LM :: Volume #3

#108: Arrods lower limit

In the morning, above the grey mist. 清晨时分,灰雾之上 Klein appears the written records, considered was writing down the divination sentence: 克莱恩具现出纸笔,斟酌着写下了占卜语句: Uses wireless telegraph to have the danger.” “使用无线电收报机有危险。” Examined carefully two, he takes down spiritual pendulum in left wrist sleeve cuff, starts divination. 仔细审查了两遍,他取下左腕袖口内的灵摆,开始占卜 In this process, his high alert, somewhat dreads, like covers the ears while lights the child of firecrackers-, if will truly involve True Creator or Primordial Demoness they, divination will also encounter the danger, trades to be other person, but traded the way of a out of control or death, but Klein had the grey mist room partition, being insufficient is so pitiful, detonated to do obviously strongly in the real world here, what he was worried after was coming repeatedly on several times, by Evil God latched position, personally visiting. 这个过程里,他高度戒备,又有些畏惧,就像边捂着耳朵边点燃鞭炮的小孩-如果确实会涉及“真实造物主”或“原初魔女”祂们,占卜本身也会遭遇危险,换做别的人,只是换一种失控或死亡的方式,但克莱恩灰雾隔断,不至于那么凄惨,于这里引爆明显强过在现实世界作死,他担心的是反复来上几次后,被邪神们锁定位置,亲自过来拜访。 He enters the meditation condition quickly, meditates the divination sentence. 他很快进入冥想状态,默念起占卜语句。 After seven, he does not need to open the eye, knows that the result is anything, because he sits there fortunately well, has not withstood the pinnacle the pain. 一连七遍后,他无需睁开眼睛,就知道结果是什么,因为他还好好地坐在那里,没承受极致的痛苦。 Waits to look to citrine pendant, discovered that it is really making the anti-clockwise choice. 等看向黄水晶吊坠,发现它果然在做逆时针选择。 ...... Klein relaxed, immediately returned to the world, is bustling about the preparation ceremony, carried over above the grey mist that mysterious space wireless telegraph. 呼……克莱恩松了口气,当即返回世界,忙碌着准备仪式,将无线电收报机带出了灰雾之上那片神秘空间。 Waited for probably a half hour, he hears wireless telegraph to make the dá dá dá sound finally, a section of illusory white paper also puts out, above has all various professions Ruen language: 等待了大概半个小时,他终于听见无线电收报机发出哒哒哒的声音,一截虚幻的白纸随之吐出,上面有一行行鲁恩文: I came. “我来了。 „Is great master, you?” “伟大的主人,是您吗?” How to give me an inquisitive feeling...... Klein to remember past life had seen an expression package suddenly, that is moe the alpaca, is poking head in ahead. 怎么给我一种探头探脑的感觉……克莱恩霍然想起了上辈子见过的一个表情包,那是萌化的羊驼,正往前探头。 He goes forward two steps, acted with constraint very much un. 他上前两步,很矜持地“嗯”了一声。 dá dá dá, the illusory white paper puts out immediately: 哒哒哒,虚幻的白纸立刻吐出更多: Your humble loyal servant Arrods waits for is working for you.” “您谦卑的忠诚的仆人阿罗德斯等待着为您效劳。” Klein will not hide in the heart comfortably, opens the mouth to ask: 克莱恩将不自在隐藏于心底,开口问道: Arrods, you told me, Life School Roy Jin where?” 阿罗德斯,你告诉我,生命学派罗伊.金在哪里?” Fat Medicine Master -based the description, he knows that their organization by the form development of masters and disciples inheritance, and infers them to grasp monster and Medicine Master two Extraordinary path, this agrees with the Life School characteristics. 基于胖药师的描述,他知道他们那个组织是以师徒传承的形式发展,并推断出他们掌握着“怪物”和“药师”两条非凡途径,这与生命学派的特点吻合。 Meanwhile, Klein also in order to the person might as well seek the way of oneself to prepare the Roy Jin picture. 与此同时,克莱恩也以求人不如求己的方式准备好了罗伊.金的照片。 The dá dá dá sound one intensifies, magical mirror Arrods drew up a portrait with wireless telegraph unexpectedly, after the hair was neat combed, wears Roy Jin of frame eyeglasses. 哒哒哒的声音一下加剧,魔镜阿罗德斯竟用无线电收报机绘制出了一副肖像画,正是头发整齐后梳,戴着框架眼镜的罗伊.金 Is he?” One line of Ruen language follow. “是他吗?”一行鲁恩文紧随其后。 Klein nods: 克莱恩点了点头: Un.” “嗯。” magical mirror Arrods makes the wireless telegraph dá dá dá sound exceptionally lively: 魔镜阿罗德斯无线电收报机哒哒哒声变得异常轻快: The person who great master, you wants to find was closed in City of Generosity in the Bayam governor's mansion.” “伟大的主人,您想找的这个人被关在‘慷慨之城拜亚姆的总督府里。” Was closed in the governor's mansion? The Klein brow slightly wrinkle, urgently had not been inquiring downward, has the energy to say very much confidently: 被关在总督府了?克莱恩眉头微皱,没急着往下询问,很有底气非常坦然地说道: Ok, according to your principle, this/should you inquired.” “好了,按照你的原则,该你提问了。” dá dá dá, Arrods made a simple stick figure smiling face using wireless telegraph and one line of words: 哒哒哒,阿罗德斯利用无线电收报机打出了一个简笔画笑脸和一行单词: I have asked that you also replied.” “我已经问过了,您也回答了。” When? Klein first stares, at once looks toward that illusory white paper front content, saw the previous issue: Is he?” 什么时候?克莱恩先是一愣,旋即往那虚幻白纸前面的内容望去,看见了上一个问题:“是他吗?” Is this also good? Does this also calculate? At this moment, actually Klein comprehends the magical mirror Arrods custom to have the free heart card how thoroughly, facing the average person, that is must strictly strict, must badly bad, even must have the bystander, but to here, that dealt with casually on the past, turns on the water flagrantly. 这也行?这也算?这一刻,克莱恩彻底领悟到魔镜阿罗德斯的规矩究竟有多么的自由心证,面对一般人,那是要多严格有多严格,要多恶劣有多恶劣,甚至必须有围观者,而到了这里,那就是随便应付一下就过去了,明目张胆地放水。 How this fellow will foster such character...... Klein to consider two seconds, then inquired about another issue: 这家伙怎么会养成这样的性格……克莱恩考虑了两秒,转而询问起另一个问题: Arrods, do you know 《Grossel's Travel Notes》 this book?” 阿罗德斯,你知道《格罗塞尔游记》这本书吗?” Arrods silent two seconds, at once makes wireless telegraph send out the stiffness of dá dá dá, puts out more illusory white papers: 阿罗德斯静默了两秒,旋即又让无线电收报机发出哒哒哒的生硬,吐出更多的虚幻白纸: Great master, your issue too took care of me, I only needed to reply that knows this word can be solved, I helped you revise slightly, changes the 《Grossel's Travel Notes》 related matter that saying you knew. “伟大的主人,您这个问题太照顾我了,我只需要回答‘知道’这个单词就能解决,我帮您稍微修改了一下,改成了说出‘你知道的《格罗塞尔游记》相关的事情’。 Its this is very mysterious books, in its successively holding master has many to be missing. “它这是一本很神奇的书籍,它的历任主人里有多位失踪。 Who I am unable to see its creator am, but it is certain that it appears in a giant dragon clan earliest, after City of Miracles Levished vanishes.” “我无法看到它的创作者是谁,但可以明确的是,它最早出现于巨龙一族,在‘奇迹之城利维希德消失后。” After Dragon of Fantasies Ingreweed present City of Miracles Levished vanishes appears? Could young lady sell to justice, she may be interested, if she really buys, as the middle man, I can study in above the grey mist ahead of time...... really studies to have problems, the books damage thoroughly, told her seller to renege on a promise, can only refund money...... such a thinks, made the platform very promising really! The Klein train of thought revolve like lightning, was saying to wireless telegraph: 在“空想之龙安格尔威德具现的“奇迹之城利维希德消失后出现?也许可以向“正义”小姐推销一下,她可能会感兴趣,如果她真的买下,作为中间商,我就能在灰雾之上提前研究研究……真研究出什么问题,书籍彻底损坏,就告诉她卖家反悔,只能退款……这么一想,做平台真的很有前途啊!克莱恩思绪电转,对着无线电收报机道: This you.” “该你了。” I must have a look at you to be able but actually to ask that what rare and beautiful flowers issue...... Klein wants to say silently. 我倒要看看你能问出什么奇葩问题……克莱恩默默想道。 magical mirror Arrods has not stopped, dá dá dá makes all various professions Ruen language: 魔镜阿罗德斯没有停顿,哒哒哒打出一行行鲁恩文: Great master, I have asked that you also replied.” “伟大的主人,我已经问过了,您也回答了。” When matter...... Klein funnily and glances over toward the illusory white paper front at a loss, finally in most began to find the so-called issue: „Is great master, you?” 什么时候的事情……克莱恩又好笑又茫然地往虚幻白纸前方浏览,终于在最开头找到了所谓的问题:“伟大的主人,是您吗?” Has saying that this magical mirror named Arrods at flattering my matter, really does not have a moral integrity......, but, its way of this issue doubling, really very satisfied obsession, before me has studied independently in programming language { and }...... Klein clears throat , to continue to inquire: 不得不说,这面叫做阿罗德斯魔镜在讨好我这件事情上,真的是没有一点节操……不过,它这种问题成对的方式,真的很满足强迫症,很像我以前自学过的编程语言里的“{”和“}”一样……克莱恩清了清喉咙,继续提问: Why will Roy Jin be closed in the governor's mansion?” 罗伊.金为什么会被关在总督府里?” wireless telegraph dá dá dá puts out the illusory white paper saying: 无线电收报机哒哒哒吐出虚幻的白纸道: Since Life School that Snake of Mercury is missing, their interior presented the fission, encountered many dangers, some even died in Rose School in hand. “自从‘生命学派’那条水银之蛇失踪,他们内部就出现了分裂,也遭遇了不少危险,有的甚至死在了‘玫瑰学派’手里。 Life School by the form secret development of masters and disciples inheritance, but the high level has a elder assembly, since competition of coordinated different faction, fifth era, the name of this elder assembly gradually has become fashionable, now shouts Parliament of Destiny, seven congressmen, that Snake of Mercury is a speaker. “‘生命学派’以师徒传承的形式隐秘发展,但高层存在一个长老会,协调不同派系的争夺,第五纪以来,这个长老会的名称逐渐变得时髦,现在叫‘命运议会’,共有七位议员,那条水银之蛇就是议长。 „The Roy Jin teacher is a destiny congressman, after Snake of Mercury is missing also has problems, but before then, he gave Roy Jin Life School some important sealed item, this is Roy Jin by the reason of Ruen military secret seizing.” 罗伊.金的老师是其中一位命运议员,在水银之蛇失踪后也出了问题,而在此之前,他将生命学派的某件重要封印物交给了罗伊.金,这就是罗伊.金鲁恩军方秘密抓捕的原因。” Is Snake of Mercury missing? Klein one got up on the association Will Ascetin that hides Beckland, as well as tracks down another Snake of Mercury that he never has but been making an appearance- this doubtful Angel of Destiny Ouroris. 水银之蛇失踪?克莱恩一下就联想起了藏身贝克兰德威尔.昂赛汀,以及追寻着他但从未露过面的另一条水银之蛇-这疑似“命运天使乌洛琉斯 Life School Snake of Mercury definitely does not seek for Will Ascetin that because he has enough crevice contact organization, being insufficient to turn into the missing condition...... perhaps is Will Ascetin, perhaps is third, this is unable to judge that...... Klein nods gently, said to wireless telegraph: 生命学派”的水银之蛇肯定不是寻找威尔.昂赛汀那条,因为他有足够的空隙联络组织,不至于变成失踪状态……也许是威尔.昂赛汀,也许是第三条,这无从判断……克莱恩轻轻颔首,对无线电收报机道: Inquiry.” “提问吧。” This time I can determine that front does not have any issue, hey, looked that you will raise anything...... to say, the person is a little inexpensive, others are afraid magical mirror Arrods to inquire, but after it helps continuously I counter-balance twice, I on the contrary very much think it formally asks an issue...... Klein have a relish to wait. 这次我可以确定前面没有任何问题了,嘿,看你会提什么……不得不说,人都是有点贱的,别人都害怕魔镜阿罗德斯提问,而它连续帮我抵消两次后,我反倒很想它正式提一个问题……克莱恩饶有兴致地等待着。 dá dá dá, the wireless telegraph sound suddenly becomes somewhat dignified, putting out of illusory white paper is gradually difficult: 哒哒哒,无线电收报机的声音忽然变得有些凝重,虚幻白纸的吐出逐渐艰难: This, the great master, how should I be able to be your loyal humble servant well?” “这个,伟大的主人,我该怎么样才能更好地做您忠诚的谦卑的仆人?” ...... I underestimated your lower limit...... Klein restrains the expression that does not know whether to laugh or cry, responded low and deep: ……我低估了你的下限……克莱恩收敛住哭笑不得的表情,低沉回应道: Maintained this to be OK now.” “保持现在这样就可以了。” Good.” The dá dá dá sound is lively, aura will soon dissipate, your loyal humble Arrods waits for is working for you again.” “好的。”哒哒哒的声音再次轻快,“气息即将消散,您忠诚的谦卑的阿罗德斯等待着再次为您效劳。” And finally, Arrods also matched waving simple stick figure. 到了最后,阿罗德斯还配了个挥手的简笔画 It also is really versatile...... is also, knows that so many magical mirror think did not understand these are very difficult...... Klein looks at wireless telegraph to belong to quietly. 它还真是多才多艺啊……也是,知道这么多的魔镜想不了解这些都很困难……克莱恩看着无线电收报机归于沉静。 He walked slowly and aimlessly several steps, sits the sides of the bed, considers the Roy Jin matter. 他踱了几步,坐到床沿,考虑起罗伊.金的事情。 He has not submerged the Bayam governor's mansion completely, under the military safeguards strictly rescues the idea of Roy Jin, because does not know the opposite party, has not seen including the surface, the only relation is fat Medicine Master. 他完全没有潜入拜亚姆总督府,在军方严密看管下救出罗伊.金的想法,因为根本不认识对方,连面都没有见过,唯一的联系是胖药师 The Church of the Storms place bottom is definitely also detaining many Extraordinary, what relations but this and do I have? Klein smiles to shake the head lowly. 风暴教会的地底肯定也还关押着不少非凡者,可这和我又有什么关系?克莱恩低笑摇头。 The information that Arrods disclosed a moment ago made him discover a matter, perhaps that was Admiral of Blood Senor that makes him enough lucky magical item to come from Life School- this pirate admiral back big probability was Rose School, they were missing, killed Life School much the member while Snake of Mercury. 刚才阿罗德斯透露的信息让他发现了一件事情,那就是“血之上将塞尼奥尔那件让他变得足够幸运的神奇物品也许来自“生命学派”-这位海盗将军的背后大概率是“玫瑰学派”,他们趁水银之蛇失踪,杀害了不少“生命学派”的成员。 This also reminded me, on coping with pirate admiral, be more prudent than before, Vice Admiral Disease a Tracy word did not look for Ageless Demoness at earliest convenience ‚’ Caterina Pelle, other pirate admiral will not have the supporter, they represented often was an influence, an organization...... Admiral of Blood behind was Rose School, Admiral of the Stars behind is Order of Moska, as well as our Tarot Society, Admiral Hell back big probability was the Spiritual Religion Society in addition King of the Five Seas, Vice Admiral Iceberg behind is hiding God of Knowledge and Wisdom church...... “这也提醒了我,在对付海盗将军上,要比以前更加慎重,‘疾病中将特雷茜一言不合就找来了‘不老魔女卡特琳娜.佩莱,其余海盗将军也不会没有支持者,他们代表的往往是一个势力,一个组织……‘血之上将’背后是‘玫瑰学派’,‘星之上将’背后是‘摩斯苦修会’,以及我们塔罗会,‘地狱上将’背后大概率是灵教团加‘五海之王’,‘冰山中将’背后藏着知识与智慧之神教会…… Vice Admiral Deep Sea and Vice Admiral Dusk temporarily unknown, but can dominate so many years in the sea, does not only depend on itself absolutely...... “‘深海中将’和‘黄昏中将’暂时未知,但能在海上称霸这么多年,绝对不是只靠自己…… Thinks, initially Vice Admiral Hurricane which influence behind Klingus was, gave him Hunger's Squirming that did, or drive him to assassinate Duke of Negan inexpressible that? “这么想想,当初‘飓风中将齐林格斯背后又是哪个势力,给了他‘蠕动的饥饿’的那个,或者驱使他刺杀尼根公爵的不可言说的那个? Un, later hunting pirate admiral, cannot reveal a wind sound/rumor beforehand, and only makes an attempt, the failure is far away immediately.” The Klein thought that remembered numerous suddenly. “嗯,以后再狩猎海盗将军,事前不能露一点风声,并且只做一次尝试,失败立刻远离。”克莱恩念头纷呈间,忽然想起了一件事前。 That is the origami crane of Will Ascetin this Snake of Mercury own folded sheet on which a subordinate reports to a superior also in his hands! 那就是威尔.昂赛汀这条水银之蛇亲手折的纸鹤还在他手里!
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