LLS :: Volume #6

#1068: Becoming friends? You do not match!

The mercenary leader, is operating Giant Ape Battle Partner, is resisting the attack of opposite side with hardship. 佣兵头领,操纵着巨猿战偶,苦苦抵抗着对方的进攻。 if it were not for his Battle Partner, stronger is big too many. 要不是他的战偶,要强大得太多。 Perhaps, had been turned by Personal Guard Battle Partner of that several action agile guerrilla warfare coordination dry/does on the ground. Giant Ape Battle Partner naturally forcefully unparalleled, but manipulates its mercenary leader, is not primitive Master , the strength is insufficient, even sustained heavy injuries, is unable to display its 10% strength. The mercenary leader can operate Giant Ape Battle Partner to insist now, is extremely rare. 恐怕,早就被那几个行动敏捷游击配合的亲卫战偶干翻在地上了。巨猿战偶当然强力无双,但操纵它的佣兵头领,并非是原始主人,又实力不足,甚至身受重创,根本无法发挥其十分之一的战力。佣兵头领能够操纵巨猿战偶坚持到现在,已经极是难得。 Do not hit!” General Lei Pao sends out angry roaring: „The genuine opponent is this young mercenary!” “别打了!”雷咆将军发出一声愤怒的咆哮:“真正的对手是这个小佣兵!” What?” The pro- soldiers listened to one surprised. “什么?”亲兵们听了一愕。 In the heart clear what's the matter, Personal Guard did not withdraw rapidly. 心中仍不明白怎么回事,亲卫们还是迅速地撤回。 Only is left over Giant Ape Battle Partner. 只剩下巨猿战偶 Also stands in the battlefield lonely. 还孤独地站在战场中。 The mercenary leader as to pursue, is not willing in the final moment, to put Personal Guard to go back, may lack the ability to do what one would like...... he to bring the point to be unwilling, before the Giant Ape horn reaches, but mind/energetic cannot support again, bang, the servant falls on the ground, shakes dust. 佣兵头领似乎想追,不愿在最后关头,放亲卫们回去,可又力不从心……他带点不甘,巨猿机臂伸向前,可是精神再也支撑不住,轰隆一声,仆倒在地面上,震起一阵尘埃。 When the enemy leaves. 当敌离开。 He, is exhausted, before the heavily injured body, could not have supported again, faints directly. 他,已筋疲力尽,之前就已经重创的身躯,再也支撑不住,直接晕厥过去。 These pro- soldiers have discovered exceptionally, have operated Battle Partner to encircle. 那些亲兵已经发现了异常,纷纷操纵战偶围上去。 In their Battle Partner under foot. 在他们战偶脚下。 Puppet Beast, encircles freely, will be calm and composed even in press of work sits encircled watertight in Yue Yang that on the wool blanket sees a play. Then to husband and wife, very surprised in own improvement, looked again calmly lies down in the Yue Yang under foot pink and shiny daughter, cannot believe own eye simply. But at present this indeed is the fact, doesn't have a dream...... what's the matter? Is the gods manifests a spirit? 还有傀儡兽,不住地围上来,将好整以暇地坐在毛毯上看戏的岳阳围了个水泄不通。那对夫妇,非常惊讶于自身的好转,再看静静地躺在岳阳脚下脸色红润的女儿,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。但眼前这的确是事实,并非做梦……怎么回事?难道是神明显灵吗? Periphery two couples see are threatening Puppet Beast, in the heart is greatly anxious. 两夫妻看见周围遍是来势汹汹的傀儡兽,心中大急。 Has a mind to urge Yue Yang to lead the daughter to leave. 有心劝岳阳带着女儿离开。 But for fear that the opposite side status dignity, opens the mouth the offensive honored person...... regarding Yue Yang this savior, they really do not know how should face is good, in the heart not only wants to express the gratitude, and wants him to lead the daughter to leave as soon as possible, feared an own opens the mouth, will enrage opposite side. 但又生怕对方身份尊严,开口会唐突贵人……对于岳阳这个救命恩人,他们真不知该如何面对才好,心中既想表示感激,又希望他尽快带女儿离开,更怕自己一开口,就会触怒对方 Yue Yang does not open the mouth, does not have any change. 岳阳不开口,也没有任何异动。 Except for kneeling in his front, implored urgently looks at, this just restored such as beginning husband and wife to the injury bewilderedly, really does not know oneself can also make anything. 除了跪在他的面前,苦苦哀求地看着,这对伤势刚刚莫明其妙地恢复如初的夫妇,真不知自己还能做点什么。 Initially made you change the attractive clothing, wears the skirt, dances to Sir, can enjoy happiness, can the last auspicious day, not only your precious daughter be able to take off the slave affiliation, becomes commoner, your man, can attain the official employment contract, you do not listen, must make dead of exhaustion not to eat a sating the appetite laborious miner, wants the whole family person to rigidly adhere to is suffering hardships to suffer hardship together. Can the strength of spirit work as the food to eat? Can the chastity work as the food to eat?” General Lei Pao looks at that whole body is the woman of blood, the long sound sighed: Actually, by your statures and various aspect conditions, if wears the skirt, under the small face also dresses up well, is not bad...... are you so why bother stubborn? With such man, on forget it/that's all, why also to boil with him together? If your temperament were not so initially gruff, the original life can cross...... all these that moistens very much, actually do not complain that others or the way of the world is unfair, is you brings upon oneself, is refused which day to start by you with stern words!” “当初让你换上光鲜的衣物,穿上裙子,给大爷跳个舞,就能享福,就能过上好日子,不仅你的宝贝女儿可以脱掉奴藉,成为平民,你的男人,也可以拿到正式雇佣合同,你偏偏不听,非要做个累死也吃不上一顿饱饭的苦力矿工,非要全家人死抱着一起受苦受罪。骨气能当饭吃吗?贞操能当饭吃吗?”雷咆将军看着那个浑身是血的妇人,长声叹息:“其实呢,以你的身材和各方面条件,要是穿上裙子,小脸也好好装扮下,还是不错的……你何苦那么死心眼?跟这样的男人,也就罢了,何必还跟他一起熬?假如当初你脾气不那么倔,本来生活是可以过得很滋润的……这一切,其实你不要埋怨别人或者世道不公,都是你自找的,由你严词拒绝的哪一天开始!” Bah!” This is woman's silent reply. “呸!”这是妇人无声的回答。 Very good, has the character, I the reluctant person, will never use the strong fellow unlike these, I like the high-spirited horse tamed process.” General Lei Pao has a good laugh, the eye are more in Yue Yang that the observation sits in meditation, rather than that woman: I have given you opportunity, always has you turn head to ask my time.” “很好,有性格,我从来不会勉强人,与那些用强的家伙不同,我喜欢烈马被驯服的过程。”雷咆将军仰天大笑一声,眼睛却更多在观察静坐的岳阳,而不是那个妇人:“我会一直给你机会,总有你回头求我的时候。” Our, would rather die than surrender!” The men made final announcement for his wife. “我们一家,宁死不屈!”男人替他的妻子作出了最后的宣告。 Matter that finally processes your family...... now, I want to discuss with this young friend.” General Lei Pao has sized up Yue Yang over ten. “最后再处理你们家的事……现在,我想与这位年轻的朋友谈一谈。”雷咆将军已经打量了岳阳十遍以上。 What a pity, he does not have a discovery. 可惜,他无一发现。 Had not found the flaw outside any mercenary new hand, not except for unflustered static, if the information outside Stop Water. 没有找到任何佣兵新手以外的破绽,也没有除了从容自若静若止水之外的信息。 Yue Yang sits there, General Lei Pao thought that this looks like lets the stone that the heart adds to stop up simply together, or a brace withstand/top in the stomach in the big tree of throat, suppresses quite uncomfortably. 岳阳坐在那里,雷咆将军觉得这简直就像是一块让心添堵的石头,又或者一颗撑在肚里顶在喉咙的大树,憋得相当难受。 Facing this youngster, in heart thousand excuses, cannot say. 面对这个年轻人,心中千般说词,也说不上来。 To begin, opposite side awaits calmly such as fishes. 想动手,对方静候如垂钓。 To be intimate with, opposite side corner of the mouth lives the ridicule. 想亲近,对方唇角生嘲弄。 Cannot manifest suddenly, ridicules cannot, this strange youngster, really does not know how should handle is good. 发作不得,笑骂不能,这个古怪的年轻人,真不知该如何处置才好。 Really hidden well, cannot think that my Lei Pao old hunter, is also mistaken for a lifetime unexpectedly.” General Lei Pao to save the face, in the mouth voices opinions, he changes the original sitting posture, stands from huge lion shape Battle Partner on, sizes up to Yue Yang up and down, as if wants genuine to know Yue Yang. “隐藏得真好啊,想不到我雷咆一辈子老猎手,竟然也走了眼。”雷咆将军为了挽回颜面,口中发出啧啧的感叹,他改变原来的坐姿,自巨大的狮形战偶上站起来,向岳阳上下打量,仿佛要真正认识岳阳似的。 Yue Yang still maintains total silence. 岳阳依然一语不发。 As if places in the empty mountain spirit valley paradise, surroundings cold and still lonesome and quiet, nobody left. 仿佛身处空山灵谷世外桃源之中,周围冷寂幽静、空无一人似的。 General Lei Pao claps layer on layer/heavily, laughs: youngster such low-key are not really many . Moreover the cultivating vital energy time is so good, are less. Clash/To this point, my Lei Pao a little admires you! Or, how do we become friends? My Lei Pao, mixes the bowl food to eat under the King of the Blood Lei Nuo place, because the temperament is irritable, makes known as be the roaring lion. oneself am a big uneducated person, the speech conduct, is this, but the uneducated person turns over to the uneducated person, has to like to hand over the friend to meet the heart of friend. King of the Blood Lei Nuo has said that many friends be better than many enemies! Lei Pao usually all in heart, this, so long as you are willing to accept Lei Pao this familiar friendship, matter that then has today, when all has not happened.” 雷咆将军重重地拍手,大笑:“年轻人这么低调的真不多,而且养气功夫这么好的,更加少。冲这一点,我雷咆就有点佩服你!要不,咱们交个朋友如何?本人雷咆,在雷诺亲王座下混碗饭吃,因为脾气火爆,也让人称为咆哮狮子。本人是个大老粗,说话行事,无不是这样,但老粗归老粗,却有颗喜好交朋接友的心。雷诺亲王说过,多个朋友要比多个敌人好!雷咆平时无不记在心中,这样吧,只要你肯接受雷咆这份一见如故的友谊,那么今天所发生的事,全当没有发生过。” He is not a fool, can mix high, the head is definitely easy-to-use. 他不是傻蛋,能混上高位,脑袋肯定是好用的。 Looks at Yue Yang to stand out from the masses. 一看岳阳与众不同 Guessed that behind this youngster has the big backer, otherwise, the words and deeds are impossible so calm. 就猜测这个年轻人背后有大靠山,否则,言行举止不可能如此淡定。 Another point, from cure small female slave and her parents these ability marvelously, can reflect that its unique merit, the average person is absolutely impossible to have this grade of ability. Even if there are, cannot display in Human Valley. 另一点,自‘治愈’小女奴和她的父母这些奇迹般的能力,也能反映出其独特之处,普通人是绝对不可能拥有这等能力的。就算有,在人谷中也施展不出来。 So strange mysterious youngster, can with it not be an enemy, best not set up this enemy. 如此古怪神秘的年轻人,能够不与之为敌,最好还是不树这个敌人。 General Lei Pao is in the past ten years, first time so tolerates. 雷咆将军是近十年来,第一次如此容忍。 The first time attempt constrains own anger. 第一次尝试压抑自己的火气。 Become friends! 交朋友! This words saying in the tyrant General Lei Pao mouth, simply like miracle. 这种话在暴君般的雷咆将军口中说出来,简直就像奇迹一样。 Not is only these slave miners, follows he many years of Personal Guard teams. 不仅是那些奴隶矿工们,就是追随他多年的亲卫队。 Also is first time heard. 也是第一次听说。 You do not match.” “你不配。” However, Yue Yang's reply, made General Lei Pao have one type by the feeling of people palm of the hand ruthlessly a slap in the face, in the heart the shame to the limit. 然而,岳阳的回答,却让雷咆将军有一种被人大巴掌狠狠地打脸的感觉,心中耻辱到了极限。 He touches the face, felt that the face is burning, looked at the surrounding person, discovered that everyone stunned vision looks at, know oneself have not misunderstood, the boy really flatly refused himself, moreover mentioned you not to match the language of such shame. General Lei Pao controls good both hands diligently, he really feared oneself will bellow, the whole person jumps, lunatic such,...... does not have the entire mining area becoming integrated with ruins likely, Lei Pao is a little strange, are oneself so how calm? 他摸了摸脸,感觉脸火辣辣的,又看了看周围的人,发现所有人都错愕的目光地看着自己,才知道自己并没有听错,那小子真是一口拒绝了自己,而且讲出了‘你不配’这样的羞辱之语。雷咆将军努力控制好双手,他真怕自己会大吼一声,整个人跳起来,像个疯子那样,将整个矿区打成一片废墟……没有,雷咆将自己都有点奇怪,怎么自己这么冷静呢? Must change into the usual words, let alone the shame, is one contradicts, oneself must make sky and the earth turning upside down! 要换成平时的话,别说羞辱,就是一句顶撞,自己也要闹个翻天覆地的! As the General Lei Pao Personal Guard soldier. 作为雷咆将军亲卫兵。 The lords are insulted, they are the feeling ratio die also uncomfortably. 主子受辱,他们更是感觉比死还难受。 You do not match, the shame of what degree is this? The temperament like raging fire General Lei Pao, the proactive low stance, extends the hand of friendship, reaches the understanding by the chart. 你不配,这都是什么程度的羞辱呢?脾气如同烈火般的雷咆将军,主动低下姿态,伸出友谊之手,以图达成谅解。 However, only trades opposite side brutal one you not to match!’ 然而,只是换来对方无情的一句‘你不配!’ Kills......” “杀杀杀杀杀……” The General Lei Pao pro- soldiers, even were angry the sound to twist Transformation, to the Yue Yang charge. 雷咆将军的亲兵们,愤怒得连声音都扭曲变形了,全体向岳阳冲锋而来。 Stop!” “住手!” Has the strong force sound such as Thunderbolt Thunderbolt crack, shakes everyone's ear buzz to make noise. The light shadow is together quicker than the lightning, from the kilometer beyond, has arrived at the top of people in an instant, bang, ear-splitting landing on the scene. This is 15-meter humanoid Battle Partner, the manufacture understood at a glance that stems from the Grandmaster level master craftsman's hand, fine unparalleled, the shoulder both sides encrusts have strikingly Silver Maple mark. Understood that the Battle Partner person looked, may know, this is one of the Silver Maple City most famous three big Battle Partner Sword Dancer, for Gold-ranked Battle Partner that agile, speed and surprise attack ability is famous. 有个威武的声音如霹雳雷霆般炸响,直震得所有人的耳朵嗡嗡作响。一道光影比闪电还快,自千米之外,转眼间已经来到众人之顶,轰隆一声,震耳欲聋地降落在场中。这是个高达15米的人形战偶,制作一看就知道是出自大师级匠师之手,精美无双,肩膀两侧镶饰有醒目的‘银枫’标记。懂得战偶的人一看,就可知道,这是银枫城最出名的三大战偶之一的‘剑舞者’,是以敏捷、速度和突袭能力著称的黄金级战偶 Compared with Giant Ape Battle Partner, Sword Dancer must a higher level. 比起巨猿战偶,剑舞者要更高一个层次。 As for Bronze-ranked mass production nature Battle Partner that the General Lei Pao Personal Guard team reins, cannot compare. 至于雷咆将军亲卫队驾御的青铜级量产性战偶,更是不能比。 Sword Dancer does not wait stop, immediately has a shadow to jump. 剑舞者不等停稳,立即有个影子跳出来。 His second speaker stops saying: Stop!” 他第二次扬声制止道:“住手!” Comes the person, naturally flatters Student Yue Yang Silver Maple City Lord tenth child wholeheartedly is also Divine Central Hall Hall Master of Light Zhong Hua. 来人,自然是一心讨好岳阳同学银枫城主第十子也即是中央神殿光殿主仲华’。 Baron Zhong Hua, is this your friend? I said that is who is so rampant, dares to pick a quarrel in my Lei Pao front, originally is your person!” General Lei Pao looks at Zhong Hua powerful coming, in the heart is uncomfortable. Although the mining area is divided into three points, but for ten years, are the King of the Blood Lei Nuo troops have been taking over control, before Zhong Hua sent people to warn, said Owner of the Diamond Star Castle came back, how must return, General Lei Pao was annoyed. Swallows the fat in belly, can you spit again? 仲华男爵,这是你的朋友?我说是谁那么嚣张,敢在我雷咆的面前找碴,原来是你的人!”雷咆将军一看仲华威风凛凛的前来,心中就非常不爽。矿区虽然分成三分,但十年来,一直是雷诺亲王的人马在接管,之前仲华派人来警告,说星钻城堡主人回来了,要交还如何如何,雷咆将军就非常恼火。都是吃进肚子里的肥肉了,你能再吐出去吗? Now looks at Zhong Hua to come, in the General Lei Pao heart has the feeling of suddenly realize what has happened. 现在一看仲华前来,雷咆将军心中就有种恍然大悟的感觉。 Got it, originally is this Zhong Hua wants to pick a quarrel. 明白了,原来是这个仲华想找碴。 Then makes a move to receive this mining area. 然后出手接收这个矿区。 This sword plays the part of the mercenary, as well as that group of what hot blooded mercenaries, entirely are Zhong Hua chess piece forget it/that's all. 这个剑饰佣兵,以及那群什么热血佣兵,统统不过是仲华棋子罢了 if it were not for Zhong Hua this fellow supports in the back, can a poor devil mercenary, have Giant Ape Battle Partner such treasure? Was too laughable! 要不是仲华这家伙在背后支持,一个穷鬼佣兵,能有‘巨猿战偶’这样的宝贝吗?直是太可笑了! General Lei Pao, I always respect you, but there is words my Zhong Hua to say front, some people, that feared that was you cannot move absolutely, for example front this little brother.” Zhong Hua looked at Lei Pao saying that Yue Yang was his friend, was glad to misunderstand, he must do in any case, was firmly ties up this Eastern Immortal Race successor on own war chariot. As for can offend General Lei Pao, can offend General Lei Pao back King of the Blood Lei Nuo? This does not need to consider, let alone King of the Blood Lei Nuo will not easily split with Silver Maple City, even can, striving for hegemony of Human Valley be nothing, compares compared with Heaven Realm and Divine Central Hall, Human Valley is not. Also, made contact with Eastern Immortal Race, Ji Wu Ri and Hall Supreme did not fear, what General Lei Pao but also fears and King of the Blood Lei Nuo? Mixes general such cocky in Human Valley, when really others Eastern Immortal Race later generation is good to bully isn't? 雷咆将军,我一向敬重你,但有句话我仲华得说得前头,有些人,那怕是你也绝对不能动的,比如面前这位小兄弟。”仲华雷咆岳阳是他的朋友,也乐意误会,反正他要做的,就是牢牢地把这个东方仙族的传人绑在自己的战车上。至于会不会得罪雷咆将军,会不会得罪雷咆将军背后的雷诺亲王?这根本不用考虑,别说雷诺亲王不会轻易与银枫城交恶,就算会,人谷的争霸算个屁,比天界中央神殿相比起来,人谷连个屁都不是。再说,搭上了东方仙族,姬无日神殿至尊都不怕,还怕什么雷咆将军雷诺亲王?在人谷混上个将军就这么臭屁,真当人家东方仙族后人是好欺负的不是? Zhong Hua is certain one hundred percent, does not have over, General Lei Pao will also be able to lose the pants. 仲华可以百分百肯定,没有自己出头,雷咆将军也会输得掉裤子。 But oneself make a move on own initiative, shoulders this matter. 但自己主动出手,扛下这事。 To the good impression that a opposite side loyalty soars to the heavens! 就会给对方一个义气冲天的好印象! For this, Zhong Hua wishes one could General Lei Pao to begin to Yue Yang immediately, is good the excuse to act an show/unfolds skill. Come, you dare to begin me to dare to prevent, what nonsense alliance, that is used to betray! Hugely big, anything cannot catch up in the investment of Eastern Immortal Race later generation body! 为了这个,仲华恨不得雷咆将军立即向岳阳动手,好有借口出手一展身手。来吧,你敢动手我就敢阻止,什么狗屁联盟,那就是用来背叛的!天大地大,什么东西也赶不上在东方仙族后人身上的投资! If I do want to move?” General Lei Pao got angry thoroughly, your nun wants to swallow the mining area to speak frankly, but also installs compelling of your younger sister? “如果我就想动动呢?”雷咆将军彻底冒火了,你尼的想吞矿区就直说,还装你妹的逼啊? Dares? You try!” Zhong Hua sneers, you dare to begin, that do not blame Elder Brother to step on your skeleton high-rank, for the Divine Central Hall inheritance imperial throne, Ji Wu Ri can move but actually, let alone a you young general? Usually spoke to give you to select the face, that was Elder Brother is modest, deeply concealing, your did two compel also really to work as is an scallion? “敢?你试试!”仲华冷笑,你敢动手,那就别怪哥哥踩你的尸骸上位,为了中央神殿的继承大位,姬无日都要搬倒,更何况你一个小小的将军?平时说话给你点面子,那是哥哥谦虚,深藏不露,你这个二逼还真当自己是颗葱了? Hits, if this play does not have intense and as sincere as fighting of meat, has no way to look!” Yue Yang anxious to stir up trouble suggests. “打吧,这戏要是没有激烈又拳拳到肉的打斗,根本没法看!”岳阳唯恐天下不乱地建议道。
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