯娜的注视下,掏出枚闪闪发亮的鲁恩金币,摆放于祭台上。 Received the letter paper, Danis in one's mind previews two to dare to conduct the ceremony downward. 接过信纸,达尼兹于心里预演了两遍才敢往下进行仪式。 He steps back, said with ancient Hermes language: 他退后一步,用古赫密斯语道: I! “我! I summon in my name: 我以我的名义召唤: Paces back and forth the spirit in fabrication, may be for the obligation friendly lifeform, is the Gehrman Sparrow messenger alone.” “徘徊于虚妄之中的灵,可供驱使的友善生物,独属于格尔曼.斯帕罗的信使。” Wū! 呜! In spirituality wall the wind sound/rumor surges, blows the Danis sallow hair upward to fly disorderly. 灵性之墙内风声激荡,吹得达尼兹焦黄的头发凌乱往上飞起。 The flame inflates rapidly, as if there is human race head size, to is similar to the letter paper in Danis hand palely. 火苗急速膨胀,仿佛有人类头颅大小,苍白到就如同达尼兹手中的信纸。 Quick, Danis saw a long hair pale gold/metal, pupils like the blood, the appearance bright-colored head to drill. 很快,达尼兹看见一个长发淡金,眼眸如血,容貌明艳的脑袋钻了出来。 Hiss, the Gehrman Sparrow messenger is very special, spiritual world lifeform possibly is completely how same, is such attractive, only the woman who the captain is poorer , the volume...... the feeling of Danis has food stuck in the throat suddenly, because he discovers that head long not on the neck, but was gripped a round of tail to raise by a hand. 嘶,格尔曼.斯帕罗的信使很特别啊,灵界生物怎么可能完全和人一样,还是这么漂亮,只比船长差一点的女士,额……达尼兹的感慨突然噎住,因为他发现那脑袋并没有长在脖子上,而是被一只手握住发尾提着。 His looks at heads come out dull, looks at wears the headless form of gloomy complicated long skirt to appear in the front. 他呆愣地看着一个又一个脑袋出来,看着身穿阴沉繁复长裙的无头身影出现于面前。 Really spiritual world lifeform...... he was ashamed for the idea. 果然还是灵界生物……他为自己刚才的想法感到羞愧。 took a deep breath, Danis was busy at handing over the letter paper, saw a beautiful head opened the mouth, bit with the white tooth gently. 吸了口气,达尼兹忙将信纸递了过去,看见其中一个美丽的脑袋张开嘴巴,用洁白的牙齿轻轻咬住。 At this time, another head of Renette Tinichole also bit the gold coin in altar. 此时,蕾妮特.缇尼科尔的另一个脑袋也咬住了祭坛上的金币。 But she has not departed immediately, the four scarlet eyes of surplus two head also rotated, look to Ademona Edwards outside spirituality wall, sized up several. 但她并没有立刻离去,剩余两个脑袋的四只猩红眼睛同时转动,望向了灵性之墙外的艾德雯娜.爱德华兹,上上下下地打量了好几遍。 Ademona felt oneself were being carefully examined, moreover was carefully examined emerges the fear that was hard to contain. 艾德雯娜觉得自己在被审视,而且被审视得涌现出了难以遏制的恐惧。 Renette Tinichole takes back the line of sight, form empty, integrated the pale candlelight. 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔收回视线,身影一下虚化,融入了苍白的烛火。 The flame is heavy, pale yellow outside disperses, all returned to the original condition. 火苗重亮,昏黄外散,一切又恢复了原状。 Danis just relieved spirituality wall, hears the captain to say low and deep: 达尼兹刚解除掉灵性之墙,就听见船长低沉说道: This is not ordinary spiritual world lifeform......” “这不是普通的灵界生物……” Isn't ordinary spiritual world lifeform? Danis stunned. 不是普通的灵界生物达尼兹一阵愕然。 He knows that the captain is the specialized spiritual world lifeform researcher, she did not say ordinary, that is really not ordinary, exceeds the general sense is not ordinary! 他知道船长是专业的灵界生物研究者,她说不普通,那就真的不普通,超越一般意义的不普通! Gehrman Sparrow is really men who are hiding many secrets...... Danis sigh with emotion spontaneously. 格尔曼.斯帕罗真是一个藏着很多秘密的男人……达尼兹油然感慨。 ............ ………… Beckland, Chowod District. 贝克兰德,乔伍德区 Forsi exhausts the strength, finally defeats the laziness that the fireplace brought, she changed the dark blue thick cotton fabric long skirt, entangles the light gray scarf, puts on the warm woman soft hat, in the temperature is not too low, but the mist fills the chill in the air to soak the house that in the weather of bone leaves to rent, took the carriage to arrive in Williams Street. 佛尔思用尽力气,终于战胜了壁炉带来的懒惰,她换了条深蓝色的厚棉布长裙,缠好浅灰色的围巾,戴上温暖的女士软帽,在温度不算太低但雾气弥漫寒意浸骨的天气里离开租住的房屋,乘坐马车抵达了威廉姆斯街 She inhaled the mouth icy cold air, telling oneself this is normal Author goes out to select material, should not be anxious, do not display exceptionally. 她吸了口冰凉的空气,告诉自己这是正常的作家外出取材,不要紧张,不要表现出异常。 Led the way several steps, Forsi entered the family/home cafe, sat to the window by, is drinking the rich fragrance warm liquid, pedestrian and opposite house of observation communication. 前行几步,佛尔思进了家咖啡馆,坐到窗旁,边喝着浓香温热的液体,边观察来往的行人和对面的房屋。 Nothing unusual, fights and steals does not have...... here is the place that the rich man lives , the public security was really was better than several hundred times eastern district......, but can also see fusacian, his really tall Zhenzhuang was, like a bear, some of his also companions...... haha, these Intisian? The attire is really empty boasting, like at the performance living theater...... Beckland worthily is Capital of Myriad Capitals, can run into many foreigners......” Forsi gradually to forget the goal, opens notebook, records the material. “没什么异常啊,就连打架和盗窃都没有……这里是有钱人居住的地方,治安真是比东区好了几百倍……呵,还能看见弗萨克人,他真高真壮,就像一头熊,他还有些同伴……哈哈,那些是因蒂斯人吧?衣着真是浮夸,就像在表演舞台剧……贝克兰德不愧是万都之都,能遇到许许多多的外国人……”佛尔思逐渐忘记目的,打开笔记本,记录起素材。 Waits to drink up the coffee, she went to the street to transfer, no harvest left here, plan on Thursday again. 等喝完咖啡,她又去街上转了一圈,没什么收获地离开了这里,打算周四再来。 ............ ………… Received the reply of Ademona after Renette Tinichole, Klein gazes after own messenger to vanish, confirmed that the opposite party has not demanded the gold coin again. 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔手里接过艾德雯娜的回信后,克莱恩目送自己的信使消失,确认对方没有再索取金币。 It seems like very effective...... he smiles the means that the gold coin takes the ceremony material contentedly, opens mail to glance over. 看来将金币作为仪式材料的办法还是很管用嘛……他自得一笑,拆信浏览了一遍。 Sees has not harvested, he prepares to continue on the street to stroll, seeks the opportunity of really acting, practices principle that beforehand summarizes. 见没有收获,他准备继续去街上逛逛,寻找真实扮演的机会,实践之前总结出来的原则。 At this moment, he heard thump thump thump the knock, the visitor is Captain Elland. 就在这时,他听到了咚咚咚的敲门声,来访者是艾尔兰船长 I just want to look for you.” Klein opens the way tranquilly. “我正想找你。”克莱恩平静开门道。 Elland chuckled said: 艾尔兰呵呵一笑道: Does not need, so long as you with your status registration, I can know where you live.” “不需要,只要你用自己的身份登记,我就能知道你住在哪里。” Governor's mansion and military in hotel's control good...... Klein nods, without speech. 总督府和军方在旅馆的管控上还是不错的嘛……克莱恩点了点头,没有说话。 The Elland half revolution of body, referred to the corridor: 艾尔兰半转身体,指了指过道: I lead you to see a person. “我带你去见一个人。 The White Agate will soon return to Pritz Harbor, if you need to help or have what information, can look for him. In the payment reward, we are always generous.” 白玛瑙号即将返回普利兹港,你如果需要帮助或者有什么情报,都可以去找他。在支付报酬上,我们一向慷慨。” Before this is Klein, to item that he proposed. 这正是克莱恩之前向他提出的事项。 Good.” Klein reached the pin rail the hand. “好。”克莱恩将手伸向了衣帽架。 After well-dressed, Elland is getting him, arrives at Agarwood Leaf Bar, moves toward the corner position. 穿戴整齐后,艾尔兰领着他,一路来到香树叶酒吧,走向角落位置。 ............ ………… In Agarwood Leaf Bar underground area. 香树叶酒吧的地下区域内。 Adulator opposite of Misol Jin looks at Great Strongman Ozil said: 巧言者米索尔.金看着对面的“巨力士奥兹尔道: Has collected Raging Flame well ‚’ the Danis recent information?” “已经搜集好‘烈焰达尼兹最近的情报?” Yes.” Ozil shows the smile saying that last week, blue eye Messe saw Raging Flame Danis and a strange adventurer mixes up.” “是的。”奥兹尔露出笑容道,“上周,‘蓝眼’米斯看见‘烈焰达尼兹和一个陌生的冒险家混在一起。”
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