LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1094: Was dismissed

Ugg worm ethnic group, complete?” 尤格蠕虫族群,完整的?” Independent not, if it is more special?” “单独一只不可以么,如果它特殊一些呢?” Tang Qi following Bose Aiken's request, asked one. 唐奇顺着博斯艾肯的要求,反问了一句。 Although that 【The box of Ugg worm Is special divine object, even in some time, making Tang Qi peep in the future. 虽说那【尤格蠕虫之盒】是一件特殊神物,甚至会在某个时刻,让唐奇窥视到未来。 Compared with the promote way links Fool's Ship, that box importance reduced. 但相比与晋升路径联系在一起的“愚人船”,那盒子重要性就降低了。 If can exchange, Tang Qi did not mind. 如果可以交换,唐奇并不介意。 However, Tang Qi encounters the rejection quickly. 然而,唐奇很快就遭遇拒绝。 Bose Aiken that huge pale half body still stayed in the long table end, It drags up and down, in the hollow abdominal cavity shines from time to time, from time to time is dim. 博斯艾肯那巨大苍白的半截躯体仍停留在长桌尽头,祂上下摇曳,中空腹腔内时而亮起,时而黯淡。 The pink villain is squeezed out the disc by various postures are demonstrating lust exchange unceasingly, falls into the It's mouth. 以各种姿势演示着“色欲交流”的粉色小人不断被挤落圆盘,落入祂的口中。 It chews, while returns to the covered passageway: 祂一边嘴嚼,一边回复道: Is more special?” “特殊一些?” I knew, you obtained 【The box of Ugg worm, I remember that is the Márquez private holding, it seems like It is you in Everything Can Be Sold exclusive customer service.” “我知道了,您获得了【尤格蠕虫之盒】,我记得那是马尔克斯的私藏品,看来祂就是您在‘万物皆可售卖’的专属客服了。” Was not I speaks the It's malicious remarks in the back, Márquez was a inflexible fellow, the It's grade of service may compared with not on me.” “不是我在背后说祂的坏话,马尔克斯是个死板的家伙,祂的服务质量可比不上我。” That box indeed is very good collection, but is very regrettable, I do not like that liked saying worm baby who bad language, its origin was very special, if can live, the value indeed compared an entire Ugg worm ethnic group to be bigger.” “那个盒子的确是很好的收藏品,但很遗憾,我不喜欢那个喜欢说脏话的蠕虫宝宝,它的来历很特殊,如果能活着出来,价值的确比一整支尤格蠕虫族群更大。” But you know that it is very difficult to live.” “但是您知道的,它很难活着出来。” Therefore please allow that I reject you, I insist that terms of exchange.” “所以请容许我拒绝您,我坚持那个交换条件。” I need Ugg worm, is not to conduct anything studies, or plunders Time Divinity and Knowledge that they have, two I do not lack.” “我之所以需要‘尤格蠕虫’,并不是为了进行什么研究,或是掠夺它们拥有的时间神性知识,二者我都不缺少。” I need them, merely is my collection fondness.” “我需要它们,仅仅是我的收藏癖好。” Boundless Occult most special race, I have, they obtain the happy life here.” 无垠神秘最特殊的‘种族’,我已经拥有许多,它们都在我这里获得美好生活。” But I lack am also more, Ugg worm are one type, I have prepared the time lair for them ahead of time, only waited for these cute babies to move into.” “但我缺得也更多,尤格蠕虫们就是其中一种,我已经为它们提前准备好了时间巢穴,只等这些可爱宝宝们入驻了。” It seems like because trades on rejection Tang Qi for the first time, Bose Aiken somewhat feels sorry. 似乎是因为首次交易就拒绝唐奇,博斯艾肯有些过意不去。 After explained are many, It swayed a head, added: 在本就解释很多之后,祂摇晃了一下脑袋,又补充道: Perhaps respectable Dream, you will think that I am sly, feels embarrassed my customer intentionally, gains the maximum benefit.” “尊敬的梦幻,或许您会觉得我过于狡猾,故意为难我的客户,获取最大利益。” But I must argue, my delivery mode with Everything Can Be Sold different, they always try with think the intimate way, preserves as far as possible the customer.” “但我必须要进行辩解,我的服务方式与‘万物皆可售卖’不一样,祂们总是试图用自以为贴心的方式,将客户尽量留存下来。” Transaction that I not, I and customer carry out, stemming from some rule.” “我不是的,我与客户进行的交易,都出于某种规则。” That rule, will be maximum, is good to us.” “那规则,将最大限度的,对我们双方都有好处。” Perhaps therefore, in here usually not existence second choice, the first trade fair feels difficult, but in fact, all my customer will thank me finally.” “所以,在我这里通常不存在第二个选择,或许第一次交易会觉得艰难,但实际上,我的所有客户最终都会感谢我。” Believes me, you harvest in this transaction, not only will be Fool's Ship.” “相信我,您在这场交易中收获的,将不仅仅是一艘愚人船。” Said these, Bose Aiken the demonic nature smiled. 说完这些,博斯艾肯又魔性笑了起来。 Tang Qi falls into the thinking, It's perception tells It, Bose Aiken has not lied. 唐奇则陷入思索,祂的感知告诉祂,博斯艾肯并未说谎。 Ancient One! 古老者 This seems the Occult ethnic group, known is related with Everything Can Be Sold, known dominates above the boundlessness, the known survival age can compare with the Boundless Occult existence years. 这似乎又是个神秘族群,已知与万物皆可售卖有关,已知凌驾于无垠之上,已知存活年龄能与无垠神秘本身存在的岁月相比。 But in the combat strength, as a result of them Eternity Neutral attribute, has never shown. 但在战斗力上,由于祂们“永恒中立”的属性,从未有所展现。 However Tang Qi also has the self-confidence now, even if each Ancient One is Dominion Grade existence, is unable deceit It. 不过唐奇如今也有自信,纵然每一位古老者都是主宰级存在,也无法欺骗祂。 Naturally, that is not realistic. 当然,那是不现实的。 If is really, then Everything Can Be Sold can definitely put down pushed Boundless Occult, all pantheon faction will add is not the opponents. 如果真的是,那么万物皆可售卖完全可以平推了无垠神秘,所有神系阵营加起来都不会是对手。 Even such as Origin God Race and Infancy Creator and forever daytime insane king and other Supreme existence, will encounter the powerful challenge. 甚至如“起源神族”、“幼年造物主”、“永昼疯王”等至高存在,也将遭遇强大挑战。 Because according to Tang Qi knows, the Ancient One quantity surpasses 41 absolutely this number. 因为据唐奇所知,古老者的数量绝对超过“四十一”这个数字。 The Tang Qi thinking, is the rule that Bose Aiken said. 唐奇思索的,是博斯艾肯所说的规则。 Makes the deal, to both sides maximum advantageous? 达成交易,对双方最大限度的有利? Harvest incessantly is Fool's Ship? 收获的将不止是愚人船 After several seconds, the Tang Qi thought falls, It is nodding to Bose Aiken , indicating that oneself approved the transaction condition. 数秒后,唐奇念头落下,祂对着博斯艾肯点点头,表示自己认可了交易条件。 But has not departed immediately, but also asked: 但并未立刻离去,而是又问道: Besides this, you also has other Fool's Ship?” “除了这一艘,您还有其他愚人船么?” Hears the transaction to achieve, in Bose Aiken eyes pupil reveals the joyful color. 听到交易达成,博斯艾肯眼眸里面露出喜悦之色。 It first nods, then shakes the head, replied that the Tang Qi's issue said: 祂先是点头,然后又摇头,回答唐奇的问题道: Has, no.” “有,也没有。” You know that Fool's Ship had once started imitation unrest, many God, are as for Dominion Grade existence, has imitated Fool's Ship.” “您知道的,愚人船曾掀起过一股仿制风潮,许多神灵,乃至于主宰级存在,都仿制过愚人船。” That Fool's Ship I have, some ships even are extremely powerful divine object, revolves the bang to kill a head sufficiently Devour Beast, Or ordinary God.” “那种愚人船我还有一些,部分船只甚至是极强大的神物,运转起来足以轰杀一头【吞噬兽】,或是普通神灵。” But they, are not the legal copies.” “但它们,都不是正版。” Can be classified as Fool's Ship truly ‚’ the holdings of these three characters, only had this.” “真正能冠以‘愚人船’这三字的藏品,唯有这一艘了。” You can go to Everything Can Be Sold to try again, but does not need to hold too big Hope, Fool's Ship is quite special strange object, they are considered that contains Boundless Occult another ultimate secret.” “您可以去‘万物皆可售卖’再试试,但不必抱有太大希望,愚人船是较为特殊的奇物,它们被认为蕴含着无垠神秘的又一终极秘密。” Although this legends has not been shown finally, but most owners will still preserve well.” “尽管这个传说最终没有得到证明,但大多数拥有者仍旧会好好保存。” Besides insisting that inexplicable rule, only gives the swapper a choice, Bose Aiken indeed with such that It boasts, has the superb grade of service. 除了坚持那个莫名规则,只给予交易者一种选择外,博斯艾肯的确和祂自夸的那样,有着极好的服务质量。 Tang Qi asked each issue that obtained the exhaustive explanation. 唐奇问出的每个问题,都得到了详尽解答。 Although some do not abandon, but Tang Qi will bind is curling Fool's Ship to lay aside on the long table, the tentacle creeping motion takes back, nods said: 虽然有些不舍,但唐奇还是将裹卷着的“愚人船”放置在长桌上,触手蠕动收回,颔首道: Please retain this Fool's Ship, I will find a Ugg worm ethnic group as soon as possible, if they want, will then trade will achieve.” “请保留好这艘愚人船,我将尽快找到一支尤格蠕虫族群,如果它们愿意,那么交易将达成。” Tang Qi this saying just put out, in the silent pure white room, resounded the strange music suddenly. 唐奇这话刚一吐出,原本寂静的洁白房间内,陡然响起诡异的音乐。 This is one fills cheerfully, but appears the unnatural singing sound, the performer impressively is in Bose Aiken these unusual Life in empty stomach. 这是一首充满欢快但又显得怪异的歌声,演奏者赫然是博斯艾肯中空腹中的那些奇特生命 They find out heads, loudly sang with one voice. 它们探出一颗颗脑袋,齐声高唱。 Sneaks in the Tang Qi mind, the machine translation is quite approaches, edition that is easy to understand: 钻进唐奇脑海,自动翻译成较为接近,较容易理解的版本: Yo roar yo roar, great guest, great Bose Aiken.” “呦吼哟吼,伟大的客人,伟大的博斯艾肯。” This is a great transaction, has not bargained back and forth, has not mistrusted each other, everyone will be a winner, will be the winner......” “这是一场伟大的交易,没有讨价还价,没有尔虞我诈,所有人都将是赢家,是赢家……” With this singing sound, Bose Aiken that is close to the half body of human very much also becomes more vivid. 伴随着这歌声,博斯艾肯那很接近人类的半截躯体也变得更加生动。 It sways, then jumps onto the long table, follows these heads to loudly sing together. 祂摇晃起来,然后跃上长桌,跟随那些脑袋一起高唱。 That has the demonic nature smile head to incline slightly, actually sees the above disc, lots of pink villains play the slide probably, gē gē gē slides with a smile, then toward Tang Qi racing to come. 那有着魔性笑容的头颅微微倾斜,却见上方圆盘,大量粉色小人像是玩滑梯般,咯咯咯笑着滑下来,然后朝着唐奇奔来。 They all are the Primitive condition, body does not have any clothing. 它们全都是原始状态,身上没有任何衣物。 Sends out the baby eyah eyah the sound, but they are mature, all organs, are the adult conditions. 发出婴儿咿咿呀呀的声音,但它们本身是成熟的,所有器官,都是成人状态。 In other words, if other scale amplifying, Tang Qi is the powder puff throws a piece of bare clansman at present completely. 也就是说,如果等比例放大,唐奇眼前完全就是粉扑扑一片裸族人。 They are swaying the organ, wells up toward Tang Qi like the army. 它们就这么摇晃着器官,如同大军般朝着唐奇涌来。 What is strange, this strange has not made Tang Qi feel ill, the Mind deep place instead really has the Joy thought. 古怪的是,这诡异一幕没有让唐奇感觉不适,心灵深处反而真的生出快乐念头。 It is not the pollution! 不是污染! Is that Joy from the heart, incomparably natural wish is involved. 是那种发自内心的快乐,无比自然的想要加入其中。 Matter that respectable Dream, do not worry to trade.” “尊敬的梦幻,不要着急交易的事。” Here, but the paradise, making us first enjoy happily all with Joy.” “这里可是乐园,让我们先来享受一切欢愉和快乐吧。” They are Primitive want person, is in Boundless Occult true undying Life, they are only Desire, but existence, can rebirth again and again, chew them to obtain pinnacle Joy, I had therefore become addicted, but this is not the misdemeanor.” “它们是‘原始欲人’,是无垠神秘中真正的不死生命,它们只为欲望存在,可以周而复始的重生,嘴嚼它们可以获得极致快乐,我已经因此上瘾了,不过这不是什么坏事。” They in it place, happy are Eternity.” “它们所在之地,欢愉将是永恒的。” Come, enjoys their services, if you want shrinking to join them, the happy degree will increase 10,000x yo.” “来吧,享受它们的服务,如果您愿意缩小加入它们,欢愉程度将增加一万倍呦。” Told you secretly a secret, Lord of Radiance and Sky and Thunder Dominion match, War God wait/etc. Dominion, traded with me each time, will propose that made them accompany.” “偷偷告诉您一个秘密,光明之主天空与雷霆主宰赛、战神等等主宰,每次与我交易,都会提出让它们陪伴。” This time I offer free of charge, sure.” “这次我免费赠送,请不要客气。” Tang Qi somewhat looks at present absurd one speechless, It somewhat suspects that now Bose Aiken was separated from Everything Can Be Sold independently. 唐奇有些无语看着眼前的荒唐一幕,祂现在有些怀疑博斯艾肯是不是自主脱离“万物皆可售卖”了。 Can this fellow, be dismissed? 这家伙,会不会是被开除的? Is the charge probably secretly x bribes customer? 罪名大概是私自“x贿赂”客户? Tang Qi complained one silently, at once shakes the head, the expression rejection said: 唐奇默默吐槽了一句,旋即摇头,言辞拒绝道: Does not use, I do not need.” “不用了,我不需要。” That, sees again.” “那么,再见。” The voice falls, Tang Qi has not stayed again, clone of this trumpet is direct bang changes to the froth to dissipate. 话音落下,唐奇没有再停留,这小号的分身直接“嘭”的一声化作泡泡消散。 ...... …… clone just returned to Dream Country, received main body seamless engagement opening of all information to complain. 分身刚一回归梦幻国度,接收了所有信息的本体无缝衔接开启吐槽。 Cracks a joke?” “开什么玩笑?” Among touching with Eve, enough danger.” “和夏娃之间的触碰,已经足够危险了。” My clone, if shrinking joins mass sports activity that indecently ‚’, nearby also Bose Aiken surrounds, that scene......” “我的分身要是缩小加入那不堪入目的‘群体活动’,边上还有一个博斯艾肯围观,那场面……” Resembled thinks the picture of abnormal risk, Tang Qi could not bear shiver with fright, tentacle huā lā wriggled. 似是想到了异常危险的画面,唐奇忍不住打了个冷战,触手哗啦啦蠕动起来。 Deletes the unnatural feeling in mind, Tang Qi considers the transaction instantly the matter. 将脑海中的怪异感觉删除,唐奇即刻考虑起交易的事。 Bose Aiken wants to make Ugg worm move into It's country, and no danger, not existence forces.” “博斯艾肯只是想让尤格蠕虫们入驻祂的国度,并没有什么危险,也不存在胁迫。” If can have the exchange channel, this is not perhaps difficult.” “如果可以有交流渠道,这或许不难。” „Did the only issue, how find them?” “唯一的问题,怎么找到它们?” I can peep at Boundless Occult many secret world with the aid of Understanding All, if other Occult races, will be very difficult to escape my eye.” “我可以借助万物通晓窥视无垠神秘诸多隐秘世界,如果是其他的神秘种族,将很难逃过我的眼睛。” But Ugg worm, they are completely different.” “但尤格蠕虫,它们完全不同。” Because has some Time Divinity, Ugg worm can shuttle time, their lairs mostly also construct in the time crack.” “因为拥有一些‘时间神性’,尤格蠕虫们可以穿梭时间,它们的巢穴大多也都是建在时间裂缝中。” Must find them, is exceptionally difficult.” “要找到它们,异常困难。” Perhaps, can seek help that hot tempered fellow?” “或许,可以求助一下那个暴躁的家伙?” The hot tempered fellow in Tang Qi mouth, naturally is in the box of Ugg worm, that might be considered as the bad language comprehensive work, forever situated in dying Ugg worm baby with undying. 唐奇口中的暴躁家伙,自然是尤格蠕虫之盒内,那一只堪称是脏话大全,永远介于死与不死之间的尤格蠕虫宝宝。 This thought gives birth, Tang Qi also puts out a hand to summon instantly the divine object in treasure storehouse. 这念头生出,唐奇也即刻伸手将宝物库中的这神物召唤过来。 That box just flashed before, the Tang Qi head just collected. 那盒子刚一闪现,唐奇头颅刚凑过去。 Familiar drinking scolded the sound, immediately is away from the box to transmit. 熟悉的喝骂声,立刻隔着盒子传递了出来。 However this time, in that bad language disclosed the information that makes the Tang Qi eye pupil one bright. 不过这次,那脏话中透露出的信息,却让唐奇眼眸一亮。 ps: Asked everyone many saying that to the chapter monthly ticket anything, for these days various data were very low, the fat fish was a little hurried. ps:求大家多给点章说月票什么的,这几天各种数据都很低迷,胖鱼有点慌啊。
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